JavaScript: multiple instances wrong reference to private property - javascript

In the fiddle is a "class" I have written to manage navigation over the data model and a test which shows that multiple instances (starting from second) of this "class" are referencing something wrong.
(outputs to console)
Expected output would be
But after setting Elements via setElements, in other methods Elements is empty, strangely only after creating the second instance. I could think that setElements overwrites the reference, but why other methods keep this old reference instead of getting a new one from the var.
Could somebody explain this behavior?
P.S. I probably can think on a solution, as packing vars in a property which is an object.
function Pagination() {
var props = {Elements:[], ...}
function Pagination() {
var that = this;
var Elements = [0,1];
var Frame = [];
var FrameNumber = 0;
var EntitiesPerFrame = 25;
var FrameChangedCB = [];
this.subscribeFrameChange = function(cb) {
if (typeof cb === "function") {
} else {
throw new Error("Not a function");
this.setEntitiesPerFrame = function(entities_per_frame) {
entities_per_frame = parseInt(entities_per_frame);
if (entities_per_frame > 0) {
EntitiesPerFrame = entities_per_frame;
while (!this.canDisplayFrame(FrameNumber) && FrameNumber > 0) {
frameChanged = function() {
FrameChangedCB.forEach(function(cb) {
this.setElements = function(elements) {
if (Array.isArray(elements)) {
Elements = elements;
} else {
throw new Error("Can only work with arrays");
this.getStart = function() {
return FrameNumber * EntitiesPerFrame;
this.getEnd = function() {
var end = (FrameNumber + 1) * EntitiesPerFrame;
return end > Elements.length ? Elements.length : end;
this.getEntitiesPerFrame = function() {
return EntitiesPerFrame;
calculateFrame = function() {
var start = that.getStart();
var end = that.getEnd();
if (that.canDisplayFrame(FrameNumber)) {
Frame = Elements.slice(
} else {
throw new Error("Boundaries");
this.canDisplayFrame = function(nr) {
nr = parseInt(nr);
var can = false;
var start = nr * EntitiesPerFrame
var end = (nr + 1) * EntitiesPerFrame;
if (start <= Elements.length && nr >= 0) {
can = true;
return can;
this.getFrame = function() {
return Frame;
} = function() {
return this.goto(FrameNumber + 1);
this.prev = function() {
return this.goto(FrameNumber - 1);
this.goto = function(frame_nr) {
var changed = false;
if (that.canDisplayFrame(frame_nr)) {
FrameNumber = parseInt(frame_nr);
changed = true;
return changed;
this.getLength = function() {
return Elements.length;
var b = new Pagination();
var a = new Pagination();
a.setElements([{name: 'xx'}]);
b.setElements([{name: 'yy'}]);

This is happening because you are abusing implicit globals.
Your Pagination function contains two places where a function is assigned to an identifier without using var:
calculateFrame = function() {
var start = that.getStart();
var end = that.getEnd();
if (that.canDisplayFrame(FrameNumber)) {
Frame = Elements.slice(
} else {
throw new Error("Boundaries");
This will assign this function to a global variable named calculateFrame and any call to calculateFrame() will be calling whichever of those was assigned last (and therefore be using whatever scope it has access to).
To fix this, use var:
var calculateFrame = function() {
var start = that.getStart();
var end = that.getEnd();
if (that.canDisplayFrame(FrameNumber)) {
Frame = Elements.slice(
} else {
throw new Error("Boundaries");
Or better yet, use a named function declaration:
function calculateFrame() {
var start = that.getStart();
var end = that.getEnd();
if (that.canDisplayFrame(FrameNumber)) {
Frame = Elements.slice(
} else {
throw new Error("Boundaries");
After fixing the two places where you have this issue, the snippet outputs the expected result.
