react pass children element from router - javascript

I have a react app setup by dva 2.0.1. In the routers.js, I have:
import React from 'react';
import { Router, Switch, Route, IndexRoute } from 'dva/router';
import IndexPage from './routes/IndexPage'
import CountPage from './routes/CountPage'
function RouterConfig({ history }) {
return (
<Router history={history}>
<Route path="/" component={IndexPage}>
<Route path="/count" component={CountPage}/>
<Route path="/statements" component={CountPage}/>
export default RouterConfig;
And in my IndexPage, I have:
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'dva';
import styles from './IndexPage.css';
import { Layout } from 'antd'
import Header from '../components/Header'
const { Sider, Content, Footer } = Layout;
const IndexPage = (props) => {
const { children, routes } = props;
return (
<Header routes={routes}>header</Header>
<Content>{children || "No content"}</Content>
IndexPage.propTypes = {
export default connect()(IndexPage);
However, the console.log(props); gives dispach, history, etc. But children and routes are not in it.
What happened?

You don't have any child component on your Index component.
If you change this
<Route path="/" component={IndexPage}>
to this
<Route path="/" component={()=>(<IndexPage><p>This is a child component</p></IndexPage>)}>
you can see the child components inside your Index component.

It turns that I was using react-router#2 syntax and should be react-router#4.


TypeError: Cannot read property 'params' of undefined at App React Router

Whenever I console log props.match.params, I get an error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'params' of undefined at App. I'm not sure this is relevant, but even if I console.log(props) I get four empty arrays.
Here is all the relevant code:
import React from "react";
import App from "./App";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import {
BrowserRouter as Router,
} from "react-router-dom";
const Home = () => {
return (
<Route exact path="/">
<App />
<Route path="/:roomCode" component={App} />
export default Home;
App.js (only the relevant part)
const App = (props) => {
export default App;
const appDiv = document.getElementById("app");
render(<App />, appDiv);
I have been trying to figure this out for the past two days. Nothing works. Also, history.push also doesn't work, returns a very similar error. I have a feeling react-router-dom is broken in my project.
Help is much appreciated.
Here is the codesandbox:
Your Home Component is the root of all your components so it needs to be pass to render function not your App which is a descendent of Home.
after that change you need to change this line in your Home Component:
<Route exact path="/" render={(props) => <App {...props} />} />
import React from "react";
import App from "./App";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import {
BrowserRouter as Router,
} from "react-router-dom";
const Home = () => {
return (
<Route exact path="/" render={(props) => <App {...props} />} />
<Route path="/:roomCode" component={App} />
export default Home;
here is how to render it:
const appDiv = document.getElementById("app");
render(<Home />, appDiv);
now you can get the props
const App = (props) => {
export default App;
You could try using the React hooks provided by the React Router framework. There are several different hooks used to interact with the router.
const App = () => {
const { roomCode } = useParams()
More info here

Lazy loaded routes won't show up on route change

I have two routes that I lazy load. Currently when I change route by f.e. using history.push('/') the former route disappears, but the new one won't show up (after reloading it'll show up). How so?
import React, {Suspense, lazy} from 'react';
import './App.scss';
import './modules/Header/Header.scss';
import {Route, Switch} from "react-router-dom";
import Footer from "./modules/Footer/Footer";
const LandingPage = lazy(() => import('./modules/LandingPage/LandingPage'))
const Dashboard = lazy(() => import('./modules/Dashboard/Dashboard'))
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Suspense fallback={<div/>}>
<Route exact path='/' component={LandingPage}/>
<Route path='/dashboard' component={Dashboard}/>
export default App;
Inside of index.js I initialized Router:
import {Router} from 'react-router-dom';
import {createBrowserHistory} from 'history';
export const history = createBrowserHistory();
<Router history={history}>
I would like to recommend react-loadable for code splitting dynamic imports.
With react-loadable your code should be like that:
import React from 'react';
import './App.scss';
import './modules/Header/Header.scss';
import {Route, Switch} from "react-router-dom";
import Footer from "./modules/Footer/Footer";
import Loadable from 'react-loadable'
const LoadableLandingPage = Loadable({
loader: () => import('./modules/LandingPage/LandingPage'),
loading() {
return <div>Loading...</div>
const LoadableDashboard = Loadable({
loader: () => import('./modules/Dashboard/Dashboard'),
loading() {
return <div>Loading...</div>
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Route exact path='/' component={LoadableLandingPage}/>
<Route path='/dashboard' component={LoadableDashboard}/>
export default App;

