django with angular js vs jus javascript - javascript

I want to make a lightening-fast web application and am wondering about the best way to implement it. It's a drawing app that will need support for vector graphics, but it will use a database to store data in user accounts. Here's how I'm breaking it down in MVC terminology:
Controller: Django, hosted on GCP Python app engine
Model: CloudSQL
View: AngularJS
I'm wondering if a Javascript/JQuery approach would be better, since I could have Django handle the database operations and am worried that I'll just be adding overhead with Angular.
I'd welcome any thoughts.

Once you use Javascript framework such as Angular.js and React.js. Your backend and frontend becomes totally isolated. First thing you should do it you gotta make your django REST API. Build your logics to do the vector graphic in your django REST API and build your angular.js app in away that it will "consume" your REST API services.
For the second question, it is depending on your architecture design. If your application is going to be DOM-driven, use jQuery since still jquery still provides lots of UI stuff. However, if it's going to be data-driven and you will use Javascript to organize and display the data in efficient way, choose Angular.js.
Please leave a comment if you have more questions. Thanks!


Recommendations for a web application with Laravel

Im creating a web application with PHP (Laravel 5.) and currently AngularJS (1.). There are some components of the website that i want to build with Angular. For example a Form Generator. A user can click buttons and define which kind of field he/she would like to create. After that, the user can implement it on his website and receive submissions on it. This can be a small app build with Angular.
Currently Angular 2 is a R.C. version, which can be released soon. To keep myself triggered with the newest techniques, i started to explore it a bit and noticed the TypeScript with compiler which runs behind the public(_html) of a application.
Lets split my application in URLs to make my question simpler: -> Uses the script: /angular/form-generator/mainModule.js -> Uses the script: /angular/easy-importer/mainModule.js> Uses the script: /angular/my-other-small-app/mainModule.js
Is it possible, efficient and recommendable to create small modules/apps that are loaded on base of the application i build instead of loading them all together? Is Angular 2 recommendable for this or should i consider jQuery and keep Angular 1.*?
If you're looking for a front-end framework to use with Laravel, I reccomend vue.js. Taylor Otwell, the creator of Laravel, has indicated that vue.js is his front-end framework of choice.
Keep in mind, you can use any front-end framework you want. Research what's out there and pick based on your needs. Laravel is not tied to any single front-end: it's your decision.
I only suggest vue.js because it's been adopted by a significant portion of the Laravel community. That community can help you out when you get stuck, and have resources to help you get started. Personally, I watched the Laracasts by Jeffrey Way to get up to speed.

Does Angular.js work with Rails without needing an API?

I am very new to javascript and have mainly been learning Rails previously. I want to be able to make more dynamic websites that give a more dynamic user experience but I am not sure wether to learn Angular.js or JQuery. I want to still serve the web pages through Rails and do not want to get into learning how to build a full SPA and Rails API and connect the two yet.
On the one hand I can see JQuery would be good for adding dynamic interactions to my pages but I have also seen that Angular.js is very popular and many people have told me I should go straight into learning angular. I also like the idea of being able to eventually make full SPAs with Angular in the future.
My main concern is I do not feel ready to start learning how to completely separate my frontend and backend using a rails API and a Javascript framework and would prefer to just add some interactivity to my pages and continue furthering my knowledge of Rails.
Is it possible to use angular to add small amounts of interactivity to multiple pages without having a SPA front end and Rails API?
Thanks for any advice.
Of course you can.
Add html pages to your public folder and put a script reference to AngularJS and you are good to go.

