How does produce it's diff views? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I really like the diff views on I was hoping to use the same module(s) they use on my website for diffing small json objects in the same beautiful and readable way, but I can't find the source code for, which I believe is close sourced...
Does anyone know how they achieve this result? Which modules they use, for example? Or are there any components out there that clone the diff views?
I'm looking for a module that can help me transform before and after blobs of json into a visual diff like you would see on when looking at a commit. My own solutions shows removed characters in red and added characters in green, but's solution is much more elegant, showing the full lines with a red or green background, but also with the specific characters added or removed sporting a darker background color. I don't need any of the interactivity or line numbers of anything.
I looked at, which features a very similar diff view and is fully open source, but if I understand correctly, they produce the diff views on the server side, which is not an option for me at the moment.
I also found and modules like that, but I find the result less readable than what I see on
I am now using to power a custom component that just uses <ins> and <del> to show what was added/removed. This doesn't produce a result anywhere as good as what has, but before spending hours on iteratively improving my custom component, I wanted to make I hadn't simply missed an existing component out there that reproduce the look, hence this question.
I am open to react components, jquery solutions, or anything else. I use react myself, but if I find what I need written for JQuery for example, I should be able to "translate" it. I'm mostly looking for either a react component doing exactly what I want ( diff view) or something in another framework that can serve as inspiration to get my custom component up to par.

Your question is too broad... and probably that's why this question is going to be closed, but maybe you are looking into something like highlightjs. Js code example:
var c = document.createElement("code");
c.className = "code blink hljs diff";
c.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(varWithYourDiffCode, null, "\t");

Maybe you're looking into structure of diff file, for example command:
git diff
will generate:
-* AVL tree - the **heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one**.
+* AVL tree - (since 1962) the **heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one**.
but command:
git diff --word-diff
will generate:
* AVL tree - {+(since 1962)+} the **heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one**.
Screen from my terminal:

Is diff2html the kind of thing you're looking for:
It's a javascript component you can integrate into an existing page. They give examples of angular and raw HTML usage here:


Converting an emoji code point to it's shortcut text [closed]

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Closed 10 months ago.
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I'm working on a new project and it includes allowing the user to select an emoji from a popup window using the Twemoji project for the emojis. What I'm trying to figure out is if there is a way to get the shortcut text of the emoji. I have access to the url in this fashion and I can also convert it to unicode if I need to.
For instance, I want to convert 😀 to :smiley:
I can do it server side (classic asp) or client side (vanilla js or jquery).
Edit: I found a json file that I'm going to import into a database table and do a lookup.
I ended up importing this json file into a local lookup database table. Works for my purpose, might help somebody else too.
There isn't just a built-in way that you'll be able to convert an emoji to something like that. As far as anything is concerned, those are just characters the same as "A" or "!".
The only way to do something like this would be to find or create a library or dictionary which you can look them up.
It looks like the filename part of that URL (1f605) is the Unicode value, so you can feed that into a library.
Normally I'd recommend a library, but flipping through the existing options, none of them really have enough regular usage for me to be comfortable even mentioning one. I'd suggest searching NPM for "emoji" and flipping through the options and see which one you like the best / suits your needs the best.

Create navigable tree from csv of path names [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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we are struggling with a large migration project currently and are on the last leg of putting together the user interface.
I have a list of effectively folder paths from the old system like so:
/Programme2/ Project2/WorkPackage1/Finance
Currently these are in a csv, we need to be able to create a navigable object that a user can use to navigate through to find relevant documentation.
We have a number of issues:
There are 114000+ rows in the csv
We know the max number of subfolders and it's large (too many to code manually!).
There are special characters in the list, including umlauts, french accented chars + greek alphabet chars...
A fair number (2000+) rows of the list are longer than 400 characters..
We're limited also to what tools we can use. We've been playing with json/jquery/jstree/javascript/excel-vba and have had some success, but its been painful.
If anyone out there has had a similar challenge and any success I'd be interested in finding out how you went about it!
Thanks for looking.
If I were you I'd transform the flat paths from the csv into a tree structure and store it in a database. This is essentially the information you have but without the redundancy in the csv. From there it's pretty straight forward transform it to a presentation form. Jstree is one good option. Shouldn't take long to get that up and running.
The solution was to create a mini db (1 table) containing all the folder paths in a single column, plus their parent and whether they had children (figured out using VBA...)
We then used a REST call to pull back the paths/nodes related to the node we clicked on and then pushed those into a function in javascript on the page to then convert to JSON and then use them in JSTREE!
Painful but it works... Now to work out how to make the throbber display when we click....

