Accessing Elements of JS Object - javascript

I have created array in a object,
var obj_report_dailog = { array_report_dailog : [] }
Then push data to object,
obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog.push({from: fromDate})
obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog.push({to: toDate})
obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog.push({fabrika: fabrika})
var json = JSON.stringify(obj_report_dialog);
How can I access to elements of that object?
console.log("işte bu: " + json);
işte bu: {"array_report_dialog":[{"from":"2017-08-01"},{"to":"2017-09-21"},{"fabrika":["Balçova"]}]}

Two things:
You don't want to JSON.stringify unless you're sending the resulting string somewhere that will parse it. Remember, JSON is a textual notation for data exchange; JSON.stringify gives you a string to send to some receiver. When you have the JSON string, you don't access the properties of the objects in it.
If you're receiving that JSON string, you'd parse it via JSON.parse and then access the properties on the result.
Leaving aside the JSON thing, you probably don't want to add data the way you're adding it. You're adding three separate objects as three entries in the array, each with one property. You probably want to push one object with all three properties:
from: fromDate,
to: toDate,
fabrika: fabrika
Then you'd access them as obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog[0].from, obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog[0].to, and obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog[0].fabrika. Or more likely, you'd have a loop like this:
obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog.forEach(function(entry) {
// Use entry.from,, and entry.fabrika here
(See this answer for more options for looping through arrays.)
But, if you really want to push them as separate objects, you'd access them as obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog[0].from, obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog[1].to, and obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog[2].fabrika (note the indexes going up).

If you stringify a json, it's gonna create a string representation of your object.
To access data in a string like that we usually use JSON.parse that create an json object from a string. Which is the obj_report_dailog you had at start.

You can make object from json by using JSON.parse()


Besides Set and Map, what other common JS classes do not play nice with JSON.stringify()?

When we call JSON.stringify on a Map or Set, we get empty data:
console.log(JSON.stringify({foo: new Map([[1,2], [3,4]])}));
we just get:
I can more or less fix the above by using:
console.log(JSON.stringify({foo: Array.from(new Map([[1,2], [3,4]]))}));
but my question is - are there any other core JS classes that don't get serialized automatically, besides Map and Set?
JSON only supports: strings, numbers, booleans, null and arrays and plain objects with those as values/properties. That's it. So, no other type of object that is comprised of anything more than that is directly supported by JSON.
You have to either manually convert your object to something that can be represented with these basic types in JSON or find some other way to represent your object. The data within an object like a Map with simple values/indexes could be manually put into JSON form (perhaps in an array of objects or an array of arrays), but converting it back into a Map when deserialized will have to be done manually.
You can see the types that JSON supports here:
This means that no custom object type, even if its instance data is only composed of the above types will deserialize into the proper object type. This would include even something like a Date or a Regex and certainly includes any non-plain object such as Set, or Map.
It is possible to manually convert your data into something that is JSON serializable and then manually deserialize into the appropriate object. For example, you could serialize a non-nested Map and Set that only contains legal keys and values like this:
function serialize(mapOrSet) {
if (mapOrSet instanceof Map) {
// convert Map into 2D array
// [[key1, val1], [key2, val2], ....]
let data = [];
for (const [key, value] of mapOrSet) {
data.push([key, value]);
return JSON.stringify({
_customType: "Map",
_data: data
} else if (mapOrSet instanceof Set) {
return JSON.stringify({
_customType: "Set",
_data: Array.from(mapOrSet);
} else {
throw new TypeError("argument to serialize() must be Map or Set");
Then, you'd have to have a custom deserializer that could detect objects with the _customType property on them and call an appropriate deserializer function to convert the plain JSON into the appropriate custom object types. You could even make the system extensible by having objects support their own serializing and deserializing functions, using some sort of _customType property to identify the appropriate class name to invoke. Of course, both source and destination would have to have the appropriate serialize and deserialize extensions present to make it work properly.