function Pagination() {
var that = this;
var Elements = [0, 1];
var Frame = [];
var FrameNumber = 0;
var EntitiesPerFrame = 25;
var FrameChangedCB = [];
this.subscribeFrameChange = function(cb) {
if (typeof cb === "function") {
} else {
throw new Error("Not a function");
this.setEntitiesPerFrame = function(entities_per_frame) {
entities_per_frame = parseInt(entities_per_frame);
if (entities_per_frame > 0) {
EntitiesPerFrame = entities_per_frame;
while (!this.canDisplayFrame(FrameNumber) && FrameNumber > 0) {
function frameChanged() {
FrameChangedCB.forEach(function(cb) {
this.setElements = function(elements) {
if (Array.isArray(elements)) {
Elements = elements;
} else {
throw new Error("Can only work with arrays");
this.getStart = function() {
return FrameNumber * EntitiesPerFrame;
this.getEnd = function() {
var end = (FrameNumber + 1) * EntitiesPerFrame;
return end > Elements.length ? Elements.length : end;
this.getEntitiesPerFrame = function() {
return EntitiesPerFrame;
function calculateFrame() {
var start = that.getStart();
var end = that.getEnd();
if (that.canDisplayFrame(FrameNumber)) {
Frame = Elements.slice(
} else {
throw new Error("Boundaries");
this.canDisplayFrame = function(nr) {
nr = parseInt(nr);
var can = false;
var start = nr * EntitiesPerFrame
var end = (nr + 1) * EntitiesPerFrame;
if (start <= Elements.length && nr >= 0) {
can = true;
return can;
this.getFrame = function() {
return Frame;
} = function() {
return this.goto(FrameNumber + 1);
this.prev = function() {
return this.goto(FrameNumber - 1);
this.goto = function(frame_nr) {
var changed = false;
if (that.canDisplayFrame(frame_nr)) {
FrameNumber = parseInt(frame_nr);
changed = true;
return changed;
this.getLength = function() {
return Elements.length;
var b = new Pagination();
var a = new Pagination();
name: 'xx'
name: 'yy'


Angularfire $firebaseArray extend dynamic count\sum

Am trying to achieve a dynamic count of certain node if defined:
This works but its not dynamic, you have to call sum().
app.factory("ArrayWithSum", function($firebaseArray) {
return $firebaseArray.$extend({
sum: function() {
var total = 0;
var todayDate = new Date();
var start = todayDate.setHours(0,0,0,0);
var end = todayDate.setHours(23,59,59,999);
// the array data is located in this.$list
angular.forEach(this.$list, function(rec) {
if (angular.isDefined({
if (angular.isDefined( {
if ( >= start && <= end){
return total;
I tried $$update but can't access this_counter in array:
app.factory("counter", function($firebaseArray) {
return $firebaseArray.$extend({
sum: function() {
return this._counter;
$$updated: function(){
var changed = $firebaseArray.prototype.$$updated.apply(this, arguments);
var todayDate = new Date();
var start = todayDate.setHours(0,0,0,0);
var end = todayDate.setHours(23,59,59,999);
if( !this._counter ) {
this._counter = 0;
// the array data is located in this.$list
angular.forEach(this.$list, function(rec) {
if (angular.isDefined({
if (angular.isDefined( {
if ( >= start && <= end){
return changed;
Does anyone know how to make a dynamic variable that I can update and access?
Got it working with $firebaseObject. Obviously you can add a property _counter to an object not an array. Any way this works and a good way to get a dynamic count.
app.factory("counter", function($firebaseObject) {
return $firebaseObject.$extend({
$$updated: function(){
var changed = $firebaseObject.prototype.$$updated.apply(this, arguments);
if( !this._counter ) { this._counter = 0; }
var total = 0;
var todayDate = new Date();
var start = todayDate.setHours(0,0,0,0);
var end = todayDate.setHours(23,59,59,999);
// the array data is located in this.$list
angular.forEach(this, function(rec) {
if (angular.isDefined({
if (angular.isDefined( {
if ( >= start && <= end){
this._counter = total;
return changed;
vm.panels = new counter(panelsRef);
Am having issues with watches not firing after a long duration on IE11. So thought I'd try this approach.

ASP.NET referencing a javascript function

I have an ASP.NET page, written in VB.NET, that I'm trying to use javascript on. The script takes the value from one listbox and inserts it into another list box. I'm using a master page, which I'm pretty sure is the issue.
