How to use reactive forms inside ng-template - javascript

I have just started with Angular 4 and I need to develop a CRUD grid, where the user can add, edit or delete rows.
During my research I found this article where it shows how to create the grid and also the actions: Angular 4 Grid with CRUD operations.
Looking at his code, what called my attention was the way he is using the ng-template to toggle between edit/view mode.
<tr *ngFor="let emp of EMPLOYEES;let i=idx">
<ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="loadTemplate(emp)" [ngOutletContext]="{ $implicit: emp, idx: i }"></ng-template>
On the article he uses template driven forms to edit the row. However, I was trying to change to reactive forms.
In my attempt to do that, I tried to replace the [(ngModel)] to formControlName and I got some errors. My first attempt I tried to add the [formGroup] at the beginning of the template html inside form element. But when I tried to run and edit the row, I got the following error:
Error: formControlName must be used with a parent formGroup directive. You'll want to add a formGroup directive and pass it an existing FormGroup instance (you can create one in your class).
When I tried to move the [formGroup] inside the ng-template it works, however I was not able to bind the value to the fields and I had to set the values in the loadTemplate function:
loadTemplate(emp: Employee) {
if (this.selemp && === {
return this.editTemplate;
} else {
return this.readOnlyTemplate;
This works and show the values inside the fields in a read only mode :(
Here is the Plunker of what I have got so far.
How can I make a reactive form work with ng-template and how to set values to edit the entries?
Any help is appreciated! Thanks

Actually your form is not readonly, you are just constantly overwriting the input you are entering. Since you are having a method call in template (which is usually not a good idea), loadTemplate gets called whenever changes happen, which in it's turn means that
gets called over and over whenever you try and type anything. We can overcome this with instead setting the form values when you click to edit. Here we also store the index so that we can use it to set the modified values in the correct place in array, utilizing the index could perhaps be done in a smarter way, but this is a quick solution to achieve what we want.
editEmployee(emp: Employee) {
this.index = this.EMPLOYEES.indexOf(emp)
this.selemp = emp;
so when we click save, we use that index...
saveEmp(formValues) {
this.EMPLOYEES[this.index] = formValues;
this.selemp = null;
id: '',
name: ''
Your plunker:
BUT notice...
I would suggest you perhaps rethink this idea, having the method loadTemplate in template, will cause this method to fire way too much. You can see in the plunker, where we console log fired! whenever it is fired, so it is a lot! Depending on the case, this can cause serious performance issues, so keep that in mind :)
PS. Made some other changes to code for adding a new employee to work properly (not relevant to question)


Detect When a object changes Angular 5

I'm trying to detect when ever an object changes. The object is connected to a large form. Whenever a user changes the input I would like it to have save/cancel buttons popup at the bottom of the page.
My idea was to just make a copy of the object and do *ngIf="object !== object_copy" and if they hit cancel set the data equal to the copied object. I don't know if this the proper way to do it since I will be using it twice as many variables for a small task, but I've only used angular for a short time. I can't get this method to work however because when ever I make a type copy the object losses it's type.
Can someone help me with this or figure out a better way to do this?
If you are using a Form, then you could take advantage of Angular's form control, which will tell you anytime a form and any of its values have been altered in any way. Then, you could do something as simple as:
or even specific fields. There are tons of things you can do with reactive and template forms from Angular.
You have to subscribe an event to handle the change event:
constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {
this.myForm ={
name: 'Jose Anibal Rodriguez',
age: 23
this.myForm.valueChanges.subscribe(data => {
console.log('Form changes', data);
It should works.
ReactiveForm supports the dirty property. You can use 'myForm.dirty' to check the dirty status of the form.
Otherwise, you can set the initial value of the form to an object property using the getRawValue() method
this.initailFormValue = this.myForm.getRawValue();
Then just subscribe the form changes using
myForm.valueChanges.subscribe((value) => {
this.updatedFormValue = this.myForm.getRawValue();
(err) => {
Now you have the initial and current form values. You can compare and do the remaining.

