The way to use custom method everywhere without requiring the module everywhere - javascript

I am using Node.js. I defined a custom method to the String obj like this:
if (!String.prototype.myMethod) {
String.prototype.myMethod= function () {
//do something
return this;
I found that myMethod maybe used in many different files, so that I have to require the file where this piece of code in. Is there any way that does the many 'requires' ?

Don't do that.
Node is intentionally designed in a module pattern, where each module gets it's own scope to run in and without polluting the global variables. This very intentional and very important.


Using 'export' keyword solely for importing into Unit Tests

I'm using Meteor and am writing unit tests for a Collection. I've got Helper methods for the collection in addition to just regular JS functions.
helperFn: function () {
return 'foo';
//And in the same file
function bar() {
return "bar";
Then in my tests file I have something like
import { Collection } from '../collections'
//Use Factory or Stub to create test Document
//This then works just fine and I can assert, etc..
My question is with wanting to test just the regular 'bar' JS function. This isn't a big deal using ES6 classes because then I can just export the whole class and call any function with an instance of it. But with Meteor I'm finding the only way I can access the function is by using the 'export' keyword.
So in my Collection file
export function bar ({ return bar; });
And now in my test file I'd do something like
import { bar } from '../collection'
I'd rather not add an export statement for every time I test a new function. Is there any way around this or is it not a big deal?
I do think that the export/import is the way to go, but to answer the first part of your question: yes, you can fall back to the original scoping of meteor and put these functions in the global scope of meteor as follows:
do not put your files in the imports/ folder, but into another folder in your project, e.g., server/.
defined the functions as:
bar = function() { /* function body */ }
These variables are interpreted by meteor as being global to the project, and hence do not need to be imported before use.
That said, there was a reason meteor introduced the imports/ folder and corresponding export/import paradigm in version 1.3. It avoids polluting the global scope and makes it much easier to see where things are defined.

Allow modules access to functions/variables defined in server that requires them?

Here's a basic example of what I'm trying to do:
module.exports = {
doX () {
module.exports = {
doX () {
let data = { a:'foo', b:'bar' };
let doX = {};
doX['a'] = require('./ModuleA.js').doX;
doX['b'] = require('./ModuleB.js').doX;
doX['a'](); // Should print 'foo'
doX['b'](); // Should print 'bar'
In the actual implementation there would be many more variables to pass in than just data, so passing that to the functions isn't a viable solution.
This almost works, but the functions in the modules need access to functions and variables at the top level of the server file. I know I could global.variable all of my variables and functions but I'd rather not, as I've only seen people recommend against that. Of course I could pass every single variable and function in each function call, but that would look ridiculous and brings up way too many potential problems. I was hoping I could pass a reference to the server's namespace, by passing this or something, but that didn't work. I could register every function and variable on some object and pass that around, but that's inconvenient and I'm trying to refactor for convenience and organization. I think I could read in the module files and eval them, as seen here, but I would much rather use the standard module.exports system if possible.
I'll summarize my comments into an answer.
Your data variable is local to server.js and is not accessible to your other two modules. I'd suggest you pass it to them when you load those modules as a means of sharing it with them. That design pattern is typically called a "module constructor" if you want to read more about it.
Passing data from one module to another is how you achieve shared data with separate modules without using globals. That's how you do it. Since you've now rejected the usual design pattern, there's not much else we can do without understanding a lot more about the real problem so we can go further outside your box and suggest a better design than the path you're down.
Abstracting hardware to have a common set of methods sounds like a perfect fit for subclasses where each piece of hardware has its own subclass, all with the same interface. Shared data could be in the base class.
You can pass a lot of variables at once if you make them properties of an object and pass just the object. Then, both places can reference the same properties on the same object and you can pass an infinite number of properties by passing one object. There is no way to pass a modules namespace. You have to create your own object with properties on it and pass that. You can create such an object and then set that object into the base class and then all your derived classes can have access to that object.
In short:
module.exports = {
doX () {
^^^^ this variable is not available here. You should pass it as argument to make it available.

How do you manage namespace in Meteor?

