AngularJs Checkbox that will toggle selected on all other checkboxes - javascript

I am using AngularJs (Angular 1) and I need to use a checkbox to Select / Unselect all other checkboxes.
Right now I have this:
<li ng-repeat="item in ctrl.items">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.selected">{{}}
Then I have this in the controller:
ctrl.items = [
value: 0,
name: 'Select All / Unselect all other checkboxes',
selected: true
value: 1,
name: 'myCheckbox1',
selected: true
value: 2,
name: 'myCheckbox2',
selected: true
value: 3,
name: 'myCheckbox2',
selected: true
How can I make it so that the first checkbox basically just selects / unselects all other checkbboxes?

angular.module('app',[]).controller('MyController', function(){
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.changed = function(item){
if(item.value == 0)
for(var x of ctrl.items)
x.selected = item.selected;
ctrl.items = [
value: 0,
name: 'Select All / Unselect all other checkboxes',
selected: true
value: 1,
name: 'myCheckbox1',
selected: true
value: 2,
name: 'myCheckbox2',
selected: true
value: 3,
name: 'myCheckbox2',
selected: true
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app='app' ng-controller='MyController as ctrl'>
<li ng-repeat="item in ctrl.items">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.selected" ng-change='ctrl.changed(item)'>{{}}

You can do something like this-
<li ng-repeat="item in ctrl.items">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.selected" ng-onchange="selectAll()">{{}}
then in the controller,(you can add conditions for toggling)-

simply watch you'r model for any changes
$scope.$watch('item.selected', function() {
if ($scope.item.selected == 0){
$scope.myCheckbox1.selected= false;
$scope.myCheckbox2.selected= false;
$scope.myCheckbox3.selected= false;
} else {
$scope.myCheckbox1.selected= true;
$scope.myCheckbox2.selected= true;
$scope.myCheckbox3.selected= true;

<li ng-repeat="item in ctrl.items">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.selected" ng-change="all(item)">{{}}
if(firstItem.value == 0)
angular.forEach(ctrl, function(item, key){
item.selected = firstItem.selected;
Hope this will help!!

angular.module('app',[]).controller('MyController', function(){
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.changed = function(item){
ctrl.items.forEach((el, index) => {
el.selected = ctrl.items[0].selected;
ctrl.items = [
value: 0,
name: 'Select All / Unselect all other checkboxes',
selected: true
value: 1,
name: 'myCheckbox1',
selected: true
value: 2,
name: 'myCheckbox2',
selected: true
value: 3,
name: 'myCheckbox2',
selected: true
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app='app' ng-controller='MyController as ctrl'>
<li ng-repeat="item in ctrl.items">
<label ng-if="$index === 0" >
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.selected" ng-change="ctrl.changed(item)">{{}}
<label ng-if="$index > 0" >
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.selected">{{}}
Why splitting up the elements? Because you need that ng-change code to be called just on the first element. If you want to bind (as most probably you may do) another ng-change on the rest of the elements, you can separate the functions and keep your code clearer and cleaner


