How to do constant values minification in javascript? - javascript

I have a requirement to minify the constant values in the javascript project I am working on.
Currently I define the constants as something like this:
export const Constants = {
I_AM_CONSTANT: 'hello',
and I put this object into a separate file.
Then I use UglifyPlugin of WebPack to minify the codes.
But what I get is something like
e.Constants = {
I_AM_CONSTANT: 'hello',
It's like no minification effect at all. Can anyone tell me what is the correct way to do the minifications for these constants? How can I change my code? I also would like to know some best practice of writing constant values in javascript if possible.

You can't minify what you have because the minified won't know where there to be used. If you used injection correctly though the consuming code can be minified, e.g.
var closure = function(constants){
//constants used lots in here.
could safely be minfied to
var closure = function(c){
//c used lots in here.
e.constants gets closed over into a local variable constants, this can be happily minified to c as the minifer knows it's scope, it's inside the closure and is injected.
Where as this:
function closure(){
//e.constants used lots in here
can't be minified because any change to e.constants would be breaking.


Strange javascript behaviour - error unless 'classes' are defined in correct order

I have a very strange problem with javascript and easel js.
I am using the easel.js library and am already fairly far into the construction of a project using it.
I am attempting to have a 'class' (I know they aren't technically classes in javascript but I will use this terminology for lack of a better word) inherit the Shape class from easel js, and then have another class inherit that. So it would be something like this:
easeljs.Shape --> MenuButton --> BuildingButton
The code I am using looks like this:
BuildingButton.prototype = Object.create(MenuButton.prototype);
BuildingButton.prototype.constructor = BuildingButton;
function BuildingButton(){;
MenuButton.prototype = Object.create(createjs.Shape.prototype);
MenuButton.prototype.constructor = MenuButton;
function MenuButton(){;
The problem is that I get the following error with this code:
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
(line 8439 is pointing to the initialize() function in the Shape() constructor).
now here's the strange thing. If I change the order of the definitions so that the sub class is defined second and not first, it works fine!
MenuButton.prototype = Object.create(createjs.Shape.prototype);
MenuButton.prototype.constructor = MenuButton;
function MenuButton(){;
BuildingButton.prototype = Object.create(MenuButton.prototype);
BuildingButton.prototype.constructor = BuildingButton;
function BuildingButton(){;
This is very confusing as I can't seem to figure out why on earth this is happening. I could just make sure I define them in the correct order and leave it be, but I have all my 'classes' in different source files which are then strung together by grunt, which does so alphabetically.
Also, I feel like I may have a big gap in my knowledge of javascript (or maybe easel.js I'm not sure what exactly is causing this behaviour).
Thanks in advance for your help and I hope the question makes sense!
MenuButton.prototype = Object.create(createjs.Shape.prototype);
BuildingButton.prototype = Object.create(MenuButton.prototype);
These two statements have a clear dependency and need to be executed in the correct order (for the function declarations the order is irrelevant if placed in the same scope/file, but if in different files they need to be loaded in the correct order obviously).
I have all my 'classes' in different source files which are then strung together by grunt, which does so alphabetically
That's not a good idea. You should use some build tool/script that allows the declaration of dependencies.
Read this to clear things out:
In first example you try to inherit from nothing, since MenuButton.prototype is not yet defined. To make it work just add MenuButton.prototype = new createjs.Shape.prototype(instead of Object.create() wich shouldn't be used anymore) to instantiate it first before you can you use it. Your first code is like you are willing to eat a banana before having one.

How can I enable header string literal declarations in Google Closure Compiler?

