Creating user on the server with random username and no password - javascript

I am very new to Meteor and trying to develop an online synchronous game experiment. Generally, once participants AGREE to the consent form, I want to create a user and add that user into my Players collection.
My consent_page.js looks like this:
import './consent_page.html';
import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router';
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'
import '../../../api/players/methods.js'{
'submit .consent-form'(event) {
and my players.addPlayer method looks like this
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base';
import { Players } from './players.js';
import { Random } from 'meteor/random'
'players.addPlayer'() {
console.log('I am in the method');
username =;
user = create_user(username);
_id: this.userId,
enterTime: new Date(),
status: 'instructions',
passedQuiz: false,
quizAttempts: 0,
needRematch: false,
condition: 'control'
* Helper functions for the methods
//create user in the server
create_user = function (username) {
return Accounts.createUser({
username: username,
The collection Players.js has the definition of the collection.
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo'
export const Players = new Mongo.Collection('players');
However, this doesn't work. I do get redirected to the instructions page, but the user doesn't get created .. I get the following error:
Error invoking Method 'players.addPlayer': Method 'players.addPlayer' not found [404]
Although, I get the I am in the method message printed in the console. The alert with the return of create_user is undefined. Also, I want to create the users without a password (how can I do that?).

Accounts.createUser() method is a part of accounts-base package. You need to import that at first. I'm sharing a snippet from my working project. Hope this helps:
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base';
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
return Accounts.createUser({
username: data.userId,
password: data.password,


How to nest nightwatch.js commands in page sections?

I have a page pages/login.js looks like:
function fillAndSubmitLogin(email, password) {
return this
.setValue('#emailInput', email)
.setValue('#passwordInput', password)
export default {
commands: [
elements: {
emailInput: 'input#email',
passwordInput: 'input[type=password]',
TFAInput: 'input#token',
loginSubmitButton: '.form-actions button.btn.btn-danger'
I have another page pages/hompage.js homepage.js attempts to include pages/login.js as a section
import login from "./login.js";
module.exports = {
url: 'http://localhost:2001',
sections: {
login: {
selector: 'div.login-wrapper',
I then have a test case that attempts to login on the hompage section
'Homepage Users can login': (client) => {
const homepage =;
const login = homepage.section.login;
.fillAndSubmitLogin('', 'password');
This test then fails with the following error
TypeError: login.fillAndSubmitLogin is not a function
at Object.Homepage Users can login (/Users/kevzettler//frontend/test/nightwatch/specs/homepage.spec.js:32:6)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:182:7)
login.fillAndSubmitLogin is not a function
at Object.Homepage Users can login (/Users/kevzettler//frontend/test/nightwatch/specs/homepage.spec.js:32:6)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:182:7)
According to the Nightwatch docs, any commands that are exported in page objects should be plain JavaScript objects with a key being a command name and the value being a function. For example:
var googleCommands = {
submit: function() {
return this.waitForElementVisible('#submitButton', 1000)
module.exports = {
commands: [googleCommands],
elements: //...etc ...
// etc...
In this example, the module exports googleCommands, which is a command object which has a key (submit) and a corresponding function. I believe you should refactor your code as follows:
function fillAndSubmitLogin = {
fillAndSubmitLogin: function(email, password) {
return this
.setValue('#emailInput', email)
.setValue('#passwordInput', password)
Of course, you don't have to make the command name the same in both places (as the example shows (googleCommands/submit). This allows you to expose a variety of functions in one command. Hope that answers the question!

