Websocket security authentication with own credentials - javascript

I need a method how I can secure my WebSockets.
Something like onConnect->checkcredentials if(credentials===false){die()}
But with own credential data send to the server. How can I realize that without tokens or cookies? If not, is there any other solution to real-time communicate securely?

I need a method how I can secure my WebSockets.
Solution : Socket Handshake Query
With this method, only clients that know the parameter and the secret will get through the handshake gateway (middleware)
[ EDIT: use the new socket.io 2.0, it has fixed an issue regarding the query ]
# client :
io('', { query: "s=$€CR€T" });
# server :
var theSecret = "S€CR€T";
io.use(function(socket, next) {
var handshakeSecret = socket.request._query['s'];
console.log("middleware:", handshakeSecret);
}catch(e){socket.disconnect();} //prevent error - crash
In this case theSecret is the same for all, could be a specific check in database.
Solution : Auth or GTFO! (Kick)
You can also doom clients that connect to a disconnection (timer kick) if they dont supply correct credentials within the timeOut.
Example :
const SOCKET_AUTH_TIMEOUT = 120000; //2 minutes in ms
io.on('connection', function(socket){
console.log("[+] (unauthorized) client connected : "+socket.id);
//begin doom countdown...
socket.doom = setTimeout(KickSocketClient.bind(null, socket.id), SOCKET_AUTH_TIMEOUT);
//warn this client : (example)
//# client : 'You got '+TimeoutInMinutes+' minutes to authorize before being kicked.'
socket.emit('auth_required', SOCKET_AUTH_TIMEOUT);
//.: Handle Authorization :.
/* your logic to verify the incoming authRequest goes here, for example :*/
if(DATABASE[authRequest.user]){ //user exists in imaginary in-memory database
if(DATABASE[authRequest.user].password == authRequest.password){ //correct password, success!
socket.emit('authed', DATABASE[authRequest.user]); //maybe return user data
socket.authed = true; //set this socket client as authorized (useful for future requests)
//now clear the timeout of d00m! (prevent the disconnection, now the client is authed)
//.: Handle Disconnections :.
socket.on('disconnect', function(){
if(socket.authed){console.log("[+] client disconnected : "+socket.id);}
else{console.log("[+] (unauthorized) client disconnected : "+socket.id);}
//.: Only for Authorized Clients :.
socket.on('secret', function(){
console.log("[o] client : "+socket.id+" requested the secret");
socket.emit('return','the secret to life'); //here you go!
}else{socket.disconnect();} // disconnect the unauthorized client
function KickSocketClient(sid){
if (io.sockets.connected[sid]) {
console.log("[kick] client ("+sid+") : unauthorized status for too long");
}else{ console.log("<!> : [kick] client ("+sid+") not found!"); }
If the client doesn't auth inside the time specified in SOCKET_AUTH_TIMEOUT it will be disconnected.
I also included in the example, a small demo for a only-authorized clients (request while unauthed = disconnection)
You can also make them join specific private namespaces once authed, so that global broadcasts to all clients doesnt include the unauthed listeners.
Good luck, hope it helped.
is there any other solution to real-time communicate securely?
To answer this, you need to first think of the threats. There are many ways of being secure, for example, using socket.io over SSL.
The solutions I mentioned, are for avoiding unauthorized clients from staying online and accesing events/resources/etc...