I've been using Google's closure compiler, and I've heard that Google is also using it in their products.
Recently, I looked at Google Maps' compressed source code, and found out that string literals are pre-defined at the top.
# I've beautified in order to make it more readable
this._ = this._ || {};
(function (_) {
var window = this;
try {
'use strict';
var daa;
var caa;
var baa;
var aaa;
aaa = "\x00";
baa = "\n\nBrowser stack:\n";
caa = "\n//# sourceURL=";
daa = '\nUrl: <a href="view-source:';
I think this is a good idea, because string literals written directly in source code will make hacking much more easier, and this solution can prevent it. Also, it can reduce script file size if long strings are used repeatedly.
I want to use this optimization in my project too, but I have no idea what options I should set to compiler. Are there any Closure compiler's options? Or else, are developers using some external tools to do this?
This is covered in the project FAQ: Closure Compiler inlined all my strings, which made my code size bigger. Why did it do that?

creating closure compiler extern

I'm using a jQuery plug-in and Google Closure Compiler. The problem is that there's a bug in the plug-in when I add the URL of that plug-in into the compilation, the compilation fails. So I want to create an extern for that plug-in. Basically, I'm only using 1 object and 2 methods from the entire library; something like this:
var TheObject = $.plugin({...});
var SomeVar = TheObject.someName.otherName(SomeString, {
prop1: [...],
onError: function () {...}
I looked at the doc on Google's website but it's written from a confusing "what-it-is" perspective and I need a simple "how-to" perspective on how to do this. What do I need to do to create an extern for what I have?
Here you go:
How to Write Closure-compiler Extern Files – Part 1 The Basics
jQuery Plugins and Closure-Compiler
I haven't had time to finish out the series on creating externs. If this isn't enough for your project, I'll revisit the topic.
So I've been struggling on and off with this question for a while and I've come up with a working solution for others who have a plug-in they want to use in their code with closure compiler: instead of doing an extern, just use strings, like this:
var TheObject = $['plugin']({...});
var SomeVar = TheObject['someName']['otherName'](SomeString, {
'prop1': [...],
'onError': function () {...}
That may not work for everybody but this worked for me and saved me a great deal of hassle in terms of writing an extern. I found the doc online to be very confusing: either written by techies who explain what things are, but now how to use them, or written in a professorial tone, with not many empirical examples. I hope this answer will help others.

