Multiple api calls using AngularJS - javascript

I am fairly new to AngularJS and I am practising below exercise with requirement
1.Using the API to get 20 posts and display them on the page along with the user’s
name who created the post and display them on the page.
For this exercise I am using as the data source.
I need to do 2 api calls in same controller
To get list of 20 posts which has userid in it(
Based on the above user Id I need to get username (
Please see my work done in plnkr, I am able to display Post but not username.
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
$http.get("").then(function(response) {
$ =;
var postList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
var display = {
UserName: $http.get("" + $[i].userId).then(function(response) {
$scope.user =;
Post: $[i].title
$scope.list = postList;
<div ng-repeat="x in list">
Post:{{ x.Post }}

I believe this area is wrong:
.then(function(response) {
$ =;
var postList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
var display = {
UserName: $http.get(""+$[i].userId).then(function(response){
$scope.user =;
Post: $[i].title
$scope.list = postList;
where you stored a Promise object in your UserName property and produced unexpected result.
to correct this assign the postList after the request has finished:
.then(function(response) {
$ =;
var postList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
$scope.user =;
var display = {
UserName: "",
Post: $[i].title
$scope.list = postList;
Once you implemented this you will encounter a new problem:
since you called $http.get() in a loop and actually used the variable i inside .then() by the time .then() executes the value of i is already in its final form which is i = 20 | data.length which every .then() calls will receive.
in order to overcome this problem the best way I know is to format the entire data first before displaying it:
var data =;
var postList = [];
// this will check if formatting is done.
var cleared = 0;
// create a function that checks if data mapping is done.
var allClear = function () {
if (postList.length == cleared)
// display the formatted data
$scope.list = postList;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
// create a object that stores the necessary data;
var obj = {
// the ID will be needed to store name;
ID: data[i].userId,
Post: data[i].title,
UserName: ""
var url = "" + obj.userId;
// find its entry in the array and add UserName;
postList.forEach(function (item)
if (item.ID == response.userId)
// just add the correct key, but I will assume it is `userName`
item.UserName = response.userName;
// break the loop
return item;
// increment cleared
// call allClear
in this way we are sure that the data is complete before displaying it in the view.
as this solution contains a loop to map the result with its original object, we can actually change postList as an object to make it a bit faster:
// var postList = [];
var postList = {};
// instead of pushing we will use the ID as key
// postList.push(obj);
postList[obj.ID] = obj;
and so in this section:
// instead of looking for the item in .forEach
postList[response.userId].userName = response.userName;
// increment cleared
// call allClear
hope that helps.

The easy solution would be to add the username to the user object and then push it to the scope list when the promise is resolved
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
$http.get("").then(function(response) {
$ =;
$scope.list = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
$http.get("" + $[i].userId)
.then(function(response) {
var user = {
Post: $[i].title


My ng-repeat only show the latest loop

I wanted to show all the things inside my array, but it only shows the latest loops. Below is my controller function:
/*global angular*/
var app = angular.module('statisticsApp', []).controller('myCtrl',
function ($scope, $http) {
"use strict";
return $http({
method : "POST",
url : "GatewayAPI.php",
}).then(function mySuccess(response) {
$scope.records =;
var mydata,myJSON,myresult,myjava, myobj;
var i;
var Result;
var chartResultTemp = [];
var resultType = [];
for(i=0; i<72;i++)
//storing data
mydata = $[i];
//retrieving data
Result =,9); //throw this in
myobj =,4);
resultType =, 4);
if(resultType === "A") { //selects type = a
chartResultTemp =,9);
} ;
$scope.test2=chartResultTemp; //this one
$scope.test3 = resultType;
$scope.gotTemp = false;
$scope.gotHumidity = false;
$scope.getSoilMoisture = false;
This is the code in my php where i list all the items in my array:
<li data-ng-repeat="cd in test2">{{cd}}</li>
And this is my current result as viewed in browser console:
As you can see from the console log, it only shows the latest loop. I wanted to show all the data inside the array. Is it because I have declared the array wrongly.
so I have used $scope.test2.push(chartResultTemp), it gave me an error: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined.
Then, i tried
if(resultType === "A") {
} ;
It works, but the problem is the items listed has brackets in it.
You need to push to the array
By using (=) you are assigning different values to the same scope in each iteration which ultimately holds the final value assigned to it. To store all the values, you have to create an array and push value from each iteration.
$scope.test2 = [];
for(let i=0; i<72; i++){

AngularJS Smart Table filtering special characters with a space when displaying all rows

