Sharing Data Between Javascript Files - javascript

I have a script that generates a JSON formatted string. I want to use the data contained in this string in another script. I'm not sure where to even start. I've thought about running both scripts from the same directory and somehow outputting the JSON data into a text file and then loading it into the second script but this seems like more of a workaround than an actual solution. Is it possible to somehow call the second script from the first and pass it the data? Much like passing data between functions in a single script?
FWIW I have tried simply combining the functions the two scripts perform into one, but this has caused me countless headaches with no progress. For simplicity sake I'd prefer to keep the functions performed by each script separate (apart from the obvious data sharing requirement!).
Any advice or a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

If JSON data is less than 5 mb then you can use localStorage to save the output in browser.
In first js file:
function fOne(){
var jsonStr = ''; //insert some json data here
localStorage.setItem("myJson", JSON.stringify(jsonStr)); //save data
In your second js file:
function fTwo(){
if (localStorage.getItem("myJson") !== null) {
var passedJson = localStorage.getItem("myJson"); //get saved data anytime

It is hard to say without some code to reference but maybe just a global variable with a check if its null.
var myJsonString = null;
function one () {
var jsonString = "[]";
myJsonString = jsonString;
function two () {
//string not set so bail
if (myJsonString === null) { return; }

So it actually depends what environment you are programming in. If its a web browser, all of the code is in the global space actually and is run in order. so if you have <script src="file1"> then <script src="file2"> in your html file, and you put x = 10 in the first file and use it in the second, you will have no problems. If you are using node.js, I can post a solution for that as well, just let me know.
(btw if you put x = 10 in the second file and reference it from the first it will throw an error)
There are ways of avoiding this, such as using a document.ready function or wrapping things in functions and then calling them at the end. You need to make sure that functions and variables are created before being used (this is a common mistake beginners make and are confused by)


How do I get a JS script to parse raw JSON from a file?

I have a really simple JSON data file with no kind of wrapping, e.g.:
[{"name:","fakename"}, {"lang:", "javascript"}]
I'm trying to use this data in a js script in the same directory. I'm reading in both files in the document <head>, like such:
<script id="myJSON" src="data.json"></script>
<script src="myScript.js"></script>
and then the part I'm stuck on is how to get myScript to SEE that JSON data. In the script I can do:
d = document.getElementById("myJSON");
The script returns the DOM element "myJSON" but I don't know how to access its JSON contents. I figured it would be a property like 'text' or 'value' or 'innerHTML' but I don't see it anywhere. I've tried various combinations of the type attribute in the tag but none of that makes any difference.
I know I could use an API like fetch but that's more complexity than I want. My best idea so far is to edit the json file to put an identifier at the beginning of the json file, like var myJSON = '[{"json"}]'; so then myScript would have a clear handle to JSON.parse(myJSON). But that's an extra step in an automated process which I don't want (or think I need).
How do I get my JS to see this "anonymous" JSON?
If you don't want to use fetch, you could use the server side code (PHP, ASP, etc) to write the text of the JSON into a hidden div in the page, and then you could use getElementByID to get the text, followed by parse to get an object that represents the JSON data.
This was not that much extra code but it was kind of a pain to wrap my head around. I had to wrap everything in a .then clause of fetch, or of an async function which called fetch. Here's what my code ended up looking like.
readJSONFile().then(jq => {
for (i = 0; i < jq.length; ++i) {
console.log( jq[i].myJSONKey )
async function readJSONFile() {
const response = await fetch('data.json');
const jq = await response.json();
return jq;