JSLint "eval is evil." alternatives

I am have some JavaScript functions that run on both the client (browser) and the server (within a Java Rhino context). These are small functions - basically little validators that are well defined and don't rely upon globals or closures - self-contained and portable.
Here's an example:
function validPhoneFormat(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var phonePattern = /^\+?([0-9\- \(\)])*$/;
if (value && value.length && !phonePattern.test(value))
return [ {"policyRequirement": "VALID_PHONE_FORMAT"}];
return [];
To keep things DRY, my server code gets a handle on each of these functions and calls toString() on them, returning them to the browser as part of a JSON object. Something like this:
{ "name" : "phoneNumber",
"policies" : [
{ "policyFunction" : "\nfunction validPhoneFormat(fullObject, value, params, property) {\n var phonePattern = /^\\+?([0-9\\- \\(\\)])*$/;\n if (value && value.length && !phonePattern.test(value)) {\n return [{\"policyRequirement\":\"VALID_PHONE_FORMAT\"}];\n } else {\n return [];\n }\n}\n"
My browser JS code then takes this response and creates an instance of this function in that context, like so:
eval("var policyFunction = " + this.policies[j].policyFunction);
policyFailures =, form2js(this.input.closest("form")[0]), this.input.val(), params,;
This all works very well. However, I then run this code through JSLint, and I get back this message:
[ERROR] ValidatorsManager.js:142:37:eval is evil.
I appreciate that often, eval can be dangerous. However, I have no idea how else I could implement such a mechanism without using it. Is there any way I can do this and also pass through the JSLint validator?
I wouldn't worry about it since you are only passing these function strings from the server to the client, and are thus in control of what will be evaluated.
On the other hand, if you were going the other direction and doing the evals of client-passed code on the server, that would be an entirely different story...
As disabling the validation option in your comment may cause you to miss future errors, I would instead suggest passing the function name rather than the entire function and have the function library mirrored on the server and client. Thus, to call the function, you'd use the following code:
var policyFunction = YourLibraryName[this.policies[j].policyFunctionName];
var policyArguments = this.policies[j].policyArguments;
policyFunction.apply(this, policyArguments);
Update 2:
I was able to validate the following code with JSLint successfully, which essentially allows you to "turn off" validation for the vast minority of cases where eval is appropriate. At the same time, JSLint still validates normal eval calls, and all uses of this method should throw up flags for future developers to avoid using it/refactor it out where possible/as time allows.
Dont encode a function as a string in JSON. JSON is for content, which you are confounding with behavior.
Instead, I suppose you could return JS files instead, which allow real functions:
{ name : "phoneNumber",
policies : [
{ policyFunction : function() {
But while that solves the technical issue, it's still not a great idea.
The real solution here is to move your logic out of your content entirely. Import a JS file full of little validation functions and call them as needed based on a dataType property in your JSON or something. If this functions are as small and portable as you say, this should be trivial to accomplish.
Getting your data all tangled up with your code usually leads to pain. You should statically include your JS, then dynamically request/import/query for your JSON data to run through your statically included code.
I would avoid using eval in all situations. There's no reason you can't code around it. Instead of sending code to the client, just keep it hosted on the server in one contained script file.
If that's not doable, you can also have a dynamically generated javascript file then pass in the necessary parameters via the response, and then dynamically load the script on the client side. There's really no reason to use eval.
Hope that helps.
You can use
setInterval("code to be evaluated", 0);
Internally, if you pass setInterval a string it performs a function similar to eval().
However, I wouldn't worry about it. If you KNOW eval() is evil, and take appropriate precautions, it's not really a problem. Eval is similar to GoTo; you just have to be careful and aware of what you're doing to use them properly.
With very little parsing you could have had it like so:
var body = this.policies[j].policyFunction.substr;
body = body.substr(body.indexOf("(") + 1);
var arglist = body.substr(1, body.indexOf(")"));
body = body.substr(arglist.length + 1);
var policyFunction = new Function(arglist, body);
Which would provide a bit of validation, avoid the literal use of eval and work synchronously with the code. But it is surely eval in disguise, and it is prone to XSS attack. If the malevolent person can get their code loaded and evaluated this way - it will not save you. So, really, just don't do it. Add a <script> tag with the proper URL and that would be certainly safer. Well, you know, better safe then sorry.
PS. My apologises if the code above doesn't work, it only shows the intent, I've not tested it, and if I made a mistake at counting parenthesis or some such - well, you should get the idea, I'm not advertising it by any means.
DRY is definitely something I agree with, however there is a point where copy+pasting is more efficient and easy to maintain than referencing the same piece of code.
The code you're saving yourself from writing seems to be equivalent to a clean interface, and simple boiler plate. If the same code is being used on both the server and the client, you could simply pass around the common pieces of the function, rather than the whole function.
"name": "phoneNumber",
"type": "regexCheck",
"checkData": "/^\\+?([0-9\\- \\(\\)])*$/"
if(payload.type === "regexCheck"){
const result = validPhoneFormat(fullObject, value, payload.checkData)
function validPhoneFormat(fullObject, value, regexPattern) {
if (value && value.length && !regexPattern.test(value))
return [ {"policyRequirement": "VALID_PHONE_FORMAT"}];
return [];
This would give you the ability to update the regex from a single location. If the interface changes it does need to be updated in 2 places, but I wouldn't consider that a bad thing. If the client is running code, why hide the structure?
If you really, really want to keep both the object structure and the patterns in one place - extract it to a single API. Have a "ValidatePhoneViaRegex" api endpoint which is called by all places you'd be passing this serialized function to.
If all of this seems like too much effort, set jslint to ignore your piece of code:
"In JSHint 1.0.0 and above you have the ability to ignore any warning with a special option syntax. The identifier of this warning is W061. This means you can tell JSHint to not issue this warning with the /*jshint -W061 */ directive.
In ESLint the rule that generates this warning is named no-eval. You can disable it by setting it to 0, or enable it by setting it to 1."
I would prefer to see copy+pasted code, a common api, or receiving parameters and copy+pasted boiler plate than magical functions passed in from the server to be executed.
What happens if you get a cross-browser compatibility error with one of these shared functions?
Well, the first thing to bear in mind is that jsLint does make the point that "it will hurt your feelings". It's designed to point out where you're not following best practices -- but code that isn't perfect can still work just fine; there's no compulsion upon you to follow jsLint's advice.
Having said that, eval is evil, and in virtually all cases there is always a way around using it.
In this case, you could use a library such as require.js, yepnope.js or some other library that is designed to load a script separately. This would allow you to include the javascript functions you need dynamically but without having to eval() them.
There are probably several other solutions as well, but that was the first one that came to my mind.
Hope that helps.