select all checkbox specific id

I am working on a menu permission project using vue.js. I have some submenus which are child of different menus. I want to select all submenus of selected menu if I click on "select All". this is the code I am trying--
// New VueJS instance
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
menus: [
{ id: 1, menuName: "Tech 1" },
{ id: 2, menuName: "Tech 2" },
{ id: 3, menuName: "Tech 3" }
selectedMenu: [],
selectedSubMenu: [],
submenus: [
{ id: 1, menuId: 1, subMenuName: "architecture" },
{ id: 2, menuId: 1, subMenuName: "Electrical" },
{ id: 3, menuId: 1, subMenuName: "Electronics" },
{ id: 4, menuId: 2, subMenuName: "IEM" },
{ id: 5, menuId: 3, subMenuName: "CIVIL" }
computed: {
isUserInPreviousUsers() {
return this.previousUsers.indexOf(this.userId) >= 0;
filteredProduct: function () {
const app = this,
menu = app.selectedMenu;
if (menu.includes("0")) {
return app.submenus;
} else {
return app.submenus.filter(function (item) {
return menu.indexOf(item.menuId) >= 0;
methods: {
selectAllSubMenu(event) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.submenus.length; i++) {
if ( {
if (this.submenus[i].menuId == {
} else {
if (this.submenus[i].menuId == {
var index = this.selectedSubMenu.indexOf(;
this.selectedSubMenu.splice(index, 1);
<!-- Include the library in the page -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- App -->
<div id="app">
<h4>Click on any menu. Then the submenus will appear. I want to select all submenus of selected menu if I click on "select All"</h4>
<table class="table">
<tr v-for="(menu,index) in menus" :key="">
<input type="checkbox" :value="" v-model="selectedMenu" />{{ menu.menuName }}
<td v-if="selectedMenu.length != 0">
<label >
Select all
<li v-for="submenu in filteredProduct" :key="" v-if=" == submenu.menuId">
<input type="checkbox" :value="" v-model="selectedSubMenu" />
<label>{{ submenu.subMenuName }} </label>
Here are some menus. every menu has some submenus. Now if I click on any submenu & then click on select all, all the submenus get selected. But the problem is, If I uncheck "select all" the previously selected submenus still got selected. How Do I solve this?
Try like following snippet:
// New VueJS instance
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
return {
menus: [{ id: 1, menuName: "Tech 1" }, { id: 2, menuName: "Tech 2" }, { id: 3, menuName: "Tech 3" }],
selectedMenu: [],
selectedSubMenu: [],
selectedAllSubMenu: [],
submenus: [{ id: 1, menuId: 1, subMenuName: "architecture" }, { id: 2, menuId: 1, subMenuName: "Electrical" }, { id: 3, menuId: 1, subMenuName: "Electronics" }, { id: 4, menuId: 2, subMenuName: "IEM" }, { id: 5, menuId: 3, subMenuName: "CIVIL" }]
computed: {
isUserInPreviousUsers() {
return this.previousUsers.indexOf(this.userId) >= 0;
methods: {
filteredProduct (id) {
return this.submenus.filter(s => s.menuId === id)
selectSubMenu(id) {
if (this.selectedSubMenu.filter(s => s.menuId === id).length === this.submenus.filter(s => s.menuId === id).length) {
} else {
this.selectedAllSubMenu = this.selectedAllSubMenu.filter(s => s !== id)
const checked = this.selectedAllSubMenu.some(s => s === id)
if (this.selectedSubMenu.filter(s => s.menuId === id).length === this.submenus.filter(s => s.menuId === id).length && !checked) {
this.selectedSubMenu = this.selectedSubMenu.filter(s => s.menuId !== id)
} else if (checked) {
this.selectedSubMenu = [... new Set([...this.selectedSubMenu].concat(this.submenus.filter(s => s.menuId === id)))]
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<table class="table">
<tr v-for="(menu,index) in menus" :key="">
<input type="checkbox" :value="menu" v-model="selectedMenu" />{{ menu.menuName }}
<td v-if="selectedMenu.filter(s => filteredProduct( => i.menuId ===">
<ul >
<label >
Select all
<li v-for="submenu in filteredProduct(" :key="">
<input type="checkbox" :value="submenu" v-model="selectedSubMenu" #change="selectSubMenu(" />
<label>{{ submenu.subMenuName }} </label>
After spending an hour on this requirement to find the root cause, I am here with a solution :
In your selectAllSubMenu method, splicing of the elements was not working properly as it was not able to remove the duplicate values from an array. Hence, I just changed a approach a bit. I am filtering the selectedSubMenu based on submenu ids of the selected menu.
selectAllSubMenu(event) {
if ( {
for (let i = 0; i < this.submenus.length; i++) {
if (this.submenus[i].menuId == {
} else {
const filteredMenu = this.submenus.filter(obj => obj.menuId =={id}) => id);
this.selectedSubMenu = this.selectedSubMenu.filter(el => filteredMenu.indexOf(el) === -1);

