Hide element HTML when load AngularJS - javascript

I am a beginner in angularJS, and do not write good English.
I have the following code
<span class="custom-marker-price" ng-bind="property.rentValue"></span>
How can I hide the element span (IMG1) when load angular...

Well, if im correct you should use ng-hide property.
Inside of span after class add ng-hide='hideIt'
and inside of controller at first line put:
And when you want to hide it just put boolean variable in true:
$scope.hideIt = true;
You could also use ngif property.
Hope this help!

directive in module ng
The ngCloak directive is used to prevent the AngularJS html template from being briefly displayed by the browser in its raw (uncompiled) form while your application is loading. Use this directive to avoid the undesirable flicker effect caused by the html template display.
— AngularJS ng-cloak Directive API Reference


Can we append angular material form fields within a div?

I have a div tag and I want to append the angular material form fields inside that div. The problem is it's not rendering that tags. Can we do this using any method?
enter image description here
The angular way is has an array of object, e,g.
data=[{placeholder:"Enter Name",label:"Name"},
{placeholder:"Enter surname",label:"Surname"}]
and make some like
<mat-card *ngFor="let item of data">
<div class="row">
{{item.label}}<input mat-input [placeholder]="item.placeholder">
When you are using angular, never manipulate the DOM manually (via native DOM APIs or jQuery).
When you are using a component or a directive in an angular template (ie. the html of your component), that is not real html, that is transformed to javascript. So when the application is running, where you wrote <mat-car> in you template and you also see <mat-card> in the DOM, that was actually put there by the code generated by angular, but a lot other things also happened (ie. the mat-card component was initialised).
When you just put the components selector manually into the DOM, nothing will happen, because the component is not initialised. To make it work, you have to use the material components from another components' template. Further reading: https://angular.io/guide/architecture-components
Suggestion: don't even import jQuery into the project at all, that way you won't even be tempted to do this.

AngularJS external UI library

I'm trying to make some animations with the components. I use Angular and Masonry (UI library). When I try to animate an element that is outside the ng-view it work's but when I try this on element inside the ng-view it doesn't work. I know that is due to jQuery - it runs the code once (when the page is loaded, but jQuery doesn't wait the ng-view element). How I can fix this problem?
You need to make your animation with directives on "Angular territory".
Check angular-masonry

Angular shows double-brackets {{}} before page loads completely [duplicate]

I have a few bits of HTML like
<p class="noresults">{{numberOfContacts}} Results Are Available</p>
Is it possible for me to hide {{numberOfContacts}} until Angular has loaded? So it would just say Results Are Available
I've seem some solutions such as hiding the entire body until Angular has loaded, but I'd rather not do that if possible.
Yes, use ng-cloak. Simply add class="ng-cloak" or ng-cloak to an element like this
Using directive <div ng-cloak></div>
Using class <div class="ng-cloak"></div>
It's simply a set of CSS rules with display: none !important and as Angular has rendered your DOM it removes the ng-cloak so an element is visible.
use <span ng-bind="numberOfContacts" /> instead of {{numberOfContacts}}
Sometimes, even if I used the ng-cloak, I could still see the braces for a few seconds. Adding the following style resolved my issue:
display: none !important;
Please see this link link for more explanation.
Hope it helps :D
This is typically only an issue when working with complex content on really slow devices. In those instances, there can be a brief moment when the browser displays the HTML in the document while AngularJS is parsing the HTML, getting ready, and processing the directives. In this interval of time, any inline template expressions you have defined will be visible to the user. Most devices nowadays have pretty good browsers which are quick enough to prevent this from being an issue. There are two ways to solve the problem.
Avoid using inline template expressions and stick with ng-bind directive.
(Best) Use the ng-cloak directive which will hide the content until Angular has finished processing it. Basically, the ng-cloak directive uses CSS to hide the elements and angular removes the CSS class when the content has been processed, ensuring that the user never sees the {{ and }} characters of a template expression.
One strategy to consider is using the ng-cloak directly to the body element, which will ensure that the user will see an empty browser while AngularJS loads. However, you can be more specific by applying it to parts of the document where there are inline expressions.
I have seen issues with ng-cloak not working when added to an element. In the past, I have worked around this issue by simply adding ng-cloak class to element.
You can use ng-bind instead of expression like
<span ng-bind="data"></span>

Angular 1.4: Add directives dynamically to markup

I have a web application thats written mostly in Jquery, that is essentially a dashboard that a user can add any number of custom widgets to. I have the users currently added widgets, so when its loaded up I masically append each widget to the DOM. I want to work on converting this to an Angular application however im stumbling on one major issue.
1)I can recreate each widget as a directive, that will work nicely. However what I'm struggling with is how to add each widget that a user has setup on load. My first attempt at solving this was to create a generic widget directive, and doing an ng-repeat, and dynamically assigning the widget its controller/templateUrl.
In theory this seems great however I ran into some issues with not being able to dynamically pass the controller name via attribute. if I hard coded a string value it would work, but wouldnt a data-bound attribute in the ng-repeat. Example below does not work.
<quidget ng-dynamic-controller="quidget.QuidgetName" ng-repeat="quidget in tab.quidgets track by $index"></quidget>
if instead of quidget.QuidgetName I passed in the actual name of the controller, it would work...like so
<quidget ng-dynamic-controller="quidget1Controller" ng-repeat="quidget in tab.quidgets track by $index"></quidget>
Does anyone have any insight on how I can go about accomplishing this?
Instead of passing the controller name dynamically to the directive you can define the name of the controller in the template of that widget (this is assuming that every widget has a different template). For example you just pass the widget name to the controller:
<quidget ng-repeat="quidget in quidgets" name="quidget.name">
Next, in your quidget directive's template you conditionally load the template based on the name of the widget, some thing like this:
<div ng-switch on="name">
<div ng-switch-when="widget1" >
<ng-include src="'widget1.html'"></ng-include>
<div ng-switch-when="widget2" >
<ng-include src="'widget2.html'"></ng-include>
and inside each widget's template you define the Controller name like this:
<p ng-controller="widget1Ctrl">This is widget1.</p>
Here is a working plunker that illustrates the whole idea: http://plnkr.co/edit/dBqHRqChy17U8pFI9PXH
I know it's kind of a messy solution and I am pretty sure this can be accomplished in a much simpler manner.

Create read more/less toggle using directive in AngularJs.

I have few lines of description on my page. On the page loads I want to show only 150 characters with a link Read More on click of which I want to show the rest of the description and Read Less link. In fact I want to toggle between Read More/Less. I want do this by creating a directive not by using limitTo filter provided by AngularJs. I have gone through the link Create read more link in AngularJS but it did not help me. I don't have code example or jsfiddle because I don't know how to start, I am new to AngularJs. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I've had great success wrapping jQuery dotdotdot with a simple Angular directive. I can't drop in the exact code, but the core of the directive:
Is an A (attribute) directive
Requires ngBindHtml
Has a link function:
Where a $scope.truncated variable is set to keep track of whether dotdotdot has been applied
That watches element.html() for changes, and if it changes and dotdotdot has not been applied, applies it by calling element.dotdotdot() and flips the truncated flag