Here's the javascript:
function OT_transferLeft() { moveSelectedOptions(this.right, this.left, this.autoSort, this.staticOptionRegex); this.update(); }
function OT_transferRight() { moveSelectedOptions(this.left, this.right, this.autoSort, this.staticOptionRegex); this.update(); }
function OT_transferAllLeft() { moveAllOptions(this.right, this.left, this.autoSort, this.staticOptionRegex); this.update(); }
function OT_transferAllRight() { moveAllOptions(this.left, this.right, this.autoSort, this.staticOptionRegex); this.update(); }
function OT_saveRemovedLeftOptions(f) { this.removedLeftField = f; }
function OT_saveRemovedRightOptions(f) { this.removedRightField = f; }
function OT_saveAddedLeftOptions(f) { this.addedLeftField = f; }
function OT_saveAddedRightOptions(f) { this.addedRightField = f; }
function OT_saveNewLeftOptions(f) { this.newLeftField = f; }
function OT_saveNewRightOptions(f) { this.newRightField = f; }
function OT_update() {
var removedLeft = new Object();
var removedRight = new Object();
var addedLeft = new Object();
var addedRight = new Object();
var newLeft = new Object();
var newRight = new Object();
for (var i = 0; i < this.left.options.length; i++) {
var o = this.left.options[i];
newLeft[o.value] = 1;
if (typeof (this.originalLeftValues[o.value]) == "undefined") {
addedLeft[o.value] = 1;
removedRight[o.value] = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.right.options.length; i++) {
var o = this.right.options[i];
newRight[o.value] = 1;
if (typeof (this.originalRightValues[o.value]) == "undefined") {
addedRight[o.value] = 1;
removedLeft[o.value] = 1;
if (this.removedLeftField != null) { this.removedLeftField.value = OT_join(removedLeft, this.delimiter); }
if (this.removedRightField != null) { this.removedRightField.value = OT_join(removedRight, this.delimiter); }
if (this.addedLeftField != null) { this.addedLeftField.value = OT_join(addedLeft, this.delimiter); }
if (this.addedRightField != null) { this.addedRightField.value = OT_join(addedRight, this.delimiter); }
if (this.newLeftField != null) { this.newLeftField.value = OT_join(newLeft, this.delimiter); }
if (this.newRightField != null) { this.newRightField.value = OT_join(newRight, this.delimiter); }
function OT_join(o, delimiter) {
var val; var str = "";
for (val in o) {
if (str.length > 0) { str = str + delimiter; }
str = str + val;
return str;
function OT_setDelimiter(val) { this.delimiter = val; }
function OT_setAutoSort(val) { this.autoSort = val; }
function OT_setStaticOptionRegex(val) { this.staticOptionRegex = val; }
function OT_init(theform) {
this.form = theform;
if (!theform[this.left]) { alert("OptionTransfer init(): Left select list does not exist in form!"); return false; }
if (!theform[this.right]) { alert("OptionTransfer init(): Right select list does not exist in form!"); return false; }
this.left = theform[this.left];
this.right = theform[this.right];
for (var i = 0; i < this.left.options.length; i++) {
this.originalLeftValues[this.left.options[i].value] = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.right.options.length; i++) {
this.originalRightValues[this.right.options[i].value] = 1;
if (this.removedLeftField != null) { this.removedLeftField = theform[this.removedLeftField]; }
if (this.removedRightField != null) { this.removedRightField = theform[this.removedRightField]; }
if (this.addedLeftField != null) { this.addedLeftField = theform[this.addedLeftField]; }
if (this.addedRightField != null) { this.addedRightField = theform[this.addedRightField]; }
if (this.newLeftField != null) { this.newLeftField = theform[this.newLeftField]; }
if (this.newRightField != null) { this.newRightField = theform[this.newRightField]; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// OptionTransfer()
// This is the object interface.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function OptionTransfer(l, r) {
this.form = null;
this.left = l;
this.right = r;
this.autoSort = true;
this.delimiter = ",";
this.staticOptionRegex = "";
this.originalLeftValues = new Object();
this.originalRightValues = new Object();
this.removedLeftField = null;
this.removedRightField = null;
this.addedLeftField = null;
this.addedRightField = null;
this.newLeftField = null;
this.newRightField = null;
this.transferLeft = OT_transferLeft;
this.transferRight = OT_transferRight;
this.transferAllLeft = OT_transferAllLeft;
this.transferAllRight = OT_transferAllRight;
this.saveRemovedLeftOptions = OT_saveRemovedLeftOptions;
this.saveRemovedRightOptions = OT_saveRemovedRightOptions;
this.saveAddedLeftOptions = OT_saveAddedLeftOptions;
this.saveAddedRightOptions = OT_saveAddedRightOptions;
this.saveNewLeftOptions = OT_saveNewLeftOptions;
this.saveNewRightOptions = OT_saveNewRightOptions;
this.setDelimiter = OT_setDelimiter;
this.setAutoSort = OT_setAutoSort;
this.setStaticOptionRegex = OT_setStaticOptionRegex;
this.init = OT_init;
this.update = OT_update;
var lb1 = document.getElementById("<%=lbSiteType.ClientID%>");
var lb2 = document.getElementById("<%=lbSelectedSiteType.ClientID%>");
var opt = new OptionTransfer(lb1, lb2);
and here's the code from the control:
<asp:Button ID="btnMoveAll" Text=" >> " CssClass="button7" CausesValidation="false"
runat="server" /><br />
In short, it doesn't work. I keep getting an 'opt' is not a member of the page. Can someone explain how I can properly call this code?
To invoke client Methods(javascript) use OnClientClick
<asp:Button ID="btnMoveAll" Text="" CssClass="button7" CausesValidation="false"
runat="server" />

Tree building infinite recursion detection

I am working on JQuery mechanism that is building tree, it has to be as fast as possible. Volume of data is quite large so master record column is used to be able to 'grab' all relevant nodes in one select from webSQL db.