Stomp JS Basic Auth

I've implemented a server using Spring Stomp and now I'm trying to connect to my server using stomp-js rx-stomp.
What I find really awkward is that the JS implementation is not working, although I've managed to make it work using the Java stomp client.
Java client code(works):
WebSocketStompClient stompClient = new WebSocketStompClient(new SockJsClient(createTransportClient()));
stompClient.setMessageConverter(new MappingJackson2MessageConverter());
final String URL = "http://localhost:" + port + "/ws";
// -< Headers used for authentication
WebSocketHttpHeaders headers = new WebSocketHttpHeaders();
String user = "user1", pass = "abcd1234";
headers.add("Authorization", "Basic " + getBasicAuthToken(user, pass));
StompSession stompSession = stompClient.connect(URL, headers, new StompSessionHandlerAdapter() {
}).get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
JS client code(doesn't work):
connect: function() {
const stompConfig = {
connectHeaders: {
login: "user1",
passcode: "abcd1234",
Authorization: "Basic dXNlcjE6YWJjZDEyMzQ="
webSocketFactory: function() {
return new SockJS("http://localhost:8080/ws");
reconnectDelay: 60000
rxStomp = new RxStomp.RxStomp();
rxStomp.connected$.subscribe(res => {
if (res === 1) console.log('connected');
else console.log('not connected');
First of all, I find really awkward that I see a prompt asking my to enter a username and a password. If I enter the credentials there then the client connects successfully. So, I thought that I must be doing something wrong regarding the connect headers. As you can see, I've tried to add the Basic Auth token there, hoping that it would solve something. It doesn't.
The Java and the Javascript versions of the code, even though similar, differ in an important way. The Java version sets the Authorization header in the underlying HTTP connection of the Websocket. However, in the Javascript version, the HTTP connection is made, and then the Authorization header is passed as the STOMP CONNECT frame.
The browser Websocket API or SockJS does not allow setting custom headers to the underlying HTTP connection, which is used by the Java version of the code in the question. To support authentication, the brokers need to support receiving authentication parameters as part of the CONNECT frame (exposed as connectHeaders in the JS Stomp clients).
Spring does not, by default, support authentication parameters as part of the CONNECT frame. Please see https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/reference/html/web.html#websocket-stomp-authentication-token-based to support it.

Send Authorization Credentials to Django-channels WebSocket (without setting token as cookie)

I have a websocket that i want to be authenticated with Token Authorization on handshake on opennig. I looked for answers for this problem and almost all of them suggested to store Authorization cookie first with javascript then connect to web socket (so the header will be sent from cookie stored in web page).
But I prefer to not store the token in browser cookie and just send it in my websocket request scope.
Here is a simple javascript code to connect to websocket. I really appreciate it if any one help me on this context:
const socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8001/announcement');
socket.onopen = function open() {
console.log('WebSockets connection created.');
// Listen for messages
socket.addEventListener('announcement', function (event) {
console.log('Message from server ', event.data);
I found a solution. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Right after web socket connection established, send the token to server. And in Server (in my case django channels) in receive method, I fetch that token and if token is valid, I update the connection information, And if the token is not valid disconnect the connection.
something like this:
js file:
const socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8001/announcement');
socket.onopen = function open() {
console.log('WebSockets connection created.');
let authData = {'token': '<valid-token-here>'}
and on server side (django for example):
def receive(self, text_data=None, bytes_data=None):
if self.scope['user'].id:
# It means user is not authenticated yet.
data = json.loads(text_data)
if 'token' in data.keys():
token = data['token']
user = fetch_user_from_token(token)
self.scope['user'] = user
except Exception as e:
# Data is not valid, so close it.
if not self.scope['user'].id:

Is it possible to create a "fake" socket connection to a nodejs server that is secured through SSL?

I'm using socket.io-client to create a socket connection to my locally-running server. See my code below:
// Working example of connecting to a local server that is not SSL protected
var io = require('socket.io-client')
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000', {reconnect: true});
socket.on('connect', function(){ console.log("inside 'connect'") } );
socket.on('connection', function(){ console.log("inside 'connection'") } );
socket.on('event', function(data){ console.log("inside 'event'") } );
socket.on('disconnect', function(){ console.log("inside 'disconnect'") } );
var payload = {email: 'fake#gmail.com', password: 'tester'};
var tokens = {browserId: 'b965e554-b4d2-5d53-fd69-b2ca5483537a'};
socket.emit("publish", {logic:"user", method:"signIn"}, payload, tokens, function(err, creds) {
console.log("inside the socket client emit callback. err: " + err);
console.log("creds: " + creds);
Now for my problem. As I stated in the comment at the top of that code, I can connect to my local nodejs server and get the response I expect when I turn off SSL encryption on my server. As soon as I turn SSL on, I stop getting any response at all from the code above. I don't see any message in my server logs or from the command line, where I'm running the code above with node.
My goal is to be able to run the code above, with SSL turned on in my server, and get the same response that I get when SSL is turned off. I've tried a bunch of variations on the code I included above, such as:
connecting to "https://localhost:3000"
connecting to "//localhost:3000"
connecting to "https://localhost:3443" (this is the port I have to connect to when I have the nodejs server running with SSL)
changing {reconnect:true} to {reconnect:true,secure:true}
I'm truly stumped, and I've been doing a bunch of research on the web and on my node server. It's my company's code and I didn't originally implement the SSL components, so I've spent a few hours looking at our code and trying to understand how adding SSL changes everything. I'm also a student and have about 2 years of experience behind me, so I'm good but I'm no expert. Have I said anything above that indicates if my task is impossible to achieve, or if maybe I have just overlooked something? Any leads on things to check out would be appreciated :)

