Delay Ajax Function per request with Google Maps API - javascript

I want to get some data about places using the Google Places API.
Thing is, I want to get data from more than 1000 records, per city of the region I'm looking for.
I'm searching for pizzeria, and I want all the pizzerias in the region I've defined. So I have an array like this:
My objective is to make a single request, then wait 3sec(or more), and then process the second request. I'm using Lodash library to help me iterate.
Here is my code:
function formatDetails(artisan){
var latitude =;
var longitude = artisan.geometry.location.lng;
var icon = artisan.icon;
var id =;
var name =;
var place_id = artisan.place_id;
var reference = artisan.reference;
var types = artisan.types.toString();
var getData = function(query, value){
url: query,
type: "GET",
crossDomain: true,
dataType: "json",
success: function(response) {
var artisan = response.results;
for (var i = 0; i < artisan.length; i++){
},error: function(xhr, status) {
async: false
var places =
_.forEach(places, function(value, key) {
var proxy = '';
var target_url = ''+value+'&key=AIzaSyAClTjhWq7aFGKHmUwxlNUVBzFpIKTkOrA';
var query = proxy + target_url;
getData(query, value);
I've tried a lot of solutions I found on stackoverflow, but no one were working, or I might have done them wrong.
Thanks for your help!

The fact that $.ajax returns a Promise makes this quite simple
Firstly, you want getData to return $.ajax - and also get rid of async:false
var getData = function(query, value) {
return $.ajax({
url: query,
type: "GET",
crossDomain: true,
dataType: "json",
success: function(response) {
var artisan = response.results;
for (var i = 0; i < artisan.length; i++){
},error: function(xhr, status) {
Then, you can use Array.reduce iterate through the array, and to chain the requests together, with a 3 second "delay" after each request
Like so:
var places = ['Pizzeria+Paris','Pizzeria+Marseille','Pizzeria+Nice','Pizzeria+Toulouse'];
places.reduce((promise, value) => {
var proxy = '';
var target_url = ''+value+'&key=AIzaSyAClTjhWq7aFGKHmUwxlNUVBzFpIKTkOrA';
var query = proxy + target_url;
return promise.then(() => getData(query, value))
// return a promise that resolves after three seconds
.then(response => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 3000)));
}, Promise.resolve()) /* start reduce with a resolved promise to start the chain*/
.then(results => {
// all results available here

The most effective answer is the one above from #jaromandaX.
Nevertheless, I also found a workaround with Google Chrome, which will help you to not get your hands dirty with promises.
On Chrome:
1. Open Console
2. Go to network tab
3. Near the options "preserve log" and "disable cache", you have an option with an arrow where you will see the label "No throttling".
4.Click on the arrow next to the label, then add.
5. You will be able to set a download and upload speed, and most important, delay between each request.
Kaboom, working with my initial code.
Nevertheless, I changed my code to fit the above answer, which is better to do, in terms of code, speed, etc..


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input at JSON.parse(<anonymous>)

I'm working on an ajax call to an API. and upon calling this call, I keep running into this error. Please help. Ive been trying at this for hours and not sure what the issue is. Ive taken out the
JSON.parse and added them back to see if that will help but still no progress.
type: "POST",
//url: 'http://aeM/api/getDataId',
url: '/bin/soupservice.getDataAccordToId.html',
//async: false,
data: IDschema,
//contentType: "application/json",
beforeSend: function () {
// Show image container
$("#wait").css("display", "block");
success:function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (JSON.parse(data)) {
let fileDeviceData = [];
let uploadDate = [];
fileDeviceData = data;
let deviceNameFromFileData = [];
$.each(JSON.parse(data), function (i, element) {
//push an object while interacting with API. used to get similar index locations for later use
"lastUploadDate":element.lastUploadDate.split(" ")[0] ,
"fileName": element.deviceName+ " "+element.lastUploadDate.split(" ")[0],
let utcTime = element.lastUploadDate;
let utcText = moment(utcTime).format("L LT");
let anotherway = moment.utc(utcTime).local().format("L LT");
let firstConvertedString = anotherway.split("/").join("-").replace(",", "");
uploadDate.push(firstConvertedString.split(":").join("-").replace(",", ""));
//call on the findDuplicateIndex function to organize all the files that will be consolidated together
valuesforBrowserTime = uploadDate
exportAsTxt(deviceNameFromFileData, valuesforBrowserTime);
I see you are requesting a .html file and passing data to JSON.parse that expect a JSON format.
You may need to parse using a different method.