Whole mechanism but one part is done, when assembling tree it must check that there is no infinite recursion being created. What mechanism does at the moment if Record A is Master and Parent of record B, and Record B is Master and Parent of record A then structure like A.Children[0] = B and B.Children[0] = A is being built. It all would work fine, but it has do be knockout.js bound and displayed as expandable list to users, which results in overflow when trying to display the tree.
Requirement is to detect such loops and do not create tree relationships.
Mechanism that would check if item is already in the tree I came up is:
function InTree(master, item) {
return $.inArray(item, $.map(master, function recurs(n) {
return ($.isArray(n) ? $.map(n, recurs) : n);
})) != -1;
if(!InTree(tree, record))
} else {
// get next record
Is there anything faster than InTree() function that would get me if item is in the tree?
Whole tree building algorithm is below (not that I think it is relevant but rather to avoid the comments 'show the code')
$(document).on('OnPreQuery', onTheMove.PageDataRoles, function (e, options) {
var isChildAttachmentQueued = true;
var knockoutContextName = options.knockoutContextName;
if (TreeEnabled(knockoutContextName)) {
var isModelReadyToAttachChildren = function () {
var isReady = false;
if (PageObj[knockoutContextName] != undefined) {
isReady = (PageObj[knockoutContextName]().length > 0) && isChildAttachmentQueued;
return isReady;
var businessComponent = eval(knockoutContextName);
var treeSettings = businessComponent.Tree;
treeSettings.knockoutContextName = knockoutContextName;
$(businessComponent).on('OnPreUIUpdate', function (e, options) {
if (isModelReadyToAttachChildren()) {
parentTable: businessComponent.primaryTableName,
knockoutContextName: treeSettings.knockoutContextName,
parentIdColumn: treeSettings.ParentIdColumn,
masterIdColumn: treeSettings.MasterIdColumn
isChildAttachmentQueued = false;
function TreeEnabled(knockoutContextName) {
var isTreeEnabled = false;
try {
} catch (e) {
return isTreeEnabled;
var treeSettings = eval(knockoutContextName).Tree;
if (treeSettings && treeSettings.IncludeChildren) {
isTreeEnabled = true;
return isTreeEnabled;
function ComposeRecordsToTreeStructure(results, tableArray, columnArray, options) {
if (results.rows.length > 0) {
if (options.parentLayerIdList == undefined) {
options.parentLayerIdList = options.masterIdList;
if (options.orphans == undefined) {
options.orphans = [];
var knockoutContextName = options.knockoutContextName;
var childRecordIdArray = [];
if (options.runningOnOrphans) {
if (options.orphans.length > 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < options.orphans.length; j++) {
var rowRecord = options.orphans[j];
var rowRecordParentId = rowRecord[options.parentIdColumn];
var result = EstablishParentChildConnectionOnAlreadyProcessedNodes(rowRecord, rowRecordParentId, options.parentLayerIdList, knockoutContextName, childRecordIdArray, options);
if (result.hasEstablishedConnection) {
childRecordIdArray = result.childRecordIdArray;
options.orphans = $.grep(options.orphans, function (item) {
return $.inArray(item['Id'], childRecordIdArray) == -1;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
var rowRecord = results.rows.item(i);
var rowRecordParentId = rowRecord[options.parentIdColumn];
if (rowRecord[options.parentIdColumn] == '' || rowRecord[options.masterIdColumn] == '' || rowRecord[options.masterIdColumn] == rowRecord['Id']) {
rowRecord.isInvalid = true;
} else if ($.inArray(rowRecord['Id'], options.masterIdList) != -1) {
masterRecordClone = $.grep(PageObj[knockoutContextName](), function (item) { return item.Fields.Id() == rowRecord['Id'] })[0];
if (masterRecordClone != undefined && masterRecordClone.Children) {
rowRecord.Children = masterRecordClone.Children;
if (rowRecord.isInvalid == true) {
if (rowRecord[options.masterIdColumn] != rowRecord['Id']) {
var result = EstablishParentChildConnection(rowRecord, rowRecord[options.masterIdColumn], options.parentLayerIdList, knockoutContextName, childRecordIdArray, options);
if (result.hasEstablishedConnection) {
childRecordIdArray = result.childRecordIdArray;
EstablishParentChildConnectionOnAlreadyProcessedNodes(rowRecord, rowRecordParentId, options.parentLayerIdList, knockoutContextName, childRecordIdArray, options);
} else {
var result = EstablishParentChildConnectionOnAlreadyProcessedNodes(rowRecord, rowRecordParentId, options.parentLayerIdList, knockoutContextName, childRecordIdArray, options);
if (result.hasEstablishedConnection) {
childRecordIdArray = result.childRecordIdArray;
} else {
var recordObject = AddIsExpandedProperty(rowRecord);
options.runningOnOrphans = true;
if (options.orphans.length > 0 && childRecordIdArray.length > 0) {
options.parentLayerIdList = childRecordIdArray;
ComposeRecordsToTreeStructure(results, tableArray, columnArray, options);
function EstablishParentChildConnectionOnAlreadyProcessedNodes(rowRecord, rowRecordParentId, parentLayerIdList, knockoutContextName, childRecordIdArray, options) {
var result = EstablishParentChildConnection(rowRecord, rowRecordParentId, parentLayerIdList, knockoutContextName, childRecordIdArray);
