I need to calculate pairs of same letters that stay each other in twos, I got this code
const calculateLetters = (text: string) => {
const arrayStr = [...text];
let count = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arrayStr.length; i++) {
if (arrayStr[i] === arrayStr[i + 1]) {
count += 1;
return count;
But now it returns 3, what I need to do is make count equal 2, because I need to calculate pairs of same letters.
In your if statement, if you've found a pair, then iterate till the point your i+1th element is not same as ith element, and then count again.
You can accomplish this with RegEx The below pattern will count matches of the same character pairs.
const countPairs = (text) => {
//Grab the matches length if any exist, otherwise return 0
return (text.match(/(.)\1/g))?.length ?? 0
console.log(countPairs("abc")) //Result is 0
console.log(countPairs("ABBAAA")) //Result is 2
console.log(countPairs("aabBccDD111")) //Result is 4
With your code, you just need to move past the match when you find one
const calculateLetters = (text) => {
const arrayStr = [...text];
let count = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arrayStr.length; i++) {
if (arrayStr[i] === arrayStr[i + 1]) {
count += 1;
//move past the match
return count;
const calculateLetters = (text: string) => {
const arrayStr = [...text];
let count = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arrayStr.length; i++) {
let j = i;
while(i + 1 < arrayStr.length && arrayStr[i] === arrayStr[i + 1]) {
i+= 1;
if(i != j){
count += 1;
return count;
Define a zip function that can be used to create a list of pairs of adjacent letters in the text. Then count the pairs that match.
Since you want unique adjacent letters, pass the pairs through a Set before counting.
const zip = (a, b) => a.map((k, i) => [k, b[i]])
const calculateLetters = (text) => {
const chars = [...text]
const adjacentLetters = zip(chars, chars.slice(1))
const uniqueAdjacentLetters = [
...new Set(adjacentLetters.map(([a,b]) => `${a}:${b}`))
].map(x => x.split(':'))
const count = uniqueAdjacentLetters.reduce(
(total, [a,b]) => total + ((a === b) ? 1 : 0),
return count
* Let us create a function that receives a string "abcbdbd",
* and returns an array like:
["a", "a.b", "a.b.c", "a.b.c.b", "a.b.c.b.d", "a.b.c.b.d.b", ...]
function splitString(str) {
const arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
for (var z = 0; z < arr.length; z++) {
const joinArr = `${arr[0]}.${arr[z]}`;
return [];
how to add . after every string? I have tried for loop. So should I use map and .join?
An example using map
const str = "abcbdef";
const array = str.split("");
const output = array.map((_, idx, arr) => arr.slice(0, idx + 1).join("."));
Create an array from the string (Array.from()), reduce it to an array, so that each element is the current last element (acc[acc.length-1]) in the array plus itself. For the first element just add it to the array.
function splitString(str) {
return Array.from(str).reduce((acc,cv) => {
if (acc[0]) acc.push(acc[acc.length-1]+"."+cv)
else acc[0] = cv // if the array is empty, add just the first char
return acc
You could create an array of all characters and add the last returned value.
function splitString(str) {
return Array.from(
(l => v => l += (l && '.') + v)('')
function splitString(str) {
let arr = [];
let temp = "";
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
temp += (temp !== "" ? "." : "") + str[i];
return arr;
const s1 = 'testuser1122#abc.com';
const s2 = 'testuser112#abc.com';
// some function
someFunction(s1, s2); // this should return 2->12 (character->position)
I need to find the missing characters from second string.
