ES8 using arrow function with async and await - javascript

I'm currently learning how to use ES8's fetch, async and await I currently have this code that works:
const url = "";
async function tellJoke() {
let data = await (await fetch(url)).json();
return data.value.joke;
tellJoke().then(data => console.log(data));
"Chuck Norris can dereference NULL."
but I found a snippet using an arrow function, the problem is that I don't know how to return my value the way I'm doing it in my current example.
const fetchAsync = async () =>
await (await fetch(url)).json()
If this is not a best practice let me know, also any further reading is welcomed.

You can again use the same approach that you used to shorten the usual
async function tellJoke() {
let response = await fetch(url);
let data = await response.json();
return data.value.joke;
to your implementation. As a one-liner it can look like this:
const tellJoke = async () => (await (await fetch(url)).json()).value.joke;

Use as same in the function. If you have no body expression in your code (witout {}), it will return the result of the statement. In this case the result of await (await fetch(url)).json().value.joke.
const fetchAsync = async () => (await (await fetch(url)).json()).value.joke;
or with multi line body. With body expression {} you need explicitly return as in simple function.
const fetchAsync = async () => {
const result = await fetch(url);
const data = await result.json();
return data.value.joke;


Use fetched API data outside of the function

To make my code cleaner I want to use fetched API data in a few different functions, instead of one big. Even though I 've did manage to reffer to that data in other functions, the problem is the API im a fetching throws different, randomized results every time it is called. And so the output from userData() does not equal that from userData2(), even though my intention is different and I'd like the result variable contents to be the same between functions.
const getData = () =>
fetch("").then((response) =>
const useData = async () => {
const result = await getData();
const useData2 = async () => {
const result = await getData();
Your getData() function returns a promise. One fun fact about promises is that while they can only resolve once, that resolved value can be accessed and used as many times as you want.
const dataPromise = getData();
const useData = async () => {
const result = await dataPromise;
const useData2 = async () => {
const result = await dataPromise;
Using await resolves the promise value, the equivalent of...
dataPromise.then((result) => {
// or `dataPromise.then(console.log)` if you like brevity
I like to point this out about the fetch-api... you should always check the Response.ok property
const getData = async () => {
const res = await fetch("");
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error(`${res.status}: ${await res.text()}`);
return res.json();

How to return a promise that resolves customized data from API Javascript

So I'm using the API of National Weather Service to create a weather app. But the fetched data is very complicated, and I need to fetch two different APIs. So I want to write a customized async function that returns a promise, which resolves to an object that contains only the necessary data I need.
I came up with something like this:
async function fetchWeatherAPI(){
//data that I need
let data = {};
try {
const res1 = await fetch(url1);
const result1 = await res1.json();
data = { , result1.usefulData};
} catch(error){}
try {
const res2 = await fetch(url2);
const result2 = await res2.json();
data = {, result2.usefulData};
} catch(error){}
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
This code is working for me. But the problem is, what if the APIs reject? How can I handle the error so that I can display the error message in the returned promise? I may want something like this:
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
if(...) reject(errrorMessage);
Just do return data. You're already inside an async function and the return value from that function will be the resolved value of the promise that the async function already returns:
async function fetchWeatherAPI(){
//data that I need
let data = {};
const res1 = await fetch(url1);
const result1 = await res1.json();
data = { , result1.usefulData};
const res2 = await fetch(url2);
const result2 = await res2.json();
data = {, result2.usefulData};
return data;
In addition, your catch blocks are silently eating errors and attempting to continue as if nothing went wrong. You probably just want the error to propagate back to the caller so if you just remove your try/catch blocks, that's what will happen.
And, the return new Promise() you have is entirely superfluous and unnecessary (referred to as an anti-pattern). You can just remove it and return data instead.
Note: Since the code you show does not show any dependency between your first and second fetch() calls, you could run them in parallel and perhaps finish them faster.
async function fetchWeatherAPI(){
//data that I need
let data = {};
const [result1, result2] = await Promise.all([
fetch(url1).then(r => r.json()),
fetch(url2).then(r => r.json())
return {, result1.usefulData, result2.usefulData};
Or, I often use a helper function in my code when doing a lot of fetch() calls:
function fetchJson(...args) {
return fetch(...args).then(r => r.json());
async function fetchWeatherAPI() {
//data that I need
let data = {};
const [result1, result2] = await Promise.all([
return {, result1.usefulData, result2.usefulData };

Why does this function call throws "await is only valid in async function" Syntax Error even though the function is async?