I am running a few tables that use the pipe/ajax section of the code with the controller/service setup.
One of the issues I am coming across is when there are special characters in the values with a space in it and it is unable to filter it. For example, if there was a lastname of "last-name firstname" it is unable to filter the data but it is able to filter the name "last-name" and it is able to do "lastname firstname" just fine.
Could I get some help on figuring out why this might not be able to filter correctly?
Thank You!
Edit: I noticed I forgot to add the filter.
app.filter('propsFilter', function() {
return function(items, props) {
var out = [];
if (angular.isArray(items)) {
var keys = Object.keys(props);
items.forEach(function(item) {
var itemMatches = false;
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var prop = keys[i];
var text = props[prop].toLowerCase();
if (item[prop].toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(text) !== -1) {
itemMatches = true;
if (itemMatches) {
} else {
// Let the output be the input untouched
out = items;
return out;
app.controller('mainCtrl', ['$scope', '$window', 'Resource', function($scope, $window, service) {
var ctrl = this;
this.displayed = [];
$scope.itemsByPage = $window.datatableperPage;
this.callServer = function callServer(tableState) {
ctrl.isLoading = true;
var pagination = tableState.pagination;
var start = pagination.start || 0;
var number = pagination.number || 10;
service.getPage(start, number, tableState).then(function(result) {
ctrl.displayed =;
tableState.pagination.numberOfPages = result.numberOfPages; //set the number of pages so the pagination can update
ctrl.isLoading = false;
app.factory('Resource', ['$q', '$filter', '$window', '$http', '$timeout', function($q, $filter, $window, $http, $timeout) {
var nameData = [];
$http.get($window.datatableSource).success(function(response) {
nameData = response;
function getPage(start, number, params) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var filtered = ? $filter('filter')(nameData, : nameData;
if (params.sort.predicate) {
filtered = $filter('orderBy')(filtered, params.sort.predicate, params.sort.reverse);
var result = filtered.slice(start, start + number);
$timeout(function() {
//note, the server passes the information about the data set size
data: result,
numberOfPages: Math.ceil(filtered.length / number),
}, $window.datatableTimeout);
return deferred.promise;
return {
getPage: getPage
With Hardy's Help I was finally able to replicate the issue.
When setting the
$scope.itemsByPage = -1;
the filtered results seem to vanish after initial couple characters at the slice
result = filtered.slice(start, start + number);
In this example, I added the word "Clinical - " to the beginning of a name and it is unable to search for the word when you start typing the word "Clinical" but other words work just fine.
Okay, I've traced all the functions and the problem in Plunker is in this very line. Try to change the value to any positive integer and you will see that your app works just fine.
$scope.itemsByPage = -1;
The reason you get strange filtering results in some cases is because this very value is used as number later in
var result = filtered.slice(start, start + number);
thus translating to
var result = filtered.slice(0, -1);
.slice(0, -1) returns a shallow copy of the filtered array excluding the last item. And when you only have one filtered result you will recieve an empty array.
As it turns out, the whole reason of using $scope.itemsByPage = -1 was a delusion of the behaviour of the library in that case.
The desired behavior was to "always return all the rows" and it can be easily achieved by using Infinity
$scope.itemsByPage = Infinity
This way we will get
var result = filtered.slice(0, Infinity);
thus getting initial filtered array in the output.