What is the best way to map websockets connection to users in the database?

I am looking to map websockets connection with users in the database and have something like this at the moment:
function connectToNotifServer(){
var conn = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');
conn.onopen = function(e) {
alert("Connection established!");
conn.send(JSON.stringify({user_id: sessionStorage.getItem("user_id")}));
conn.onmessage = function(e) {
conn.onclose = function(e) {
alert("Connection closed!");
return conn;
I then have a PHP websockets server, that keeps a mapping of a connection to user_id.
However, I think there is a security flaw, as a user could simply inject any value he want in the user_id and impersonate another user. Is there a better way to keep this mapping, but without sending the user_id or sending it in another way?
Anything you send which is 'built in' to your javascript could, at least, be copied and duplicated. The only way to verify a user's credentials to the server side websocket would be for the PCP websocket server to require something like 'username/password' - which it then checks server-side and persists for that websocket only.
i.e. you would have to ask the user to input this info.

Sending message to a specific connected users using webSocket?

I wrote a code for broadcasting a message to all users:
// websocket and http servers
var webSocketServer = require('websocket').server;
var clients = [ ];
var server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {
// Not important for us. We're writing WebSocket server, not HTTP server
server.listen(webSocketsServerPort, function() {
var wsServer = new webSocketServer({
// WebSocket server is tied to a HTTP server.
httpServer: server
// This callback function is called every time someone
// tries to connect to the WebSocket server
wsServer.on('request', function(request) {
var connection = request.accept(null, request.origin);
var index = clients.push(connection) - 1;
Please notice:
I don't have any user reference but only a connection .
All users connection are stored in an array.
Goal: Let's say that the Node.js server wants to send a message to a specific client (John). How would the NodeJs server know which connection John has? The Node.js server doesn't even know John. all it sees is the connections.
So, I believe that now, I shouldn't store users only by their connection, instead, I need to store an object, which will contain the userId and the connection object.
When the page finishes loading (DOM ready) - establish a connection to the Node.js server.
When the Node.js server accept a connection - generate a unique string and send it to the client browser. Store the user connection and the unique string in an object. e.g. {UserID:"6", value: {connectionObject}}
At client side, when this message arrives - store it in a hidden field or cookie. (for future requests to the NodeJs server )
When the server wants to send a message to John:
Find john's UserID in the dictionary and send a message by the corresponding connection.
please notice there is no asp.net server code invloced here (in the message mechanism). only NodeJs .*
Is this the right way to go?
This is not only the right way to go, but the only way. Basically each connection needs a unique ID. Otherwise you won't be able to identify them, it's as simple as that.
Now how you will represent it it's a different thing. Making an object with id and connection properties is a good way to do that ( I would definitely go for it ). You could also attach the id directly to connection object.
Also remember that if you want communication between users, then you have to send target user's ID as well, i.e. when user A wants to send a message to user B, then obviously A has to know the ID of B.
Here's a simple chat server private/direct messaging.
"name": "chat-server",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "WebSocket chat server",
"dependencies": {
"ws": "0.4.x"
var webSocketServer = new (require('ws')).Server({port: (process.env.PORT || 5000)}),
webSockets = {} // userID: webSocket
// CONNECT /:userID
// wscat -c ws://localhost:5000/1
webSocketServer.on('connection', function (webSocket) {