Measuring pollution of global namespace

I'm trying to refactor some long, ugly Javascript (shamefully, it's my own). I started the project when I started learning Javascript; it was a great learning experience, but there is some total garbage in my code and I employ some rather bad practices, chief among them being heavy pollution of the global namespace / object (in my case, the window object). In my effort to mitigate said pollution, I think it would be helpful to measure it.
My gut instinct was to simply count the number of objects attached to the window object prior to loading any code, again after loading third-party libraries and lastly after my code has been executed. Then, as I refactor, I would try to reduce the increase that corresponds to loading my code). To do this, I'm using:
at various places in my code. This seems to work alright and I see the number grow, in particular after my own code is loaded. But...
Just from looking at the contents of the window object in the Chrome Developer console, I can see that its not counting everything attached to the object. I suspect it's not including some more fundamental properties or object types, whether they belong to the browser, a library or my own code. Either way though, can anyone think of a better and more accurate way to measure global namespace pollution that would help in refactoring?
Thanks in advance!
So after some of the comments left by Felix Kling and Lèse majesté, I have found a solution that works well. Prior to loading any libraries or my own code, I create the dashboard global object (my only intentional one) and store a list of objects attached to window via:
var dashboard = {
cache: {
load: Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window)
Then, after I load all of the libraries but prior to loading any of my own code, I modify the dashboard object, adding the pollution method (within a new debug namespace):
dashboard.debug = {
pollution: (function() {
var pollution,
base = cache.load, // window at load
filter = function(a,b) { // difference of two arrays
return a.filter(function(i) {
return !(b.indexOf(i) > -1);
library = filter(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window), base),
custom = function() {
return filter(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window),
delete cache.load;
pollution = function() {
console.log('Global namespace polluted with:\n ' +
custom().length + ' custom objects \n ' +
library.length + ' library objects');
return {custom: custom().sort(), library: library.sort()};
return pollution;
At any point, I can call this method from the console and see
Global namespace polluted with:
53 custom objects
44 library objects
as well as two arrays listing the keys associated with those objects. The base and library snapshots are static, while the current custom measurement (via custom) is dynamic such that if I were to load any custom javascript via AJAX, then I could remeasure and see any new custom "pollution".
The general pattern you've selected works OK from experience. However, there are two things you might need to consider (as additions or alternatives):
Use or with your existing code and look at the errors produced. It should help you spot most if not all of the global variable usage quickly and easily (you'll see errors of 'undefined' variables for example). This is a great simple approach. So, the measurement in this case will be just looking at the total number of issues.
We've found that Chrome can make doing detection of leaking resources on the window object tricky (as things are added during the course of running the page). We've needed to check for example to see if certain properties returned are native by using RegExs: /\s*function \w*\(\) {\s*\[native code\]\s*}\s*/ to spot native code. In some code "leak detection" code we've written, we also try to (in a try catch) obtain the value of a property to verify it's set to a value (and not just undefined). But, that shouldn't be necessary in your case.

