Gmail API node js - gapi not defined - javascript

I am using the following function from Google Gmail APIs to get all messages from users
* Retrieve Messages in user's mailbox matching query.
* #param {String} userId User's email address. The special value 'me'
* can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
* #param {String} query String used to filter the Messages listed.
* #param {Function} callback Function to call when the request is
function listMessages(userId, query, callback) {
var getPageOfMessages = function(request, result) {
request.execute(function(resp) {
result = result.concat(resp.messages);
var nextPageToken = resp.nextPageToken;
if (nextPageToken) {
request ={
'userId': userId,
'pageToken': nextPageToken,
'q': query
getPageOfMessages(request, result);
} else {
var initialRequest ={
'userId': userId,
'q': query
getPageOfMessages(initialRequest, []);
I get the following error:
var initialRequest ={
ReferenceError: gapi is not defined
I tried replacing gapi with google since I have initialized var google for api module but that didn't work. Where am I going wrong?

I was facing the same problem..
GAPI is used for Client-side javascript only, not server side with Nodejs.
1) After you set up the sample from Node.js Quickstart
2) Try to use this function to List and Get the recent email from your account:
function getRecentEmail(auth) {
const gmail ={ version: 'v1', auth });
gmail.users.messages.list({ auth: auth, userId: 'me', maxResults: 1, q: 'subject:()' }, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
console.log('The API returned an error: ' + err);
// Get the message id which we will need to retreive tha actual message next.
var message_id = response['data']['messages'][0]['id'];
// Retreive the actual message using the message id
gmail.users.messages.get({ auth: auth, userId: 'me', 'id': message_id }, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
console.log('The API returned an error: ' + err);
// console.log(response['data']);
var to = response['data']['payload']['headers'][4].value;
var from = response['data']['payload']['headers'][5].value;
var subject = response['data']['payload']['headers'][6].value;
var email_body_raw = response['data']['payload']['body']['data'];
// Convert encoded email body message into human readable text message
data = email_body_raw;
buff = new Buffer.from(data, 'base64');
email_body_readable = buff.toString();
console.log('content:\n' + email_body_readable + '\n__________\nto: ' + to + '\nfrom: ' + from + '\nsubject: ' + subject + '\n__________\n');
fs.readFile('credentials.json', function processClientSecrets(err, content) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error loading client secret file: ' + err);
//authorize(JSON.parse(content), sendMessage);
authorize(JSON.parse(content), getRecentEmail);
Hope this helps!


Firebase Cloud Function never failing on 404 API call

I have a function running on the creation of a document.
When I send this information to an external API Firebase returns on 'ok' message before the API call is complete.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const request = require('request');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const rp = require('request-promise');
const port = '****';
const ip = '***.***.***.***';
exports.sendUser = functions.firestore
.onCreate((snap, context) => {
const data =;
const options = {
method: 'POST',
uri: 'http://' + ip + ':' + port + '/user',
body: data,
json: true,
.then(function (parsedBody) {
console.log('TEN ', parsedBody);
return parsedBody;
.catch(function (err) {
console.log('ERR ', err);
return err;
As you can see from my function it is not doing anything special apart from sending the data to an external source.
The API look like the following:-'/user', function (req, res) {
fs.exists(path, function(exists) {
if (exists === true) {
console.log('Currently Printing Different User Info');
res.status(404).json({errorCode: 404, errorMessage: 'Currently Printing Different User.'});
} else {
fs.writeFile(path, '', () => { console.log('File Created'); });
res.status(200).json({statusCode: 200, statusMessage: 'Here we go'});
How can I get Firebase to recognise the returned 404 as a failed call, and also wait until the call is complete before returning ok or failed.
The API is behaving correctly with Postman but not when data is posted via Firebase.
Has anyone encountered this before, or can anybody see what I am doing wrong?
The data is being parse over to the serve but only once Firebase has returned with 'ok' even if I purposely trigger a fail.
I need this in place to be able to use the Firebase Cloud Function retry function.
Images can be seen #
The Cloud Function returns the result before the call is complete because you don't return the Promise returned by the request-promise call.
Changing your code as follows should do the trick (at least for this problem):
exports.sendUser = functions.firestore
.onCreate((snap, context) => {
const data =;
const options = {
method: 'POST',
uri: 'http://' + ip + ':' + port + '/user',
body: data,
json: true,
return rp(options) // <-- See the change here
.then(function (parsedBody) {
console.log('TEN ', parsedBody);
return parsedBody;
.catch(function (err) {
console.log('ERR ', err);
return err;
I would suggest you watch the official Video Series ( which explain very well this point about returning Promises for background functions (in particular the ones titled "Learn JavaScript Promises").