Json Keys Are Undefined When Using Them From Script Tag

I've been trying to load certain Json with Ajax GET request and then parsing it.
However when trying to access the Json key from HTML script tag it was undefined.
In order to debug this issue, I logged all the keys of Json in console as well as the Json itself. Therefore i utilized this function:
function getInv() {
$.get( "/inventory/", function( data ) {
var invList = data.split(",, "); // Explanation is below
console.log(invList[0]) // Just testing with first object
Purpose of data.split(",, "):
Since my backend script uses different programming language, I had to interpret it to the one suitable for Javascript.
There also were multiple Json objects, So i separated them with ",, " and then split them in Javascript in order to create a list of Json objects.
After calling the function, Following output was present:
Although the interesting part is that after pasting Json object in console like this:
This was the output:
So basically, in script tag, i was unable to access object's keys, although once i used it manually in console, all keys could be accessed.
What could be the purpose behind this? It seems quite strange that different outputs are given. Perhaps invList[0] is not Json object at all in the script tag? Thanks!
data.split() returns an array of strings, not objects. You need to use JSON.parse() to parse the JSON string to the corresponding objects.
function getInv() {
$.get( "/inventory/", function( data ) {
var invList = data.split(",, ");
console.log(invList[0]) // Just testing with first object
var obj = JSON.parse(invList[0]);
You can use .map() to parse all of them, then you'll get an array of objects like you were expecting:
var invList = data.split(",, ").map(JSON.parse);

How does JSON.parse() work?

I have not worked too much on javascript. And, I need to parse a JSON string. So, I want to know what exactly JSON.parse does. For example :
If I assign a json string to a variable like this,
var ab = {"name":"abcd", "details":{"address":"pqrst", "Phone":1234567890}};
Now when I print 'ab', I get an object.
Similarly when I do this :
var pq = '{"name":"abcd", "details":{"address":"pqrst", "Phone":1234567890}}';
var rs = JSON.parse(pq);
The 'rs' is the same object as 'ab'. So what is the difference in two approaches and what does JSON.parse did differently ?
This might be a silly question. But it would be helpful if anybody can explain this.
A Javascript object is a data type in Javascript - it's have property and value pair as you define in your first example.
var ab = {"name":"abcd", "details":{"address":"pqrst", "Phone":1234567890}};
Now What is Json : A JSON string is a data interchange format - it is nothing more than a bunch of characters formatted a particular way (in order for different programs to communicate with each other)
var pq = '{"name":"abcd", "details":{"address":"pqrst", "Phone":1234567890}}';
so it's is a String With json Format.
and at last JSON.parse() Returns the Object corresponding to the given JSON text.
Here is my explanation with a jsfiddle.
//this is already a valid javascript object
//no need for you to use JSON.parse()
var obj1 = {"name":"abcd", "details":"1234"};
//assume you want to pass a json* in your code with an ajax request
//you will receive a string formatted like a javascript object
var str1 = '{"name":"abcd", "details":"1234"}';
//in your code you probably want to treat it as an object
//so in order to do so you will use JSON.parse(), which will
//parse the string into a javascript object
var obj2 = JSON.parse(str1);
JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a minimal, readable format for structuring data. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and web application, as an alternative to XML.
Your 'ab' variable isn't a string, it is a proper javascript object, since you used the {} around it. If you encased the whole thing in "" then it would be a string and would print out as a single line.
Data Type!! That is the answer.
In this case, ab is an object while pq is a string (vaguely speaking). Print is just an operation that displays 'anything' as a string. However, you have to look at the two differently.
String itself is an object which has properties and methods associated with it. In this case, pq is like an object which has a value: {"name":"abcd", "details":{"address":"pqrst", "Phone":1234567890}} and for example, it has a property called length whose value is 66.
But ab is an object and you can look at name and details as its properties.
What JSON.parse() did differently was that, it parsed (converted) that string into an object. Not all strings can be parsed into objects. Try passing {"name":"abc" and JSON.parse will throw an exception.
Before parsing, pq did not have any property name. If you did something like, it'll return you undefined. But when you parsed it using JSON.parse() then will return the string "abcd". But rs will not have the property length anymore because it is not a string. If you tried rs.length then you'll get a value undefined.

checking json value in javascript

var saurabhjson= JSON.stringify(data)
above returns this json
saurabhjson {"recordId":5555,"Key":"5656"}
if print the first array in console it get undefined value
i want to do some check like this
if(saurabhjson[0].recordId == 5555) {
$('#div_ajaxResponse2').text("another success");
As the method suggests JSON.stringify(data). It converts a js object to a jsonstring now if you want a key out of this string it can't be done before parsing it to json.
So i don't get it why do you need to stringify it.
And another thing is you have a js object not an array of objects. so you need to use this on data itself:
You are probably mixing a few things there.
When you do var saurabhjson= JSON.stringify(data), that saurabhjson variable is a string, not an object, so you can't access its elements like you are trying to do.
Try accessing data directly instead, without using JSON.stringify():

