Parse Javascript and Cloud Code - javascript

I am trying to set up a simple test webpage to execute some cloud code that sends a push notification from Parse. I use Here is what I have so far:
Parse.serverUrl = '';
function sendPushNotification() {
let messageBox = document.getElementById('messageBox');
let messageToPush = messageBox.value;"sendPushNotification", { message: messageToPush }).then(function(result) {
console.log("result: " + JSON.stringify(result));
}, function(error) {
console.log("Error: " + JSON.stringify(error));
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="main.js"></script>
Message to Push:<br>
<input id="messageBox" type="text" /><br>
<input type="button" value="Push" onclick="sendPushNotification()" />
But when I add some text to the text box, I get these errors:
[Error] Failed to load resource: The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “” which could put your confidential information at risk. (sendPushNotification, line 0)
What is going wrong? In the Parse Developers JS Guide, it says:
To initialize your own Parse-Server with Javascript, you should
replace your current initialization code with this
Parse.serverURL = 'http://YOUR_PARSE_SERVER:1337/parse'
I used the back4app url that I use in my iOS app. So confused

Please make sure you're following this structure below:
Parse.initialize("YOUR_APP_ID", "YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_KEY");
Parse.serverURL = ''


Why can't I access javascript function from HTML file?

Fairly basic question here. I've run into a situation where I can't seem to access Javascript functions from within my HTML file, even though I've linked the JS file as a script src. It seems like a pretty simple issue but I can't figure out what the problem is.
I'm trying to add a function called startLogin to an HTML button. I added it as an onclick, but then when I try to click the button, the console says the function is undefined. However the function is clearly defined in the JS file and as far as I can tell the syntax I'm using for the onclick and the script src link is correct.
In addition I've confirmed that the JS file is linked to the HTML file. If I try to manipulate the DOM from the JS file just to do something simple, like set the background to red, that works fine. The problem is when I try to call a function defined in the JS file. Also I've made sure the function I'm trying to call does actually work. If I stick it right in the HTML file inside script tags, it works fine.
I've already tried moving the script tags inside the body at the end of the HTML, as I know that's often the issue, but in this case it didn't work. Can anyone help me identify why I'm unable to access the "startLogin" function from the HTML button?
FYI, this is a javascript project and I'm using Vite.js for bundling. All the other HTML/JS files in my project are playing nicely together, I'm only having an issue with the Login page.
file structure:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-
scale=1.0" />
<!-- LINK JS FILE -->
<script type="module" src="./login.js"></script>
<!-- email login form -->
<form name="emailLogin" id="emailLogin" style="display: none">
<div class="row" style="width: 600px">
<div class="col">
<div class="form-row" style="padding-bottom: 10px">
placeholder="email associated with your login"
style="width: 576px"
<div class="form-row">
<br />
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="startLogin('email')">
Send Email Login
// start the login process by generating a code sent either SMS or EMAIL
function startLogin(login_type) {
// local variables
var ajaxResult;
var subs;
var tempString;
// get the login values and set up the call
if (login_type == "phone") {
// get the values
use_country_code = $("#country").val();
use_phone = $("#phoneNumber").val();
use_phone = use_phone.replace(/\D/g, "");
// do the validation
if (use_phone.length < 10) {
"Phone number doesn't have enough digits, please try again."
// build the url
post_url =
"" +
use_country_code +
"&phone=" +
} else {
// get the values
use_email = $("#emailAddress").val();
// do the validation
if (!validateEmail(use_email)) {
"Email address does not appear to be valid, please check the format and try again."
// build the url
post_url =
"" +
// send the request to the server and process the results
type: "POST",
url: post_url,
// process the returned result of the Ajax call
success: function (ajaxResult) {
// see if we have a session token and handle the response
session_token = ajaxResult["session_token"];
if (session_token == "None") {
// hide the login and show the text message area if phone, otherwise hide email and show email message
if (login_type == "phone") {
} else {
} else {
// hide everything since already logged in and show the right message
// process after the Ajax call has been fully completed
complete: function () {
// handle total failure
error: function (jqXHR, exception) {
json_error = jqXHR["responseJSON"];
Javascript modules work a bit differently. There, variables and functions are not exposed to the global scope.
If you want to use your function from other parts of the code, you have to set it explicitly on the window object:
function startLogin(...) {
window.startLogin = startLogin;
an other solution is to set the js at end of the html, than you don't need to use the window object (memory lag)
<html lang="en">
<button type="button" id="myButton">Title</button>
function myFunction(){
console.log('running myFunction');
const button = document.querySelector('#myButton');
button.addEventListener('click', function clickListener(
the browser is simply stupid, it loads the page from top to bottom and if you load your js after the body all your html is present and you can do it this way.