One main JS varibles file for multiple HTML files

So I am wanting to create one file where I can list and edit links without opening every file.
So I am wanting to have a page like and in there I want to have all my information where I can information.
I will have around 20 etc. So instead of opening every HTML file to edit it, I would like to have just one main file where I can set for example links and titles.
I am not perfect at JS but I do understand the most parts. So in the jar file I will have like "var link1 =" and inside link1.html, it will turn out as <a href="></a> Something like that.
Sorry if you do not understand this as I am tired and cannot explain correctly. Thanks.
I managed to find a way to do this by using :)
link3 = function() {
location.href = "";
Though it is a broad topic but hopefully this will help you in designing your application.
You can have one js file will a json object. Example
var Links = {}; // namespacing
Links.linkObject = {
//Rest of links
Links.linkContains() {
return Links.linkObject;
Import this file using script tag
<script src="links.js"></script>
Now in your main js file or any other file you can call this inside some function
function customFunction() {
var getLinks = Links.linkContains() // will return the json array of links
Once you get the getLinks you can use dot or bracket notation to get the value.
For example getLinks.linkOne will return someLink.
You can use this object to retrieve value anywhere in your application and when you will change the relevant value in link.js it will reflect everywhere

make sure javascript external script has completed before continuing

I am creating a few web pages that use the same large set of data, and it takes a few seconds to load and be processed. So it only has to load & process once, I put the loading in an external .js script, and assign the resulting array to a variable that I then could use in the other pages that reference that script.
Let's call the external script that loads the data external.js and one file that uses the data index.html. index.html has script tags with src="external.js" followed by script tags containing page-specific javascript.
How can I ensure that the index.html script waits for external.js to finish, or at least waits for the data portion to finish? I tried enclosing the code in $(function() { ... }); which is supposed to wait until the page loads, but it didn't work. I can see via console.log that it executes index.html before it finishes external.js.
Is there another strategy I can try to ensure the external.js is completely done before the javascript in index is executed?
Added info:
The external.js is kinda long and I'd rather not post it all, just the relevant parts. In index.html and the other pages to come, I will do a lot of stuff with the data so I want it as small as possible.
External.js uses d3's json() function (here is the latest incarnation):
json = [];
var loadJson = function() {
d3.json("data/file.json", function(error, json) {
// above file is an array of about 40,000 objects, ~36MB.
json = json.filter(function(d) { .. };
// above filter keep only the objects with certain properties.
// then I drop the properties I don't care about to reduce the size of the data
var tempdata = [];
json.forEach(function(d, i) {
tempdata[i] = {
// etc.
json = tempdata;
(Imagine all the closing brackets and stuff.)
Then in index, I want to be able to use json as a regular array of objects that I can different things with on each of my pages, but it wasn't letting me. All I'm doing right now in that file is console.log(json). That produces [] in the console, after which I get the correct data for json.
This is not an ajax question. It has nothing to do with ajax.