Route Component renders multiple times when route is split into multiple files

The issue is that whenever I try to migrate my routes into another file and import them into parent file(routes.js) then whenever I tried to navigate to those migrated route the whole layout is re-rendered and if I keep migrated routes in the parent route component then the layout is rendered once as expected.
The route component where all the routes are written as below
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {Route, Switch} from 'react-router-dom';
import PrivateRoute from './PrivateRoute';
import MainLayout from '../pages/layouts/MainLayout';
import Login from '../components/Login/Login';
import UserList from "../components/User/UserList";
import UserCreate from '../components/User/UserCreate';
import UserEdit from '../components/User/UserEdit';
import UserSetting from '../components/User/UserSetting';
class Main extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Route exact path='/' component={Login}/>
<PrivateRoute exact path='/user' component={UserList} layout={MainLayout}/>
<PrivateRoute exact path='/user/create' component={UserCreate} layout={MainLayout}/>
<PrivateRoute exact path='/user/edit/:id' component={UserEdit} layout={MainLayout}/>
<PrivateRoute exact path='/user/setting/:id' component={UserSetting} layout={MainLayout}/>
export default Main;
import UserList from "../components/User/UserList";
import UserCreate from '../components/User/UserCreate';
import UserEdit from '../components/User/UserEdit';
import UserSetting from '../components/User/UserSetting';
const UserRoutes = [
path : '/user',
component : UserList,
path : '/user/create',
component : UserCreate,
path : '/user/edit/:id',
component : UserEdit,
path : '/user/setting/:id',
component : UserSetting,
export default UserRoutes;
Now, when I try to import this route in place of the written routes in routes.js component, the above mentioned issue arises.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {Route, Switch} from 'react-router-dom';
import PrivateRoute from './PrivateRoute';
import MainLayout from '../pages/layouts/MainLayout';
import Login from '../components/Login/Login';
import UserRoutes from './UserRoutes';
class Main extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Route exact path='/' component={Login}/>
{{ path, component }, key) =>
<PrivateRoute exact layout={MainLayout} path={path} component={component} key={key} />
export default Main;
import React from 'react';
import {Redirect, Route, withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
let state_of_state = localStorage["appState"];
let Auth = {};
if (!state_of_state){
localStorage["appState"] = JSON.stringify({user : {}});
} else {
Auth = JSON.parse(state_of_state);
const PrivateRoute = ({ layout: Layout, component: Component, }) => (
<Route {} render={props => {
const newComponent = Layout ?
<Layout><Component {} {...props} /></Layout>
<Component {...props} />;
return (!_.isEmpty(Auth.user)) ? (
) : (
<Redirect to={{pathname: '/', state: { from: props.location }}} />
export default PrivateRoute;
I need some guidance where I am going wrong with this.

Child component not rendering with React Router v4

I am trying my hands on React Nested routing & this is my how my app looks like
Posts.js (Parent (plural) Component) which is rendering fine.
import React from "react";
import { Route } from "react-router-dom";
import Post from "./Post";
import { Link, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
const Posts = ({ match }) => {
return (
<Link to={`${match.url}/rendering`}>Rendering with React</Link>
<Link to={`${match.url}/components`}>Components</Link>
<Link to={`${match.url}/props-v-state`}>Props v. State</Link>
<Route path={`${match.path}/:topicId`} component={Post} />
render={() => <h3>Please select a topic.</h3>}
export default Posts;
Post Component (Child (Singular) Component)
import React from "react";
const Post = ({ match }) => (
<h1>Child component</h1>
export default Post;
Not sure what config is lacking here, the parent component is rendering fine on the route while the child component content is not rendering
No error in console.
Parent Routing Configuration
import React from "react";
import { Switch, Route,NavLink } from "react-router-dom";
import Home from "./container/home/Home";
import About from "./container/about/About";
import Posts from "./container/post/posts";
import PageNotFound from "./container/Error/404";
const routes = () => (
<Route path="/" exact component={Home}></Route>
<Route path="/about" component={About}></Route>
<Route exact path="/post" component={Posts}></Route>
<Route component={PageNotFound}> </Route>*/}
export default routes;
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Layout from "./hoc/layout/layout";
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
export default App;
So the mistake in your code is pretty trivial. In the parent Route, i.e the Route that is rendering Posts component, you have an exact keyword and hence Routes like /posts/:postId won't match this exact Route with path /post and hence the inner Routes or nested Child Routes won't work
You need to change your Routes config like
const routes = () => (
<Route path="/" exact component={Home}></Route>
<Route path="/about" component={About}></Route>
<Route path="/post" component={Posts}></Route>
<Route component={PageNotFound}> </Route>*/}
export default routes;

