[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: <testimonial-photo-inner> - javascript

I have just installed VueJS on my website and I'm getting tonnes of console errors like the one above. I am not trying to create any Vue components (yet) but my website does contain a number of custom HTML tags.
Does Vue treat any custom HTML tage (e.g. not one in the HTML spec) as something it needs to compile and will it always complain about tags it doesn't recognise?
Is it possible to switch theses warning off?
Please note: This is not a duplicate of Vue js unknown custom element
The user there is actually trying to create a Vue component.

You can use the ignoreElements configuration parameter to have Vue ignore elements that it should not touch.
So in your code you would likely want to add:
Vue.config.ignoredElements = [
And include any other tags you might be using that you do not want Vue to touch.


Visual builder to work with manually hard-coded templates/components

I wonder, is it possible to create a visual no-code builder to work with JS components (e.g. React JSX) if them are manually hard-coded before?
Let me explain what I mean.
Suppose a simple React component pages/index.js previously written by a developer manually:
function HomePage() {
return <div>Welcome to Next.js!</div>
export default HomePage
How can we change such a component in the front-end using a visual builder?
For example, we want to add a new HTML element (e.g. H1) inside the existing div.
As I can understand, the builder first needs to know in which JS file the HTML markup is stored to update it. So we can add id="homepage" to the div first and then store a relation as a config like
{"homepage": "pages/index.js"}
And now if we add a new element inside <div id="homepage">, the builder adds the element to the DOM of the div at the client, then takes the whole updated DOM of the div and writes back to the file index.js according to the config
Ok, but the file contains not only HTML markup - it's JS (React) code.
How to keep all the JS code e.g. function HomePage(), return, export default and so on ?
As an option, we can separately load all the JS code as HTML including non-HTML code as #text nodes. Then update the DOM and re-write everything back to the file.
But it sounds complicated and may cause unexpected issues.
So what solution would be the best?
Or maybe there is a ready React-specific solution?
Or maybe it's a bad idea at all to parse and re-write manually hard-coded components by visual builder and the only solution is to store everything as JSON like "homepage":{"div", {"class":""}, "Welcome..."} which is more easy for re-writing ? (but requires a new render)
It depends
I believe the answer that you are looking for very much depends on the level of flexibility that you want your no-code builder to have.
Depending on that, your project could benefit of the trade-offs and advantages of different solutions.
Let's briefly remember that basically a React component will need some props that then will be taken through a render template and output a working HTML. This is assuming a basic case where you don't need your react components to be smarter. Additionally, JSX is just sugar coating over function calls, so you could basically just compose functions to output a React component independently of using the JSX syntax. Hence no need to declare HTML, just changing the output of your no-code tool to JS instead of HTML.
For example, if you can modify how the no-code tool render, you can specify that when moving an element inside another you basically:
Highly Flexible & Customisable
In a highly flexible setup, I will recommend going through the last option you numbered, having a Data-Driven UI is the most common of the cases for complex systems. For example, Figma has an option to export the designs as react components, you can read how they do it here. Basically they take the tag output from figma which is a JSON of tags and create some React componets using templates. If you define "you own UI language" you could have quite a good control over what blocks you can build and define the way of interacting with them (e.g. adding a img component could be quite easy if you know the props and what it needs to render, then creating a React template for it is easy).
Limitations: you require to plan quite well the API of the parser and interaction between different sets of items.
Simple no-code builder
For simpler scenarios you could go with the first approach that you mention, you won't even need to add ids, some tools like React Developer Tools can already inspect the VirtualDOM to understand which part of the render belongs to which React Element (using react internals, which could take some time to understand, but for example you can inspect in the rendered how they use the data-reactid for identification). Knowing this, you can already define the template functions for the render() method (so the JSX output), and separate it code wise, so that when you generate the code, the HTML template is split from the React code as much as possible.
Silly example of how it could look:
// htmlBlockTemplate.js
export const helloPageTemplate = (props) =>
`<div> <h1>${props.title}</h1> </div>` // This can be generated from the `no-code`
// page.jsx
export const Page = (props) => {
return helloPageTemplate(props)
Using functions it could look like:
const Page = (props) =>
return React.createElement('div', null,
React.createElement('h1', title: prop.title, `The title ${title}`)
Limitations: eventho you could, adding custom components (like another React Component or a web component), it becomes more difficult since you will also have to deal with the import graph and probably.
Inevitably you will need to tweak how the render of the component works (rather by creating a parser from your UI language, or changing how the react component is written. If you have a good control of AST, then writing a parser for either of the cases should not be a problem.

