Getting Fingerprint template on my website - javascript

I am trying to create a E-voting system. So I am trying to to verify user not only based on his/her document but also based on his fingerprint. While searching regarding this topic I came across a solution that suggested me to store the template generated in BLoB format and then later compare it with input.But how do I make a web API like stuff(similar to accessing requests of microphone and camera for eg. while video call over facebook) so that the user need not have a special software, if this is possible then the issue of sending pre-generated templates as input would be solved as it won't store the template in computer but directly sends it to server.
I am totally new to fingerprint.Any help will be greatly appreciated. I am open to further questions and suggestion.
Problems I need to solve:
I need to store , retrieve and compare fingerprint template for the voting system.
Even though I am sending fingerprint template over net it should be safe.
User need not have a special software to scan and send instead if I could request access to fingerprint scanner through browser.
Further suggestions, tips, tricks, etc.

The fingerprint reader with web API is available with CamsUnit. It provides the Javascript based SDK system which helps reading the fingerprints on the browsers. Check the API-Documentation for more information


How to use Web Crypto API (or something similar) just to store data that can't be easily transferred?

My requirement is to store UUID-like on client's web browser to identify user's machine (web browser copy in this case). Let's say, if IT guy comes to fix a laptop of HR manager, they could easily view username/password saved in web browser and use that credential on his PC later. My idea is to simply save an UUID in web browser's local storage and send it to verify at backend server. If username or password or UUID does not match, deny access. The problem is local storage can be viewed and re-created by IT guy easily.
After Google, I believe that Web Cryto API is the way to go. It can be used to store encrypted object in IndexedDB with extracable = false, but can read via JavaScript, I hope. Unfortunately, most of online article are talking about encrypting/decrypting data which is too much for me. I just want to store data that can't be transferred to another machine easily, but can read with JavaScript. That's it.
Can anyone provide sample code or blog post to achieve this? Thank you.
PS 1) I know about web browser fingerprint concept, but it's not a solution since fingerprint value keeps changing from time to time.
PS 2) My JavaScript on production environment will be obfuscated and/or webpacked and/or made-confused by my own algorithm. Yes, it can be reverted-engineering by webapp developer, but not by most of users in the organization, I think.

How to securely store password in local storage

I realize that there are other posts on Stack Overflow asking similar questions, and the answer is to NOT to store passwords in local storage, but I need to. If there is a better approach, please let me know.
I am building a password manager. I am trying to develop it to work mostly offline. The way it works is that the user stores their "vault" on my golang web server. The server is only ever accessed when the client or server needs to be updated. So: the user logs in, the vault is sent from the webserver to the client, each time a password entry (username, password, name, etc) is created, each aspect of the entry is encrypted using the user's "master password". Since I would like the webapp to be able to work offline, I need to store some version of this master password in local storage or as a cookie (preferably as a cookie). I would like it to work similarly to other password managers, so if anyone can provide some insight on how they approach this problem, please do.
What is the best way for me to store the master password locally? I would like my approach to be as secure as possible. If there is a different approach I can take, I would love to know. My main thing is that I need the webapp to be able to work offline.
Please note that I am not using node. If I can provide any additional information, please ask.
Thank you!
The best way is to (as everyone is saying) NOT save data locally. That is a huge security issue. Other thing is that a Website can not be offline (unless its a PWA), so running the website offline is never gonna happen (Unless you create a PWA).
My Suggestion is that if you want to make it work offline you can create Chrome extension and use API for storing Encrypted password ( storing plain password is not recommended ). Even with web extension, it is not advisable to store password locally.
You can make it work offline if user is logged in and but not connected to internet anymore and browser is still running. Every time user open browser after closing it, you should (always) authenticate user again.
1). Since you are encrypting vault using plain master password, you can use any encryption/decryption method to encrypt master password ( which will be stored using api ) and to decrypt the stored encrypted password ( decryption is required as you will need plain master password for verification ).
Hashing algorithm is not a good option here, since hashing is one way encryption and depending on which algorithm you use you can have different hashes for same string.
2). Yes, you can check storage.local browser compatibility here
Electron can help you to develop what you want. With Electron you can develop offline app's to any S.O.
And you only need to know about HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
Take a look at official website
Today a lot of apps are made using Electron, like VS Code, Slack and a bunch more, look at this link: App in Electron
And if you really want to test, do a simple app following this Tutorial.
To store your password locally you can do a encrypted key and concatenate the machine info to make part of the password.
For example:
You can get programmatically machine MAC Address +
And do a simple and less secure MD5 encryption, and you will get something like this: e99cde2308fb2ff5612f801c76b18f6c
In the world exists a lot of encryption manners.
Good luck.

Secure way to store sensitive API details of users (localStorage or database?)

