Clearing empty element from array - javascript

Hello i am not sure why those empty elements still there even i clear (or clear function does not work guess). Might you guys have a look on this. I am getting this array after add another value into same array.I am asking whats is happening behind not just solving code thank you
this is function when ever i click button it adds 4 into DVALUE array.
if("q"+idcount+"d" =={
DVALUE[dcount++] = 4;
// alert("D ARRAY"+DVALUE.toString());
And this is when ever i click revert button it will remove last added number
if ("d" === qwer) {
// alert(""+DVALUE.toString());
cleararrayD(); // also calling this function to remove empty elements when ever this if occurs
And this is cleararrayD Function
function cleararrayD() {
lens = DVALUE.length, i;
for (i = 0; i < lens; i++) DVALUE[i] && DVALUE.push(DVALUE[i]); // copy non-empty values to the end of the array
DVALUE.splice(0, lens);

I am asking whats is happening behind not just solving code
The .length of DVALUE array does not change at cleararrayD() function call as an element is .push()ed to DVALUE array for each index of DVALUE before .splice() is called with original array .length at second parameter, removing the preceding elements to the elements .push()ed to the array.

Okey i got answer for my question. As you can see it clears array but i put element at wrong indexes. Everytime i click button Dcount++ adding indexes so i just doing this Dcount-- in my removing functions
DVALUE[dcount++] = 4;


JavaScript for of loop not iterating over whole HTMLCollection [duplicate]

I wrote a function to change the class of elements to change their properties. For some reason, only some of the elements have changed. It took me a few hours to find a solution, but it seems odd to me. Perhaps you can explain this to me.
This isn’t working:
function replace(){
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('classOne');
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
elements[i].className = 'classTwo';
See the JSFiddle: only every second item is affected; only every second red element changes color to blue.
So I changed the final expression of the for loop to not increment i anymore:
function replace(){
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('classOne');
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i) { // Here’s the difference
elements[i].className = 'classTwo';
This works well! It seems as though push is called and no increment is needed. Is this normal? It is different from the examples I’ve seen.
What's going on is an odd side effect. When you reassign className for each element of elements, the element gets removed from the array! (Actually, as # user2428118 points out, elements is an array-like object, not an array. See this thread for the difference.) This is because it no longer has the classOne class name. When your loop exits (in the second case), the elements array will be empty.
You could write your loop as:
while (elements.length) {
elements[0].className = 'classTwo'; // removes elements[0] from elements!
In your first case, by incrementing i, you are skipping half of the (original) elements that have class classOne.
Excellent question, by the way. Well-researched and clear.
getElementsByClassName returns a NodeList. A NodeList collection is a live collection, which means that the modification of the document affects the collection. more
Or revert the loop, beginning by length-1 and step down to 0

Array reloop to remove previous set of array data generated

My file works just fine in the first round of loop when i try to rerun the function again. It shows the previous value of the previous loop when i try to use the value to match and after which it shows the correct value. If i run the function again and again, it keeps holding on to the value of the previous generated random value.
for (var i=0; i<9; i++)
var ranD = Math.floor(Math.random()*33);
if (mathStar.indexOf(ranD)== -1) {
item[i].innerHTML = mathStar[i];
else {
itemVal[i].value = mathStar[i];
Substitute using const and let for var within for loop to avoid creating global variables and --i could have unexpected results within the code where i++ is also used in the foor loop.
Is this the first occurrence of "mathStar"?
If this is the first place you're using mathStar, it means it gets created globally and that usually leads to confusion. In this case, take a look at this.
Looking at just this, it seems that you are not resetting your "mathStar" value. This way, any time you run this loop for the nth time, the values you have added to "mathStar" using mathStar.push(...) also occur in the list of values.

Changing Array causing glitches with splice

I have a form event which takes entered values and constructs an array out of them using the following:
keywordArray = []
var getVal = $('#search').val();
if(getVal.length > 1){
$('.test').on('click', function(){
removeTag(this, getVal);
My remove function then looks as follows:
function removeTag(el, getVal){
var index = keywordArray.indexOf(getVal);
keywordArray.splice(index, 1);
There is no problem when removing a value for the first time as the index is in sync, but once a value is removed the index changes and it seems that JS isn't staying in sync with the updated index, so when I remove another value it glitches with a -1 on splice and will remove all values.
I see two problems: Your removeTag function and the way it is called.
First of all, removeTag() does not need the element, so remove the el parameter if it is really not needed. Second, it should do nothing when the given string does not occur in the array:
function removeTag(val){
var index = keywordArray.indexOf(val);
if (index >= 0) keywordArray.splice(index, 1);
The second problem might be related to this part of your code:
$('.test').on('click', function(){
removeTag(this, getVal);
I suspect that you don't want to register a click handler for all '.test' elements because you refer to this in the next line but this is not used in the removeTag function (see above). In case there are several '.test' elements, you should make sure that removeTag() is only called with the value that corresponds to the clicked '.test' element. Currently you call removeTag() several times for each click -- once for each '.test' element.
The main problem is pointed out by #vijayP in the comments. Here is a first possible solution.
When adding a tag, use the data attribute to associate the tag with the remove button (el):
function addTag(el, value) {
$(el).data('value', value).on('click', removeTag);
I assume you have a separate remove button for each tag. Then, the click handler function can look like this (with the check for a correct index):
function removeTag(){
var index = keywordArray.indexOf($(this).data('value'));
if (index > -1) keywordArray.splice(index, 1);