Integrating AngularJs into existing ASP.NET MVC 4 web application

Soon I'll start working on the next version of a website I've built. Basically it's kind of a CRM. Lots of tables, forms, CRUD everywhere. The problem is that it's going to be nearly a rewrite cause of huge requirements for functionality for the up-coming version, and we will need to make the website a bit more interactive, responsive and user friendly.
Currently it's ASP.NET MVC 4, with some jQuery for ajax stuff. MVC 4 application acts as a glue/proxy between client-side and underlying service which provides all the data, so WebApp has no direct communication with database. Also MVC 4 application is where business objects are transformed into ViewModels. We use DataAnnotations Validation for ViewModels.
Now what I was looking for, is to somehow integrate something like AngularJs. The goal is to move closer to SPA, give the client-side some structure, as building more functionality on top of existing jQuery code will just result in a sphagetti. However, writing full-blown SPA is not really an option, as it will require way too much effort and time, as always, is not unlimited.
For start the goal is to move Html forms management to AngularJs. That means I need a way to render MVC partial view with MVC model, and let Angular take over the controll. Posting changes/updating the view should be handled by Angular.
I have been researching Angular + for a while now, and the problem is that I need MVC models, but Angular also needs a 'model' ($scope). I know about ng-init, but some models will be quite complex. so it does not seem like a good idea.
Also server side validation (DataAnotations with loads of customized stuff) with unobtrusive client-side validation works very well for us, so would like to keep that and somehow make it work with Angular.
I've also looked into AngularJs/BreezeJs/MVC4, but breeze mvc integration is focused on EntityFramework, and it needs model metadata for client-side to be able to save, update and cache entities. And as mentioned earlier, mvc app does not access database directly, nor has a way to generate metadata. Writing by hand is not an option.
I know I'm trying to make some kind of hybrid and would have a lot's of issues having models on server and client sides, so I am looking for an advice which way should I go.
Is this doable?
Maybe I can generate metadata for Breeze js from existing ViewModels on MVC (breeze seems to work with dataanotations and validation works on client-side, at least minimally)?
Maybe this is a nonsense and I should either continue with MVC app, or go full-SPA, and there is no easy way to combine them both.

Do I have to use a Backend when using Backbone.js?

I want to develop a relatively simple application that calculates some value based on several inputs. I dont want a backend, all the calculation can be done in the browser.
Im a little new to JavaScript and WebApps and I came across Backbone.js.
I really like the MVC design, however, they mention a backend a lot. My question:
Is a backend server absolutely required?
Is a backend server optional but without one there isn't much point in backbone.
Or will backbone will really help me out?
Backend is not required.
Backbone can fully work without any backend if your application doesn't require one.
That depends on your application. If you want to retrieve value of some inputs and calculate a result then Backbone won't do that for you - it will help you structure your code. If you app is simple and don't need support for models, views and collections or routing, then there is no point in using Backbone. Hard to answer this question.
For example: Classic todo example application doesn't use any backend.
Backbone.js implements fetch(), save(), destroy() etc. methods on models automatically performing appropriate AJAX requests and parsing response. So it has a strong support for backend via REST services, but it is optional.
You can still use models, views, routers and events without any server-side code. Just don't call REST methods (or override them at your wish).
You can use localStorage for persistence (you'd have to implement this yourself or find it on the web, like here) but if you don't even need that then you don't need to use any of the persistence methods in backbone.
Backbone is meant to help you structure a medium-large sized application (js-wise), so it doesn't become unmaintainable jQuery spaghetti. With short applications (js-wise) it's really an overkill unless you are trying to learn how backbone works.
Note with js-wise I mean the client side code, if you had a huge backend but the only js would be something that focuses some form, it would not even count as a short application (js-wise).
You can use backbone.js without a backend. However you obviously won't be able to store or retrieve data. Backbone may still be useful for keeping your code organized, however it really shines when you want to separate presentation logic from logic that manipulates your data, which is a goal of the MVC pattern. Generally your data will be stored on and retrieved from a backend.
If you want to play around with data persistence, try out [disclosure, I work on] We've tried to make it easy to get a backbone app up-and-running without having to setup a server or deal with compiling templates.

Advice on front end implementation of rich client web app based on ASP.NET MVC2

We use MVC2 to build up our web app. There are some complicated pages in our project. They have plenty of user interactivities, realtime stock data and charts, requiring no page refresh.
I am new to front end development and ASP.NET MVC2. After using it for a while I think it's a form-based framework for presentation layer(I maybe wrong). If most UI actions are excuted inside one web page, using ajax and javascript to render data and run UI logic seems better.
Then I find there're two way to rendering UI in our app: binding UI model to View using MVC2 and filling the view using javascript. This seems not so elegant or may possibly mess if more and more views are implemented.
It seems MVC2 controller is good at being RESTful UI model data provider. So I think make the solution as Controller(model data)->HTML layouts + javascript(ui logic) could be a good way to implement such a rich client web app. Is it a good practice to do? Or what's your advice on this kind of project? Are there any web resources(articles or sample projects) for reference?
Thanks a lot.
It's not a bad practice to make your actions return just data, you could make your actions return JSon objects since they are lightweight and use JSonP to make ajax request across different domains.
You can try the new template JQuery PlugIn to render your views.
My suggestion would be to build up your application such that it works without JavaScript. Then use JQuery (a JavaScript library) and Ajax to improve the user experience.
Be aware that it is entirely possible that your RIA needs go beyond what one can do with Jquery. In these scenarios one might consider another solution (HTML5, SilverLight, Flash, etc.). Or you could tone down your RIA needs.