How should I organize a large JavaScript dialog object? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a very large JavaScript object I'm using to store RPG dialog, containing several large top-level objects. The dialog is formatted similar to JSON.
When organizing the dialog, should I put each of those top level categories in their own function?
Or maybe their own separate javascript file?
Does keeping all the text in one javascript (var json =) object affect performance?
Any organization tips would be appreciated!
You should generally try to limit coupling whenever possible. Therefore it would make sense to separate these into separate functions, but see point #3 about databases.
You can separate them into separate javascript files if it gets too big to manage easily with one. You can always have a build process that lumps them all together later (check the html5 boilerplate for more on this technique).
It probably isn't going to make much difference for performance at this point. I might suggest using something like mongoDB in the future as you get more data though. Take a look at meteor js to get some inspiration. Using a database can simplify your code if you do it right.
Addressing question 1, this sounds like JSONP? Slightly different.
I would suggest that performance differences would be negligible for parsing though if using JSONP and injecting <script/> elements to the DOM file size becomes a factor, and it would be wise to group related data into seperate files so that it can be retrieved selectively.
Obviously at the top level if not using JSONP, you can seperate your objects into an array or one keyed object.
I saw your question before the edit and to me it wasn't only about JSON. I understand the reasoning behind meagar's edit but I don't agree with it. I think you should really step out of the technical details and focus on what your data is. You are writing the story of your game in a JSON file. Is that really appropriate or convenient? I personally don't think so. I mean, if you're comfortable working with this so far, sure, knock yourself out. Myself, I would use plain and simple text files to hold that dialog (1 line in a file = 1 line of dialog, with name of file = name of NPC or cutscene) They're much more appropriate for storytelling IMHO.
What I mean is, write that dialog in something that is meant for writing. JSON is a format for data-interchange, sure, it's human-readable. That doesn't mean it should be human-written.
Then, when you have your story, if you want your game to consume that data in JSON form, write some kind of wrapper around this bunch of files. Sure, it looks like more work, but I think it's more flexible. Well, that's what I would do anyway. Best of luck.

Delta encoding for JSON objects [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is there a standard library or tool out there for computing and applying differences to JSON documents? Basically I have a bunch of largish documents that I want to keep synchronized across a network, and I would prefer to avoid having to resend their entire state each time that I want to synchronize them (since many of these variables aren't going to change). In other words, I only want to transmit the fields which changed, not retransmit the entire object. I would think that it would be convenient to have something like the following set of methods:
//Start with two distinct objects on the server
// prev represents a copy of the state of the object on the client
// next represents a copy of the state of the object on the server
//1. Compute a patch
patch = computePatch(prev, next);
//2. Send patch over the network
//3. Apply the patch on the client
applyPatch(prev, patch);
//Final invariant:
// prev represents an equivalent object to JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(next))
I could certainly implement one myself, but there are quite a few edge cases that need to be considered. Here are some of the straightforward (though somewhat unsatisfactory) methods that I can think of such as:
Roll my own JSON patcher. Asymptotically, this is probably the best way to go, since it would be possible to support all the relevant features of JSON documents, along with supporting some specialized methods for doing stuff like diffing ints, doubles and strings (using relative encoding/edit distance). However, JSON has a lot of special cases and I am a bit leery of trying to do this without a lot of testing, and so I would much prefer to find something that already solves this problem for me so that I can trust it, and not have to worry about network Heisenbugs showing up due to mistakes in my JSON patching
Just compute the edit distance directly between the JSON strings using dynamic programming. Unfortunately, this doesn't work if the client and server have different JSON implementations (ie the order of their fields could be serialized differently), and it is also pretty expensive being a quadratic time operation.
Use protocol buffers. Protocol buffers have a built in diff method which does exactly what I want, and they are a nice binary-serializable network friendly format. Unfortunately, because they are also strictly typed, they lack many of the advantages of using JSON such as the ability to dynamically add and remove fields. Right now this is the approach I am currently leaning towards, but it could make future maintenance really horrible as I would need to continually update each of my objects.
Do something really nasty, like make a custom protocol for each type of object, and hope that I get it right in both places (yeah right!).
Of course what I am really hoping for is for someone here on stackoverflow to come through and save the day with a reference to a space efficient javascript object differ/patcher that has been well tested in production environments and across multiple browsers.
I started writing my own patcher, an early version of it is available at github here:
I guess since there doesn't seem to be much out here, I will instead accept as an alternative answer a list of interesting test cases for a JSON patcher.
I've been mantaining a json diff & patch library at github (yes, shameless plug):
it handles long strings automatically using Neil Fraser's diff_match_patch lib.
it works both on browsers and server (unit tests running on both env).
(full feature list is on project page)
The only thing you probably would need, that's not implemented is the option to inject custom diff/patch functions for specific objects, but that doesn't sound hard to add, you're welcome to fork it, and even better send a pull request.
The JSON-patch standard has been updated.
You can find an implementation for applying patches and generating patches at
I came across this question searching for implementations of json-patch. If you are rolling your own you might want to base it on this draft.
Use JSON Patch which is the standard way to do this.
JSON Patch is a format for describing changes to a
JSON document. It can be used to avoid sending a whole document when
only a part has changed. When used in combination with the HTTP PATCH
method it allows partial updates for HTTP APIs in a standards
compliant way.
The patch documents are themselves JSON documents.
JSON Patch is specified in RFC 6902 from the IETF.
Libraries exist for most platforms and programming languages.
At the time of writing, Javascript, Python, PHP, Ruby, Perl, C, Java, C#, Go, Haskell and Erlang are supported (full list and libraries here).
Here is a list for javascript
Fast-JSON-Patch both diffs and patches, 509,361 weekly downloads on NPM
jiff both diffs and patches, 5,075 weekly downloads on npm
jsonpatch-js only applies patches, 2,014 weekly downloads in npm
jsonpatch.js only applies patches, 1,470 weekly downloads in npm
JSON8 Patch both diffs and patches, 400 weekly downloads on npm
By far, everybody (myself included), is using the Fast-JSON-Patch library. It works in NodeJS and in the browser.