The code should be in ES6
Use split to create array of string 1. Iterate over it and check the char against the same index in string 2, if they are not same, push in array temp array and remove that character from the string 1 array.
const s1 = 'testuser1122#abc.com';
const s2 = 'testuser112#abc.com';
let arr = s1.split('');
const missingChars = [];
for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if(arr[i] !== s2[i]) {
missingChars.push(Object.assign({}, {"char": arr[i]}));
arr.splice(i, 1);
i = i-1;
const s1 = 'testuser11223#1abc.com';
const s2 = 'testuser112#abc.com';
let arr = s1.split('');
const missingChars = [];
for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if(arr[i] !== s2[i]) {
missingChars.push(Object.assign({}, {"char": arr[i]}));
arr.splice(i, 1);
i = i-1;
const s1 = 'testuser1122#abc.com';
const s2 = 'testuser112#abc.com';
const s3 = 'testuser1122748#abcfg.com';
const s4 = 'testuser112#abc.com';
function diff(a, b){
let differences = [];
a.split("").map((c, i) => {
if(b.split("")[i - differences.length] != c){
differences.push({[c]: i});
return differences;
console.log(diff(s1, s2));
console.log(diff(s3, s4));
Assuming I have the following string "355385". I need a simple JavaScript that can tell me that the most mentioned character is 5. Thank you in advance.
I tried with this one but no results.
var exp = '355385' ;
var exps =exp.split("");
var expCounts = { };
for (var i=0;i<exp.length;i++)
{expCounts["_" + exps[i]] = (expCounts["_" + exps[i]] || 0) + 1 ;
if (expCounts==3) exps=exps[i]; }; exps;
This will loop over every character in the string and keep track of each character's count and the character with the maximum count:
var exp = '3553853335' ;
var expCounts = {};
var maxKey = '';
for(var i = 0; i < exp.length; i++)
var key = exp[i];
expCounts[key] = 0;
if(maxKey == '' || expCounts[key] > expCounts[maxKey]){
maxKey = key;
console.debug(maxKey + ":" + expCounts[maxKey]);
Here is an ES6 version that will handle strings where multiple character have the same max count
function maxCount(input) {
const {max, ...counts} = (input || "").split("").reduce(
(a, c) => {
a[c] = a[c] ? a[c] + 1 : 1;
a.max = a.max < a[c] ? a[c] : a.max;
return a;
{ max: 0 }
return Object.entries(counts).filter(([k, v]) => v === max);
Example (please excuse the crude output):
maxCount('--aaaa1111--').join(' | ').replace(/,/g, ':');
outputs 1:4 | -:4 | a:4
var getMax = function (str) {
var max = 0,
maxChar = '';
if(str.split(char).length > max) {
max = str.split(char).length;
maxChar = char;
return maxChar;
getMax('355385') //5;
getMax('35538533') //3;
in equal case it will return first number
getMax('3553') //3;
var string = "355385",
counter = {};
for (var i = 0, len = string.length; i < len; i += 1) {
counter[string[i]] = (counter[string[i]] || 0) + 1;
var biggest = -1, number;
for (var key in counter) {
if (counter[key] > biggest) {
biggest = counter[key];
number = key;
# 5
var exp = '355385';
var findMostFrequent = function (string) {
var chars = {}, first = string.charAt(0);
chars[first] = 1;
var maxChar = first, maxCount = 1;
for (var i = 1; i < string.length; i++) {
var char = string.charAt(i);
if (chars[char]) {
} else {
chars[char] = 1;
if (chars[char] > maxCount) {
maxChar = char;
return maxChar;
Another Solution
function maxChar(str) {
const charMap = {};
let max = 0;
let maxChar = '';
for(let char of str){
charMap[char] = 1;
for(let char in charMap){
if(charMap[char] > max){
max = charMap[char];
maxChar = char;
return maxChar;
Another way to get the most frequent character in a string - sort frequency map into an array and then return the first (greatest) value from that array:
function highest (string) {
let array = Array.from(string);
let frequencyMap = {};
array.forEach((value, index) => {
if (!frequencyMap[value]) {
frequencyMap[value] = 0;
frequencyMap[value] += 1;
let frequencyArray = Object.entries(frequencyMap);
frequencyArray.sort((a, b) => {
if (a[1] < b[1]) {
return 1;
if (a[1] > b[1]) {
return -1;
return 0;
console.log(highest("hello World"));
returns "l"
None of the answers above take into consideration that JavaScript internally uses UTF-16
const s = "ππ
function getMostFrequentChar(s) {
const len = s.length;
const freq = {};
let maxFreq = 0;
let maxChar;
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const isPair = (s.charCodeAt(i) & 0xF800) == 0xD800;
const c = isPair ? s.substr(i++, 2) : s[i];
const f = (freq[c] || 0) + 1;
freq[c] = f;
if (f > maxFreq) {
maxFreq = f;
maxChar = c;
return {maxFreq, maxChar, freq}
Note: the code above assumes the string is valid UTF-16. It's possible to construct a string that is not valid UTF-16 in which case maybe you could change isPair to
const isPair = len - i > 1 &&
s.charCodeAt(i ) & 0xF800) == 0xD800 &&
s.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 0xF800) == 0xD800;
But it's not clear what a character with an invalid UTF-16 value means.