Javascript ServiceStack Client serialization error

So I have a master/detail scenario between two views. The master page shows a list and after clicking on one of the items, I send a message via the EventAggregator in Aurelia to the child view with a deserialized dto (coming from the selected item of the master) as a payload of the message.
However when I then try to pass this item as a parameter of a subsequent request in the child (to get additional info) the payload object fails to serialize.
import { JsonServiceClient } from "servicestack-client";
import {
} from "../holdingsManager.dtos";
import { inject, singleton } from "aurelia-framework";
import { Router } from "aurelia-router";
import { EventAggregator } from "aurelia-event-aggregator";
import { GetPendingPositionMessage } from "../common/GetPendingPositionMessage";
#inject(Router, EventAggregator)
export class Pending {
router: Router;
positions: PositionFileInfo[];
client: JsonServiceClient;
eventAgg: EventAggregator;
constructor(router, eventAggregator) {
this.router = router;
this.eventAgg = eventAggregator;
this.client = new JsonServiceClient('/');
var req = new ListPendingHoldingsFiles();
this.client.get(req).then((getHoldingsResponse) => {
this.positions = getHoldingsResponse.PositionFiles;
}).catch(e => {
console.log(e); // "oh, no!"
openHoldings(positionInfo) {
this.eventAgg.publish(new GetPendingPositionMessage(positionInfo));
import { JsonServiceClient } from "servicestack-client";
import { inject, singleton } from "aurelia-framework";
import { Router } from 'aurelia-router';
import { EventAggregator } from "aurelia-event-aggregator";
import { GetPendingPositionMessage } from "../common/GetPendingPositionMessage";
import {
} from "../holdingsManager.dtos";
#inject(Router, EventAggregator)
export class Holdings {
router: Router;
pendingPositionFileInfo: PositionFileInfo;
position: Position;
client: JsonServiceClient;
eventAgg: EventAggregator;
constructor(router, eventAggregator) {
this.router = router;
this.eventAgg = eventAggregator;
message => {
this.pendingPositionFileInfo = message.fileInfo;
activate(params, routeData) {
this.client = new JsonServiceClient('/');
var req = new GetPendingHoldingsFile();
req.PositionToRetrieve = this.pendingPositionFileInfo;
this.client.get(req).then((getHoldingsResponse) => {
this.position = getHoldingsResponse.PendingPosition;
}).catch(e => {
console.log(e); // "oh, no!"
So the error happens when the child activates and attempts to send the request 'GetPendingHoldingsFile'.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (NullReferenceException)
I have verified that this.pendingPositionFileInfo in the child is not null or empty and that on the server side, the object is not being received (it is null). I am new to Aurelia and not very experienced with Javascript so I must be missing something, any advice would be appreciated.
Edit 1
This seems to be something wrong with how I'm interacting with ServiceStack. I'm using version 4.5.6 of serviceStack with servicestack-client#^0.0.17. I tried newing up a fresh copy of the dto (PositionFileInfo) and copying over all the values from the parent view just to be sure there wasn't some javascript type conversion weirdness happening that I'm not aware of, but even with a fresh dto the webservice still receives a null request.
Switching from 'client.get(...)' to '' fixed the problem. Apparently trying to serialize the object over in the URL was not a good plan.

Why aren't any of collections being defined after publishing them?

I keep on getting these error messages in my browser console:
Exception in template helper: ReferenceError: "CollectionNames" is not defined
The "CollectionNames" being all the collections I have in my app. I have researched but cant find a suitable solution.
My environment: I am running meteor 1.2
The task.js file is where I define each collection. Below is the code in task.js
import { Mongo } from "meteor/mongo";
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import { ReactiveVar } from 'meteor/reactive-var';
Images = new FS.Collection("images", {
stores: [new FS.Store.FileSystem("images", {path: "~/uploads"})] });
buyList = new Mongo.Collection("BuyList");
WhoAreWe = new Mongo.Collection("whoDb");
merchantReviews = new Mongo.Collection("merchantReviews");
Messages = new Meteor.Collection("messages", {transform: function (doc)
{ doc.buyListObj = buyList.find({sessionIDz: {$in: [doc.buyList]}}); return doc; }});
The server is where I publish the collections. Below is the code:
import buyList from '../imports/api/tasks.js';
import Messages from '../imports/api/tasks.js';
import Images from '../imports/api/tasks.js';
import WhoAreWe from '../imports/api/tasks.js';
import merchantReviews from '../imports/api/tasks.js';
Meteor.startup(() => {
// code to run on server at startup
Meteor.publish('buyList', function(){
return buyList.find();
Meteor.publish('Messages', function(){
return Messages.find();
Meteor.publish('Images', function(){
return Messages.find();
Meteor.publish('WhoAreWe', function(){
return WhoAreWe.find();
Meteor.publish('merchantReviews', function(){
return merchantReviews.find();
And the client is where I subscribe for the collections. Find below the code:
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import { ReactiveVar } from 'meteor/reactive-var';
import './main.html';
Where am I going wrong. I've been at this for many days now... Kindly help!
The collections must be defined on both the client and the server! Just import your collection names on the client side as well as the server:
import { buyList, Messages, Images, WhoAreWe, merchantReviews } from '../imports/api/tasks.js';
You still have to subscribe to the various publications of course.
It is a naming problem, when you publish the collection, you should refer to the collection name (messages), not the meteor variable (Messages)
Meteor.publish('messages', function(){...

