Scrolling in DropDownlist customize - javascript

im using this DropDownList for searching item and i have a problem my problem is how can i scrolling in this DropDownList with up and down in Keyboard?

EDIT: Since my first solution wasn't working properly when more items were added i adjusted it a little. Here's the fiddle
What i did:
First of all, i checked the position of the storeTarget and #search_results and logged it into the console to figure out what was causing the problem.
(This is something you could've done by yourself btw...)
What i found out then was, that, after a couple of items, the top position of the storeTargetitem was higher than the visible area of the #search_results.
so i changed the parameter of
to scroll a little further than the current position and to make it smoother changed the check in the if-clause:
I didn't check for the case when the user goes up, that's left up to you to figure out.
here's a working fiddle based on your code
What i did:
when moving up or down with the keys i check if the offset().top value of the storeTarget is greater or lesser than 200 (you may change that depending on the size of your list) and if so, we scroll the top of #search-results to the
top of your storeTarget :


Animating line on scroll

I am trying to animate a line on scroll but I am at a loss at the moment. The final result should be similar to how the lines animate on this site, (you have to scroll a little bit to get to the lines).
There is a static gray line, and then a red line that gets height when the user scrolls down. If the user scrolls up while part, or all of the red line is visible, height will be subtracted from the red line. BUT nothing should happen to the red line until the user has scrolled 200px down the page.
I have created a fiddle for this problem and I am pretty sure I know where my problem lies, but I do not have an answer for how to fix it. I think it is because my variables currentScrollPosition and lastScrollPosition in function countUp135 are always equal to each other.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is my fiddle:
Thanks in advance!
Although there is many ways to do this in JS, I'll offer an alternative css method. Instead of animating a line on scroll you can just give the illusion that the line is animating. Check out this fiddle here. As you can see The fixed red element will follow the window on scroll and fill in the transparent area between the divs, making it seem like a red line is being drawn.
You can overlay an image with a transparent line running through it instead of grey divs to minimize the code even more, or you can add js to make the animation more fancy.
There are a lot of functions in your fiddle, where I do not understand why you should need them nor what they do. An updated version of your fiddle, seems to do what you want. There was no need for all thoses methods.
This seems to be enough:
var scrollTop = getScrollTop();
if (scrollTop > 200) {
addHeightPath1(scrollTop - 150);
} else {
I'm also wondering about the function stoppedScrolling, where an asynchronous time function is beeing started, but you try to get an result from the stoppedSrolling() function, that is never passed as a return.

jQuery Sortable List Handles on Hover

I'm creating a list with handles for sorting. I don't like the aesthetics of having 20 handles visible, so I'm trying to make the handles appear only when the mouse hovers over a list item.
This was my first attempt:
jsFiddle #1
As you can see, hovering over items in the list creates a rather jarring movement and misalignment of list items. To fix this, I've created a blank 16px image that I use to replace the handle when it's not visible. It creates a much nicer user experience than hovering, as you can see here:
jsFiddle #2
$(this).prepend("<img src= class=\"blank-sprite\" / width=16 height=16 border=0>");
The problem is that during sorting the 16px image often disappears, leaving things out of alignment. (I'd post an image but I don't have the reputation.) It doesn't always happen, but seems to happen more frequently when I'm sorting very quickly.
I'd love to know why this happens and how to fix it. Thanks!
You should set position css property of icon element to absolute. This is to give you the idea:
var $icon = $("<span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-grip-dotted-vertical\" style=\"display:inline-block\" id=\"handle\" /></span>").css({

table.scrollleft is always zero

I have a table with a fixed layout. The columns take up more space than is available so a horizontal scroll bar appears. Currently you can move around in the table using the keyboard arrows. But when a cell is selected that is not in view I need to programmatically tell the scrollbar to move. I thought this would be scrollleft but is not settable and is always zero. Instead I have achieve my desired effect by using scrollIntoView(false). This works but I still want to know why scrollleft was not working.
Please see my fiddle. The function you may want to use is called scrollLeft()
jQuery Docs:

weird jQuery UI Slider behavior

I'm developing a simple one page website and I'm integrating the jQuery UI Slider. The website I'm integrating it in is : Website.
It seems like I'm having a little problem with the slider. If you look closely at the slider when navigating with the left and right arrow ( or the left and right keyboard keys ) you will notice that when going backward, before the last step, the min range jumps ahead the handle with a few pixels ( the background image ).
And also the animate property attached to the handle it doesn't work when using the mouse cursor to move the handle, per say the handle is in position 0 and you click on the last position, normally it should animate to the last position but it jumps there.
Could someone tell me how to fix these bugs ? I tried working on the CSS for the first problem but it doesn't seem to be because of that.
"min range jumps ahead the handle" - I've reduced the bug here:
This is a bug in jQuery.animate() when animating non-pixel values; Slider uses percentages. Before animating, jQuery converts the element's starting value (in pixels) into the end value's units, and assigns this non-px starting value to the element (lines 8601-8605 in jQuery 1.7.2 (unminified)).
The calculation is flawed for small end values (like 0%), and so the range's starting width is larger than what it should be.
I've opened a pull request with a fix; the same fix can be applied to the current stable version of jQuery.
Update: You can find a plugin that fixes this bug (for jQuery 1.7.2) here:
Copy from (at the top)
// Start jQuery.animate() fix
to (before the test code)
// End jQuery.animate() fix
It should work if you paste this code into your plugins.js.
"it should animate to the last position but it jumps there" - this is because the Slider and jPages plugins are connected with circular callbacks.
When the user clicks on the slider, Slider triggers a slide event then animates the handle and range. The slide event handler calls jPages to change to the new page. jPages calls its assigned callback function, which passes the current page number back to Slider. Slider sets its value and starts to animate the handle/range.
After the slide event, Slider goes back to animating the handle and range (which is actually the second time it is animating). Slider calls .stop(1, 1) on the elements before animating, which causes the first animation to stop and jump immediately to its end value. (The second .animate() does nothing since the elements are already in the correct position.)
(I hope that made sense :-) )
I suggest adding logic in the jPages callback to call Slider with the new page number only if the trigger isn't originally from Slider.
Update: I think you'll need to update both callbacks:
For Slider:
slide: function(event, ui) {
if (!self.paging) {
self.paging = true;
self.paging = false;
For jPages:
callback: function(pages) {
var data = {
current_page: pages.current,
total_pages: pages.count
self.set_local_storage_data(self.data_key, JSON.stringify(data));
if (!self.paging) {
self.paging = true;
$(self.shop_slider_class).slider("value", pages.current);
self.paging = false;
Please let me know if this works for you.
The simplest answer is probably to just not use jQueryUI's slider.
Having looked at your code it looks like you're easily competent enough at JS and CSS to replicate its appearance and core behaviour yourself, and make it work exactly how you want it to.

Mootools: height of hidden elements

Morning all,
I'm trying to create a Mootools effect to show and hide replies to a comment on a discussion board. When the user clicks the "replies" link in the comment I want to increase the height of the comment container and then fade in the replies content. If the replies content is already visible, clicking on the link would reverse the effect.
I've got it sort of working, but I'm having trouble getting the correct height of my hidden elements (repliesH in my JS). I've tried getDimensions(), measure() and getComputedSize(), but they all give the same result: when elements are set to display:none I get a height that is too small; when I set them to display:block the height is correct. Can any kind person spot where I'm going wrong?
Just noticed - the width of the .comments-list container seems to have something to do with this problem. When I remove that width the effect works OK. This probably means that getDimensions gets the height of an element when it's not nested in anything. Can anyone suggest how I can work out what the height'll be when it is nested?
you could use Fx.Reveal, it's very useful when u encounter these kind of problems, and it simplifies A LOT your code, i.e. (I've forked your example) =>
A simple way to workaround it:;
var repliesH = replies.getDimensions().y;
Just show it, get dimensions and hides it again. This runs so fast that neither is visible to the user.
Your updated Fiddle here.