I am playing around with the idea of creating a website for cryptocurrencies, where a user can sign up on my website, enter his API details for one of the exchange markets that I will support, which allows him to trade on that exchange, but using my “more user friendly” web interface.
My main goal is to create a more user friendly interface than what most exchange websites offer. I am not hooking directly into any cryptocurrencies or wallets, all I do is use the API of existing exchange markets, relay the information to my website, where I have a more user friendly interface.
Since this is a very sensitive subject in regards to security, I am trying to figure out, what the best way would be to store the API details of the users.
In general I don’t like the idea of storing the API details on my database server, nor on my server in general. The thought of having my website hacked and all the API details being exposed is terrifying. Of course each exchange website that supports APIs has their own security built in, such as API sessions with 2FA, IP restrictions, weekly generations of new API secret keys, daily trading limits via API, and not allowing withdrawals of wallets via API. But damage can still be done if those API details get stolen.
I would prefer if there would be a way where I would not need to store the API details on my server at all, but rather have the user save them locally on his PC. That way he is in charge of keeping the API details secure.
This thought brought me then to the idea of creating a desktop app using electron ( That way I can still create the website the way I want, but it’s wrapped into electron, so it always run locally. Before I pursue this idea, I would like to keep investigating my previous idea of a regular website, as I prefer to have my website cloud based, SaaS, to prevent piracy.
So I wonder, storing API details of a user, without saving them on the server, what other options would I have?
Cookies? Probably not secure.
What about localStorage?
Are there other options or am I too paranoid about this? Is it generally accepted to store sensitive API details on a database server along with the rest of the users details?
I think saving data in to users computers is wrong way, because when you will save user's personal data in to your server, you will be able to control security of your server, when it will be saved on user compputer the security of your server will be depended from users. Today we know many methods how to deceve users and I think, that the programmers must take care of his users. when you will save data in server db you can switch many methods, like email verification or verification by phone you can send message with some verification code, switch ssl service, also you can avoid on sql injection using a modern framework like Laravel or Yii 2, in any case if you will save user data in you server the security of your application will be depended of you.
if you will save user data in local computer, today hackers uses many methods to steal users cookies or methods to get a controll on pc, for example you can read this post
today hackers using this method, creates an exe file which extension on first look is docx or other some extension for example pdf and so on ...
but in real it is an exe file and it is runnable, user can download it, and run... I think you understood what can do hacker with users computers by this way, today so many viruses which even very professional users cant recognize.

Storing data while processing an app through phonegap

I am using the Phonegap platform for developing an app and this runs on nexus 5 android 4.
The app is having a user interface through which it takes input from the user and processes it using the Javascript. My question is: Can I store/capture this data somewhere so that I can utilize it later. The utility can be sending the captured data to another server and getting a response from it for the specific data.
What is the best architectural way to accomplish this? Any thoughts highly appreciated.
There are many options to do this, IndexedDB, SQLite, localStorage, sessionStorage which are all HTML5 standards.
You might even be able to use XML file storage to do this.
Its your preference on what works best for you.

Using a server to send/receive information between a mobile phone and web page

I am trying to set up a simple set up as follows:
Have a mobile app with a page consisting of 4 lines (4 html paragraph lines (I am using phonegap)).
I want to use a web page from which I will input the data for those 4 lines. This information is sent to a server and that server transfers this information to that app on that mobile phone. Now, those 4 lines on the mobile phone is filled with the new information.
Similarly user inputs information on another page consisting of 10 lines of li (list). This information is again sent to the server and to the web page where the information is displayed.
I can almost feel the "internet police guys" getting all hyped and ready to vote this question down. But please understand that I have been on this site and various forums desperate to find a tutorial to guide me to do this and not able to find.
I am trying to use ajax to perform this setup. Confused how I would be using the php file. Information such as password n username is going to go in that php file to connect to the server. But php is a server side script thus needs to sit at the public_html folder. How do I use the php file from my desktop? Write a separate javascript to access it?
It is the concept that is confusing me. I am familiar with html,js,php.
I would appreciate any guidance or maybe a link to a tutorial which would help me to do the concept I mentioned. Thanks for listening.
You will need to create an API using PHP. This API is uploaded to your server and is considered "RESTful". Google a tutorial for what fits your needs. You can set all sorts of rules in this API such as requiring any requests to have an ID or access token.
Since you are using PhoneGap, your HTML and JS files rest on the device, so you will need to allow permissions to your API from anywhere. For this you will have to speak to your host provider about unless you know how to configure it yourself (some providers restrict what you want to do by default as an extra security precaution against XSS attacks).
Next, you can either use jQuery, or you can write some AJAX calls by writing the JavaScript yourself.
The most efficient way for this to work is to send JSON objects to and from the API. You will include a "command" in the JSON when you are sending from your app. On the PHP side, you will retrieve this command and use the rest of the data included in your JSON object to process the request. Your API will need to encode a JSON object for return (such as a user's profile information).
Here is a basic PHP API tutorial to get you going that explains some of the features of a RESTful API: PHP API
Here is a simple AJAX function (you will probably want to make this much more modular): AJAX
As broad as your question is, it seems like the best/easiest thing for you to do will be for you to first create a PHP webpage that will access a SQL database to perform the record updating. Actually, this should serve all of your needs for your mobile users assuming you don't need push notifications for live data updates.
I am assuming, since you are using phone gap, that you are more comfortable with web languages. After you get the webpage fully operational, then you should start building your app based on that exact same SQL database. With mobile app development there are a lot more "what if's" (what if the phone rings, what if the app is running in the background, what if there is no cellular service, etc...)
It is always easier to start with what you know and build on that, rather than starting with a new development platform and troubleshooting as problems arise.

