Struts- About saving checkboxes when following a link - javascript

I'm working on a jsp containing some checkboxes. My jsp is linked to a form (called SuiviTransfertForm), and this form has an attribute called checkboxUID, which is an array containing the ids of my checked checkboxes.
private String[] checkboxUID = {};
This attribute is mapped with the checkboxes of my jsp like this :
<html-el:multibox name="suiviTransfertForm" property="checkboxUID"/>
I would like to follow a link on this jsp and get the content of checkboxUID when I'm on the next page.
On the next page, I'm getting back my form like this :
SuiviTransfertForm suiviTransfertForm = (SuiviTransfertForm) form;
The problem is that checkboxUID is correctly filled if I stay on the same page, but always empty when I'm changing page. I can't find a way to achieve this.
Many thanks for your help !

When you're clicking the link it's not submit the form. Hence you cannot get any values from form. Try sending through URL (script way - though it's not a best practice)
var arrayValues = [12,34,54,67]; //Get the selected checkbox values when clicking link
var QueryString = JSON.stringify(arrayValues);
var a = document.getElementById('yourlinkId');
a.href = 'myLink?params='+QueryString;
or you can use jQuery for simple code,
$('#yourlinkId').attr({"href" : '/myLink?params=' + arrayValues.join(',')});
Try and let me know if it helps.

I finnaly fixed the problem by listing my checked checkboxes and setting them to the form after clicking my link.
Many thanks for your help guys !


Need to check value of hidden input field related to clicked element (multiple with same name)

Title isn't that clear, so let me see if I can explain what I'm doing.
I'm listing off users' posts, and have a like/comment button with those posts.
What I need to do, is capture when the like button is clicked (<span> tags), and then grab the post id from the hidden input field, and use that to post to the PHP script.
The PHP is doing all of the checking for if they're friends, privacy level is correct, etc. before actually submitting the like to the database, but I am currently just having the javascript/jquery be generated when the post is shown (naming each js variable/DOM element according to post id), but that's not very efficient and looks messy when viewing the source (But, it's the only way I can get it to work).
I want to be able to use an external javascript file to check when just the like button is clicked, and know what post that is being liked, and work that way.
I've been looking into this for quite some time, and it's to my understanding that this might work, but I have had no luck. I'm generating multiple posts on one page using foreach() loop, so the names/ids/classes of the elements are the same.
For a little better understanding, here's an example of what a post might look like:
<div class="feedPost">
<img src="#" class="feedProfile"/>
FirstName LastName
<div class="feedPostBody">Hello, world!</div>
<input type="hidden" value="24772" name="feedPostID">
<span class="feedLikeButton">Like</span> | Comment | 2 mins ago
and, using javascript/jquery, I want to be able to do something like this in an external js file:
var post_id = 0; //I need to get the ID from the post that the like button is related to.
//If I just did $('.feedPostID').val() it wouldn't work
$.post("https://mysite/path/to/like.php", {post: post_id}).done(function(data){
if(data == "success"){
//This will set text from "Like" to "Unlike"
//Again, I can't just do $('.feedLikeButton') to access
//I guess I could do this.innerHTML? Would still need to access feed post id
} else {
//Probably will just flash error to user if error, or something similar
You should get the like button
var likeButton = $(this);
Then get it's container
var container = likeButton.parent();
Then find the hidden field
var idInput = container.find('[name="feedPostID"]');
Then get it's value:
var id = idInput.val();
With all these references you can do whatever you want.

Have a button open the right form JQuery

I have a while loop in my php page which sets a different id for every button and form through a counter variable. Every button has to open a different form (they each have different default information preselected, this is for a prescription renewal ability). I can get this to work by having in my javascript a click function for every id which calls a show on the right form. But, obviously this is not scalable, and so it cannot adapt to the amount of prescriptions I have. Looking through the web, I saw people using classes and the id starts with solutions to this problem. However, when I use this solution, the buttons open all the forms... not the desired behavior. Currently my javascript function is the following:
$('[id^="add-renew-link"]').click(function () {
Like mentioned above, the function does get called by all different IDs button. That code however opens all the forms every time one of the buttons get click. IDs are actually of the form add-renew-form0, add-renew-form1, add-renew-form2... (same pattern for add-renew-link). Forms and links with the same number at the end are meant to be linked. Does anybody know how I can achieve this? Thanks a lot!!
You can't have multiple DOM elements with the same ID. What you can do here is to assign classes for the elements:
<div class="add-renew-link"></div> <div class="add-renew-form"></div>
And then use .each
$('.add-renew-link').each( function(x){
You can check out the JSFiddle here.
You're close. The $('[id^="add-renew-form"]').show(); is going to match ALL ELEMENTS that start w/ "add-renew-form" as the id, so that's why you're experiencing all forms being shown when clicking any link/button.
You can use a regex to pull the number from the end of the id to find a match on the associated form as below:
$('a[id^="add-renew-link"]').click(function() {
var idx = $(this).attr("id").match(/\d+$/)[0]; // Pull index number from id
$("#add-renew-form" + idx).show();
This jsbin has a full working example.
Try, using the .each() method:
var ths = $(this);

