Angular, Get Index Of Dynamically Created Component Inside ViewContainerRef - javascript

I am trying to get the index of a dynamically created component inside ViewContainerRef
I need to get the index so I can destroy the component if I wanted too.
Code Below
#ViewChild('dynamicInsert', { read: ViewContainerRef }) dynamicInsert: ViewContainerRef
private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver,
private viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef,
) { }
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(AssetOptionComponent);
addAssetOption() {
const dynamicComponent = <AssetOptionComponent>this.dynamicInsert.createComponent(this.componentFactory).instance
// how to get index of this dynamically generated component ^^^^
Trying to use
this.dynamicInsert.remove(index: number) to destroy component
but I first need the index of the dynamically created component
this.dynamicInsert.indexOf(viewRef: viewRef)

To get the index you can use indexOf method and hostView property:
const index = this.dynamicInsert.indexOf(dynamicComponent.hostView)
Also note that if you don't specify the index view container will destroy the last component:
remove(index?: number): void {
const viewData = detachEmbeddedView(this._data, index);
if (viewData) {
export function detachEmbeddedView(elementData: ElementData, viewIndex?: number): ViewData|null {
const embeddedViews = elementData.viewContainer !._embeddedViews;
if (viewIndex == null || viewIndex >= embeddedViews.length) {
viewIndex = embeddedViews.length - 1;
So if you have only one component you don't need to pass index.
To remove all components you can use clear method.

If you are looking to destroy the created component you may consider a shortcut by just subscribing to it's observable destroy:
addAssetOption() {
const dynamicComponent: ComponentRef<any> = this.dynamicInsert.createComponent(this.componentFactory);
dynamicComponent.instance.destroy.subscribe(() => dynamicComponent.destroy())
and then upon removing event, in AssetOptionComponent, call it:
export class AssetOptionComponent {
destroy = new Destroyable();
export class Destroyable extends Subject<any>{
delete() {;
Working demo


httpClient.get is undefined when using dynamic function/observable references

So I asked a question a few days ago and got some headway on a solution, however now I'm stuck at another wall I'm unsure how to get over.
I have two parent components, a shared view/component with an extended base component, and a service all hooked together. The objective is to use the two parent components to drive what data is shown within the shared component. The two parent components use references to service methods passed into the shared component to get the data.
I've reached an issue where my http.get is always undefined no matter what I try. I've instantiated it like I do in my other services but I've had no luck. I suspect this is caused by how i pass in my service references. Code below:
Parent Component Code:
myData$: Observable<myType>;
searchMethod: Function;
constructor(private myService){
this.myData$ = this.myService.myData$;
this.searchMethod = this.myService.searchData;
[myData$] = "myData$"
Shared Component Code:
export class MySharedComponent extends BaseComponent<MyType> implements OnInit {
#Input() myData$: Observable<myType>;
#Input() searchMethod: Function;
constructor() { super(); }
ngOnInit(): void {$ = this.myData$;
search(): void {
this.searchMethod().subscribe(//do something);
Base Component Code:
#Input data$: Observable<T>;
ngOnInit(): void {$.subscribe((response: T) => //do something);
Service Code:
private myDataSubject = new BehaviorSubject<MyType>(new MyType());
get myData$(): Observable<MyType> {
return this.myDataSubject.asObservable();
constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
searchData(): Observable<void> {
return new Observable<void>(observer => {
response => {
// do something
() => observer.error(),
() => observer.complete()
It looks like you're losing the context of your service when you set this.searchMethod = this.myService.searchData in your parent component. It should work if you change searchData() { to an arrow function: searchData = (): Observable<void> => {.

Get latest state from angular-redux store

I create own store
export interface IAppState {
and add some reducer to handle ADD and REMOVE actions
But in many places I just need latest data from store. According to documentation it is enough to add attr #select() to store item add you will get current state.
But I've created some service which will do all work like get, add and remove items from store
export class CartService {
#select() private cartData: ICartItem[] ;
constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<IAppState>) { }
getItems() {
return this.cartData;
addItem(item: IItem) {
this.ngRedux.dispatch({type: ADD_CART_ITEM, cartItem : item});
removeItem(itemId: string) {
this.ngRedux.dispatch({type: REMOVE_CART_ITEM, id: itemId});
removeAllItems() {
this.ngRedux.dispatch({type: REMOVE_ALL_CART_ITEMS});
But problem - when I init myCartData property with getItems on init of my component, later I can add or remove some item, but myCartData property will not be updated after all this.
So how can I get latest state from store using such service? Or this approach is bad and I need to get state from store directly when I want without any custom services?
Try this:
export class CartService {
#select('cartData') cartData$: Observable<ICartItem[]> ;
constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<IAppState>) { }
addItem(item: IItem) {
this.ngRedux.dispatch({type: ADD_CART_ITEM, cartItem : item});
removeItem(itemId: string) {
this.ngRedux.dispatch({type: REMOVE_CART_ITEM, id: itemId});
removeAllItems() {
this.ngRedux.dispatch({type: REMOVE_ALL_CART_ITEMS});
In your component file just subscribe to cardService.cardData$, or use an async pipe in your template.