Lightweight Rules Engine in Javascript [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for suggestions for a lightweight rules engine implemented in Javascript.
The reason for such an implementation is to build a very lightweight but fast browser-based simulation using a small set of rules (less than 20). The simulation would take half a dozen parameters and run the rules and display results in the browser without any need to go back to the server. Think of a UI with a couple radio buttons, checkboxes, text boxes and sliders to control the parameters. The simulation would quickly re-run based on any parameter change.
I've implemented a (more complicated) version of what you are describing in c#, and thinking back through the code, all of it would be doable with JavaScript. I agree with the comments posted that writing your own is a viable option. It can be as simple or complex as you want it to be.
General observations for this type of rules engine (in no particular order):
Non-linear lookups are your friend. In JavaScript, this would be easy using the obj[key] = val syntax. Once you determine the output of a rule for a given set of parameters, cache its results so that you can use it again without executing the rule again.
Determine whether or not you need to process unique combinations of inputs. For example, let's say you allow the user to enter multiple names and ask for suggestions on XYZ. In reality, you now need to run all rules against each input value. This may be irrelevant, simple, or immensely complicated (imagine a hotel reservation system that takes multiple dates, times, locations, and criteria, and makes suggestions).
setTimeout() can be used to smooth out UI behavior, but the rules you describe should execute in a few milliseconds or less, so worry about performance last. Performance is less of a concern than you might think with a basic rules engine.
Rule definitions will be easiest to manipulate if they are objects (or even simple object trees).
Don't tie UI elements to output results; meaning, put the results of the rule execution into a flexible object list so that you can create whatever visual output you want from it.
Customized output messages are very useful to a user. Meaning, rather than triggering a generic message when a condition is met, try inserting a real value into the output message like, "Your credit score is only 550. You need a minimum of a 600 to continue."
That's it off the top of my head. Good luck.
Checkout the nools rule engine implemented in pure JavaScript for node.js. It has a pretty straightforward syntax for rules definitions.
Rule Reactor ( is a light weight, fast, expressive forward chaining business rule engine leveraging JavaScript internals, lazy cross-products, and Functions as objects rather than Rete. It can be used in the browser or on the server.
This is very simple rule engine, which use server side javascript(Mozilla's Rhino engine) (maybe it will be helpfully to you)
I've made an example html / javascript rule engine for a product configurator. The rule engine is based on if then statements. The if then statements will be checked with an array. This array is filled with all possible options every time an options is changed.
Check out my blog for the example.
Link to my blog "Forward chaining javascript rule engine"
I think the "obj[key] = val" is the key to a javascript rule engine. Jquery helps with javascript handling.
Please check out (JSL)
From the overview document, JSL is a JSON based logic programming library meant for embedded use in JS programs. It uses JSON as its syntax as well as I/O method, and provides callbacks into the host environment for performance optimisation.

