Update context variables using .js. Its possible? - javascript

i'm trying to send a user name to my WCS but i not sure how can i do that using a request. My consersation ask for the user email and use a js script to return a json from my sql server...
I'm doing something like that:
What's your email? // WCS
caique.rodrigues#test.com //USER
Just a minute.<script>getUserInformation('caique.rodrigues#test.com');</script> // WCS
nodeTrue //USER (I sent this after confirmated if the user exist and got the user name.)
Hi <span id='myText'></span><script>document.getElementById('myText').innerHTML = userName;</script>! //WCS
I know this is not the best way to do that but it is working. I'm trying to call my js functions using something like "output:{'action':}" (And handle it in my node.js like the 'car dashboard sample'), but, it's possible send a varible from my .js to a conversation context?

I had the same problem a few months ago. In this case, I used functions for access the context variables on the client side (Using this example from Ashley and accessing the context), but, for security issues of some company data, I did need to use custom code in the server-side... And, for this case, you can use the method call for Watson Conversation, and access the context variables and creates values with custom code in your favor.
Something like this:
conversation.message(payload, function (err, data) {
data.context.yourValue = returnFromYourDatabase;
if (err) {
return res.status(err.code || 500).json(err);
updateMessage(payload, data, req, res);
You can see the function updateMessage, this call is one example from IBM Developers, and this function is used to update the message in every request. You can use this function to set too, because this function get the parameters from the call.
For example:
function updateMessage(input, response) {
response.context.yourValue = returnFromYourDatabase;
var responseText = null;
if (!response.output) {
response.output = {};
See API Reference for Watson Conversation Service using Node.js.
See the Project with Node.js by IBM Developers.


Get an entityName by GUID, despite of what form is loaded at the moment for use in XrmServiceToolkit.Soap.setState()

I'm stuck on the XrmServiceToolkit.Soap.setState() function.
I'm on studying MS CRM. One of my tasks is to activate and deactivate a record (this time it's a native "contact" record). I've decided to build my solution in a following way (according to other tasks):
On the OnLoad event of my custom entity's form I create a new contact using XrmServiceToolkit (task condition), then update one field in newly created contact. This actually doesn't make sense in production to create something on this event, but nevertheless, is done this way only for my convenience:
function Practice3()
let entityToUpdate = CreateRecordWithToolkit("VP_Created by","Xrm Service Toolkit","4F52999B-0E63-EA11-8125-00155D06F203");
alert("Switching to new record!");
Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("contact", entityToUpdate);
// I don't post the CreateRecordWithToolkit(fname, lname, accountId) and UpdateFieldsWithXrmServiceToolkit(targetEntity) functions 'cos all is Ok there
// and entityToUpdate GUID is passed properly
Between creation and posting updates I send a command to load that newly created form. It does'n activated it at once, but updates are inserted correctly.
Then I pass the same GUID to my next function DeactivateAndActivateContact(targetEntity) and here I stuck.
Can anyone explain or give a hint on how to use the XrmServiceToolkit.Soap.setState() function? I can't get the "entityName" parameter - what is this? How can I get it with having entity's GUID? I was trying to use it like this:
function DeactivateAndActivateContact(targetEntity)
let entityName = GetObjectAttribute(targetEntity, "contact", "name");
XrmServiceToolkit.Soap.setState(entityName,targetEntity, "0", "0",false);
Xrm.Page.data.refresh(true).then(null, null);
but getting an undefined error.
Is there any way to get an entityName by GUID? 'cos I'm getting the name of current form.
Error is raised when stepping in to this line:
XrmServiceToolkit.Soap.setState(entityName,targetEntity, "0", "0",false);
To Deactivate contact here is below code,
Note Rest API call is Asynchronous and You will have to use execution context and formcontext in Dynamics
Also you could change your other SOAP calls with Rest API. Refer to CRM Rest Builder, it's way easy to build calls with it.
var entity = {};
entity.statuscode = 2;
entity.statecode = 1;
Xrm.WebApi.online.updateRecord("contact", "4A342F12-D248-E211-8669-005056922461", entity).then(
function success(result) {
var updatedEntityId = result.id;
formContext.data.refresh(yes).then(successCallback, errorCallback);
function(error) {

Google Execution API with Simple Access API key to access AUTHORS spreadsheet?

