Do ES6 modules only import what is used? - javascript

Is there is a performance or behavioural difference between importing from an index file or importing individual modules?
For example, with an index file (#/modules/user) of...
import routes from './routes'
import controller from './controller'
const user = {
export default user
If I import just the routes from that file...
import user from '#/modules/user'
const routes = Router()
routes.use('/user', user.routes)
Is this any different to just importing the routes individually from their own file (#/modules/user/routes)? Does the controller get imported as it's in the user object?
import userRoutes from '#/modules/user/routes'
const routes = Router()
routes.use('/user', userRoutes)

There are currently no native ES modules in Node.js. The actual difference depends on the toolchain. When the application is built with Webpack/Rollup (a minifier is potentially needed too) and configured to use ES modules internally, tree-shaking can be applied. This is best case scenario.
This would be a case for tree-shaking if there were a reexporting module:
import routes from './routes'
import controller from './controller'
export {
And it was imported like
import { routes } from '#/modules/user'
However, the cases in the original post are different. In one case, once user constant is imported, it's impossible to remove unused controllers property from it with tree-shaking. In another case, #/modules/user/controller module remains unused and doesn't need tree-shaking. It will be ignored even if the application is configured to use CommonJS modules.
So yes, it's possible for ES modules to import only modules that are in use, and this heavily depends on actual code and project configuration.
Client-side applications primarily benefit from tree-shaking because it affects bundle size. This concern shouldn't be taken into account in server-side Node.js application - unless unused module imports massive amount of third-party modules that aren't used anywhere else.

Currently you can only use the import syntax using transpilers(converters from one syntax to another) as it is not yet natively supported by engines. Lets take babel for example.
Babel converts the import to CommonJS style code that can work within Node.js. While the syntax is conformant to ES6, the implementation is not.
Babel converts the syntax into CommonJS, evaluating the imported code before determining what is being imported. With ES6, the imports and exports are determined before the code is evaluated.
With future support of es6 imports inside node, importing a specific function inside the code will only return that exported function, without evaluating the whole script in the targeted file.
Currently they work the same since transpilers convert them to traditional node require syntax.
However, you can use webpack Treeshaking to remove unused code from the output file, this way they are almost identical in behavior.
The # syntax
The # syntax depends on the module loader or module bundler. The module loader is not part of the ECMAScript spec. You most likely have something like babel-plugin-root-import in your webpack/babel config.
Basically it means from the root of the project.. it avoids having to write things like import Component from '../../../../components/component'. in this case, it has nothing to do with partial imports.


When using the ES Module system in Node.js, can all Node packages be imported using the same import syntax?

This question is not whether Node.js supports the ES Module system.
That question has been answered previously, eg:
How can I use an ES6 import in Node.js?
Node.js - SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
And these answers are supported by the official Node.js docs:
ECMAScript modules are the official standard format to package JavaScript code for reuse...Node.js fully supports ECMAScript modules as they are currently specified and provides interoperability between them and its original module format, CommonJS. Node.js has two module systems: CommonJS modules and ECMAScript modules. Authors can tell Node.js to use the ECMAScript modules loader via the .mjs file extension, the package.json "type" field, or the --input-type flag.
So it is clear that Node.js supports the ES Module system.
This question is:
When using the ES Module system in Node.js, can all Node packages be imported using the same import syntax?
The reason I ask is that a lot of packages' documentation does not specify how to import them using ES Module style, eg:
I want to avoid the situation where I am trying to figure out the correct syntax to use each time I want to import a library.
This answer seems to suggest this syntax:
import * as [ whatever_was_previously_used_as_the_variable_name ] from [ whatever_was_previously_between_the_quotes_in_the_parenthesis ]
So, using the examples above, this:
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const session = require('express-session');
could safely be converted to:
import * as express from 'express';
const app = express();
import * as session from 'express-session';
Is that the 'universal' syntax that should be used to import all Node packages?
(Update: that session import above doesn't work, at app.use(session(sessionConfig)); it caused the error TypeError: session is not a function - I needed to define the import like this: import session from 'express-session'. I also had to import axios like this: import axios from 'axios', or i got a similar error. However, to use msal-node i had to use import * as msal from '#azure/msal-node').
Just to confuse things, I have come across other syntax examples, such as these in the Node docs (which includes node:):
import * as fs from 'node:fs/promises';
// OR:
import * as fs from 'node:fs';
I am hoping a definitive answer can be provided that covers the different scenarios that may exist, eg: Node packages that live in the node_modules directory as well as one's own custom JavaScript modules that live outside of node_modules.
In this way, if I ever come across a package that does not specify installation instructions using the ES Modules style, I will still know the correct way to import it.
The import statement is indeed universal and can be used to import a module of either system, whether inside node_modules or out, or built-in to Node. When importing a CommonJS module this way, the value it would normally expose to require becomes its default export, so import name from 'url';, or any other form of import statement that retrieves the default export, will get you what you need.
The import * as name from 'url'; form you mentioned is for retrieving all of a module's named exports. This creates a module namespace object, never a function, though the function or other value that a CommonJS module exposes to require is available on the default property. There's generally no need to use import * with a CommonJS module, since everything that Node detects as a named export will be properties on the default export anyways.
You can also create a require from inside an ES module; this will work exactly the same way as require in CommonJS, but that includes the limitation of importing only CommonJS and built-in modules, not ES modules.