Uncheck all checkboxes based on another checkbox using Angularjs

I am trying to figure out that if the user checks N/A all the other boxes are unchecked (if they are checked). Below is what i have working, but I am not sure on how to uncheck those boxes and set them to false Any help is greatly appreciated.
var app = angular.module('MyApp', []);
app.controller('MyAppController', ['$scope',
function($scope) {
$scope.appliances = [{
Name: 'N/A'
Name: 'Computer',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A'
Name: 'TV',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A'
Name: 'Voice Assistant',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A'
$scope.myObj = {};
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="MyApp">
<div ng-controller="MyAppController">
<div ng-repeat="app in appliances">
<input type="checkbox" value="{{ app.Name }}" ng-model="myObj[app.Name]" ng-disabled="myObj[app.ExcludedBy]"> {{ app.Name }}
You can use a ng-change to trigger a function to change the underlying content.
var app = angular.module('MyApp', []);
function($scope) {
$scope.appliances = [
Name: 'N/A'
Name: 'Computer',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A'
Name: 'TV',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A'
Name: 'Voice Assistant',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A'
$scope.myObj = {};
$scope.checkForNA = function () {
if ($scope.myObj[$scope.appliances[0].Name]) {
$scope.myObj = {};
$scope.myObj[$scope.appliances[0].Name] = true;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="MyApp">
<div ng-controller="MyAppController">
<div ng-repeat="app in appliances">
<input type="checkbox" value="{{ app.Name }}" ng-model="myObj[app.Name]" ng-disabled="myObj[app.ExcludedBy]" ng-change="checkForNA()">
{{ app.Name }}
Something like this
var app = angular.module('MyApp', []);
function($scope) {
$scope.appliances = [
Name: 'N/A'
Name: 'Computer',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A',
IsSelected: false,
IsDisabled: false
Name: 'TV',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A',
IsSelected: false,
IsDisabled: false
Name: 'Voice Assistant',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A',
IsSelected: false,
IsDisabled: false
$scope.myObj = {};
$scope.checkAll = function(name, isSelected){
if(name === 'N/A'){
for(var i =0; i< $scope.appliances.length; i++){
if($scope.appliances[i].Name != name && $scope.appliances[i].ExcludedBy===name){
$scope.appliances[i].IsSelected = false;
$scope.appliances[i].IsDisabled = !isSelected;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="MyApp">
<div ng-controller="MyAppController">
<div ng-repeat="app in appliances">
<input type="checkbox" ng-disabled="app.IsDisabled" ng-click="checkAll(app.Name, app.IsSelected)" ng-model="app.IsSelected">
{{ app.Name}}
In this case, DavidX's answer is correct. However, we can improve the way of verifying through the existence of the ExcludedBy attribute in a generic way using Array#find().
No necessarily, the first element of the array $scope.appliances will be N/A item.
var naItem = $scope.appliances.find(function(x) {
return x.ExcludedBy === undefined;
For this example I'm using the ng-change directive.
Something like this:
First example:
var app = angular.module('MyApp', []);
app.controller('MyAppController', ['$scope',
function($scope) {
$scope.appliances = [{
Name: 'N/A'
Name: 'Computer',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A'
Name: 'TV',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A'
Name: 'Voice Assistant',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A'
$scope.myObj = {};
$scope.check = function() {
var naItem = $scope.appliances.find(function(x) {
return x.ExcludedBy === undefined;
if ($scope.myObj[naItem.Name]) {
$scope.myObj = {};
$scope.myObj[naItem.Name] = true;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="MyApp">
<div ng-controller="MyAppController">
<div ng-repeat="app in appliances">
<input type="checkbox" value="{{ app.Name }}" ng-model="myObj[app.Name]" ng-disabled="myObj[app.ExcludedBy]" ng-change="check()"> {{ app.Name }}
Second example:
var app = angular.module('MyApp', []);
app.controller('MyAppController', ['$scope',
function($scope) {
$scope.appliances = [{
Name: 'Computer',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A'
Name: 'TV',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A'
Name: 'Voice Assistant',
ExcludedBy: 'N/A'
Name: 'N/A'
$scope.myObj = {};
$scope.check = function() {
var naItem = $scope.appliances.find(function(x) {
return x.ExcludedBy === undefined;
if ($scope.myObj[naItem.Name]) {
$scope.myObj = {};
$scope.myObj[naItem.Name] = true;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="MyApp">
<div ng-controller="MyAppController">
<div ng-repeat="app in appliances">
<input type="checkbox" value="{{ app.Name }}" ng-model="myObj[app.Name]" ng-disabled="myObj[app.ExcludedBy]" ng-change="check()"> {{ app.Name }}