Declaring React Routes in a separate file and Importing

I am new to React. I have been trying to declare routes in a file and then use it in another file.
Here is my routes.js
import React from 'react';
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import App from './components/App';
import Template1 from './components/template1';
import Template2 from './components/template2';
import Template3 from './components/template3';
const routes = (
<Route exact path="/" component={App}>
<Route exact path="/sessionstate1" component={Template1} />
<Route exact path="/sessionstate2" component={Template2} />
<Route exact path="/sessionstate3" component={Template3} />
export default routes
and index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom';
import './styles/css/index.css';
import routes from './routes.js';
<Router history={browserHistory} routes={routes} />,
I am not getting any errors or warning but the page is not loading. Please tell me what I am missing
well i had the same issue a few days ago, and the solution for me was this...
This one of the routes files:
import React from 'react';
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import { ComponentY } from '../components/functionalitys';
export default [
<Route path="/appointment" component={ComponentY} exact key="create" />,
This another route file:
import React from 'react';
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import { LoginPage, Register } from '../components/user';
export default [
<Route path="/register" component={Register} exact key="create" />,
<Route path="/login" component={LoginPage} exact strict key="login" />
And this is how I imported in the main app.js:
import routesFromFile1 from './the/route';
import routesFromFile2 from './the/other/route';
class App extends Component{
<div className="wrapper">
<section className="content container-fluid">
<Route exact path="/" component={Home} strict={true} exact={true}/>
<Route path="/500" component={InternalServer} />
I hope this help Someone! Cheers!!
You don't need to wrap your Routes inside a div. Try something like this:
import React from 'react';
import { Router, Route } from 'react-router';
import { Template1, Template2, Template3 } from './templates';
const createRoutes = () => (
<Route exact path="/sessionstate1" component={Template1}/>
<Route exact path="/sessionstate2" component={Template2}/>
<Route exact path="/sessionstate3" component={Template3}/>
export default createRoutes;
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import createRoutes from './routes';
const routes = createRoutes();
import LoginRoutes from './login/routes'
let routeConfig = [];
routeConfig = routeConfig.concat(LoginRoutes(store));
<Router routes={routeConfig}/>
export default (store) => {
return [
{path: '/login', component: Login},
{path: '/signup', component: SignUp},
This way you can add routes from different files and spread your route definitions to different folders that serve the contextual purpose of the route.
The store variable is there in case you want to use redux and want to have an onEnter event on the route. Example:
export default () => {
const sessionEnter = (location) => {
let {appId} = location.params;
return [
{path: '/apps/:appId', component: App, onEnter: sessionEnter},
I find onEnter events a good alternative to componentDidMount, data-fetching-wise. Invoking a data fetch on route level makes more sense to me as I see the component as part of the presentation level.
I think the problem is with wrapping the Route inside a div.
Try wrapping them inside a Route like following. Try this fiddle and change the routes wrapper to div.
const routes=(
<Route >
<Route exact path="/sessionstate1" component={Template1}/>
<Route exact path="/sessionstate2" component={Template2}/>
<Route exact path="/sessionstate3" component={Template3}/>
</Route >
export default routes;
And import it into index.js
import routes from './routes.js';
<Router history={browserHistory} routes={routes} />,
With Typescript
Sepate the file for routes as routes.ts
export const routes = [
{ path: '/', component: Home },
{ path: '/auth-callback', component: authCallback },
{ path: '/fetch-data/:startDateIndex?', component: FetchData }
In the App.tsx
export function App() {
const routeComponents ={ path, component }, key) => <Route exact path={path} component={component} key={key} />);
return (
export default (props: { children?: React.ReactNode }) => (
<NavMenu />
I know I'm little late but here my working
here a working demo
my dependencies are
"react": "16.2.0",
"react-dom": "16.2.0",
"react-router-dom": "4.2.2",
"react-scripts": "1.1.0"
create nav.js file as this
this file is responsible for storing all the links for navbar
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
class Navi extends Component {
render = () => (
<Link to="/">Go to Home</Link> <br />
<Link to="/about">Go to About</Link> <br />
<Link to="/any-route">404 page</Link>
export default Navi;
Then the routes.js file
here you will define all your routes, and your pages where the routes should navigates to