ES6 Modules - 3 ways of importing files

Hello guys i have a little question about importing files into a single .js file.
Which way is better (best practice), what's the scenario that is used for:
import './file;'
import { something } from './file'
import * as evertything from './file'
Because i see that 2 and 3 are the same thing but different syntax(maybe Syntactic Sugar).
All three do different things.
import './file;'
That loads the file, and does not import anything. This is useful if you want to initialize that module (or add some external dependency, e.g. a css file if you use Webpack).
import { something } from './file'
That just imports something from the file, therefore a bundler could optimize all other dependencies away. I'd always try to go with that instead of
import * as evertything from './file'
That imports everything from that module under a namespace, and therefore makes treeshaking more difficult (the bundler cannot optimize it well). I'd only use that if you need everything from that dependency, or if that dependency is loaded externally nevertheless (e.g. import * as React from "react").
I guess the following MDN documentation will make you clear about those things:
import - JavaScript|MDN
As far as I know, 1st method is used when you have only one default export. 2nd is used when you have multiple default exports but you don't want all of them to load and want only few of them. 3rd is the case when you want everything under a single object (which can be used similar to namespace in other programming languages).

import * as React from 'react'; vs import React from 'react';

I've noticed that React can be imported like this:
import * as React from 'react';
...or like this:
import React from 'react';
The first imports everything in the react module (see: Import an entire module's contents)
The second imports only the default module export (see: Importing defaults)
It seems like the two approaches are different and fundamentally incompatible.
Why do they both work?
Please reference the source code and explain the mechanism...I'm interested in understanding how this works.
This is not a duplicate of What is the difference between import * as react from 'react' vs import react from 'react'
That question was answered with general ES6 module information.
I am asking about the mechanism that makes the react module work like this. It seems to be related to "hacky" export mechanism in the source here but it's not clear how that enables both importing the entire module and just the default export into React and having both of those approaches work with transpiling JSX, etc.
Indeed ES import statements import default and import * are not the same thing, the fact that they behave the same in this case is a combination of how React authors chose to publish the library and compatibility layers in TypeScript (using esModuleInterop) or Babel and your bundler to make them "just work". It probably shouldn't work according to ES6 spec, but today we are still working in an era where JS modules are a mess, so tools like Babel, TypeScript, Webpack, etc try to normalize behavior.
More details:
React is not an ES6 library. If you look at the source code you see this in index.js:
const React = require('./src/React');
// TODO: decide on the top-level export form.
// This is hacky but makes it work with both Rollup and Jest.
module.exports = React.default || React;
(Note the comment, even in React source code they struggle with ES6 default export compatibility.)
The module.exports = syntax is CommonJS (NodeJS). A browser would not understand this. This is why we use bundlers like Webpack, Rollup, or Parcel. They understand all kinds of module syntax and produce bundles that should work in the browser.
But even though React is not an ES library, both TypeScript and Babel let you import it as if it is (using import syntax, rather than require(), etc), but there are differences between CJS and ES that have to be resolved. One of them is the fact that export = can give you things that ES has no spec-compliant way to import, like a function or a class as the module. To work around these incompatibilities Babel has for awhile allowed you to import CJS modules as if they were exporting something by default, or import as a namespace. TypeScript for awhile didn't do this, but more recently added that as an option under esModuleInterop. So now both Babel and TypeScript can pretty consistently allow a CJS module to be imported using default or namespace ES imports.
With TypeScript it also depends on how the type-definitions for the library are actually defined. I won't get into that, but you can imagine situations where thanks to transpilers and bundlers a particular import works at runtime, but TypeScript doesn't compile without errors.
Another thing worth mentioning is that if you look at the built code for React there is a UMD module version as well as the CJS version. The UMD version includes some gnarly runtime code to try to make it work in any module environment, including the browser. It's mainly for use if you want to just include React at runtime (ie you don't use a bundler). Example.
Confusing? Yeah, I think so. :)
You most likely have "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, set in your tsconfig.json, which essentially shuts the compiler up about default imports it thinks are invalid. Typescript added esModuleInterop which does essentially what babel does for module loading.
This allows you to use ES6 default imports even when the source code you're importing doesn't export anything as default
Typescript is strict (follows the rules) when it comes to this, which is why they require you to import * as React from 'react'. Or requires you to tell it to allow synthetic default imports in its base config.
More On That Here