Wait for AWS SNS publish callback to return a value to calling method

I am attempting to send a text message when a user requests to reset their password. I would like to wait for the message to be sent to alert the user if it was successful or not. I am currently attempting to do it as follows:
async function sendResetPasswordTextMessage(req, res) {
let result = {};
let phoneNumber = req.body.phoneNumber;
if (phoneNumber === undefined) {
return sendInvalidParametersMessage(res);
phoneNumber = phoneNumber.toString();
const userProfile = await models.UserProfile.findOne({
where: {
phoneNumber: phoneNumber
************************** RELEVANT CODE TO ISSUE *************************
if (userProfile) {
const message = "Your username is:\n" + userProfile.username;
const sent = await AWSSNSClient.sendMessage(message, phoneNumber);
if (!sent) {
result.error = setTitleAndMessage("Error", "An error occurred");
} else {
result.success = setTitleAndMessage("Success", "Message sent");
return res.send(result);
In my other class AWSSNSClient, I have the following sendMessage function:
function sendMessage(message, phoneNumber) {
const params = {
Message: message,
MessageStructure: "string",
PhoneNumber: "+1" + phoneNumber
let sent = false;
sns.publish(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
else {
sent = true;
return sent;
I cannot figure out how to make sendMessage wait for sns.publish to return before it returns itself. I have tried making it an async method and adding await on sns.publish, but the function still returns before sent gets set to true.
I know that the messages are sending without error because I am receiving them and no console logs are printed.
Stumbled on this one via Google trying to figure this out myself today - short answer that I am now using:
You can now do this with Async/Await — and Call the AWS service (SNS for example) with a .promise() extension to tell aws-sdk to use the promise-ified version of that service function (SNS) instead of the call back based version.
The only caveat here is the containing function must ALSO be async to utilize the await syntax.
For example:
let snsResult = await sns.publish({
Message: snsPayload,
MessageStructure: 'json',
TargetArn: endPointArn
}, async function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log("SNS Push Failed:");
console.log('SNS push suceeded: ' + data);
return data;
The important part is the .promise() on the end there. Full docs on using aws-sdk in an async / promise based manner can be found here:
In order to run another aws-sdk task you would similarly add await and the .promise() extension to that function (assuming that is available).
For anyone who runs into this thread and is actually looking to simply push multiple aws-sdk promises to an array and wait for that WHOLE array to finish (without regard to which promise executes first) I ended up with something like this:
let snsPromises = [] // declare array to hold promises
let snsResult = await sns.publish({
Message: snsPayload,
MessageStructure: 'json',
TargetArn: endPointArn
}, async function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log("Search Push Failed:");
console.log('Search push suceeded: ' + data);
return data;
await Promise.all(snsPromises)
Hope that helps someone that randomly stumbles on this via google like I did!
stackdave will that actually wait?
Necevil "Search push suceeded will get logged twice" because you're mixing calling operations by passing a callback and using promises. You should only use one method of getting the result
let snsResult = await sns.publish({
Message: snsPayload,
MessageStructure: 'json',
TargetArn: endPointArn}).promise()
will do the trick
You can simply use callbacks for that. Modify your sendMessge like this
function sendMessage(message, phoneNumber, cb) {
const params = {
Message: message,
MessageStructure: "string",
PhoneNumber: "+1" + phoneNumber
sns.publish(params, cb);
then on your main file you can supply callback like this
if (userProfile) {
const message = "Your username is:\n" + userProfile.username;
AWSSNSClient.sendMessage(message, phoneNumber, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
result.error = setTitleAndMessage("Error", "An error occurred");
else {
result.success = setTitleAndMessage("Success", "Message sent");
Here the right updated API, August 2018, Necevil answer send the sms twice.
// using config.env
AWS.config.region = 'eu-west-1';
accessKeyId: process.env.AMAZON_SMS_ID,
secretAccessKey: process.env.AMAZON_SMS_TOKEN,
// parameters
let params = {
Message: contentSMS, // here your sms
PhoneNumber: mobile, // here the cellphone
const snsResult = await sns.publish(params, async (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.log("ERROR", err.stack);
console.log('SNS ok: ' , JSON.stringify (data));
If you're having issues with duplicate SNS messages being sent, I fixed this issue by utilizing examples from AWS:
// Load the AWS SDK for Node.js
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
// Set region
AWS.config.update({region: 'REGION'});
// Create publish parameters
var params = {
Message: 'MESSAGE_TEXT', /* required */
TopicArn: 'TOPIC_ARN'
// Create promise and SNS service object
var publishTextPromise = new AWS.SNS({apiVersion: '2010-03-31'}).publish(params).promise();
// Handle promise's fulfilled/rejected states
function(data) {
console.log("Message ${params.Message} send sent to the topic ${params.TopicArn}");
console.log("MessageID is " + data.MessageId);
function(err) {
console.error(err, err.stack);
By utilizing a traditional .then() I was able to squash the duplicate message bug mentioned in comments above.
You can create a async function what use the promise method
async function sendMessage(message, phoneNumber){
const params = {
Message: message,
PhoneNumber: phoneNumber
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
SNS.publish(params, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.log("Search Push Failed:");
return reject(err);
} else {
console.log('Search push suceeded:' + phoneNumber);
return resolve(data);
and then you can call
var s= await sendMessage(message,phoneNumber);