Angular Factory and Service work but not as expected

My app is looking up google place details and displaying some of the information. I have a list of place id's in a json file broken down by type of establishment. A factory accesses and makes available the ids to the controller. I also have a service that loops through all the id's, looking up the details and adding them to an object that is made available to the controller.
I can get it to work in the sense that I can access the json data, look up the details, and return the object. However, no matter how I do it, if I try and return multiple objects, one for each type of business, I get all the businesses together or an error (more on that in a minute).
I have structured this a number of ways but I will show the code for 2 ways that I have tried. I'm new to Angular so I may have this completely wrong and not even using services and factories correctly so please go easy on me.
"restaurants": {
"Michaels": "ChIJwaTJAL4n5IgRgyJupbpQhjM",
"Collage": "ChIJw5HgNzAm5IgRqbkEqKXIpC4",
"Scarlet": "ChIJT9ImkZUn5IgREb1hYwKA1Nc",
"Maya": "ChIJofgqBJYn5IgRVa-HQvp6KDk",
"Ice": "ChIJnXpQpewn5IgR7k9yxWXUu1M",
"Sangrias": "ChIJITcc_ZUn5IgR90iEna6FRGM",
"Columbia": "ChIJ8xR18JUn5IgRfwJJByM-quU",
"Harrys": "ChIJ8aLBaJYn5IgR60p2CS_RHIw"
"Scarlet": "ChIJT9ImkZUn5IgREb1hYwKA1Nc",
"Lion": "ChIJqVCL_b0n5IgRpVR5CFZWi4o",
"Tradewinds": "ChIJpwF4ZJYn5IgRTDzwBWvlSIE",
"Ice": "ChIJnXpQpewn5IgR7k9yxWXUu1M",
"Stogies": "ChIJlwkiApYn5IgR6XVFMyqLAS4",
"Rondeazvous": "ChIJkz3V7pUn5IgRQhui26imF1k",
"Meehan": "ChIJK8NZGZYn5IgRA91RrGETwrQ",
"Sangrias": "ChIJITcc_ZUn5IgR90iEna6FRGM",
"NoName": "ChIJA-VeCb4n5IgRmbuF8wdOGaA",
"StGeorge": "ChIJ4yo36JUn5IgRXgiRD7KMDe0"
Method 1
angular.module('app.locations', [])
.factory('restsFact', function($http){
var restaurants = [];
return {
getRests: function(){
return $http.get('locations.json').then(function(response){
restaurants =;
return restaurants;
.factory('barsFact', function($http){
var bars = [];
return {
getBars: function() {
return $http.get('locations.json').then(function(response){
bars =;
return bars;
.service('locationsService', function (ngGPlacesAPI) {
var x, id, details, push, placeDetails = [];
// Takes list of specific type of locations as argument and looks up Place details for each location
this.details = function(type) {
for (x in type) {
if (type.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
id = type[x];
ngGPlacesAPI.placeDetails({placeId: id}).then(push);
return placeDetails;
push = function (data) {
details = data;
.controller('RestCtrl', function($scope, locationsService, restsFact) {
// Location Details Object
$scope.restaurants= locationsService.details(locs);
// Bar Controller
.controller('BarsCtrl', function($scope, locationsService, barsFact){
// Locations Details Object
$scope.bars = locationsService.details(locs);
Method 2
With this method I can load one page but if I move to the next I get an error: [$rootScope:inprog] $digest already in progress. I read up on the error and get the idea of why I get it but just not sure how to go about fixing it.
angular.module('app.locations', [])
.factory('locationsFact', function($http){
var locations = [];
return {
getlocations: function(){
return $http.get('locations.json').then(function(response){
locations = response;
return locations;
.service('locationsService', function (ngGPlacesAPI) {
var x, id, details, push, placeDetails = [];
// Takes list of specific type of locations as argument and looks up Place details for each location
this.details = function(type) {
for (x in type) {
if (type.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
id = type[x];
ngGPlacesAPI.placeDetails({placeId: id}).then(push);
return placeDetails;
push = function (data) {
details = data;
.controller('locationsCtrl', function($scope, locationsService, locationsFact){
// Locations Details Object
$scope.restaurants = locationsService.details(;
$scope.bars = locationsService.details(;
So I read a lot over the last week and learned a lot as well. I completely rewrote that mess up above into something resembling decent code, there were a lot of problems with it originally. I got everything working anyway. Here is how it looks now.
angular.module('app.factories', [])
.factory('data', function($http){
// Get JSON With Place ID's and create array of
// place id objects for each category
var places = {};
places.ids = function(){
return $http.get('locations.json')
places.rests = data.restaurants;
places.bars = data.bars;
places.lodg = data.lodging;
places.att = data.attractions;
return places;
.factory('details', function(ngGPlacesAPI, $q){
var details = {};
// Split ID Array into array of arrays <= 10.
// Google won't return more than 10 details request at one time.
details.process = function(type) {
var idSets = {},
size = 10,
i, j, k;
for (i=0, j=type.length, k=0; i<j; i+=size){
idSets[k] = type.slice(i, i+size);
return idSets;
// Lookup Details by Place ID
// Loop through ID array and return array of details objects
details.getDetails = function(idSet, pageNum) {
var page = idSet[pageNum],
promises = [];
for(var i=0; i<page.length; i++) {
promises.push(ngGPlacesAPI.placeDetails({placeId: page[i][i]}));
return $q.all(promises);
// Return Details Object
return details;
// Restaurants Controller
.controller('restaurantsCtrl', function(details, data, $scope) {
var vm = this;
// Get JSON file with placeIds and set some variables
data.ids().then(function() {
var page = details.process(data.rests),
pageNum = 0,
numPages = page.length;
vm.moreData = true;
// Loads more place details on scroll down
vm.loadMore = function() {
if (pageNum <= numPages - 1) {
details.getDetails(page, pageNum).then(function(response) {
// Load first page of place details
details.getDetails(page, pageNum).then(function(response){
vm.rests = response;
// Watches for when to load more details
$scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(){

How can I display the data created?