Refactoring mock response in ember cli mirage 0.2.x

I'm using ember cli mirage to write some acceptance tests for my Ember app. I succeeded to mock server response for login but I'm not happy how I did it. Ember cli mirage have shorthands for route handlers and I would like to use them but everything I try throws me an error(except this solution). Can someone help me to refactor this response?'/login', ({ users, resources })=> {
let user = users.first();
return {
data: {
type: 'user',
attributes: user,
relationships: {
resources: {
data: [
{ id: resources.first().id, type: 'resource' }
} else {
return {
data: {
type: 'user',
attributes: user
I have both user and resource model and factory defined, with relationships between them in user and resource model(it's many to many relationship). Here's how I create user in tests
test('User can login', function(assert){
let resources = server.createList('resource', 2),
user = server.create('user', {resources: resources});
assert.equal('resource.content', currentPath());
If it's many-to-many, you should explicitly create a join record, as direct m2m relationship support does not yet exist.
// mirage/models/user.js
import { Model, hasMany } from 'ember-cli-mirage';
export default Model.extend({
userResources: hasMany()
// mirage/models/resource.js
import { Model, hasMany } from 'ember-cli-mirage';
export default Model.extend({
userResources: hasMany()
// mirage/models/user-resource.js
import { Model, belongsTo } from 'ember-cli-mirage';
export default Model.extend({
user: belongsTo(),
resource: belongsTo()
test('User can login', function(assert){
let user = server.create('user');
let resources = server.createList('resource', 2),
// create the join records
resources.forEach(resource => {
server.create('user-resource', { user, resource });
andThen(() => {
assert.equal('resource.content', currentPath());
If you need to mock an endpoint that exposes the m2m directly it will take a bit more work. But in general I find that if your Ember app exposes CRUD operations on the relationship, it's good to expose the join record, too. Makes things simpler.
That being said, Mirage will eventually support m2m relationships.

Meteor validated method not found

I'm migrating my Meteor application from Meteor 1.2 to Meteor 1.3 and following the guide on to create a validated method.
When I call the method, I believe client-side simulation is happening, as I can log out to console, but this is always followed by the error Method '...' not found.
import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor';
import {Template} from 'meteor/templating';
import {FlowRouter} from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router';
// Methods
import {createAccount} from '/imports/api/accounts/methods.js';
import './register.html';{
'submit form': function(event) {
var user = {
email: $('#email').val(),
password: $('#password').val(),
profile: {
firstName: $('#firstName').val(),
lastName: $('#lastName').val()
};, function(err) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('User successfully registered');
import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor';
import {ValidatedMethod} from 'meteor/mdg:validated-method';
import {SimpleSchema} from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema';
import {Accounts} from 'meteor/accounts-base';
export const createAccount = new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'createAccount',
validate: new SimpleSchema({
email: { type: String },
password: { type: String },
profile: { type: Object },
"profile.firstName": { type: String },
"profile.lastName": { type: String }
run(user) {
Client console
Object {email: "", password: "testPassw0rd", profile: Object} methods.js:18
errorClass {error: 404, reason: "Method 'createAccount' not found", details: undefined, message: "Method 'createAccount' not found [404]", errorType: "Meteor.Error"} register.js:28
I believe the reason this wasn't working was because I was not initialising the javascript on the server at startup.
Adding the following fixed the issue:
import './register-api.js';
import '/imports/api/accounts/methods.js';