So here is my problem :
Currently, I have a dozen of functions related to WEBRTC within a template js file. My objective is to have those functions in a separate file, called webRTCWrapper.js for example, and to call those functions in my template without using global variable.
I think I must use namespaces, am I correct ?
If so, how do you use them ?
EDIT : For anyone interested, this is exactly what I was looking for :
Make a directory called packages/ parallel to your .meteor/ directory. You can create a package that exports a single object/function. On the command line, use meteor create --package <yourpackagename> and meteor add <yourpackagename> You can edit the js file to add a namespace.
MyNamespace = {};
MyNamespace.myFunction = function () { };
Then, in the package.js, simply export that namespace.
You can use a common pattern of having a global object and your functions inside that object.
Greetings = {
hello: function(name) { return "Hello "+name+" how are you?"; }
And then you can call it inside the template helpers :
sayHello: function() { return Greetings.hello('Maxence'); }
Take note of the loading order of files in Meteor, anything inside the lib folders is loaded first. If you run into problems where "Greetings" object is not defined, then its because that file was not loaded already.
You can reuse the same pattern for adding more functions in different files (you could use App = App || {} but it will throw error in Chrome for example).
App = (typeof App === 'undefined')? {} : App;
App.someFunction = function(){};
or even, if you use underscore.js:
App = (typeof App === 'undefined')? {} : App;
_.extend(App, {
someFunction: function(){}
Since now the regular way to use the code from another file was going through a global (server and client). As Joao suggested you can make your own global App variable where you will store or more generically a global MODULE one (basically the same solution as Joao but with explanation).
But with with the arrival of ES2015 support, we will very soon be able to have an official pattern to achieve this. However as the 1.2 does not supports yet the import/export syntax:
Note, The ES2015 module syntax (import/export) is not supported yet in Meteor 1.2.
If you want to start using those features earlier, I would recommend using this package which is an temporary solution to fill the current import/export gap, the meteor team development are currently looking for an elegant solution to support this.

convert a javascript library to AMD

I'm trying to use a library -- Google's libphonenumber -- in my require application that is not AMD. What is the best way to consume this? I know I can create a module like this:
define(['module'], function (module) {
// insert and return library code here.
But that doesn't seem great. It seems like I would have to refactor some of their code to get that working (e.g., turn it all into an object and return that object). I see a lot of libraries using a different pattern where they use an immediately invoked function that defines the module on the window object and returns it.
(function() {
var phoneformat = {};
window.phoneformat = phoneformat;
if (typeof window.define === "function" && window.define.amd) {
window.define("phoneformat", [], function() {
return window.phoneformat;
** UPDATE **
Is there any reason not to just do this?
define(['lib/phoneformatter'], function(phoneformatter) {
I get access to all of my methods but now it seems they are global because I did not wrap the library in a define...
Use RequireJS's shim. It'll look something like this
shim: {
'libphonenumber': {
exports: 'libphonenumber' // Might not apply for this library
This will load libphonenumber and put its variables in the global scope
This ended up working for me:
define(['module'], function (module) {
// insert and return library code here.
I am not entirely sure why 'module' was necessary. But it doesn't work without it. Also, I just returned an object and attached functions to it like so:
return {
countryForE164Number: countryForE164Number,
nextFunction: nextFunction,
// more functions as needed.
There is not much in the way of documentation for using 'module' but from what I can ascertain: Module is a special dependency that is processed by requireJS core. It gives you information about the module ID and location of the current module. So it is entirely possible that I messed up the paths in config.

Closures in Typescript (Dependency Injection)

I'm getting my butt kicked trying to use TypeScript in a functional style with dependencies. Let's say I want to make a module that depends on another module.
If I wasn't using Dependency Injection it would look like this (in node).
SomeOtherModule = require("SomeOtherModule")
exports.doSomething = function() {
This is how I do it with Dependency Injection
module.exports = function(SomeOtherModule) {
function doSomething() {
return {doSomething: doSomething};
In typescript if you define a concrete class or module you can just type the functions as you export them or include them in the class. It's all right next to each other.
But since I can't define a module inside the DI function, the only way to do this that I can see would be to define an interface for the object I'm returning separately, which is annoying, because I want to have the type annotations in line with the definitions.
What's a better way to do this?
This will probably give you a good start:
I don't know if this is the best way to set it up. But I got it to work.
I ended up dropping AMD on my project, since I'm also using AngularJS and they step on each other's toes. I did keep using that same DI pattern through, so it looks like this in the end.
I'm pretty happy with it. I experimenting uses classes instead (you can get really close if you keep your module stateless and have the constructor be the injector function), but I didn't like having to use this for all the dependencies.
Also, classes don't actually buy me anything, because if I were coding to an interface I'd have to define the types twice anyway.
interface IMyService {
module.exports = function(SomeOtherModule) {
return {doSomething: doSomething}
function doSomething() {