Using fetch library for Wikipedia API - Javascript

I'm developing a Wikipedia Viewer and I'm trying to extract some data from the Wikipedia API. This is supposed to be a normal request, any idea why this method is not giving any response? I'm using fetch library.
The line console.log(data) doesn't run at all.
function getArticleList() {
var searchFor = "";
searchFor = document.getElementById('intext').value;
fetch("" + searchFor + "&limit=5").then(function(resp) {
return resp.json()
}).then(function(data) {
document.querySelector.artName.innerText = data.object[1];
document.querySelector.textArt.innerText = data.object[0];
document.querySelector.href = data.object[2]
From Wikimedia's documentation: 'For anonymous requests, origin query string parameter can be set to * which will allow requests from anywhere.'
The following worked for me:
fetch("*&action=opensearch&search=Belgium&limit=5").then(function(resp) {
return resp.json()
}).then(function(data) {
Notice that I filled in my own search with 'Belgium', but your code should work with the right modifications.
Any particular reasons to use fetch library ? This can be done using simple Jquery AJAX.
function getArticleList() {
var searchFor = document.getElementById('intext').value;
var response="";
url: ""+searchFor+"&limit=5",
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data){
}).done(function(response) {
document.querySelector.artName.innerText = response.object[1];
document.querySelector.textArt.innerText = response.object[0];
document.querySelector.href = response.object[2];

Multiple ajax calls fired simultaneously not working properly

I created a site which load every few seconds data from multiple sources via AJAX. However I experience some strange behavior. Here is the code:
function worker1() {
var currentUrl = 'aaa.php?var=1';
cache: false,
url: currentUrl,
success: function(data) {
complete: function() {
setTimeout(worker1, 2000);
function worker2() {
var currentUrl = 'aaa.php?var=2';
cache: false,
url: currentUrl,
success: function(data) {
complete: function() {
setTimeout(worker2, 2000);
The problem is that many times, one of the workers returns NaN. If I change the frequency of calls for, lets say, 2000 and 1900, then everything is working ok and I got almost no NaN results. When those frequencies are same, I get over 80% NaN results for one of the calls. It seems like the browser cannot handle two requests called at exact same time. I use only those two workers, so the browser shouldn't be overloaded by AJAX requests. Where is the problem?
Note that the aaa.php works with the mySql database and do some simple queries base on parameters in url.
All you need is $.each and the two parameter form of $.ajax
var urls = ['/url/one','/url/two', ....];
$.each(urls, function(i,u){
{ type: 'POST',
data: {
answer_service: answer,
expertise_service: expertise,
email_service: email,
success: function (data) {
Note: The messages generated by the success callback will overwrite
each other as shown. You'll probably want to use
$('#divid').append() or similar in the success function.
Maybe, don't use these workers and use promises instead like below? Can't say anything about the errors being returned though without looking at the server code. Below is working code for what it looks like you are trying to do.
This is a simple example but you could use different resolvers for each url with an object ({url:resolverFunc}) and then iterate using Object.keys.
var urls = [
function multiGet(arr) {
var promises = [];
for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {
.then(function(res) {
// Do something with each response
return $.when(promises);
<script src=""></script>