There is a loadJson function that returns the Json of a firebase link
async function loadJson(url) {
let response = await fetch(url)
let data = await response.json()
return data
I am trying to assign the value of loadJson() to this variable and use it in a promise.
let indexJSON = await loadJson(url)
indexJSON.then(() => {
// some code
But why does this code throws the following error?
Uncaught SyntaxError: await is only valid in async function
your problem is your await here:
let indexJSON = await loadJson(url)
indexJSON.then(() => {
// some code
if you want the promise call the function without await:
let indexJSON = loadJson(url)
You could go with a IIFE and make use of async-await, otherwise use then to evaluate the promise.
(async () => {
let indexJSON = await loadJson(url)

Async puppeteer browser disconnect after few iterations

I tested iterations with puppeteer in a small case. I already have read the common reason for puppeteer disconnections are that the Node script doesnt wait for the puppeteer actions to be ended. So I converted all functions in my snippet into async functions but it didnt help.
If the small case with six iterations work I will implement it in my current project with like 50 iterations.
'use strict';
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const arrIDs = [8322072, 1016816, 9312604, 1727088, 9312599, 8477729];
const call = async () => {
await puppeteer.launch().then(async (browser) => {
arrIDs.forEach(async (id, index, arr) => {
await browser.newPage().then(async (page) => {
await page.goto(`${id}`).then(async () => {
await page.$eval(' > table > tbody', async (heading) => {
return heading.innerText;
}).then(async (result) => {
await browser.close();
forEach executes synchronously. replace forEach with a simple for loop.
const arrIDs = [8322072, 1016816, 9312604, 1727088, 9312599, 8477729];
const page = await browser.newPage();
for (let id of arrIDs){
await page.goto(`${id}`);
let result = await page.$eval(' > table > tbody', heading => heading.innerText).catch(e => void e);
await browser.close()
The way you've formatted and nested everything seems like some incarnation of callback hell.
Here's my suggestion, its not working, but the structure is going to work better for Async / Await
const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");
const chromium_path_706915 =
async function Run() {
await Navigate();
async function Navigate(url) {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
executablePath: chromium_path_706915,
args: ["--auto-open-devtools-for-tabs"],
headless: false
const page = await browser.newPage();
const response = await page.goto(url);
const result = await page.$$eval(" > table > tbody", result => => ({
etd: ele2.innerText.trim()
await browser.close();
On top of the other answers, I want to point out that async and forEach loops don't exactly play as expected. One possible solution is having a custom implementation that supports this:
Utility function:
async function asyncForEach(array: Array<any>, callback: any) {
for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
await callback(array[index], index, array);
Example usage:
const start = async () => {
await asyncForEach([1, 2, 3], async (num) => {
await waitFor(50);
Going through this article by Sebastien Chopin can help make it a bit more clear as to why async/await and forEach act unexpectedly. Here it is as a gist.

Assign variable from fetch returning Promise

I have two files that are arrays, and i want to load them from a fetch. I have an async function that fetch the files:
async function getData(file) {
const data = await fetch(`./assets/resources/${file}.json`);
return await data.json()
Then here is where i assign the variables to the return fo this fetch:
let notes = getData("notes").then(res => res)
let pentagrama = getData("pentagrama").then(res => res)
But with this all i get is:
from google chrome console
How can i actually get the value?
The result of getData is always a Promise that resolves to your data. To access the values, you can use async/await:
(async () => {
let notes = await getData("notes");
let pentagrama = await getData("pentagrama");
// use them here
Alternatively, you can use Promise.all to wait for both promises to resolve, and then access the received data:
let notesP = getData("notes");
let pentagramaP = getData("pentagrama");
Promise.all([noteP, pentagramaP]).then(res => {
let notes = res[0];
let pentagrama = res[1];
// use them here
This will work for you if you just want to check the response in your Google Chrome console because in the console you can use await without an async function which probably could be because everything executed in the console is wrapped in an async function by default(just a speculation).
const getData = (file) => (
fetch(`./assets/resources/${file}.json`).then(data => data.json());
let notes = await getData("notes")
let pentagrama = await getData("pentagrama")
But if you want to get this working in an application, remember that you ALWAYS need to wrap an await inside async
const getData = async (file) => (
await fetch(`./assets/resources/${file}.json`).then(data => data.json());
const wrapperFunc = async () => {
let notes = await getData("notes")
let pentagrama = await getData("pentagrama")