Ember.js - multiple checkboxes - pass values to queryParam

I have a project setup like in the following Twiddle
I'm trying to pass the language.code to the language queryParam for each selected language. In the actual project I'm using and I've managed to do this with an action bound to the input but on the page refresh the checkboxes values won't stick.
Is there a way to achieve this?
Well, your problem is that you can't bind queryParams to computed properties. So you can't to this in a nice way when using databindings, but when you go for DDAU, one way controls and closure actions its really easy.
By the way, you don't need ember-one-way-controls. Ember can now handle most of this by its own.
So your solution.
First you need to bind your queryParams to an array, because you want to store a list of values:
selectedLanguages: [],
queryParams: ['selectedLanguages'],
Now you need to fire an action when a user clicks a checkbox. This can done by using a simple <input> element with closure actions:
<input type="checkbox" onclick={{action 'toggleLanguage' language}} checked={{language.checked}} />
Now you have an action where you can change that selectedLanguages array. A simple approach could look like this:
actions: {
toggleLanguage(language) {
const selectedLanguages = this.get('selectedLanguages');
const {code} = language;
if(selectedLanguages.includes(code)) {
} else {
Now you have everything you want, just the checkboxes don't get checked after a page reload. But to fix this just use a CP to generate the checked boolean:
languagesWithSelected: Ember.computed('selectedLanguages.[]', 'languages.#each.code', {
get() {
return this.get('languages').map(({code, name}) => ({
checked: this.get('selectedLanguages').includes(code),
You can find a working solution in this twiddle.

Mithril.js m.withAttr: Passing event to another function

I am going through the Mithril tutorial and am having trouble understanding m.withAttr. The guide has the following line in the view layer:
m("input[type=checkbox]", {onclick: m.withAttr("checked", task.done), checked: task.done()})
I have two questions.
1) I understand that the first half, onclick: m.withAttr("checked", task.done) means, essentially:
'set task.done, using m.prop, to the value of the "checked" attribute'. But what is the purpose of the second half, checked: task.done()? It seems like it is simply repeating the first half.
2) As I went through the tutorial, I wanted to add the functionality of persisting my Todos to a persistence layer. I created a save function, so that I could refactor the line that I referenced above into something like:
m("input[type=checkbox]", { onclick: todo.vm.markAsDone.bind(todo.vm, task)})
And in my view-model, I had the function:
vm.markAsDone = function(todo) {
m.withAttr("checked", todo.done), checked: todo.done();;
But this did not work; I get an Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : error. I think the problem is that the event is not being properly bound to the markAsDone function, so it doesn't understand the "checked" attribute; but I'm not sure how to fix this problem (if that even is the problem).
Thanks for any help.
Question 1
The second parameter of the m() function defines attributes on the HTML element, in this case an <input type=checkbox> will be decorated. (The exception is the special config field)
checked determines if the input checkbox is checked, so it is required to display the state of the task.
onclick is the event handler that will modify the state.
So the attributes do different things, therefore both of them are needed.
Question 2
Since markAsDone is passed a todo model, you don't have to do any m.withAttr call there. Simply modify the model, and let Mithril redraw the view. The redraw happens automatically if you call markAsDone through an event like onclick.
If you want more information about the redraw procedure, I summarized it in a previous SO question.
Edit: markAsDone will probably look like this:
vm.markAsDone = function(todo) {

Why is there no binding between React.Js template and Angular model?