Write json file to Firebase with Node.js?

I have a third party API that I need to call every 5 seconds. I get JSON as response, and I'd like to write the JSON content to a Firebase node using Node.js. Based on Firebase examples I could import data with this code:
var usersRef = ref.child("users");
alanisawesome: {
date_of_birth: "June 23, 1912",
full_name: "Alan Turing"
gracehop: {
date_of_birth: "December 9, 1906",
full_name: "Grace Hopper"
Curl examples worked too. But what I really wanted to do is to import a third party API response directly to my Firebase database using the API endpoint. How can i do it with Node.js?
First, you need to make a request to the api endpoint and receive the data.
Then, you can send that json data to firebase
var request = require('request');
var usersRef = ref.child("users");
request('<your_endpoint>', function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
var asJson = JSON.parse(body)
I ran into a lot of little "gotchas" implementing the sample node.js code from the Firebase docs. Below is a fully working code set correcting all the issues which will run as a Google Cloud Platform function (node.js v8 - async/await will not work in v6):
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// You need this library in order to use firebase in functions
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
* Responds to any HTTP request.
* #param {!express:Request} req HTTP request context.
* #param {!express:Response} res HTTP response context.
exports.uploadFile = async (req, res) => {
// Check if firebase is already initialized, per:
if (admin.apps.length === 0) {
var db = admin.firestore();
var message = '';
message = await getUsers(db);
res.status(200).send('Database content:\n' + message);
// Write data in a function so you can wait for all the Promises to complete and return per:
function createUsers(db) {
var docRef = db.collection('users').doc('alovelace');
var setAda = docRef.set({
first: 'Ada',
last: 'Lovelace',
born: 1815
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Error writing document', err);
var aTuringRef = db.collection('users').doc('aturing');
var setAlan = aTuringRef.set({
'first': 'Alan',
'middle': 'Mathison',
'last': 'Turing',
'born': 1912
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Error writing document', err);
return Promise.all([setAda, setAlan]);
async function getUsers(db) {
var message = '';
await db.collection('users').get()
.then((snapshot) => {
snapshot.forEach((doc) => {
// You need to stringify if you want to render it outside of a console.log()
message += '\n' + + '=>' + JSON.stringify(;
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Error getting documents', err);
return message;