Two Way Binding on an Angular 2+ Component

I have an Ionic application where I have created a component to show some data of an object. My problem is that when I update the data in the parent that hosts the component the data within the component does not update:
selector: 'my-card',
templateUrl: './my-card.html'
export class MyCard {
#Input('item') public item: any;
#Output() itemChange = new EventEmitter();
constructor() {
ngOnInit() {
// I do an ajax call here and populate more fields in the item.
this.getMoreData().subscribe(data => {
if (data.item){
this.item = data.item;
<div class="comment-wrapper" *ngFor="let subitem of item.subitems">
And in the parent I use the component like this:
<my-card [(item)]="item"></my-card>
And the ts file for the parent:
selector: 'page-one',
templateUrl: 'one.html',
export class OnePage {
public item = null;
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams) {
this.item = {id:1, subitems:[]};
// AJAX call to save the new item to DB and return the new subitem.
this.addNewSubItem().subscribe(data => {
let newSubItem = data.item;
So when I call the addSubItem() function it doesnt update the component and the ngFor loop still doesnt display anything.
You are breaking the object reference when you are making the api request. You are assigning new value, that is overwriting the input value you get from the parent, and the objects are no longer pointing to the same object, but item in your child is a completely different object. As you want two-way-binding, we can make use of Output:
import { EventEmitter, Output } from '#angular/core';
// ..
#Input() item: any;
#Output() itemChange = new EventEmitter();
ngOnInit() {
// I do an ajax call here and populate more fields in the item.
this.getMoreData( => {
this.item = data;
// 'recreate' the object reference
Now we have the same object reference again and whatever you do in parent, will reflect in child.
If the getMoreData method returns an observable, this code needs to look as follows:
ngOnInit() {
// I do an ajax call here and populate more fields in the item.
updatedItem => this.item = updatedItem
The subscribe causes the async operation to execute and returns an observable. When the data comes back from the async operation, it executes the provided callback function and assigns the item to the returned item.
You declared item with #Input() decorator as:
#Input('item') public item: any;
But you use two-way binding on it:
<my-card [(item)]="item"></my-card>
If it is input only, it should be
<my-card [item]="item"></my-card>
Now if you invoke addSubItem() it should display the new added item.
this.item = this.getMoreData();
The getMoreData() doesn't make sense if you put it in your card component as you want to use the item passed via #Input()
Your component interactions are a little off. Check out the guide on the Angular docs ( Specifically, using ngOnChanges ( or use a service to subscribe and monitor changes between the parent and the child (

Accessing base member from derived class in function

I have created Angular2 + Typescript project. I have there alot of tables so I want to have something like base component for that.
There is my base component:
export abstract class ManagementComponent<T> implements BaseComponent {
protected selectedItem: T;
protected items: Array<T>;
Now there is my child component. I would like to get all items from http and then assign it into base class
export class CompetencesComponent extends ManagementComponent<Competence> implements OnInit {
thisField: string;
constructor(private service: CompetencesService) {
ngOnInit(): void {
private getCompetences() {
this.service.getCompetences().subscribe(function (competences: Array<Competence>) {
this.thisField // ok
this.items // not ok
Any idea how I can access base fields from subscribe methods?
Currently I'd expect that you wouldn't be able to reference either thisField or items, because you should be losing the this context inside your subscription function.
You can switch to an arrow function to retain context:
this.service.getCompetences().subscribe((competences: Array<Competence>) => { ... }
You can set list of competencies to parent class as follow:
private getCompetences() {
var self = this;
this.service.getCompetences().subscribe(function (competences: Array<Competence>) {
this.thisField // ok
self.items = competences; // not ok
The reason you are unable to access items property through this binding is the scope. Inside callback this binding is bound to something else and you loose the context.

ngFor doesn't fires after update depending variable in Angular2

I have 2 components: CommandListComponent and CommandLineComponent. Inside of a CommandListComponent template i handle a click event on a text string:
CommandListComponent template:
<li *ngFor="#command of commandList" class="b-command-list__command"><span (click)="checkCommand(command)" class="b-command-list__text">{{command}}</span></li>
import {CommandLineComponent} from "./commandline.component";
export class CommandListComponent {
commandLineComponent: any;
constructor(private _commandLine: CommandLineComponent) {
this.commandLineComponent = _commandLine;
checkCommand(command: string): void {
When click is fired i pass choosen command to add method of a CommandLineComponent:
export class CommandLineComponent {
commands: string[] = [];
add(command: string): void {
if (command) this.commands.push(command);
And within a template of a CommandLineComponent i print a list of a commands with *ngFor:
<li *ngFor="#command of commands" class="b-command-textarea__command">{{command}}</li>
But *ngFor doesn't fires when i choose a command and commands array of a CommandLineComponent updated. So, data binding is not working. commands array updates successfully:
Thank you for help.
The problem is the way you reference the commandLineComponent component. If there is a relation between them you could use the ViewChild decorator
class CommandListComponent {
commandLineComponent: any;
If not, you need to use a shared service to share the commands list between these two components. Something like that:
export class CommandService {
commands:string[] = [];
commandAdded:Subject<string> = new Subject();
add(command: string): void {
if (command) {
You need to define the service when bootstrapping your application and both components can inject it.
class CommandListComponent {
constructor(private commandService:CommandService) {
checkCommand(command: string): void {
The CommandLineComponent component will be notified of a new command like this and can update the view accordingly:
class CommandLineComponent {
constructor(private commandService:CommandService) {
this.commandService.commandAdded.subscribe(command => {
// Update the list displayed in the component...