I am trying to mix Angular and React.JS. You can see my code here. Most examples I have seen involve an input written in basic Angular, and then output written in React like in this example. I am trying to do the opposite. I have two input fields as React components created in a directive and then an output of the model done with Angular.
I cannot get the output to reflect changes in the model. The model being $scope.formData = {name: "name", email: "email"};
I tried to follow the example in this video, and create an isolated scope in the directive
scope: {
formname: '=formname',
and then pass the proper values through to the React template. It doesn't seem to have any affect. My input is not connected to the formData. In my non-React version of this, the model data fills in the input immediately and the output reflects changes to the input.
Because binding that data in an Angular style is breaking, I tried to have the React components update the model in a more Reactish way. I wrote a function in the controller called update_model,
$scope.update_model = function(data_type, updated_data){
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.formData[data_type] = updated_data;
I then passed that function through the directive to the React template using scope.update_model, in the link function.
link: function(scope, element) {
React.renderComponent(Form_Profile_Component({update_model: scope.update_model, name_label: 'name', email_label: 'email', name_data: scope.formname, email_data: scope.formemail}), element[0]);
Now in the template, the input elements have and onChange event detector that will call this, and update the Model. The Model is supposed to be displayed at the bottom of the page with
{{ formData }}
The console.log shows a change in formData, but the {{formData}} display does not change.
Why won't my display {{formData}} show what is going on in the actual formData object?
EDIT: Just to make sure there wasn't a problem with {formData} I threw <input ng-model=""> in a few places in form.html, and there was no problem. The two way binding worked there.
EDIT 2: I tried adding the code below to the directive.
link: function(scope, element) {
scope.$watch('', function(newVal, oldVal) {
React.renderComponent(Form_Profile_Component({update_model: scope.update_model, name_label: 'name', email_label: 'email', name_data:, email_data:}), element[0]);
I believe that when there is a change in formData, it will call this function and update the React component, or at the very least print '---' to the console. When I use the React input or the proper input nothing happens, which is not so surprising at this point. But when I tried the working input from the first edit, which does alter {{formData}}, nothing happens. It doesn't trigger the watch at all, I don't understand why.
You're on the right track with your 2nd edit where you put the renderComponent call inside a scope.$watch. This will make sure that the react component is re-rendered every time your watch variable changes.
However if you're looking for the changes you make within your React Component to propagate back out to angular, you need to make sure that the callback function you're passing to react has scope.$apply() call in it. Either encapsulating the change, or just after it.
Here's a quick example:
In your controller:
$scope.myVar = 'foo';
$scope.setVar = function(value) {
$scope.myVar = value;
In your directive's link function (assuming no restricted scope, else change name as needed)
scope.$watch('myVar', function() {
myVar: scope.myVar,
setVar: scope.setVar
Then just call the this.props.setVar function from within your react component with the new value and it'll update correctly on the model.

How to clear/remove observable bindings in Knockout.js?