It also won't handle more funky unicode
s = "π¦πΏπ¦π¦πΏπ¦π¦π»π¦π½π¦πΎπ¦πΏ"
There are many graphmemes that take multiple unicode code points
Also, splitting the string using split is SSSSSSLLLLLOOOOWWWW and a huge memory hog if the string is long.
Here is yet another answer to this question:
For this I have considered that the character can be of whatevert kind except a space
function findHighestFreqInString(str) {
if (!str) return null
let cleanedStr = str.replace(/\s/g, '') //assumes no spaces needed
if (cleanedStr.length === 0) return null
let strObj = {}
let topChar = ''
for (let val of cleanedStr) {
strObj[val] = (strObj[val] || 0) + 1
if (topChar === '' || strObj[val] >= strObj[topChar]) topChar = val
return topChar
Here is how you would use it:
findHighestFreqInString('my name is Someone') // returns: e
findHighestFreqInString('') // returns: Null
findHighestFreqInString(' ') // returns: Null
Here is:
let str = '355385';
function mostFrequentCharacter(str) {
let charactersArr = str.split(''),
bins = {};
charactersArr.map(el => bins[el] = (bins[el] || 0) + 1);
return Object.keys(bins).map(key => ({
name: key,
count: bins[key]
})).sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count)[0];
You can use the following solution to find the most frequent character in a string:
function getMostRepeatedCharacter(string) {
return string.split('').reduce((acc,char)=>{
let len = string.split(char).length - 1;
return len > acc[1] ? [char,len] : acc
getMostRepeatedCharacter('wediuaududddd') // d
Want to share this ES6 functional approach. Please provide your input.
function maxChar(myStr) {
let charObj = {};
return [...myStr].reduce((_, char) => {
if (char in charObj) charObj[char]++;
else if (char !== " ") charObj[char] = 1;
return Object.keys(charObj).reduce((a, b) => {
return charObj[a] > charObj[b] ? a : b;
The simplest approach will be like this:
function maxChar(str) {
const charMap = {};
let max = 0;
let maxChar = '';
start by making an object of words and how many they repeated, to do that we have to loop through the string using for of and implementing the conditions:
for (let char of str) {
if (charMap[char]) {
} else {
charMap[char] = 1;
and now loop through the object using for in
for (let char in charMap) {
if (charMap[char] > max) {
max = charMap[char];
maxChar = char;
return maxChar;
this is another (bizarre) way
It substitute the current character with blank for check how many times is present in the string making the difference of length with original pattern
var str = "355385";
var mostLength = 0;
var characterMostLength;
for(t = 0; t< 10; t++)
var res = str.length - str.replace(new RegExp(t, "g"), "").length;
if (res > mostLength){
characterMostLength = t;
mostLength = res;
function solution(N) {
var textToArr = N.split('');
var newObj = {};
var newArr = [];
textToArr.map((letter) => {
if(letter in newObj){
newObj[letter] = newObj[letter]+1;
} else {
if(letter !== ' '){
newObj = Object.assign(newObj, {[letter]: 1})
for(let i in newObj){
newArr.push({name: i, value: newObj[i]})
var res = newArr.sort((a,b) => b.value-a.value)[0];
return res.name+':'+res.value
solution("hello world");
this is a simple Idea that only includes one pass-through with a hashmap. The only thing this does not do is handle several max numbers. I really hope you enjoy my solution :) .