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
// your components
const Home = () => <h1>Home</h1>;
const About = () => <h1>About</h1>;
const MissingPage = () => <h1>404</h1>;
const routes = (
<Route path="/" exact component={Home} />
<Route path="/about" component={About} />
<Route component={MissingPage} />
export default routes;
finally here is the code for index.js
import React, { Component } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
import Navi from "./nav";
import routes from "./routes";
// initialize rotues and navi links
const initRoutes = () => (
<Navi />
const initializedRoutes = initRoutes();
This is the routing page created
routing page imported
Hope, it will help everyone. click the link to see code.!!
In react-router-dom version 6.x.x
Suppose you have the following URLs in your react app
you can isolate all routing components related to handlers(including its nested URLs) by:
Define your main routing
<Route path="/" element={<HomePage />} />
<Route path="/home" element={<HomePage />} />
<Route path="/handlers/*" element={<AllHandlersPages />} />
Notice the existence of path="/handlers/*" where we have a wildcard * to tell react-router-dom to match with any nested route too
declare AllHandlersPages in another file like this
export function AllHandlersPages() {
return (
<Route index element={<HandlersIndexPage />} />
<Route path="notes" element={<NotesPage />} />
<Route path="users" element={<UsersPage />} />
Because <Route /> can't be defined unless it has a parent <Routes /> don't forget to make them nested properly.
Full working Demo
Try it like this way
import React from "react";
import {HashRouter as Router, Route} from 'react-router-dom';
import NoteContainer from "./component/note/index.jsx";
import Header from "./component/common/header.jsx";
const App = (props) => {
return (
<div className="container">
<Header/> {props.children}
var x = () => {
return (
<h1>Hello world!</h1>
module.exports = () => {
return (
<Route path="/" component={NoteContainer}/>
<Route path="/inbox" component={x}/>
I did it with very simple way. Follow the two steps below.
In App.js
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
import Header from "./component/common/header";
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
import routes from "./routes";
function App() {
return (
<section className="container">
<Header />
export default App;
in routes.js
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
import Overview from "./component/overview/overview";
import UsersList from "./component/userslist/UsersList";
import FavUserList from "./component/userslist/FavUserList";
const routes = (
<Route exact path="/" component={Overview} />
<Route path="/adduser" component={UsersList} />
<Route path="/favuser" component={FavUserList} />
export default routes;
Note: Make sure you import like this
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
In < Header /> component you have to declare navigation link.
i'm starting into react too, and i figured out a way to make what you are looking for.
What i did was inside the app file (which comes default in every project) i imported the routes file, the routes file is located in a folder called approuter (you can name it whatever you want), i'll write some of my code so you can see what i mean
import AppRouter from './router/approuter'
function App() {
return (
<div className='app' id="mode">
<AppRouter />
export default App
import { Route, Routes } from 'react-router-dom'}
import Register from "../pages/register"
import Login from "../pages/login"
export default function AppRouter() {
return (
<Route path="login" element={<Login />}/>
<Route path="register" element={<Register />}/>
This actually worked in a project i'm currently working on, i hope this can answer your question
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import Paths from "./routes/Paths";
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root"));
<Paths />
import LoginSample from "../portal/LoginSample";
import Dashboard from "../portal/Dashboard";
function Paths() {
return (
<Route path="/" element={<LoginSample />} />
<Route path="/dashboard" element={<Dashboard />} />
export default Paths;
Also new to react and was running into the same issue. Here is what I tried (obviously different code and structure, but what we're looking for should be the same functionality)
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { createHashHistory } from "history";
import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import routes from "./routes";
const allRoutes = routes;
and the routes.js file.
import React from "react";
import { createHashHistory } from "history";
import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import App from "./pages/App";
import Detail from "./pages/Detail";
import List from "./pages/List";
const routes = (
<Route exact path="/" component={ App } />
<Route path="/" component={ List } />
<Route path="/detail/:repo" component={ Detail } />
export default routes;
Let me know if that works for you.