angularjs - Change the order of a list with update of the other list entries

I have a Key/Value List with 3 Entries, e.g.
0, Value1
1, Value2
2, Value3
3, Value4
If I change 2 to 0, the entry with index 2 should slip to the position 0 and the additional elements slip around a position to the back.
eg from 0-1-2-3 will then be 2-0-1-3
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<div class="row-sort" ng-repeat="(key1, value1) in selectList">
<select class="row-select">
<option ng-repeat="(key2, value2) in selectList" value={{key2}} ng-selected="key1 == key2">{{key2}}</option>
<span class="row-label">{{}}</span>
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.selectList = [{
idx: 0,
name: 'Value1'
}, {
idx: 1,
name: 'Value2'
}, {
idx: 2,
name: 'Value3'
}, {
idx: 3,
name: 'Value4'
JS Fiddle Link
EDIT 1: It sould work like the jQuery Sortable Plugin, but only with Select-Boxes ...
Jquery Sortable
Anyone a idea how getting this work properly and correct with AngularJS?
Its required for Angular UI Grid (Reorder Columns)
Thank you very much!
You can add to your list selected key to bind it to ng-models for select and use orderBy:
$scope.selectList = [{
idx: 0,
selected: '0',
name: 'Value1'
}, {
idx: 1,
selected: '1',
name: 'Value2'
}, {
idx: 2,
selected: '2',
name: 'Value3'
}, {
idx: 3,
selected: '3',
name: 'Value4'
<div class="row-sort" ng-repeat="(key1, value1) in selectList | orderBy : 'selected'">
<select class="row-select" ng-model="value1.selected">
<option ng-repeat="(key2, value2) in selectList"
<span class="row-label">{{}}</span>
You can write watcher and replace positions for your items:
$scope.$watch(function () {
return $scope.selectList;
function (newVal, oldVal) {
var selectedItemId;
var selected;
angular.forEach($scope.selectList, function(item){
if(item.idx !== parseInt(item.selected)){
selectedItemId = item.idx;
selected = item.selected;
angular.forEach($scope.selectList, function(item){
if(item.selected === selected){
item.selected = ''+selectedItemId;
item.idx = selectedItemId;
selectedItemId = undefined;
selected = undefined;
if(item.idx !== parseInt(item.selected)){
item.idx = parseInt(item.selected);
Demo Fiddle 2

how to get jquery select drop-down multiple value?

My multiselect dropdown as below
<div class="col-sm-3 text-left form-group form-group000 form-horizontal" >
<span class="btn-block dropdown-checkbox-example dropdown-checkbox dropdown btn-gray"> </span>
Jquery code like:
<script src="js/bootstrap-dropdown-checkbox.js"></script>
function list(want, checked) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
id: i,
label: 'Item #' + i,
isChecked: checked === undefined ? !!(Math.round(Math.random() * 1)) : checked
return result;
var widget, alt;
var tab = [
{ id: "1", label: "Buy.", isChecked: false },
{ id: "2", label: "Sale", isChecked: false },
{ id: "3", label: "Rent", isChecked: false }
data: tab,
autosearch: true,
title: "My Dropdown Checkbox",
hideHeader: false,
showNbSelected: true,
templateButton: '<a class="dropdown-checkbox-toggle btn-block btn btn-default pad-space4" style=" text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#"><span style="color:#000">I want to</span> <span class="dropdown-checkbox-nbselected"></span><b class="caret"></b>'
My Issue is I want add selected value in database. so how to get dropdown selected value in Request.?