Accessing React component displayName in HTML

How can I access a rendered React component's displayName property in HTML? There seems to be some way to do it given React DevTools, but I've been reading through the source code for that package and can't figure out how they're doing it. I recognize that this might be cross-referenced from the associated JS file, but I'm hopeful that's not the case.
Context: I have a script that identifies certain components in the prod version of our app and adds a red border around them, which works fine. In React DevTools I can see the displayNames of those components even on prod (they're not minified for whatever reason, which is beyond my scope of curiosity right now). I'd love to be able to surface those displayNames in addition to the added border.

Markdown-to-jsx not accepting source

I am using one of the Material UI templates for blog posts: https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/tree/master/docs/src/pages/getting-started/templates/blog.
I created my React app with npx create-react-app.
When I console log the source it comes out as a string, when I add it in the markdown-to-jsx it shows me this error index.module.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react___default(...) is not a function.
Steps to reproduce:
create an app with npx create-react-app
import the material UI template written on the above link
use fetch(post1).then(res => res.text()).then(text=>setMarkdown(text)) inside a useEffect hook to get the markdown text.
Add the markdown state in the way that the template used it here
<Markdown className={classes.markdown} key={markdown.substring(0, 40)}>
and the error happens
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
What I have tried basically boils down to changing the MD file to a js string export default, changing markdown-to-jsx versions, and trying different attribute options on the markdown-to-jsx library but none is working and I am lost.

how to add lit-elements in nuxt js

*****[Vue warn]: The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not matching server-rendered content. This is likely caused by incorrect HTML markup, for example nesting block-level elements inside
, or missing
. Bailing hydration and performing full client-side render. vue.runtime.esm.js:619
[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element:
- did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
found i***
at components/HelloWorld.vue
<Pages/index.vue> at pages/index.vue
<Layouts/default.vue> at layouts/default.vue
here's the error I got**
project is here

Use Knockout.js on the same page as Vue.js

Hi I have an existing project which uses alot of knockoutjs.
Im attempting to add vuejs to the project and slowly move everything over to vuejs in time.
Ive added vue to a wrapper element which contains the whole page and created a single vue component.
My aim is to use that component anywhere on the page but not break my knockout code.
The problem im having is my knockout bindings are not being defined when I apply the vue el tag to the main element that wraps the page and the ko.applyBindings scripts. (vue elements work ok but all ko scripts throw an error )
I am using complied templates and the vue-cli with webpack-simple.
Im pretty new to vuejs but I think this is happening because vue is trying to parse the knockoutjs code inside the page html
console error:
ReferenceError: Unable to process binding "slideVisible: function(){return !isShowBillingForm() }"
Message: isShowBillingForm is not defined
at slideVisible (eval at parseBindingsString (knockout-3.3.0.js:61), <anonymous>:3:65)
at init (slidevisible.js:15)
at knockout-3.3.0.js:65
at Object.u (knockout-3.3.0.js:35)
at knockout-3.3.0.js:65
at Object.o (knockout-3.3.0.js:10)
at g (knockout-3.3.0.js:65)
at h (knockout-3.3.0.js:63)
at k (knockout-3.3.0.js:63)
at h (knockout-3.3.0.js:63)
If anyone could help me that would be amazing
(Ive also added the vue cdn to the header and added in vue markup into the page directly and their are no conflicts) so I guess its something to do with the compiled templates?
I've added Vue to a wrapper element which contains the whole page and created a single Vue component.
I believe that's the issue. When migrating to VueJS from legacy Knockout you will have to pick and choose where you want to use Vue.
The way Vue parses the DOM is very different compared to Knockout. It uses a concept of virtual DOM, so the final DOM output is only valid HTML and no framework specific markup. That inherently will break any KO code bound to it.
So the approach I'd recommend is finding pieces of the app you want to convert to Vue and then instantiate Vue inside a Knockout VM (or with plain JS) like this:
import Vue from 'vue';
import MyVueComponent from 'libs/components/my-component.vue';
const propsData = {my: props};
const myComponent = Vue.extend(MyVueComponent);
new myComponent({el: '#some_element', propsData: propsData})
Also important, make sure you tell KO not to process #some_element that Vue is bound to by using the stopBinding handler as described here.
Hope that helps!