Store very small amount of data with javascript

I have one of those websites that basically gives you a yes or no response to a question posed by the url. An example being
My site is more of an in-joke and the answer changes frequently. What I would like to be able to do is store a short one or two word string and be able to change it without editing the source on my site if that is possible using only javascript. I don't want to set up an entire database just to hold a single string.
Is there a way to write to a file without too much trouble, or possibly a web service designed to retrieve and change a single string that I could use to power such a site? I know it's a strange question, but the people in my office will definitely get a kick out of it. I am even considering building a mobile app to manipulate the answer on the fly.
To be clear I just want to change the value of a single string but I can't just use a random answer. Without being specific, think of it as a site that states if the doctor is IN or OUT, but I don't want it to spit out a random answer, it needs to say IN when he is IN and OUT when he is out. I will change this value manually, but I would like to make the process simple and something I can do on a mobile device. I can't really edit source (nor do I want to) from a phone.
If I understand correctly you want a simple text file that you change a simple string value in and have it appear someplace on your site.
var string = "loading;"
string = result;
// use string
Since you don't want to have server-side code or a database, one option is to have javascript retrieve values from a Google Spreadsheet. Tabletop ( is one library designed to let you do this. You simply make a public Google Spreadsheet and enable "Publish to web", which gives you a public URL. Here's a simplified version of the code you'd then use on your site:
function init() {
Tabletop.init( { url: your_public_spreadshseet_url,
callback: function (data) {
simpleSheet: true } )
Two ideas for you:
1) Using only JavaScript, generate the value randomly (or perhaps based on a schedule, which you can hard code ahead of time once and the script will take care of the changes over time).
2) Using Javascript and a server-side script, you can change the value on the fly.
Use JavaScript to make an AJAX request to a text file that contains the value. Shanimal's answer gives you the code to achieve that.
To change the value on the fly you'll need another server-side script that writes the value to some sort of data store (your text file in this case). I'm not sure what server-side scripting (e.g. PHP, Perl, ASP, Python) runtime you have on your web server, but I could help you out with the code for PHP where you could change the value by pointing to in a browser. The PHP script would simply write Probably to the text file.
Though javascript solution is possible it is discouraged. PHP is designed to do such things like changing pieces of sites randomly. Assuming you know that, I will jump to javascript solution.
Because you want to store word variation in a text file, you will need to download this file using AJAX or store it in .js file using array or string.
Then you will want to change the words. Using AJAX will make it possible to change the words while page is loaded (so they may, but do not have to, change in front of viewers eyes).
Changing page HTML
Possible way of changing (words are in array):
var status = "IN"; //Edit IN to OUT whenever you want
<script src="wordlist.js"></script>
<div>Doctor is <span id="changing">IN</span></div>
function changeWord(s) { //Change to anything
document.getElementById("changing").innerHTML = s;
changeWord(status); //Get the status defined in wordlist.js
Reloading from server
If you want to change answer dynamically and have the change effect visible on all open pages, you will need AJAX or you will have to make browser reload the word list, as following:
Reloading script
function reloadWords() {
var script = document.createElement("script"); //Create <script>
script.src = "wordlist.js"; //Set the path
script.onload = function() {changeWord(status)}; //Change answer after loading
document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); //Append to <head> so it loads as script. Can be appended anywhere, but I like to use <head>
Using AJAX
Here we assume use of text file. Simplest solution I guess. With AJAX it looks much like this:
http = ActiveXObject==null?(new XMLHttpRequest()):(new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"));
http.onloadend = function() {
document.getElementById("changing").innerHTML = this.responseText; //Set the new response, "IN" or "OUT"
}"GET", "words.txt")
Performance of AJAX call may be improved using long-poling. I will not introduce this feature more here, unless someone is interested.

Accessing JSON values with a variable

I'm trying to access JSON data with jQuery and grab a specific set of values based on a variable. I've done this before using [] but for some reason I can't figure out what is going wrong this time.
My JSON file (being read in by getJSON, and named jsonmaker.php) looks like this:
I then have a function which is essentially this:
function addAttrib(attrib) {
$.getJSON("jsonmaker.php", function(data) {
But it keeps returning undefined. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I've checked to make sure the var going to attrib is 0107001, no problems there.
Also, I know my JSON file is a php file so I could filter what's returned to match the attrib value, but I'm looking to develop something that can run purely on HTML and JS, so I could just pack the JSON file for the project and take it with me. No need for a web server w/ PHP etc.
The data access itself works for me:
var data = {"0107001":{"label":"Canada","x":"0","y":"0.34"},"0107002":{"label":"USA","x":"-0.16","y":"0.53"}};
var attrib = "0107002";
alert(data[attrib].label); // USA
Make sure that attrib remains untouched between the moment you call addAttrib() and the moment when the AJAX request completes and your anonymous callback function gets called.
Update: is this your real code? You have at least one syntax error:
function addAttrib(attrib) {
$.getJSON("jsonmaker.php", function(data) {
}); // <- Please note missing ");"
In my experience, $.getJSON() doesn't always return an object. Depending on the MIME type that the server returns along with the JSON, you might end up with a string instead of an object. Check what data contains. If it's a string, you must manually parse it using eval() (old style) or JSON.parse() (new browsers only).
try to list all properties from data, to have sure the data is being returned:
for (var p in data){
if (data.hasOwnProperty(p){
It's not your solution but with this you can know how your data is coming.