Parse Promises Multiple httpRequest Cloud Code

I'm writing an iOs app with and Cloud Code. Actually I want to retrieve objects which contain one picture and other informations from a website and I want to add them to a class named News. When I run my code, every object is saved (in my class, one row = one retrieved object) but unfortunately the only first one has its picture saved.... Any idea ?
I made a lot of searches about promises (series / parallels) and I think the problem comes from here..
Note : don't worry about myLink, myImgLink : I put this to make my code easy to read !
Parse.Cloud.define("rajouteNews", function(request, response) {
Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({ url: 'myUrl'}).then(function(httpResponse) {
var news = [];
var NewsClass = Parse.Object.extend("news");
for (var i = 0; i < 10 ; ++i) {
var maNews = new NewsClass();
maNews.set("link", myLink[i]); // "Other informations"
maNews.set("imgLink", myImgLink[i]);
maNews.set("title", myTitle[i]);
var promises = [];
url: $('img').attr('src'),
method: 'GET',
var imgFile = new Parse.File("photo.jpg", {base64:httpResponse.buffer.toString('base64')});
maNews.set("image",imgFile); // The picture
promises.push(Parse.Object.saveAll(news, {
success: function (list) {
response.success(news.length.toString() + " ont été sauvegardées");
error: function (list, err) {
response.error("Error adding news");
return Parse.Promise.when(promises);
response.success("Job done");
}, function(error) {
Your promises array should put out of the for loop scope. Otherwise , your promise array would be assigned to be a new blank array each loop.
Parse.File would be saved automaticly when its parent do save, you don't need to save it in advance.
So I improve your code as following, try it and tell me weather it works.
Parse.Cloud.define("rajouteNews", function(request, response) {
url: 'myUrl'
}).then(function(httpResponse) {
var promises = [];
var NewsClass = Parse.Object.extend("news");
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
var maNews = new NewsClass();
maNews.set("link", myLink[i]); // "Other informations"
maNews.set("imgLink", myImgLink[i]);
maNews.set("title", myTitle[i]);
var maNewsPromise = Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({
url: $('img').attr('src'),
method: 'GET',
}).then(function(httpResponse) {
var imgFile = new Parse.File("photo.jpg", {
base64: httpResponse.buffer.toString('base64')
maNews.set("image", imgFile); // The picture
return Parse.Promise.when(promises)
}).then(function(bla, result) {
// this function is call when `Parse.Promise.when(promises)` is done,
//I can't figure out why you take two params.
response.success("Job done");
}, function(error) {

Wait for AJAX before continuing through separate function

Alright... at 2am, this is where I draw the line. Help... before my laptop ends up going out the window. :)
I've tried using setTimer, callbacks, and everything else I can think of (along with a few other Stackoverflow hints of course). I've stripped out everything so I'm leaving just the base code.
What I'm looking to do is call parseRow() and before it saves the record at the end, I need to grab the associated Category (via AJAX); however, it blows right past it so category is always "undefined".
function parseRow(row){
var rowArray = row.trim().split(",");
var date = rowArray[0];
var checknum = rowArray[1];
var payee = rowArray[2];
var memo = rowArray[3];
var amount = rowArray[4];
//ERROR: blows right past this one and sets the category variable BEFORE ajax returns
var category = autoSelectCategory(payee);
saveRecord(date, checkNum, payee, memo, category, payment, deposit);
function autoSelectCategory(payee) {
var data;
async: false,
url: "autoselectcategory",
dataType: "json",
data: {
string: payee
success: function (returnedData) {
data = returnedData;
return data;
AJAX stands for asynchronous. That means that in your original code, saveRecord will be executed before the client will receive the response from the server (and, depending on the $.ajax implementation, it might be before the client will send the request to the server).
Additionally, you seem to misunderstand how functions work in JS. var category = autoSelectCategory(payee); will set the category to the return value of autoSelectCategory; but the autoSelectCategory function in your code returns nothing.
From the other side, the data return value of your anonymous function could only be used by $.ajax function (and $.ajax likely ignores the success parameter return value).
Here is the code that should work:
function parseRow(row){
var rowArray = row.trim().split(",");
var date = rowArray[0];
var checknum = rowArray[1];
var payee = rowArray[2];
var memo = rowArray[3];
var amount = rowArray[4];
autoSelectCategory(payee, function (category) {
saveRecord(date, checkNum, payee, memo, category, payment, deposit);
function autoSelectCategory(payee, callback) {
async: false,
url: "autoselectcategory",
dataType: "json",
data: {
string: payee
success: callback
Do not use async: false option. It's a pure evil (blocks all scripts in browser and even other tabs!) and it's deprecated since jQuery 1.8. You should use callbacks as it was always meant to be.
function parseRow(row) {
/* the other code */
autoSelectCategory(payee, function() {
saveRecord(date, checkNum, payee, memo, category, payment, deposit);
function autoSelectCategory(payee, callback) { // <---- note the additional arg
url: "autoselectcategory",
dataType: "json",
data: {
string: payee
success: function(res) {
/* the other code */