Sails.js : Call a youtube service from a controller

I try to connect Youtube Data API with Node.js in Sails.js, but I've a problem with "fs.readFile" function.
When I launch service it returns "undefined".
Here is my code for YoutubeService :
module.exports = {
callYoutubeApi: function (req, res) {
// Load client secrets from a local file.
fs.readFile('api/services/client_secret.json', function processClientSecrets(err, content) {
if (err) {
sails.log('Error loading client secret file: ' + err);
return "error";
// Authorize a client with the loaded credentials, then call the YouTube API.
return YoutubeService.authorize(JSON.parse(content), YoutubeService.getChannel);
* Create an OAuth2 client with the given credentials, and then execute the
* given callback function.
* #param {Object} credentials The authorization client credentials.
* #param {function} callback The callback to call with the authorized client.
authorize: function (credentials, callback) {
var clientSecret = credentials.installed.client_secret;
var clientId = credentials.installed.client_id;
var redirectUrl = credentials.installed.redirect_uris[0];
var auth = new googleAuth();
var oauth2Client = new auth.OAuth2(clientId, clientSecret, redirectUrl);
// Check if we have previously stored a token.
fs.readFile(TOKEN_PATH, function (err, token) {
if (err) {
getNewToken(oauth2Client, callback);
} else {
oauth2Client.credentials = JSON.parse(token);
* Get and store new token after prompting for user authorization, and then
* execute the given callback with the authorized OAuth2 client.
* #param {google.auth.OAuth2} oauth2Client The OAuth2 client to get token for.
* #param {getEventsCallback} callback The callback to call with the authorized
* client.
getNewToken: function (oauth2Client, callback) {
var authUrl = oauth2Client.generateAuthUrl({
access_type: 'offline',
scope: SCOPES
sails.log('Authorize this app by visiting this url: ', authUrl);
var rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
rl.question('Enter the code from that page here: ', function (code) {
oauth2Client.getToken(code, function (err, token) {
if (err) {
sails.log('Error while trying to retrieve access token', err);
oauth2Client.credentials = token;
* Store token to disk be used in later program executions.
* #param {Object} token The token to store to disk.
storeToken: function (token) {
try {
} catch (err) {
if (err.code != 'EEXIST') {
throw err;
fs.writeFile(TOKEN_PATH, JSON.stringify(token));
sails.log('Token stored to ' + TOKEN_PATH);
* Lists the names and IDs of up to 10 files.
* #param {google.auth.OAuth2} auth An authorized OAuth2 client.
getChannel: function (auth) {
var service ='v3');
auth: auth,
part: 'snippet,contentDetails,statistics',
id: 'UCQznUf1SjfDqx65hX3zRDiA'
}, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
sails.log('The API returned an error: ' + err);
var channels = response.items;
if (channels.length == 0) {
sails.log('No channel found.');
} else {
return channels[0];
The call in the controller :
channelData = YoutubeService.callYoutubeApi();
The error :
debug: undefined
debug: 123
I think the call is not working and it can't read the "processClientSecrets" function.
If someone have an idea to help me thanks !
You've created an asynchronous service function, but you're calling it synchronously. If you're not sure what that means, do some Googling to teach yourself about "asynchronous programming with Node.js" -- it will make your life a lot easier!
In this case, you'll want to change your helper's function signature from:
callYoutubeApi: function (req, res) {
callYoutubeApi: function (cb) {
The cb stands for "callback", and it's a function you pass in that gets called when your asynchronous code completes. Wherever you're currently calling return with a literal value, instead return a call to cb. The convention in Node is that the first argument to cb is any error that may have occurred, or else null or undefined. The second argument is the result of the asynchronous code. Putting it all together you get:
callYoutubeApi: function (cb) {
// Load client secrets from a local file.
fs.readFile('api/services/client_secret.json', function processClientSecrets(err, content) {
if (err) {
// Using "return" just prevents you from accidentally continuing in this function.
return cb(err);
// Authorize a client with the loaded credentials, then call the YouTube API.
// This assumes that "authorize" is synchronous call that returns a value.
var auth = YoutubeService.authorize(JSON.parse(content), YoutubeService.getChannel);
return cb(undefined, auth);
which you would call in your controller with:
YoutubeService.callYoutubeApi(function(err, channelData) {
if (err) {
return res.serverError(err);
// Now do something with channelData...