if (result.hasEstablishedConnection) {
childRecordIdArray = result.childRecordIdArray;
} else {
var result = EstablishParentChildConnection(rowRecord, rowRecordParentId, childRecordIdArray, knockoutContextName, childRecordIdArray);
if (result.hasEstablishedConnection) {
childRecordIdArray = result.childRecordIdArray;
} else {
var matchingOrphans = $.grep(options.orphans, function (item) {
return item['Id'] == rowRecordParentId;
if (matchingOrphans.length > 0) {
AttachPassedChildRecord(rowRecord, matchingOrphans);
var result = {
hasEstablishedConnection: true
return {
childRecordIdArray: childRecordIdArray,
hasEstablishedConnection: result.hasEstablishedConnection
function EstablishParentChildConnection(rowRecord, rowRecordParentId, parentLayerIdList, knockoutContextName, childRecordIdArray) {
var hasEstablishedConnection = false;
var parentPosition = $.inArray(rowRecordParentId, parentLayerIdList);
if (parentPosition != -1) {
AttachChildRecordsToParents(rowRecord, parentLayerIdList[parentPosition], knockoutContextName);
childRecordIdArray = AddChildRecordsToNextParentList(rowRecord, childRecordIdArray);
hasEstablishedConnection = true;
return {
childRecordIdArray: childRecordIdArray,
hasEstablishedConnection: hasEstablishedConnection
function AddChildRecordsToNextParentList(childRecord, childRecordIdArray) {
if (childRecord.Children != undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < childRecord.Children.length; i++) {
if (childRecord.Children[i].Children != undefined) {
AddChildRecordsToNextParentList(childRecord.Children[i], childRecordIdArray);
return childRecordIdArray;
function RowsToListDataStructure(results) {
var array = [];
for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
return array;
function AttachChildRecordsToParents(recordRow, id, knockoutContextName) {
var childTreeOptions = {
id: id,
knockoutContextName: knockoutContextName,
results: []
if (childTreeOptions.results.length > 0) {
AttachPassedChildRecord(recordRow, childTreeOptions.results);
function AttachPassedChildRecord(recordObject, pageObjParentResults) {
for (var i = 0; i < pageObjParentResults.length; i++) {
if (pageObjParentResults[i].Children == undefined) {
pageObjParentResults[i].Children = [];
if ($.grep(pageObjParentResults[i].Children, function (children) {
return children['Id'] == recordObject['Id'];
}).length == 0) {
recordObject = AddIsExpandedProperty(recordObject);
function AddIsExpandedProperty(recordObject) {
recordObject.IsExpanded = ko.observable(false);
return recordObject;
function findObjectsInChildTreeById(options) {
if (options.item == undefined) {
if (typeof PageObj[options.knockoutContextName] != 'undefined') {
for (var item in PageObj[options.knockoutContextName]()) {
item: PageObj[options.knockoutContextName]()[item],
results: options.results
} else {
if (typeof options.item.Fields != 'undefined') {
if (options.item.Fields['Id']() ==
} else {
if (options.item['Id'] ==
if (options.item.Children != undefined) {
for (var item in options.item.Children) {
item: options.item.Children[item],
results: options.results
function getChildrenForMasterRecordList(options) {
var parentTable = options.parentTable,
masterIdColumn = options.masterIdColumn,
parentIdColumn = options.parentIdColumn,
knockoutContextName = options.knockoutContextName,
masterIds = getParentIdsAndMastersOfParentsFromPageObj(knockoutContextName, masterIdColumn);
for (var item in PageObj[options.knockoutContextName]()) {
var dbManager = new OnTheMoveDatabaseManager();
statement: {
Tables: [{
Alias: parentTable,
JoinSpec: null,
JoinType: "",
Name: parentTable
}, {
Alias: "Record",
JoinSpec: "Record.Id = " + parentTable + ".Id",
JoinType: "INNER",
Name: "Record"
WhereClause: parentTable + "." + masterIdColumn + " IN ('" + masterIds.join("','") + "') AND Record.RecordType ='" + parentTable + "'",
SelectFields: [{
IsAggregate: false,
Name: "*"
DisablePaging: true,
OrderClause: "Record.Id"
knockoutContextName: knockoutContextName,
isObservable: false,
masterIdColumn: masterIdColumn,
masterIdList: masterIds,
parentIdColumn: parentIdColumn,
parentTable: options.parentTable,
success: function (results, tableArray, columnArray, options) {
ComposeRecordsToTreeStructure(results, tableArray, columnArray, options);
function getParentIdsAndMastersOfParentsFromPageObj(knockoutContextName, masterColumnName) {
var list = [];
if (typeof PageObj[knockoutContextName] != 'undefined') {
for (var item in PageObj[knockoutContextName]()) {
if ($.inArray(PageObj[knockoutContextName]()[item].Fields['Id'](), list) == -1) {
if (PageObj[knockoutContextName]()[item].Fields[masterColumnName]() != '' && $.inArray(PageObj[knockoutContextName]()[item].Fields[masterColumnName](), list) == -1) {
return list
function InTree(master, item) {
return $.inArray(item, $.map(master, function recurs(n) {
return ($.isArray(n) ? $.map(n, recurs) : n);
})) != -1;
it depends on your circumstances. if you're able to run code on add/creation of the tree you may simply create a node id array and do a check like
This is a very specific solution of course but technically it'd be as fast as it could possibly be.

