How to create pills input fields in react native? - javascript

I'm looking for a way to make "dynamic pills" like the ones below, but in React Native and Redux.
<div id="container"></div>
<div class="tim">this codepen is dedicated to
1) Anyone know what they are called so it's easier to google tutorials?
2) I'm trying to convert the css with gulp and copy paste the JS into RN, but changing react syntax into RN. Getting a lot of errors. Is this a good path? Or do you know a simpler one? Maybe a tutorial somewhere?

It's called Badge.
You can use UI Kit like react-native-elements or you can check out code of this element in github repo. Use 'children' prop to pass TextInput.


How to implement the isotope-layout in next.js project?

I want to implement the isotope-layout in next.js project.
For that, I tried to do that with the following blog.
Also, here is the codesandbox link.
That works for React project.
But when I try in next.js project, I can see the following error.
If anyone has a solution, please help me!
I too faced the same problem with Isotope and NextJS. At last I used and got it worked. Store items in the state, Add your own filter buttons to update the state, and loop through the items inside XMasonary.
This demo page will give an idea

How to get auto-suggestion when we style a components inside react.js file?

When we style elements using the app.css or styles.css, vs code simply auto suggest us. example if we type just "back" for background colour, it auto suggest us to complete. but in react.js or index.js it won't work. Why? is there any idea or solution for this? An extension or something. Please excuse my poor english.
solution for this auto-suggestion/auto-complete of this.
In vs code the suggestions are based on the file extension. Therefore, in a js file the vs code only expect JavaScript and it gives suggestions on that. You can use commonly available react extension like ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native snippets
for getting react snippets, component name autocomplete.

How to creat WYSWYG editor in react that also parses react elements or jsx?

I know it's a very generic question but I want to create one web/WYSWYG editor that enables user to put html tags as well as custom components(jsx), similar to what we see in code sandbox.
Any help would be appreciated just need a direction to go. Thanks
There are some libs that you can use.
10 Best React WYSIWYG Editor Libraries

SliderIOS – custom moveable image

I'm using react-native and for a component I need to replace the default image of the SliderIOS component with a custom one. Is there any way of accomplishing this or should I create a custom slider component? (I don't have any experience in this.)
I have already tried embedding an image as a child of the slider as well as the vice-versa approach, however non of them have worked.
Looking at the source code for RCTSliderManager, we can see that it only exposes value, maximumValue, minimumValue, minimumTrackTintColor and maximumTrackTintColor. That means like it looks like you're out of luck. You could use the RCTSlider and RCTSliderManager files as a starting point for a custom component, or you could create a pull request to expose setThumbImage on UISlider.
I have created a pull request fixing this issue which hopefully gets accepted.

Ionic 3 coverflow implemention

Hi everybody i am working on ionic 3 application. I need to have a cover-flow like this: react coverflow
I have searched so many places but couldn't find one for ionic 2 or above. i also tried a "jquery coverflow" and "swiper" but i dont know how to call a function from the javascript file.
can any one help me to
1. import and use Swiper in ionic 2 or above.
2. import and use javascript files without using npm.
Thanks in advance.
You are able to use the ion-slides from Ionic themselves. And because it is build on top of Swiper, you are able to pass in every option found in their docs. You should take a look at it. More info about the use of ion-slides take a look at Slides documentation.
Joeri is correct, you can use ion-slides. Check inline documentation here in this code:
Specifically lines: 137 and onwards.
What you need to implement (coverflow) can be configured through advanced options.
Check lines 221-225 - the setting you need is in there.
Refer to Ionic documentation on how to enable advanced features:
Small hint:
Now once you will do the code in your component to be able to use those listed methods be aware that if your slides component is wrapped into directive such as ngIfetc - you may have issue with ChildView of slides being "undefined". You need to make sure the component is there to initialize the code. This is something that caused trouble in my case;/