From what I understand, deploying a Google Script as a Google Execution API allows me to call each function from my script separately as and when I need it.
I have a webpage with some buttons and forms that I want to run the functions within my script on.
I have a Google Script with some (example) functionality:
function addPlayer(name,email,group) {
//name email group
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SHEET_ID); //Sheet belonging to me, script author.
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Players");
sheet.appendRow(new Date(),name,email,group);
function updatePlayer() {
//update player row with new data
//name email group
function anotherFunction() {
//store some data in another sheet within spreadsheet.
function listPlayers()
//return data from sheet
And a sample webpage which wants to run functions from that script:
function OnLoadCallback() { //on gapi load
gapi.client.setApiKey(API_KEY); //developer dashboard generated browser API key
// Create execution request.
var request = {
'function': 'addPlayer',
'parameters': [name,email,group],
'devMode': true
// Make the request.
var op = gapi.client.request({
'root': 'https://script.googleapis.com',
'path': 'v1/scripts/' + scriptId + ':run',
'method': 'POST',
'body': request
I get a 401 UNAUTHENTICATED error at the moment saying I do not have valid auth credentials.
Is it possible for this webpage to use the API without requiring each webpage visitor to oAuth (which doesn't make sense to me as it's not THEIR data/sheet I am trying to access but my own? I know if I deploy as web app I can set it to execute AS me, but is there any similar equivalent for the Execution API?
I chose to use execution script as I need to be able to run several different functions, and as a webapp my only option would be the doPost() which wouldn't let me differentiate adding to sheets/updating sheets/reading from sheets easily?
Am I missing something completely here? If this is entirely the wrong approach I would be super grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.
Based on this SO question, by adding SpreadsheetApp calls, you've modified the authentication scope required for your script. You need to update your scope to include Spreadsheets.
To use the API, you must supply a valid OAuth token that covers all the scopes used by the script. To find the correct scopes to include in the authentication token, open the project in the script editor, then select File > Project properties and click the Scopes tab.
Here is the link for the list of OAuth scope.
Check also this SO question for more information.

How to set access token on analytics API?