What is the Easiest way to fix the Ajax conflict error?

In my website ( I already added one Ajax based rating system but this system is not working properly. When ever I rate it, It's reloaded the page. In my past this Ajax based rating system was rated successfully without reload the page using XMLHttpRequest. Below I will give my rating.js and behavior.js for your reference. Anyone please give the solution for my Ajax conflict error. Thanks in advance.
var xmlhttp if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined') {
try {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch (e) {
function myXMLHttpRequest() {
var xmlhttplocal;
try {
xmlhttplocal= new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
} catch (e) {
try {
xmlhttplocal= new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
} catch (E) {
if (!xmlhttplocal && typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined') {
try {
var xmlhttplocal = new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch (e) {
var xmlhttplocal=false;
alert('couldn\'t create xmlhttp object');
function sndReq(vote,id_num,ip_num,units) {
var theUL = document.getElementById('unit_ul'+id_num); // the UL
// switch UL with a loading div
theUL.innerHTML = '<div class="loading"></div>';'get', 'rpc.php?j='+vote+'&q='+id_num+'&t='+ip_num+'&c='+units);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = handleResponse;
function handleResponse() {
if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4){
if (xmlhttp.status == 200){
var response = xmlhttp.responseText;
var update = new Array();
if(response.indexOf('|') != -1) {
update = response.split('|');
changeText(update[0], update[1]);
function changeText( div2show, text ) {
// Detect Browser
var IE = (document.all) ? 1 : 0;
var DOM = 0;
if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >=5) {DOM=1};
// Grab the content from the requested "div" and show it in the "container"
if (DOM) {
var viewer = document.getElementById(div2show);
viewer.innerHTML = text;
} else if(IE) {
document.all[div2show].innerHTML = text;
/* =============================================================== */
var ratingAction = {
'a.rater' : function(element){
element.onclick = function(){
var parameterString = this.href.replace(/.*\?(.*)/, "$1"); // onclick="sndReq('j=1&q=2&t=');
var parameterTokens = parameterString.split("&"); // onclick="sndReq('j=1,q=2,t=,c=5');
var parameterList = new Array();
for (j = 0; j < parameterTokens.length; j++) {
var parameterName = parameterTokens[j].replace(/(.*)=.*/, "$1"); // j
var parameterValue = parameterTokens[j].replace(/.*=(.*)/, "$1"); // 1
parameterList[parameterName] = parameterValue;
var theratingID = parameterList['q'];
var theVote = parameterList['j'];
var theuserIP = parameterList['t'];
var theunits = parameterList['c'];
//for testing alert('sndReq('+theVote+','+theratingID+','+theuserIP+','+theunits+')'); return false;
sndReq(theVote,theratingID,theuserIP,theunits); return false;
var Behaviour = {
list : new Array,
register : function(sheet){
start : function(){
apply : function(){
for (h=0;sheet=Behaviour.list[h];h++){
for (selector in sheet){
list = document.getElementsBySelector(selector);
if (!list){
for (i=0;element=list[i];i++){
addLoadEvent : function(func){
var oldonload = window.onload;
if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
window.onload = func;
} else {
window.onload = function() {
function getAllChildren(e) {
// Returns all children of element. Workaround required for IE5/Windows. Ugh.