I'm building functionality onto a webpage which the user can perform multiple times. Through the user's action, an object/model is created and applied to HTML using ko.applyBindings().
The data-bound HTML is created through jQuery templates.
So far so good.
When I repeat this step by creating a second object/model and call ko.applyBindings() I encounter two problems:
The markup shows the previous object/model as well as the new object/model.
A javascript error occurs relating to one of the properties in the object/model, although it's still rendered in the markup.
To get around this problem, after the first pass I call jQuery's .empty() to remove the templated HTML which contains all the data-bind attributes, so that it's no longer in the DOM. When the user starts the process for the second pass the data-bound HTML is re-added to the DOM.
But like I said, when the HTML is re-added to the DOM and re-bound to the new object/model, it still includes data from the the first object/model, and I still get the JS error which doesn't occur during the first pass.
The conclusion appears to be that Knockout is holding on to these bound properties, even though the markup is removed from the DOM.
So what I'm looking for is a means of removing these bound properties from Knockout; telling knockout that there is no longer an observable model. Is there a way to do this?
The basic process is that the user uploads a file; the server then responds with a JSON object, the data-bound HTML is added to the DOM, then the JSON object model is bound to this HTML using
mn.AccountCreationModel = new AccountViewModel(jsonData.Account);
Once the user has made some selections on the model, the same object is posted back to the server, the data-bound HTML is removed from then DOM, and I then have the following JS
mn.AccountCreationModel = null;
When the user wishes to do this once more, all these steps are repeated.
I'm afraid the code is too 'involved' to do a jsFiddle demo.
Have you tried calling knockout's clean node method on your DOM element to dispose of the in memory bound objects?
var element = $('#elementId')[0];
Then applying the knockout bindings again on just that element with your new view models would update your view binding.
For a project I'm working on, I wrote a simple ko.unapplyBindings function that accepts a jQuery node and the remove boolean. It first unbinds all jQuery events as ko.cleanNode method doesn't take care of that. I've tested for memory leaks, and it appears to work just fine.
ko.unapplyBindings = function ($node, remove) {
// unbind events
$node.find("*").each(function () {
// Remove KO subscriptions and references
if (remove) {
} else {
You could try using the with binding that knockout offers:
The idea is to use apply bindings once, and whenever your data changes, just update your model.
Lets say you have a top level view model storeViewModel, your cart represented by cartViewModel,
and a list of items in that cart - say cartItemsViewModel.
You would bind the top level model - the storeViewModel to the whole page. Then, you could separate the parts of your page that are responsible for cart or cart items.
Lets assume that the cartItemsViewModel has the following structure:
var actualCartItemsModel = { CartItems: [
{ ItemName: "FirstItem", Price: 12 },
{ ItemName: "SecondItem", Price: 10 }
] }
The cartItemsViewModel can be empty at the beginning.
The steps would look like this:
Define bindings in html. Separate the cartItemsViewModel binding.
<div data-bind="with: cartItemsViewModel">
<div data-bind="foreach: CartItems">
<span data-bind="text: ItemName"></span>
<span data-bind="text: Price"></span>
The store model comes from your server (or is created in any other way).
var storeViewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(modelFromServer)
Define empty models on your top level view model. Then a structure of that model can be updated with
actual data.
storeViewModel.cartItemsViewModel = ko.observable();
storeViewModel.cartViewModel = ko.observable();
Bind the top level view model.
When the cartItemsViewModel object is available then assign it to the previously defined placeholder.
If you would like to clear the cart items:
Knockout will take care of html - i.e. it will appear when model is not empty and the contents of div (the one with the "with binding") will disappear.
I have to call ko.applyBinding each time search button click, and filtered data is return from server, and in this case following work for me without using ko.cleanNode.
I experienced, if we replace foreach with template then it should work fine in case of collections/observableArray.
You may find this scenario useful.
<ul data-bind="template: { name: 'template', foreach: Events }"></ul>
<script id="template" type="text/html">
<li><span data-bind="text: Name"></span></li>
Instead of using KO's internal functions and dealing with JQuery's blanket event handler removal, a much better idea is using with or template bindings. When you do this, ko re-creates that part of DOM and so it automatically gets cleaned. This is also recommended way, see here:
I think it might be better to keep the binding the entire time, and simply update the data associated with it. I ran into this issue, and found that just calling using the .resetAll() method on the array in which I was keeping my data was the most effective way to do this.
Basically you can start with some global var which contains data to be rendered via the ViewModel:
var myLiveData = ko.observableArray();
It took me a while to realize I couldn't just make myLiveData a normal array -- the ko.oberservableArray part was important.
Then you can go ahead and do whatever you want to myLiveData. For instance, make a $.getJSON call:
$.getJSON("", function(data) {
/* parse the JSON data however you want, get it into myLiveData, as below */
Once you've done this, you can go ahead and apply bindings using your ViewModel as usual:
function MyViewModel() {
var self = this;
self.myData = myLiveData;
ko.applyBindings(new MyViewModel());
Then in the HTML just use myData as you normally would.
This way, you can just muck with myLiveData from whichever function. For instance, if you want to update every few seconds, just wrap that $.getJSON line in a function and call setInterval on it. You'll never need to remove the binding as long as you remember to keep the myLiveData.removeAll(); line in.
Unless your data is really huge, user's won't even be able to notice the time in between resetting the array and then adding the most-current data back in.
I had a memory leak problem recently and ko.cleanNode(element); wouldn't do it for me -ko.removeNode(element); did. Javascript + Knockout.js memory leak - How to make sure object is being destroyed?
Have you thought about this:
try {
catch (err) {
I came up with this because in Knockout, i found this code
var alreadyBound = ko.utils.domData.get(node, boundElementDomDataKey);
if (!sourceBindings) {
if (alreadyBound) {
throw Error("You cannot apply bindings multiple times to the same element.");
ko.utils.domData.set(node, boundElementDomDataKey, true);
So to me its not really an issue that its already bound, its that the error was not caught and dealt with...
I have found that if the view model contains many div bindings the best way to clear the ko.applyBindings(new someModelView); is to use: ko.cleanNode($("body")[0]); This allows you to call a new ko.applyBindings(new someModelView2); dynamically without the worry of the previous view model still being binded.
<div id="books">
<ul data-bind="foreach: booksImReading">
<li data-bind="text: name"></li>
var bookModel = {
booksImReading: [
{ name: "Effective Akka" },
{ name: "Node.js the Right Way" }]
ko.applyBindings(bookModel, el);
var bookModel2 = {
booksImReading: [
{ name: "SQL Performance Explained" },
{ name: "Code Connected" }]
ko.applyBindings(bookModel2, books);