Filtering array based on selected checkboxes and select fields

How can I store the selected values of checkboxes and select elements and use a combination of these to filter a results array? e.g. think filtering by category Id, or displaying all results in the last X months.
After much research and trial and error I've got as far as this:
View Plunker or see the code below:
HTML within the 'refine' directive
<div class="filters">
<div class="filter">
<label for="maxage">Show results from</label>
<select name="maxage" id="maxage"
ng-options=" for option in refine.maxAge.options track by"
<div class="filter">
<div class="status-filter" ng-repeat="status in refine.statuses">
<label for="statusId{{ }}">{{ }}</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="status" value="{{ }}" ng-change="filterResults()">
HTML of main page
<body ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="ListCtrl" data-county-parish-id="1478">
<main class="page-content columns medium-9 medium-push-3">
<spinner name="planningSpinner" show="true">
<div class="loadingPanel block"></div>
<div class="planning">
<div class="no-results ng-hide" ng-show="filteredResults.length === 0">
<p>No results.</p>
<h4>Number of records: {{ filteredResults.length }}</h4>
<div ng-repeat="appl in filteredResults">
<hf-application info="appl"></hf-application>
<aside class="sidebar columns medium-3 medium-pull-9">
<div hf-refine-results info="refine"></div>
var app = angular.module('app', []);
// results filter
angular.module('app').filter('results', ['$filter', function($filter) {
return function (input, refine) {
var filterParams = {};
// start off filtering with the outsideBoundary parameter
filterParams.outsideBoundary = refine.outsideBoundary;
// add 'show results from' filter
//var adjustedDate = new Date();
//adjustedDate.setMonth(adjustedDate.getMonth() -;
//filterParams.receivedDate = $filter('date')(adjustedDate, 'yyyy/MM/dd');
return $filter('filter')(input, filterParams);
// Controller
['$scope', '$filter', '$attrs', 'appService', 'resultsFilter', function ($scope, $filter, $attrs, appService, resultsFilter) {
$scope.applications = [];
$scope.refine = {
statuses: {
options: [
{ id: 1, name: 'Unknown' },
{ id: 6, name: 'Appealed' }
selected: [2, 3]
maxAge: {
options: [
{ id: '1', name: 'Last month' },
... // 1 to 12 months
{ id: '12', name: 'Last 12 months' }
selected: { id: '6', name: 'Last 6 months' }
$scope.filterResults = function () {
$scope.filteredResults = resultsFilter($scope.applications, $scope.refine);
/* get data from appService */
status: 3,
countyparish: parseInt($attrs.countyParishId),
postcode: '',
distance: 5,
pagesize: 100
.then(function (data) {
$scope.applications = data;
$scope.filteredResults = resultsFilter(data, $scope.refine);
I appreciate this question has been asked many times, however I haven't found an answer for my question(s) since most examples are very simple expressions within ng-repeat.
This example work with multi checkbox. For filtering with outher select use same logic. Look
'use strict';
var App = angular.module('clientApp', ['ngResource', 'App.filters']);
App.controller('ClientCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.selectedCompany = [];
$scope.companyList = [{
id: 1,
name: 'Apple'
}, {
id: 2,
name: 'Facebook'
}, {
id: 3,
name: 'Google'
$scope.clients = [{
name: 'Brett',
designation: 'Software Engineer',
company: {
id: 1,
name: 'Apple'
}, {
name: 'Steven',
designation: 'Database Administrator',
company: {
id: 3,
name: 'Google'
}, {
name: 'Jim',
designation: 'Designer',
company: {
id: 2,
name: 'Facebook'
}, {
name: 'Michael',
designation: 'Front-End Developer',
company: {
id: 1,
name: 'Apple'
}, {
name: 'Josh',
designation: 'Network Engineer',
company: {
id: 3,
name: 'Google'
}, {
name: 'Ellie',
designation: 'Internet Marketing Engineer',
company: {
id: 1,
name: 'Apple'
$scope.setSelectedClient = function () {
var id =;
if (_.contains($scope.selectedCompany, id)) {
$scope.selectedCompany = _.without($scope.selectedCompany, id);
} else {
return false;
$scope.isChecked = function (id) {
if (_.contains($scope.selectedCompany, id)) {
return 'icon-ok pull-right';
return false;
$scope.checkAll = function () {
$scope.selectedCompany = _.pluck($scope.companyList, 'id');
angular.module('App.filters', []).filter('companyFilter', [function () {
return function (clients, selectedCompany) {
if (!angular.isUndefined(clients) && !angular.isUndefined(selectedCompany) && selectedCompany.length > 0) {
var tempClients = [];
angular.forEach(selectedCompany, function (id) {
angular.forEach(clients, function (client) {
if (angular.equals(, id)) {
return tempClients;
} else {
return clients;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<div ng-app="clientApp" data-ng-controller="ClientCtrl">
<ul class="inline">
<div class="alert alert-info">
<h4>Total Filtered Client: {{filtered.length}}</h4>
<div class="btn-group" data-ng-class="{open: open}">
<button class="btn">Filter by Company</button>
<button class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-ng-click="open=!open"><span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu">
<li><a data-ng-click="checkAll()"><i class="icon-ok-sign"></i> Check All</a>
<li><a data-ng-click="selectedCompany=[];"><i class="icon-remove-sign"></i> Uncheck All</a>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li data-ng-repeat="company in companyList"> <a data-ng-click="setSelectedClient()">{{}}<span data-ng-class="isChecked("></span></a>
<h3>Clients Table:</h3>
<table class="table table-hover table-striped">
<th style="width:10%">#</th>
<th style="width:20%">Name</th>
<th style="width:40%">Designation</th>
<th style="width:30%">Company</th>
<tr data-ng-repeat="client in filtered = (clients | companyFilter:selectedCompany)">
<td>{{$index + 1}}</td>