return e.all ? e.all : e.getElementsByTagName('*');
document.getElementsBySelector = function(selector) {
// Attempt to fail gracefully in lesser browsers
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) {
return new Array();
// Split selector in to tokens
var tokens = selector.split(' ');
var currentContext = new Array(document);
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
token = tokens[i].replace(/^\s+/,'').replace(/\s+$/,'');;
if (token.indexOf('#') > -1) {
// Token is an ID selector
var bits = token.split('#');
var tagName = bits[0];
var id = bits[1];
var element = document.getElementById(id);
if (tagName && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() != tagName) {
// tag with that ID not found, return false
return new Array();
// Set currentContext to contain just this element
currentContext = new Array(element);
continue; // Skip to next token
if (token.indexOf('.') > -1) {
// Token contains a class selector
var bits = token.split('.');
var tagName = bits[0];
var className = bits[1];
if (!tagName) {
tagName = '*';
// Get elements matching tag, filter them for class selector
var found = new Array;
var foundCount = 0;
for (var h = 0; h < currentContext.length; h++) {
var elements;
if (tagName == '*') {
elements = getAllChildren(currentContext[h]);
} else {
elements = currentContext[h].getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) {
found[foundCount++] = elements[j];
currentContext = new Array;
var currentContextIndex = 0;
for (var k = 0; k < found.length; k++) {
if (found[k].className && found[k].className.match(new RegExp('\\b'+className+'\\b'))) {
currentContext[currentContextIndex++] = found[k];
continue; // Skip to next token
// Code to deal with attribute selectors
if (token.match(/^(\w*)\[(\w+)([=~\|\^\$\*]?)=?"?([^\]"]*)"?\]$/)) {
var tagName = RegExp.$1;
var attrName = RegExp.$2;
var attrOperator = RegExp.$3;
var attrValue = RegExp.$4;
if (!tagName) {
tagName = '*';
// Grab all of the tagName elements within current context
var found = new Array;
var foundCount = 0;
for (var h = 0; h < currentContext.length; h++) {
var elements;
if (tagName == '*') {
elements = getAllChildren(currentContext[h]);
} else {
elements = currentContext[h].getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) {
found[foundCount++] = elements[j];
currentContext = new Array;
var currentContextIndex = 0;
var checkFunction; // This function will be used to filter the elements
switch (attrOperator) {
case '=': // Equality
checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName) == attrValue); };
case '~': // Match one of space seperated words
checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName).match(new RegExp('\\b'+attrValue+'\\b'))); };
case '|': // Match start with value followed by optional hyphen
checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName).match(new RegExp('^'+attrValue+'-?'))); };
case '^': // Match starts with value
checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName).indexOf(attrValue) == 0); };
case '$': // Match ends with value - fails with "Warning" in Opera 7
checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName).lastIndexOf(attrValue) == e.getAttribute(attrName).length - attrValue.length); };
case '*': // Match ends with value
checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName).indexOf(attrValue) > -1); };
default :
// Just test for existence of attribute
checkFunction = function(e) { return e.getAttribute(attrName); };
currentContext = new Array;
var currentContextIndex = 0;
for (var k = 0; k < found.length; k++) {
if (checkFunction(found[k])) {
currentContext[currentContextIndex++] = found[k];
// alert('Attribute Selector: '+tagName+' '+attrName+' '+attrOperator+' '+attrValue);
continue; // Skip to next token
if (!currentContext[0]){
// If we get here, token is JUST an element (not a class or ID selector)
tagName = token;
var found = new Array;
var foundCount = 0;
for (var h = 0; h < currentContext.length; h++) {
var elements = currentContext[h].getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) {
found[foundCount++] = elements[j];
currentContext = found;
return currentContext;
/* That revolting regular expression explained
\---/ \---/\-------------/ \-------/
| | | |
| | | The value
| | ~,|,^,$,* or =
| Attribute

XML Javascript undefined error in ie9

I have a 'jargon buster' on my site that uses an xml file to load an A-Z of words which when clicked display a brief short explanation of each word. This works fine in all browsers bar the latest ie's which i get an 'undefined' error with. The jscript im using is below
Jargon = {
xmlfile: '',
xml: null,
wordHolder: 'words',
defHolder: 'definition',
idprefix: 'jargon_',
selected: null,
init: function () {
var con = Jargon.xhcon();
Jargon.wordHolder = $(Jargon.wordHolder);
Jargon.defHolder = $(Jargon.defHolder);
if (!con || !Jargon.wordHolder || !Jargon.defHolder) {
function conComplete(oXML) {
Jargon.xml = oXML.responseXML;
