Change Bootstrap 4 Navbar expand direction - javascript

I've been looking around for a way to have my navbar, which is mounted at the bottom of my home page, expand upward when the toggle icon is clicked. I used a Bootstrap 4 Navbar template that scales with window size. Do I need to use CSS, JavaScript, or jQuery to do this?


Decide how far down bootstrap sticky navbar should be

This is the navbar we are working with.
How can you control how far up or down you want it to be/initialize?
So instead of having it start where it currently is positioned, how can I make it appear e.g. where one of the arrows is pointing?

Using bootstrap on page with resizable left panel

I am using Twitter bootstrap on a page witch is split into two parts - left panel and main window. When the panel changes its width, I want the layout of the main window behave as the page viewport has changed.
Is it possible to change bootstrap breakpoints with javascript, so when I change the left panel, the main window starts using col-xs instead of col-md?
In the other words: I need to change layout according to some container, not to the browser window width.

Bootstrap scroll on divs depending on device height

Is there a way to have a scrollbar appear on a div depending on the devices height?
This menu is opened by a hamburger drawer on the side.
Drawer contains 3 divs - login div, menu div and social media div
You can reorder all 3 divs on your liking.
My menu div is customization on how many items it will show.
My problem is that of there are about 10 items in the menu and is viewed on a phone. It overlays over the bottom div if there is one.
I would like it not to overlay other divs.
I tried using
Css - Overflow-y:scroll but that requires a fixed height.
I tried using JS as well with this example
But my header and footer can vary so it won't work
P.S Maybe check if the div exist or not first? How would i implement this?
Is there another way i can achieve this?

Is there a way to toggle the bootstrap responsive collapse menu upwards instead of downwards

Hi I was wondering if there was a way to toggle the bootstrap responsive nav upwards instead of down. I don't have a fixed bottom nav but still wanted it to go up instead of down and didn't know if this was in their framework or if there was a way with javascript or jquery to do so.

Nested, collapsing sidebar nav with Bootstrap, Scrollspy, and Collapse?

I'd like to create sidebar navigation with subnavigation that appears when a user enters the parent section on the page:
I think the way to do it with bootstrap is a combination of the affix, scrollspy and collapse plugins, but I'm not sure how to fire the correct collapse event when the user scrolls into or clicks into the correct parent section.
For anyone else wondering, I ended up using the Tocify plugin. Not exactly what I had in mind, but does what I needed.