i was wondering, the documentation has tutorials for implementing use of the Analytics API in several languages.
Now in PHP they show how to store the access token and maintain it , now i assume the JS somehow mentains it in some sort of local storage but i don't wish the user to authenticate each time he visitis so my plan is to save the access & refresh token in my database and simply applying it to the client-side instead of going through the all pop up procress.
According to tutorial this :
gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: clientId, scope: scopes, immediate: false}, result);
Fires the popup which returns the access token but i'll say again i'm intrested in submiting token from database.
How can that be done?
is there some gapi.auth.setToken(token) method which after i could make calls to Core Reporting API?
I arrived here looking for a solution using this after having already written PHP to do the auth using google's PHP client libraries. I wanted to share the stored token as you mentioned, and be able to use javascript without re-authenticating, and/or triggering the popup (there may be a solution to this using the .init(callback) method, see docs/links at end).
Is there some gapi.auth.setToken(token) method
It turns out you can, there is the exact setToken(token) function you mention, and, you can even share the auth token generated earlier in PHP. What I'm not sure about yet, is if we should do it :)
I'm using PHP to do the initial auth, but presumeably in the javascript client you'd be able to call setToken() on something that you'd stored with getToken() in the same manner as this example. There may also be better approaches to this, like CORS (see links at end) mentioned in the API Authentication docs that I haven't had a chance to investigate any of these yet, but, I can give an example to answer the question, and might be useful to others needing the same behaviour
I first found Google developer Dan Holevoet's blog post with some sample JS code.
It's great to be able to query the API directly with javascript, and dynamically load lists etc, but the thing that worried me about this of course was storing clientid etc in js..
// Snippet from Dan's post
var clientId = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID';
var apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
var scopes = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar';
function handleClientLoad() {
But, according to Dan in an answer to the same question:
The apiKey is used in conjunction with designated referrers, which you
must declare in the APIs Console. If the key is sent from an
unauthorized referrer, it will not work. You should make your accepted
referrer list as limited as possible to ensure that others do not use
your apiKey for their own requests.
Now, my example is for the calendar API, but it all seems pretty consistent with the other APIs as well.
Note: This snippet was for proof-of-concept purposes only, and probably shouldn't be used in production. I assume the referrer protection mentioned makes something like this OK to do, but more thought needs to be given. It could be done by hidden input, AJAX call etc.. But in the end, they're all going to be visible in the javascript.
What I did to test the concept was to:
Authenticate via PHP client libs, using the same script/URL as callback (see [API console][2] for these callbacks)
On sucessful auth, in callback, set a global javascript variable in the page to the stored PHP auth token
Once page is loaded, on your first click event to use the javascript (or even in document ready), call authMe() to set the token
Then proceed as normal, calling any javascript API methods that you have given scope to in the initial PHP authentication process (in this case makeApiCall())
Like so:
In the php callback routine, regardless of whether authenticated yet (assuming that your callback URL is the same script), make this var global
<script type="text/javascript">
// A place to stick PHP's auth token once the auth dance is done
var dodgey_global_access_token = {};
Now, in php callback routine once we've checked that we're authenticated, and $_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken(); has been called (IE storing the auth token somewhere for later), or at least $client->getAccessToken() has something meaningful:
<script type="text/javascript">
// Set the js var via PHP here.. Yeck... Note json encode in php and parse in jquery
dodgey_global_access_token = $.parseJSON (<?php echo json_encode ($client->getAccessToken() ); ?>);
// dodgey_global_access_token now contains the auth token structure
// Removed auth-related functions in Dan's code - we'll already have a token
// Dan's orig function to list events in 'primary' calendar
function makeApiCall() {
gapi.client.load('calendar', 'v3', function() {
var request = gapi.client.calendar.events.list({
'calendarId': 'primary'
request.execute(function(resp) {
for (var i = 0; i < resp.items.length; i++) {
var li = document.createElement('li');
// My function to setToken with the token injected from PHP authentication
function authMe () {
// Stuff the token into the gapi object
gapi.auth.setToken( dodgey_global_access_token );
// Now call the original 'makeAPICall' function now that we're 'authenticated'
Note: I used jquery in my example to quickly parse the JSON, we're already using it in the project, but if not, you'll have to find another library to do so
Relevant/useful docs:
// Sorry, as a new poster I can only post 2 hyperlinks,
// so embedding this in code snippet
// http://code.google.com/p/google-api-javascript-client/wiki/ReferenceDocs#gapi
// http://code.google.com/p/google-api-javascript-client/wiki/Authentication
// http://code.google.com/p/google-api-javascript-client/issues/detail?id=22
// http://code.google.com/p/google-api-javascript-client/wiki/CORS
// https://code.google.com/apis/console
Let me know if anything's unclear, and can post a working sample to demo.
Google API documentation has changed a bit from when this answer was first provided. google-api-javascript-client is no longer the recommended library for accessing google api libraries and Google suggests using discovery documents to load specific libraries.
As a result, the workflow that you are looking for in order to load all the libraries and set the access token would look like this:
var token = 'someaccesstokenfromoauth2'
gapi.load('client:auth2', function(){
gapi.auth.setToken({ access_token: token })
// business logic with gapi.client.analyticsreporting()
Load gapi with:
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/api.js"></script>