Node JS, make HTTPS request synchronously from two links

I want to make a HTTPS request to an external link through Node JS. On my first call, I need to fetch user id by looping through several users. On my second call, I need to input that user id in the URL link and fetch user properties. Keep repeating this process till I go through all users. The end goal is to store data of every user in a JSON format. There is no front-end involved. Any direction/advice is much appreciated.
I can't share the actual link due to api keys. But here is the hypothetical scenario. I only show 2 users here. I have about 10,000 users in my actual data set.
Link 1
JSON Output
"name": "joe",
"uri": "/id/UserObject/User/1234-1234",
"name": "matt",
"uri": "/id/UserObject/User/5678-5678",
Link 2
JSON Output
"name": "joe",
"uri": "/id/UserObject/User/1234-1234",
"Property Values": {
"height": "2",
"location": "canada"
"Other Values": {
"work": "google",
"occupation": "developer"
Nested JSON
"PropertySetClassChildrenResponse": {
"PropertySetClassChildren": {
"PropertySetInstances": {
"totalCount": "1",
"Elements": [
"name": "SystemObject",
"uri": "/type/PropertySetClasses/SystemObject"
Not tested, but this should point you in the right direction. It uses Promises and assumes that run in an ES6 environment:
const rp = require('request-promise');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
.then(Promise.all) // run all the user detail requests in parallel
.then(allUserData => {
// allUserData is an array of all users' data
function fetchAllUsers() {
return rp('');
function extractUserUris(users) {
return => user.uri);
function extractUserIds(userUris) {
return => userUri.split('/').pop());
function buildUserDetailRequests(userIds) {
return => rp("" + userId));
I'd suggest using the request package to make your HTTP requests easier.
> npm install request
Then you would obtain a list of all users with something like this:
var request = require('request');
request.get({url: ""}, handleUsersResponse);
You'd handle the request response like this:
function(err, response, body) {
if (!err && response.statusCode == 200) {
// parse json (assuming array of users)
var users = JSON.parse(body);
// iterate through each user and obtain user info
for(var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
var userUri = users[i].uri;
obtainUserInfo function would be similar to the above code.
One important thing to keep in mind is that since the HTTP requests are being made asynchronously, when you make the requests in a loop, the next iteration of the loop does not wait until the work is finished before moving to the next iteration and starting the next request. So in effect, your loop would start all the HTTP requests nearly in parallel. This can easily overwhelm both your client and the server. One way to get around this is to use a worker queue to enqueue the work and ensure that only a maximum number of HTTP requests are being executed at any given time.
You don't want to do synchronous calls, it defeats the purpose of using Node. So by the Node powers invested in me by the State of Texas I hereby cast that synchronous way I thinking out of you!
Just kidding :), but let's do this the Node way.
Install these two libraries:
sudo npm install Promise
sudo npm install request
And set your code to look like:
var Promise = require('promise');
var request = require('request');
//Get your user data, and print the data in JSON:
.then(function(userData) {
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log('Error: ' +err);
* Prepares an Object containing data for all users.
* #return Promise - Contains object with all user data.
function getUserData() {
return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject) {
// Make the first request to get the user IDs:
var url1 = '';
.then(function(res) {
res = JSON.parse(res);
// Loop through the object to get what you need:
// Set a counter though so we know once we are done.
var counter = 0;
for (x=0; x<res.users.length; x++) {
var url2 = '';
url2 = url2 +; //Wherever the individual ID is stored.
var returnDataArr = [];
.then(function(res2) {
// Get what you need from the response from the 2nd URL.
if (counter === res.users.length) {
fulfill({data: returnDataArr}); //Return/Fulfill an object containing an array of the user data.
}).catch(function(err) {
// Catch any errors from the 2nd HTTPS request:
reject('Error: ' +err);
}).catch(function(err) {
// Catch any errors from the 1st HTTPS request:
reject('Error: ' +err);
* Your HTTPS GET Request Function
* #param url - The url to GET
* #return Promise - Promise containing the JSON response.