Multiple TypeScripts Files Configuration

Here comes silly and simple question:
I am new to this whole webpack tools.
I have been trying to build a simple web-app using typescript and webpack. In the old days, I created typescript and compile them without bundling them.
With webpack, I already installed necessary loaders, typescript, and jQuery.
The problem is, I have 3 typescript files:
main.ts -> imports all assets (images, css) and other typescripts
functions.ts -> consist all of my custom functions/modules
in functions.ts I always created namespaces such as:
module Functions{
export module StringTools{
export function IsEmpty(): boolean{
//some code
in the browser, I knew that the snippet code above will be called, but it is not recognized in the main.ts (in the run time) even thou I already import it.
This is how I import it in main.ts:
import '.src/functions'
Any suggestion how I can resolve this?
Typescript module keyword is confusing, and in version 1.5 it was indeed changed to namespace to better reflect it's meaning. Look here.
Namespaces are also called internal modules. They are meant to be used when your files are evaluated at the global scope. You can use typescript playground to see how namespaces are transpiled. The point is - namespaces are not modules.
Webpack however, does not evaluate files in the global scope, it evaluates them inside a function in order to provide real module behavior.
So what does make your typescript file into a module? the keywords export and import (but not inside a namespace like in your example).
Typescript will see those keywords, and will transpile them into commonjs\AMD\es6 require or define statements, according to your configuration in tsconfig.json. Now you have "real" modules. Then it's Webpack's job to do something (lots of info about that online) with those modules so that they will work in the browser where you don't have modules, but that part is not related to typescript.
So how would you do this in Webpack?
/* functions.ts */
export function IsEmpty(): boolean{
//some code
/* main.ts */
import {isEmpty} from './functions';
if you want better code organisation as suggested by your use of module StringTools, just split into different files. You can read more about es6 import syntax for more info.
The first part of this answer is that your main module (which has been replaced with the namespace keyword) is not exported... so there are no exported members for your functions file.
export namespace Functions { //...
Part two of the answer is that if you are using modules, you don't need to use namespaces as the module is enclosed within its own scope.
Working version of the file as you designed it, I'd say drop the wrapping namespace:
export namespace StringTools{
export function IsEmpty(): boolean{
//some code

ES6 import declaration + symbol

What does the + symbol denote in this import declaration?
import app from '+/api';
as opposed to just:
import app from '/api';
The import snippet is from a Node app using es6 which is transpiled with Babel.
./api/index.js exports an Express instance using export default app;
I have also seen this syntax, using a tilde:
import app from '~/api';
The structure of the module identifier or how it is supposed to be interpreted is not part of the ECMAScript specification.
The meaning of the module identifier is defined by the module loader, i.e. the part of the system that actually takes the value and uses it to find the corresponding module.
Of course Node.js has a module loader. It is Node.js that defines that module identifiers are either names of shared modules or paths to files.
However, the + (or ~) here doesn't have any meaning in Node.js. I can only assume that the project might be using a module bundler or something similar which is processing module files and its dependencies. It is that part of the system that defines the meaning of +.
I think this is a point that many people don't understand: While ES6 defines a standard syntax for declaring dependencies, the resolution of the module identifier to the actual module is not part of the specification and may differ greatly between runtimes/environments. Given Node.js' popularity most will likely be compatible with the CommonJS module system (which is what Node uses), but again, there is no standard for that.