Node.JS Socket.IO sending packets to specific connection IDs

I have been searching for this particular problem for the past week, and since I couldn't find any information on the subject(that wasnt outdated), I just decided to work on other things. But now I am at the point where I need to be able to send data(that I constructed) to specific clients using their ID who are connected to my server using node.js and socket.io. I already store the ID in an object for each new connection. What I need to know is a way to just send it to a connection ID I choose.
Something like: function send(data, client.id) {};
I am using an http server, not TCP.
Is this possible?
server = http_socket.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
client_ip_address = req.header('x-forwarded-for');
socket = io.listen(1337); // listen
// Socket event loop
socket.on ('connection', function (client_connect) {
var client_info = new client_connection_info(); // this just holds information
client_info.addNode(client_connect.id, client_connect.remoteAddress, 1); // 1 = trying to connet
var a = client_info.getNode(client_connect.id,null,null).socket_id; // an object holding the information. this function just gets the socket_id
client_connect.socket(a).emit('message', 'hi');
client_connect.on('message', function (data) {
client_connect.on ('disconnect', function () {
solution: I figured it out by just experimenting... What you have todo is make sure you store the SOCKET, not the socket.id (like i was doing) and use that instead.
client_info.addNode(client_connect.id, client_connect.remoteAddress, client_connect, 1)
var a = client_info.getNode(client_connect.id,null,null,null).socket;
a.emit('message', 'hi');
If you need to do this, the easiest thing to do is to build and maintain a global associative array that maps ids to connections: you can then look up the appropriate connection whenever you need and just use the regular send functions. You'll need some logic to remove connections from the array, but that shouldn't be too painful.
Yes, it is possible.
io.sockets.socket(id).emit('message', 'data');
Your solution has one major drawback: scaling. What will you do when your app needs more the one machine? Using internal IDs also could be difficult. I advice using external IDs (like usernames).
Similarly to this post I advice using rooms (together with Redis to allow scaling). Add private room for every new socket (basing on user's name for example). The code may look like this:
socket.join('priv/' + name);
io.sockets.in('priv/' + name).emit('message', { msg: 'hello world!' });
This solution allows multiple machines to emit events to any user. Also it is quite simple and elegant in my opinion.

Can node.js execute JavaScript functions pulled from CouchDB like CouchApp does? How?

The quick overview is this: for my web app I can write most of my functionality using CouchApp and CouchDB views, etc. I love the feature of CouchApp that pushes my code up to the server via replication- this makes the deployment cycle very easy.
However, to do some arbitrary work not supported in couchdb and works around a few limitations, I need to put a web platform in front of CouchDB. I'm considering building this in node.js because it uses JavaScript and I want to continue the easy deployment method of pushing code into the database.
Here's how i imagine it working:
- I write a web server/service in node.js using the normal method and the node command to start it.
- this sevice connects to couch db and gets a virtual list and a URL mapping list. This list is stored in redis for quick lookup. This list will tell the server, when it gets a request, based on host and path, etc, which handler is to be run.
- the server fetches the handler- which is just a document, it could be a design document or an arbitrary json document in couchdb. And then executes that handler to handle the request, as if I'd writte the handler as part of node js.
So the question is, how to get a son data structure that contains a JavaScript function in it, in text form, and execute that function?
This may be blindingly obvious, but i come from a compiled background, so normally there would be a compilation step here that makes this pretty much impossible.
So, what I'm thinking is in pseudo code:
Var string thecode = getValueForMapKey(handlerFunctionIWant);
Is there an exec or run function that will do the magical execution step above in JavaScript?
It will run in the node.js context.
You can also use it in node, like this, as a dynamic function:
var cradle = require('cradle');
var db = new(cradle.Connection)().database('db_name');
db.get('_design/node%2Fyour_code', function (err, doc) {
if (!err){
var your_code = new Function(doc['arguments'].join(','), doc.code);
your_code("cool", "also cool");
console.error('error:', err);
make your docs look like this:
"_id": "_design/node/your_code",
"arguments": [
"code": "console.log('arg1', nameOfArg1); console.log('arg2', nameOfArg2);"
It's in the same scope as where the new Function is called, so you have access to cradle, or you can require other libs, which will be loaded as if it was an anon function in that scope.
Put it in a design doc, then only admin can make changes, out of the box.
Here is a nicer, but similar approach:
// Format, in db:
doc = {
"_id": "_design/node",
"your_function_name": {
"arguments": [
"code": "console.log('arg1', nameOfArg1); console.log('arg2', nameOfArg2);"
"your_other_function_name": {
"arguments": [
"code": "console.log('hello', name, 'how\\'s it going, bro?');"
var cradle = require('cradle');
var db = new(cradle.Connection)().database('db_name');
function run_from_db(name, args){
db.get('_design/node', function (err, doc) {
if (!err){
if (doc[name] !== undefined){
var fn = new Function(doc[name]['arguments'].join(','), doc[name].code);
fn.apply(fn, args);
console.error("could not find", name, "in _design/node");
run_from_db('your_other_function_name', ['konsumer']);
this will output:
hello konsumer how's it going, bro?
eval(handlerFunctionIwant) is the call to execute it. You need to make sure that there's no way for hackers to inject code into that string, of course.
It is not clear to me if this will evaluate it in a context that has access to other javescript resources, such as the rest of node.js or access to your couchdb library.