function get(url) {
return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject) {
var options = {
url: url,
headers: {
'Header Name': 'Header Value',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
request(options, function(err, res, body) {
if (err) {
} else {
So what this Promise does, is that it returns the value once we actually have it. In the code above, we are first getting that list of users, and then as we parse through it, we are making a new asynchronous HTTP request to get the additional data on it. Once we get the user data, we push it to an array.
Finally, once our counter hits its endpoint, we know that we have gotten all the user data, and so we call fulfill which essentially means return, and it returns an object containing an array of the user data.
Let me know if this makes sense.
The answers above helped me go further with my solution and get the desired outcome. However, I spent a lot of time trying to understand node, promises in node, making an API call, etc. Hopefully, this will help to a beginner level node developer.
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.
If you are a JavaScript developer, you would prefer to use Node as you wouldn't have to spend time learning a new language like Java or Python.
Make a HTTPS call to an external link to fetch all server URIs. Pass in the URI as a param to create a second link to fetch all server properties. Loop through to all server uris and properties. Refer the original post on the top for the data structure. The external link also required basic auth and headers.
Install NPM modules request (https call), bluebird (promises) and lodash(utility) and express(node framework).
********************** MODULES/DEPENDENCIES **********************/
var express = require('express');
var request = require('request');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var _ = require("lodash");
/********************** INITIATE APP **********************/
var app = express();
console.log("Starting node server...");
* Your HTTPS GET Request Function
* #param url - The url to GET
* #return Promise - Promise containing the JSON response.
function get(url) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// var auth = "Basic " + new Buffer(username + ':' + password).toString("base64");
var options = {
url: url,
headers: {
// 'Authorization': auth,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
console.log("Calling GET: ", url);
if ('development' == app.get('env')) {
console.log("Rejecting node tls");
request(options, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) {
} else {
// console.log("THIS IS BODY: ", body);
/********************** GET DATA FUNCTION **********************/
function getServerData() {
/********************** URI VARIABLES **********************/
var username = 'username',
password = 'password',
role = 'Read-Only',
url_host = '';
/********************** URL 1 **********************/
var url1 = url_host + '/type/PropertySetClasses/SystemObject/Server/?maxResults=1000&username=' + username + '&password=' + password + '&role=' + role;
console.log("Getting server data...", url1);
/********************** GET REQUEST 1 **********************/
return get(url1)
.then(function(res) {
console.log("Got response!");
res = JSON.parse(res);
res = res.PropertySetClassChildrenResponse.PropertySetClassChildren.PropertySetInstances.Elements;
// console.log("THIS IS RES: ", res);
/********************** FETCH URI FROM RES NESTED OBJECT **********************/
var server_ids =, function(server) {
return server.uri;
console.log("Calling server urls", server_ids);
// Loop through the object to get what you need:
// Set a counter though so we know once we are done.
return, function (id) {
var url2 = url_host + id + '?username=' + username + '&password=' + password + '&role=' + role;
console.log("Calling URL", url2);
return get(url2)
.then(function(res2) {
res2 = JSON.parse(res2);
var elements = res2.PropertySetInstanceResponse.PropertySetInstance.PropertyValues.Elements;
console.log("Got second response", res2, elements);
return elements;
.then(function (allUrls) {
console.log("Got all URLS", allUrls);
return allUrls;
.catch(function(err) {
throw err;
app.listen(8080, function() {
console.log("Server listening and booted on: " + 8080);
app.get("/serverInfo", function (req, res) {
console.log("Calling server info");
return getServerData()
.then(function(userData) {
var userData = JSON.stringify(userData, null, "\t");
console.log("This is USERDATA Data: ", userData);
.catch(function(err) {
__error: err,
message: err.message