Setting charset encoding in Javascript application

I am calling a SOAP service in my Javascript code, and the response of this service is correct but strings returned does not show letters with accents. So, I have a problem with encoding charset and I am trying the following actions:
1) I ensure that the HTTP response returning string data has the correct charset defined. So, I have checked with that the encoding charset of the URI that I am calling is "utf-8".
2) I have defined charset in the head section of html:
<meta charset='utf-8' content-type="text/xml;charset=UTF-8"/>
3) Also, I call this service with a function in module.js, I have also defined
<script src="node_modules/my_module.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
All three with the same wrong result.
I added an image with the some examples:
image with result strings, where in green square have to say 'Sant Martí de Tous', in red 'Moianès', in blue 'Santa Bàrbara', 'Montsià', in orange 'Torroella de Montgrí', etc
This is a minimum sample code to call SOAP service with tinysoap library:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8' content-type="text/xml; charset=utf-8"/>
<title>Test Charset Encoding</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="node_modules/tinysoap/tinysoap-browser-min.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
var tinySoap=this.tinysoap;
require(["esri/Map"], function(Map) {
var inputCtrl = document.getElementById("inputString"); // gironès
var outputCtrl = document.getElementById("outputString");
inputCtrl.onchange = function() {
var userTxtValue = inputCtrl.value;
var args = {nom: userTxtValue};
//console.log("[INPUT] : ",args);
//outputCtrl.innerHTML = "<br><b>Input ... </b>" + userTxtValue +"<br>";
tinySoap.createClient(url, function(err, client){
client.localitzaToponim(args, function(err, result) {
var data = result['item'];
//console.log("[OUTPUT] : ",data);
//outputCtrl.innerHTML += "<b>Output ... </b>";
//data.forEach(element => {
// outputCtrl.innerHTML += "<br> "+ element.Nom;
Look for place or address ...
<input id="inputString" size="50" value=""><br>
<span id="outputString"></span>
This is the result of this process for 'gironès' as input string
There is the error: "Refused to set unsafe header", but I can not see where to set header parameters to connection.
I am still working in that problem: I have checked that strings are encoded as UTF16 with this library:
using Encoding.detect(string), but Encoding.convert(string,'utf8','utf16') does not work for me, neither Encoding.convert(string,'latin1','utf16'), etc
What is the right way to define the encoding charset? Thank you

Why did fetch() API failed to retrieve custom HIBP JSON data?

I am trying to use the Have I Been Pwned? API to retrieve a list of breaches for a given email account.
I retrieve this list using the fetch() API. In the browser it looks like there is a connection to the HIBP website but the expected breaches are not visible.
I think this is a JSON problem because the API returns results without a root tree (?) (e.g. [breaches:{"Name"... - only the {"Name"}), so I think I'm making a mistake at the iteration step in the JS file. Also, I'm not calling the 'retrieve' function in the HTML file correctly because the browser throws an error: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: retrieve is not defined', but this is a side-issue (fetch('') doesn't work either).
This is my first week working with JS, fetch(), and JSON, so I consulted a couple of sources before asking this question (but I still can't figure it out, after a couple of days):
How to Use the JavaScript Fetch API to Get Data
fetch API
API methods for (unofficial)
Where is the actual problem?
The index.html file:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=en>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
<body id="top">
<header id="header">
<div class="content">
<h1 style="text-align: center">Put an email in this box</h1>
<input type="email" id="InputBox" value="" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" />
<button type="submit" id="PwnedButton" onclick="retrieve">pwned?</button>
<ul id="results"></ul>
<script src="test.js"></script>
The test.js file (I know that JS is an interpreted language - so empty characters affect execution speed - but I made it more readable for this example):
function createNode(element) {
return document.createElement(element); // Create the type of element you pass in the parameters
function append(parent, el) {
return parent.appendChild(el); // Append the second parameter(element) to the first one
const account = document.getElementById('InputBox');
const PwnedButton = document.getElementById('PwnedButton');
const results = document.getElementById('results');
fetch('' + account)
.then((resp) => resp.json()) // Transform the data into json
.then(function(retrieve) {
let breaches = retrieve.Name; // Get the results
return { // Map through the results and for each one run the code below
let span = createNode('span'); // Create the element we need (breach title)
span.innerHTML = `${breaches}`;
append(results, span);
.catch(function(error) {
let breaches = retrieve.Name;
retrieve is not an object with a Name property.
It is an array containing multiple objects, each of which has a Name property.
You have to loop over it.
retrieve.forEach( item => {
let breaches = retrieve.Name;
… and the Name is a string, so you can't map it. You can only map an array (like the one you have in retrieve).
I have created working version of what are you possible going to implement, taking Name field from result. Please notice:
return retrieve.forEach(function(check) {
let span = createNode('span');
span.innerHTML = `${check.Name}<br/>`;
append(results, span);

Youtube/Google Data API gapi.client undefined?