Codeigniter dynamic javascript when using load->view

I have a form with a « newInput » button, which add dynamically in javascript a new input when I click to it.
When I have an error in my form, I re-load the view with the form. It’s normal, but .. Because I use dynamic javascript for adding new input, all the input added are removed when I reload..
There is something I can do ?
This is an exemple of my view.tpl :
<input type="text" placeholder="ex: cerise"
onfocus="javascript:autoComplet('jigd1', '{site_url('recettes/getIngredient')}')" value="{set_value('igd[]')}" id="jigd1" name="igd[]"/>
I add a partiel code of my js file
var cpt=1;
function addField(uriIngredient, uriLabel) {
var inputIgd = document.createElement('input'),
button = document.createElement('input'),
div = document.createElement('div'),
Since you are appending new input/button to dom dynamically and not saving its state by making ajax call/submitting form you cannot retain the input/button after reloading the page.
Using localStorage, to keep the information of previously added input/buttom would be preferable.
PS : since you havent added any code which you tried, its really hard to explain localStorage with specific code.
as soon as you append, add the state of the form into localStorage,
When you loading the page, look for the localStorage to check the previously added inputs
you can set the item into localStorage :
You can retrieve them like this :

Replace text links with URL-s JavaScript

I have an order submitting form where I want to replace URL texts with corresponding HTML links. I've found the following code on Stackoverflow:
get_url = function() {
var urls = document.getElementById('w_descr').firstChild;
urls.nodeValue = replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(urls.nodeValue);
function replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(text) {
var exp = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&##\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&##\/%=~_|])/ig;
return text.replace(exp,"<a href='$1'>$1</a>");
I'm calling the get_url() function on click even of the form submitting button. It works fine. However the submitted orders have a feature of editing. If you edit an order and click on the Submit button again, the function will work again and will duplicate the existing link.
Could anybody help me to figure out how can I prevent that to happen? I mean - how to modify the script above to not to duplicate the links which are already in HTML form.
Thanks in advance.
Always store the text 'plain' (without the links), and only add the links when outputting the text for display.
When outputting the text for editing, output the 'plain' text.

Javascript - Remember Selected Option

I have a webpage thats created by javascript injections and one of my pages has a dropdown shown below:
html +="<select name='Sort' id='Sort' onchange='sortSwitch(document.getElementById(\"Sort\")[document.getElementById(\"Sort\").selectedIndex].value); display(document.getElementById(\"searchQuery\").value);return false;'>\n";
html +="<option></option>\n";
html +="<option value='4'>Smallest First</option>\n";
html +="<option value='5'>Largest First</option>\n";
html +="<option value='6'>A-Z</option>\n";
html +="<option value='7'>Z-A</option>\n";
html +="</select>";
The dropdown filters the information displayed on the page by passing the selected option to a switch function and another function reloads this information. However, when the javascript page loads again, it starts off with the blank option.
Does anyone know of a good way to remember the last sort selected? For example, if I sort with "Smallest First" and then the page refreshes, the box will show "Smallest First" as apposed to the blank. I know there is an "option selected" attribute, but I need it to be dynamic. I feel like it is something trivial, yet I can't seem to put my finger on it.
Thanks in advance!
Here's an article on Cookies in JavaScript which contains an explanation of how they work, along with functions to read, write and delete cookies.
Using those functions you'd get the selected value and write the cookie to save the value like this:
var select = document.getElementById("Sort");
var selectedItem = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value;
then read the cookie to retrieve the value and select the option in the select box, like this:
var selectedItem = readCookie("selectedItem");
var select = document.getElementById("Sort");
select.value = selectedItem;
You need to use cookies. or some session variables on the server side to save the values that were selected.
I use this jQuery cookie plugin