How can I remove blank lines in an array generated that show in a dropdown

I have a dropdown that is generated using javascript and html. I have some code which I will post below that loops through this list and should potentially remove any blank lines found but is not working. "$maxfield1rows" has a value of 7, what I am saying is that if the value is a blank (=='') then remove it. I used removeChild but this doesn't seem to work, I also tried splice, I think filter can work but am not sure. I tried the disabled=true but that just makes them disabled and unselectable. Can someone please help?
for(index=1; index<$maxfield1rows; index++) {
if(document.pickDivision.field1.options[index].value=='') {
Updated below, I'm using $maxfield1rows since that is the amount of maximum number of rows the the loop goes through, also by change I meant that there is an onchange event that gets triggered when the user selects a different option in the dropdown menu, so depending on the option selected the output for field1 changes, sometimes there are 5 values that show and sometimes just 1:
for(index=$maxfield1rows-1; index>=0; index--) {
To expand upon my comment, I think the issue is that you are looping forwards through the options array. I am surprised that no error is being thrown when you try to do this. You should loop backwards through the collection to keep from skipping an item.
JS Fiddle demonstrating the error. In the example, items 1 and 2 are blank and item 3 is not.
These built in collections are changed each time your add/remove an item. Using the example in the fiddle, my array changes from [1,2,3] to [2,3] to error no item at index 2.
Looping backwards, my collection takes this change: [1,2,3] to [1,3] to [3].
Here is the code with comments explaining what each part of the for loop is used for and why. You can use a while loop if you prefer too.
//options.length - 1 because arrays are 0 based
//i >= 0 because you don't want to use a negative index on an array
//i-- to loop backwards
for(var i = document.pickDivision.field1.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
//Is this an empty item
if(document.pickDivision.field1.options[i].value == '') {
//Remove the empty item
With the newly updated code you posted, you are attempting to access an option element after it has been removed. From the looks of the line, you don't need it anymore as you are already removing the element. If you do still want to disable the element before removing it, move that line above the other line (see comment in code).
for(index=$maxfield1rows-1; index>=0; index--) {
//This line is causing the issue; move it above the previous line or remove it
Per the question in the comments, when you change the number of options to 6, your code breaks. This is because you are using the hard coded PHP value $maxfield1rows. Since you already know the name of the form and the name of the field in the form, I would recommend you use the length of the options collection in your for loop rather than this variable. This will make sure that no matter how many option elements there are (1, 10, 1000), you will always loop through the entire collection.
for(var i = document.pickDivision.field1.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

JavaScript Incrementing a number in an array

I want to increment a value in a array when a link is pressed in JavaScript
i Used the following code
<script type="text/javascript">
var i=0;
var numbers = new Array();
function go(val){
Called the Function like this
<a href='javascript:go(1)' </a>
but always the alert prompts me 'undefined'
The alert is correct -- before you do your alert, you incremented i. You're looking at the next element after the one you just entered.
After calling the method once, your array looks like this:
numbers[0] = 1;
numbers[1] = undefined;
and i == 1.
After calling it again, the array looks like:
numbers[0] = 1;
numbers[1] = 1;
numbers[2] = undefined;
and i == 2.
Hopefully you can see that this method will always alert undefined
That's because you increment "i"
right before you put up the alert! Thus "i" will alwuays refer to the next array slot to use, not the one you just populated.
You could change the alert to use "i-1"
alert(numbers[i - 1]);
You are setting numbers[0] = 1 and then incrementing i which becomes 1 so alert(numbers[1]) is undefined, because it is undefined.
Do the alert before you increment. Also, use onclick or even better unobtrusively attach the event handlers in JS, not in the HTML.
Yes, it does that because you:
Create a completely empty array, and a pointer at 0.
When the function is called, you set the current pointer value to whatever was passed in...
...and then increment the pointer, so it's now pointing past the end of all the elements.
Now you look at the element in the array that's being pointed at, which has to be undefined because of the way you're managing the i pointer.
What were you hoping for this to do, by the way?
The question doesn't even match the code... or the code doesn't match the question?
"I want to increment a value in a array"
Your code is not incrementing the value, it's incrementing the index!
function go(val){
(where i is the index of the next undefined array element) is just the same as
and if you need i to equal what will be the index of the next undefined array element then
i = numbers.length;
To increment the value you would have to first have numeric values for some array elements; then your function would need the index of which value to increment
var numbers = [0,0,0,0];
function go(i){
// testing
will show 0,2,0,1
But if your entire goal is to put a value into a new element on the end of an array then just use .push()
and .length will tell you how many elements there are; there is no need to increment an i