con.connect(Jargon.xmlfile, 'GET', Math.random(), conComplete);
showWords: function (c) {
if (Jargon.selected) {
Jargon.selected.className = '';
var words = Jargon.getWords(c);
while (Jargon.wordHolder.childNodes.length > 0) {
while (Jargon.defHolder.childNodes.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
var o = document.createElement('a');
o.href = 'javascript:Jargon.showDef(\'' + words[i].id + '\');'; = Jargon.idprefix + words[i].id;
//o.onclick = Jargon.showDef;
if (!words.length) {
var o = document.createElement('p');
var s = 'There are no words for the letter ' + c.toUpperCase();
showDef: function (id) {
var o = $(Jargon.idprefix + id);
if (Jargon.selected) {
Jargon.selected.className = '';
if (o) {
o.className = 'selected';
Jargon.selected = o;
var defobjs = Jargon.getDef(id);
while (Jargon.defHolder.childNodes.length > 0) {
var heading = document.createElement('span');
heading.className = "jargtitle";
var definition = document.createElement('span');
definition.className = "jargdefinition";
getWords: function(c) {
var x = Jargon.xml;
var letters = x.getElementsByTagName('letter');
var oLetter = null;
for (var i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) {
if (letters[i].getAttribute('id') == c) {
oLetter = letters[i];
if (!oLetter) {
return [];
var words = [];
for (i = 0; i < oLetter.childNodes.length; i++) {
var oJargon = oLetter.childNodes[i];
if (oJargon.nodeName == 'jargon') {
var s = Jargon.getName(oJargon);
words[words.length] = {
id: oLetter.childNodes[i].getAttribute('id'),
name: s
return words;
getDef: function (id) {
var x = Jargon.xml;
var j = null;
var temp = new Array(2);
var jargons = x.getElementsByTagName('jargon');
for (var i = 0; i < jargons.length; i++) {
if (jargons[i].getAttribute('id') == id) {
j = jargons[i];
if (!j) {
return [];
//return [];
for (i = 0; i < j.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (j.childNodes[i].nodeName == 'name') {
temp[1] = j.childNodes[i].childNodes;
for (i = 0; i < j.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (j.childNodes[i].nodeName == 'desc') {
temp[0] = j.childNodes[i].childNodes;
//return [];
return temp;
cloneNode: function (oldNode, deep) {
deep = (deep) ? true : false;
// a replacement to the normal dom clone node
// this will copy xml nodes to html nodes
// which can then be inserted into the document
// scope in all browsers
// See for for the bug
var newNode = null;
if (oldNode.nodeType == '3') {
// textnode
newNode = $t(oldNode.nodeValue);
else if (oldNode.nodeType == '1') {
// element node
newNode = document.createElement(oldNode.nodeName);
if (deep) {
for (var i = 0; i < oldNode.childNodes.length; i++) {
newNode.appendChild(Jargon.cloneNode(oldNode.childNodes[i], true));
return newNode;
getName: function (oJargon) {
for (var i = 0; i < oJargon.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (oJargon.childNodes[i].nodeName == 'name') {
var oName = oJargon.childNodes[i];
var s = '';
for (var j = 0; j < oName.childNodes.length; j++) {
if (oName.childNodes[j].nodeType == 3) {
// text node
s += oName.childNodes[j].nodeValue;
return s;
return '';
xhcon: function () {
var xmlhttp, bComplete = false;
try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }
catch (e) { try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
catch (e) { try { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); }
catch (e) { xmlhttp = false; }}}
if (!xmlhttp) {
return null;
this.connect = function(sURL, sMethod, sVars, fnDone) {
if (!xmlhttp) {
return false;
bComplete = false;
sMethod = sMethod.toUpperCase();
try {
if (sMethod == "GET") {, sURL+"?"+sVars, true);
sVars = "";
else {, sURL, true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Method", "POST "+sURL+" HTTP/1.1");
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && !bComplete) {
bComplete = true;
catch(z) { return false; }
return true;
return this;
In terms of how im calling the jscript im using <li>a</li>
which loads a list of all items that begin with f then when i click one of items from that list say "Fiduciary" it triggers javascript:Jargon.showDef('f1'); which in turns loads the and into a definition div
however in ie9 it displays "undefined" . It works in all other browers
Example of the XML below:
<letter id="f"> -<jargon id="f1"> <name>Fiduciary</name> <desc>in a position of trust. This includes people such as trustees looking after trust assets for the beneficiaries and company directors running a company for the shareholders' benefit.</desc> </jargon> -<jargon id="f2"> <name>Forfeiture</name> <desc>the loss of possession of a property because the tenancy conditions have not been met by the tenant.</desc> </jargon> -<jargon id="f3"> <name>Freehold</name> <desc>describing land that only the owner has any rights over.</desc> </jargon> -<jargon id="f4"> <name>Free of encumbrances</name> <desc>no one else having any rights over something. When property is owned by someone and nobody else has any rights over it, it is owned free of encumbrances.</desc> </jargon> </letter>