function maxChar(str) {
//Create the output and the hashmap
let m = {}, ans
//Loop through the str for each character
//Use reduce array helper because of the accumulator
str.split('').reduce((a, c) => {
//Increments Map at location c(character) unless it does not already exist
m[c] = m[c] + 1|| 1
//This checks to see if the current passthrough of m[c] is greater than or equal to the accumulator, if it is, set the answer equal to the current character. If it's not keep the ans the same.
ans = m[c] >= a ? c : ans
//Only increment the accumulator if Map at location c(character) is greater than the accumulator. Make sure to return it otherwise it won't increment.
return a = m[c] > a ? a + 1 : a
}, 1)
//Lastly return the answer
return ans
Simplest way to find maximum number of occurring character in string
var arr = "5255522322";
var freq:any = {};
var num;
for(let i=0;i<arr.length;i++) {
num = arr[i];
freq[num] = freq[num] >= 1 ? freq[num] + 1 : 1;
var sortable:any = [];
for(let i in freq)
var max = freq[sortable[0]];
var data:any = "";
var value = sortable[0];
for(let i=0;i<sortable.length;i++) {
if(max > freq[sortable[i]]){
data = "key" + value + " " + "value" + max;
value = sortable[i]
max = freq[sortable[i]];
function maxChara(string) {
charMap = {};
maxNum = 0;
maxChar = "";
string.toString().split("").forEach(item => {
if (charMap[item]) {
} else {
charMap[item] = 1;
for (let char in charMap) {
if (charMap[char] > maxNum) {
maxNum = charMap[char];
maxChar = char;
return maxChar;
let result = maxChara(355385);
Here str will the string that needs to be verified.
function maxCharacter(str){
let str1 = str; let reptCharsCount=0; let ele='';let maxCount=0;
let charArr = str1.split('');
for(let i=0; i< str1.length; i++){
for(let j=0; j< str1.length; j++){
if(str1[i] === str1[j]) {
if(reptCharsCount > maxCount) {
ele = str1[i];
maxCount = reptCharsCount;
return ele;
function freq(str) {
var freqObj = {};
str.forEach((item) => {
if (freqObj[item]) {
else {
freqObj[item] = 1;
return freqObj;
function findmaxstr(str) {
let max = 0,res,freqObj;
freqObj = freq(str.split(""));
for(let keys in freqObj){
if (freqObj[keys] > max) {
max = freqObj[keys];
res = keys;
return res;
const maxChar = (str) => {
let obj = {};
for (let char of str) {
(!obj[char]) ? obj[char] = 1: obj[char]++;
maxCharcount = Math.max(...Object.values(obj));
const key = Object.keys(obj).filter(key => obj[key] === maxCharcount);
console.log(`Most repeated character/characters in the given string "${str}" is/are given below which repeated ${maxCharcount} times`);
Here is the code, where it also checks for lower and upperCase characters with the same max count and returns a Lower ASCII character as a Max.
function mostFrequent(text) {
let charObj={}
for(let char of text){
if(char!==' '){
if(charObj.hasOwnProperty(char)) charObj[char]=charObj[char]+1;
else charObj[char]= 1
let maxOccurance= Object.keys(charObj)[0], i=0;
for(let property in charObj){
if(charObj[property]> charObj[maxOccurance])
maxOccurance= property
else if(charObj[property]=== charObj[maxOccurance])
return [maxOccurance, charObj[maxOccurance]]
let str = '355385';
let max = 0;
let char = '';
str.split('').forEach((item) => {
let current = str.split(item).length;
if (current > max) {
max = current;
char = item;
console.log(char + ' occurred ' + (max - 1) + ' times');
var exp = '35585' ;
var expCounts = { };
let maxChar = ''
let count = 0
for(let i = 0; i < exp.length; i++){
let char = exp[i]
expCounts[char] = expCounts[char] + 1 || 1
if(expCounts[char] > count){
maxChar = char
count = expCounts[char]
function checkNoofOccurenance(string) {
const arr = [...new Set(string.split(''))].sort();
const finalObj = {};
arr.forEach((item) => {
finalObj[item] = string.split(item).length - 1;
const item=Object.keys(finalObj).reduce((occ, toBeComapir)=>finalObj[occ]>finalObj[toBeComapir]?occ:toBeComapir)
return item;
Using Hasmaps we can find the most frequent char and occurrence all in O(N) time complexity. Below is the code. I have used one hasmap to save all the values and while i am doing it, i am also calculating the max occurrence and the max char.