I'm sending a data ...
// upload on file select or drop
$scope.upload = function (file, id) {
id = typeof id !== 'undefined' ? id : null;
var fbAuth = FirebaseURL.getAuth();
var ref = FirebaseURL.child("users_photos");
ref.push({'image': base64,'removed': true, 'user_id': fbAuth.uid, 'dt_created':Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP ,'dt_updated':Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP}, function(error){
if (error) {
} else {
var newID = ref.key();
//I would like display data insert here?
console.log(DATA RESULT INSERT);
I would like display data inserted.
It is possible to display the last inserted object without query by the key?
Use AngularFire for synchronized collections.
Create a query using limitToLast(1) to always sync the last inserted object.
angular.module('app', ['firebase'])
.constant('FirebaseUrl', '<my-firebase-app>')
.service('rootRef', ['FirebaseUrl', Firebase)
.factory('userItems', UserItems)
.controller('MyCtrl', MyController);
function UserItems($firebaseArray, rootRef) {
return function userItems(uid) {
var itemRef = rootRef.child('items');
var query = itemRef.orderyByChild('uid').equalTo(uid);
return $firebaseArray(query);
function MyController($scope, userItems, rootRef) {
$scope.items = userItems(rootRef.getAuth().uid);
$scope.addItem = function addItem(item) {
$scope.items.$add(item).then(function(ref) {
var record = $scope.items.$getRecord(ref.key());
// save the data to the other structure
See the section on Complex queries for more info.

How share data from rest service between controllers

My problem consist in that I have some data in REST service and I want to get them and then send to rest of controllers. But I don't know how to do correctly because service $http.get() is perform asynchronously. I will show you piece of my code in order to better represent problem.
I created controller which is responslible for get data from REST service.
MyApp.controller("AppController", ["$scope", "$http", function($scope,$http) {
$http.get("http://localhost:8080/library/book").success(function(data) {
$scope.bookList = data;
$http.get("http://localhost:8080/library/author").success(function(data) {
$scope.authorList = data;
$http.get("http://localhost:8080/library/publisher").success(function(data) {
$scope.publisherList = data;
BookList, authorList, publisherList are building materials for rest of controllers.
Ok, I show other piece of code.
MyApp.service("BookListModel", function() {
this.createBookList = function(bookList, authorList, publisherList) {
var i = 0, j = 0, authorName, publisherName, bookListItems = [];
for(; i < bookList.length; i++) {
for(; j < authorList.length; j++) {
if(bookList[i].authorId == authorList[j].authorId) {
authorName = authorList[j].name;
j = 0;
for(; j < publisherList.length; j++) {
if(bookList[i].publisherId == publisherList[j].publisherId) {
publisherName = publisherList[j].name;
j = 0;
bookListItems.push({'title' : bookList[i].title, 'author' : authorName, 'publisher' : publisherName});
authorName = "", publisherName = "";
return bookListItems;
For example this is one of my serivces. It create book list with authors and publishers and it take three arguments and I don't know how pass data from AppController to createBookList function.
Use a factory/service to make your REST calls (don't do it in a controller).
If you're making all these calls at the same time, you can use $q.all() to combine the promises and get a single promise.
Whenever a controller gets that promise, they'll get the same data each time and your REST services will only be called once.
Your controllers just call LibraryService.getLibraryData() and handle the promise to get the data itself.
MyApp.factory('LibraryService', function($http, $q){
var service = {};
var libraryDataPromise = $q.defer();
books: $http.get("http://localhost:8080/library/book"),
authors: $http.get("http://localhost:8080/library/author"),
publishers: $http.get("http://localhost:8080/library/publisher"),
bookList: response.books,
authorList: response.authors,
publisherList: response.publishers
service.getLibraryData = function() {
return libraryDataPromise.promise;
return service;
You can also do an angular broadcast. In your 'AppController':
http.get("http://localhost:8080/library/book").success(function(data) {
$scope.$broadcast('bookList-updated', data);
Then in your other controllers where you want to use the data do this:
$scope.$on('booklist-updated', function(event, booklist){
$scope.booklist = booklist;
Use angular services
app.service('mySharedService', function ($rootScope) {
this.bookList = [];
this.authorList = [];
this.publisherList = [];
this.setBookList = function (bookList) {
this.bookList = bookList;
this.setPublisherList = function (publisherList ) {
this.publisherList = publisherList ;
this.setAuthorList = function (authorList ) {
this.authorList = authorList ;
this.getBookList = function () {
return this.bookList;
this.getPublisherList = function () {
return this.publisherList;
this.getAuthorList = function () {
return this.authorList;
Make sure to pass\inject your service to your controller
MyApp.controller("AppController", ["$scope", "$http", "mySharedService", function($scope,$http) {
$http.get("http://localhost:8080/library/book").success(function(data) {
$scope.bookList = data;
$http.get("http://localhost:8080/library/author").success(function(data) {
$scope.authorList = data;
$http.get("http://localhost:8080/library/publisher").success(function(data) {
$scope.publisherList = data;
NOTE: I didn't test the code.