Deserializing JavaScript object instance

I am working on an app that heavily uses JavaScript. I am attempting to include some object-oriented practices. In this attempt, I have created a basic class like such:
function Item() { this.init(); }
Item.prototype = {
init: function () { = {
id: 0,
name: "",
description: ""
save: function() {
url: getUrl(),
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify(,
contentType: "application/json"
I am creating Item instances in my app and then saving them to local storage like such:
Item item = new Item();
window.localStorage.setItem("itemKey", JSON.stringify(item));
On another page, or at another time, I am retriving that item from local storage like such:
var item = window.localStorage.getItem("itemKey");
item = JSON.parse(item);;
Unfortunately, the "save" function does not seem to get reached. In the console window, there is an error that says:
(anonymous function)
I have a hunch that the "(anonymous function)" is the console window's way of saying "calling, but item is an anonymous type, so I am trying to access an anonymous function". My problem is, I'm not sure how to convert "var item" into an Item class instance again. Can someone please show me?
Short answer:
Functions cannot be serialized into JSON.
JSON is a cross-platform serialization scheme based on a subset of JS literal syntax. This being the case, it can only store certain things. Per :
Objects: An object is an unordered set of name/value pairs. An object begins with { (left brace) and ends with } (right brace). Each name is followed by : (colon) and the name/value pairs are separated by , (comma).
Arrays: An array is an ordered collection of values. An array begins with [ (left bracket) and ends with ] (right bracket). Values are separated by , (comma).
values: A value can be a string in double quotes, or a number, or true or false or null, or an object or an array. These structures can be nested.
Functions cannot be serialized into JSON because another non-JS platform would not be able to unserialize and use it. Consider the example in reverse. Say I had a PHP object at my server which contained properties and methods. If I serialized that object with PHP's json_encode() and methods were included in the output, how would my JavaScript ever be able to parse and understand PHP code in the methods, let alone use those methods?
What you are seeing in your resulting JSON is the toString() value of the function on the platform you're using. The JSON serilizer calls toString() on anything being serialized which isn't proper for JSON.
I believe your solution is to stop storing instances in JSON/local storage. Rather, save pertinent data for an instance which you set back to a new instance when you need.
I know this question is answered already, however I stumbled upon this by accident and wanted to share a solution to this problem, if anyone is interested.
instead of doing this:
var item = window.localStorage.getItem("itemKey");
item = JSON.parse(item);;
do something like this:
// get serialized JSON
var itemData = window.localStorage.getItem("itemKey");
//instantiate new Item object
var item = new Item();
// extend item with data
$.extend(item, JSON.parse(itemData));
// this should now work;
this will work so long as the function you are wanting to call (ie, save()) is prototypal and not an instance method (often times the case, and is indeed the case in the OP's original question.
the $.extend method is a utility method of jquery, but it is trivial to roll your own.
You cant do that, how can javascript possibly knows that item have a save function ? json doesnt allow functions as datas. just read the json spec , you cant save functions.
what you need to do is to create a serialize and deserialize method in the hash you want to stock. that will specifiy what to export and how you can "wake up" an object after parsing the corresponding json string.
You can only store plain Objects in DOMstorages (cookies, urlparams..., everything that needs [de]serialisation through JSON.stringify/JSON.parse). So what you did when sending the ajax data
also applies to string serialisation. You can only store the data, not the instance attributes (like prototype, constructor etc.). So use
which is possible because is such a plain Object. And when restoring it, you will only get that plain data Object back. In your case it's easy to reconstruct a Item instance from plain data, because your Items hold their values (only) in a public available property:
var item = new Item; = JSON.parse(getjsonstring());
Not a full time time J.S. Developer, answer may have some minor bugs:
Long Boring Explanation
As mentioned by #JAAulde, your object cannot be serialized into JSON, because has functions, the technique that you are using doesn't allow it.
Many people forget or ignore that the objects that are used in an application, may not be exactly the same as saved / restored from storage.
Short & quick Answer
Since you already encapsulate the data members of your object into a single field,
you may want to try something like this:
// create J.S. object from prototype
Item item = new Item();
// assign values as you app. logic requires = "John Doe"; = "Cool developer, office ladies, love him";
// encoded item into a JSON style string, not stored yet
var encodedItem = JSON.stringify(
// store string as a JSON string
window.localStorage.setItem("itemKey", encodedItem);
// do several stuff
// recover item from storage as JSON encoded string
var encodedItem = window.localStorage.getItem("itemKey");
// transform into J.S. object = JSON.parse(encodedItem);
// do other stuff