var mostFreq = function(s) {
let myMap = new Map();
let temp;
let counter = 0;
let mostFrequentChar;
for(let i =0;i <s.length;i++){
temp = myMap.get(s.charAt(i));
temp = temp + 1;
myMap.set(s.charAt(i) , temp)
if(temp > counter){
counter = temp;
mostFrequentChar = s.charAt(i);
myMap.set(s.charAt(i), 1)
//if you want number of occerance of most frequent char = counter
//if you want list of each individual char and its occurrence = myMap
//if you just want the char that is most frequence = mostFrequentChar;
return mostFrequentChar;
If you want the count of the letter as well, You can do this
const { letter, count } = input.split("").reduce(
(acc, letter) => {
const count = input.split(letter).length - 1;
return count > acc.count
? { letter, count }
: { letter: acc.letter, count: acc.count };
{ letter: "", count: 0 }
Here We are splitting the string, applying a reduce to the result. The Reduce Counts how many instances of a character are there in a string, using input.split(letter).length - 1; And if the count is greater than the previous count, updates the accumulated value to be the current value
let string = "355385";
function printFirstRepeat(str){
let output= {};
for (let char of str) {
char = char.toLowerCase();
output[char] = ++output[char] || 1;
if(output[char] > 1) return char;
return "Not Found"
Algorithm: Find maximum occurring character in a string (time complex: O(N))
I'll provide my solution to this algo-problem by utilizing the most recent concepts of javascript
const getMaxCharacter = (str) => {
let max = 0;
let maxChar = '';
str.split('').forEach((char) => {
if (str.split(char).length > max) {
max = str.split(char).length - 1;
maxChar = char;
return `The max letter is : ${maxChar} and the max number of times it is seen is: ${max} times`;
Let's express an easy way of testing the function logic I wrote it:
const letter = 'Hello Student';
In the function developed, I've used the concepts below:
Arrow Function
Anonymous Funciton
Declare property by using let/const
Template Literals
forEach(); (array helper) & split()
This is simple and optimized solution and it returns the first occurring char if there are chars equals in counts
function maxOccurance(str) {
let maxOccurringChar = "";
const charMap = {};
for (let index = 0; index < str.length; index++) {
const ele = str.charAt(index);
if (!charMap[ele]) {
charMap[ele] = {
startIndex: index,
value: 1
} else {
charMap[ele].value = charMap[ele].value + 1;
if (
!maxOccurringChar ||
charMap[maxOccurringChar].value < charMap[ele].value
) {
maxOccurringChar = ele;
} else if (
charMap[maxOccurringChar].value === charMap[ele].value &&
charMap[ele].startIndex < charMap[maxOccurringChar].startIndex
) {
maxOccurringChar = ele;
return maxOccurringChar;
console.log( maxOccurance("bacdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<p id = "myString">Hello World! I am Julio!</p>
<p id = "mRCharacter"></p>
var string = document.getElementById("myString").innerHTML;
var mRCharater = mostRepetedCharacter(string);
document.getElementById("mRCharacter").innerHTML = mRCharater;
function mostRepetedCharacter(string){
var mRCharater = "";
var strLength = string.length;
var i = 0;
var count = 0;
var max = 0;
var rest = strLength - 1;
while (i < strLength){
var j = i + 1;
while (j <= rest){
if (string[i] === string[j]){
if (count > max){
max = count;
mRCharater = string[i];
count = 0;
return mRCharater;
enter code here