I am trying to get this example as a spotify app, which i will heavily edit. This should be pretty simple for anyone with real experience in the Youtube Data API. I know there are a few solutions about problems similar to this with the google APIs but all of the solutions seem to be specific to the api...
The specific errors I get right now:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined cb=gapi.loaded_0:6
index.html: This normally just loads main.js but to complete this example, I just stripped the code off of the youtube data api example for search.
<!doctype html>
<div id="buttons">
<label> <input id="query" value='cats' type="text"/><button id="search-button" disabled onclick="search()">Search</button></label>
<div id="search-container">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="scripts/auth.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/search.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
and search.js:
function handleAPILoaded() {
$('#search-button').attr('disabled', false);
// Search for a specified string.
function search() {
var q = $('#query').val();
var request ={
q: q,
part: 'snippet'
request.execute(function(response) {
var str = JSON.stringify(response.result);
$('#search-container').html('<pre>' + str + '</pre>');

Simple youtube javascript api 3 request not works

i've tried to write a simple youtube request to search video with youtube javascript api v3.
This is the source code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
function showResponse(response) {
var responseString = JSON.stringify(response, '', 2);
document.getElementById('response').innerHTML += responseString;
// Called automatically when JavaScript client library is loaded.
function onClientLoad() {
gapi.client.load('youtube', 'v3', onYouTubeApiLoad);
// Called automatically when YouTube API interface is loaded
function onYouTubeApiLoad() {
// This API key is intended for use only in this lesson.
function search() {
var request ={
part: 'snippet',
// Send the request to the API server,
// and invoke onSearchRepsonse() with the response.
// Called automatically with the response of the YouTube API request.
function onSearchResponse(response) {
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<pre id="response"></pre>
When i load this page on google chrome (updated), nothing happens, the page remains blank.
I have request the API Key for browser apps (with referers) and copied in the method gapi.client.setApiKey.
Anyone can help me?
Try this example here
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<title>Google AJAX Search API Sample</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// How to search through a YouTube channel aka
google.load('search', '1');
function OnLoad() {
// create a search control
var searchControl = new;
// So the results are expanded by default
options = new;
// Create a video searcher and add it to the control
searchControl.addSearcher(new, options);
// Draw the control onto the page
// Search
<body style="font-family: Arial;border: 0 none;">
<div id="content">Loading...</div>
When you use <script src="" ..></script>
you have to upload the html file somewhere online or use XAMPP on your PC
To use html for searching YT videos, using Javascript on PC, as I know, we need to use other codings:
1- Use javascript code similar to this for API version 2.0. Except only the existence of API KEY v3.
2- Use the jQuery method "$.get(..)" for the purpose.
For more details see (my post "JAVASCRIPT FOR SEARCHING VIDEOS"):
var maxRes = 50;
function searchQ(){
query = document.getElementById('queryText').value;
email = ''+
'&order=viewCount&q='+ query + '&key=****YOUR API3 KEY*****'+
var oldsearchS = document.getElementById('searchS');
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.setAttribute('src', email);
function myPlan(response){
for (var i=0; i<maxRes;i++){
var videoID=response.items[i].id.videoId;
if(typeof videoID != 'undefined'){
var title=response.items[i].snippet.title;
var links = '<br><img src="'+ videoID +
'/default.jpg" width="80" height="60">'+
'<br>'+(i+1)+ '. <a href="#" onclick="playVid(\''+ videoID +
'\');return false;">'+ title + '</a><br>';
document.getElementById('list1a').innerHTML += links ;
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<input type="text" value="abba" id="queryText" size="80">
<button type="button" onclick="searchQ()">Search 50 videos</button>
<div id='list1a' style="width:750px;height:300px;overflow:auto;
I used the original code that Tom posted, It gave me 403 access permission error. When I went back to my api console & checked my api access time, it was expired. So I recreated the access time for the api. It regenerated new time. And the code worked fine with results.
Simply i must make request from a web server.
Thanks all for your reply