var userID = parseInt(webSocket.upgradeReq.url.substr(1), 10)
webSockets[userID] = webSocket
console.log('connected: ' + userID + ' in ' + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(webSockets))
// Forward Message
// Receive Example
// [toUserID, text] [2, "Hello, World!"]
// Send Example
// [fromUserID, text] [1, "Hello, World!"]
webSocket.on('message', function(message) {
console.log('received from ' + userID + ': ' + message)
var messageArray = JSON.parse(message)
var toUserWebSocket = webSockets[messageArray[0]]
if (toUserWebSocket) {
console.log('sent to ' + messageArray[0] + ': ' + JSON.stringify(messageArray))
messageArray[0] = userID
webSocket.on('close', function () {
delete webSockets[userID]
console.log('deleted: ' + userID)
To test it out, run npm install to install ws. Then, to start the chat server, run node server.js (or npm start) in one Terminal tab. Then, in another Terminal tab, run wscat -c ws://localhost:5000/1, where 1 is the connecting user's user ID. Then, in a third Terminal tab, run wscat -c ws://localhost:5000/2, and then, to send a message from user 2 to 1, enter ["1", "Hello, World!"].
This chat server is very simple.
It doesn't store messages to a database, such as PostgreSQL. So, the user you're sending a message to must be connected to the server to receive it. Otherwise, the message is lost.
It is insecure.
If I know the server's URL and Alice's user ID, then I can impersonate Alice, ie, connect to the server as her, allowing me to receive her new incoming messages and send messages from her to any user whose user ID I also know. To make it more secure, modify the server to accept your access token (instead of your user ID) when connecting. Then, the server can get your user ID from your access token and authenticate you.
I'm not sure if it supports a WebSocket Secure (wss://) connection since I've only tested it on localhost, and I'm not sure how to connect securely from localhost.
For people using ws version 3 or above. If you want to use the answer provided by #ma11hew28, simply change this block as following.
webSocketServer.on('connection', function (webSocket) {
var userID = parseInt(webSocket.upgradeReq.url.substr(1), 10)
webSocketServer.on('connection', function (webSocket, req) {
var userID = parseInt(req.url.substr(1), 10)
ws package has moved upgradeReq to request object and you can check the following link for further detail.
Reference: https://github.com/websockets/ws/issues/1114
I would like to share what I have done. Hope it doesn't waste your time.
I created database table holding field ID, IP, username, logintime and logouttime. When a user logs in logintime will be currect unixtimestamp unix. And when connection is started in websocket database checks for largest logintime. It will be come user logged in.
And for when user logs out it will store currect logouttime. The user will become who left the app.
Whenever there is new message, Websocket ID and IP are compared and related username will be displayed. Following are sample code...
// when a client connects
function wsOnOpen($clientID) {
global $Server;
$ip = long2ip( $Server->wsClients[$clientID][6] );
require_once CLASSES . 'class.db.php';
require_once CLASSES . 'class.log.php';
$db = new database();
$loga = new log($db);
//Getting the last login person time and username
$conditions = "WHERE which = 'login' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, 1";
$logs = $loga->get_logs($conditions);
foreach($logs as $rows) {
$destination = $rows["user"];
$idh = md5("$rows[user]".md5($rows["time"]));
if ( $clientID > $rows["what"]) {
$conditions = "ip = '$ip', clientID = '$clientID'
WHERE logintime = '$rows[time]'";
...//rest of the things
interesting post (similar to what I am doing).
We are making an API (in C#) to connect dispensers with WebSockets, for each dispenser we create a ConcurrentDictionary that stores the WebSocket and the DispenserId making it easy for each Dispenser to create a WebSocket and use it afterwards without thread problems (invoking specific functions on the WebSocket like GetSettings or RequestTicket).
The difference for you example is the use of ConcurrentDictionary instead of an array to isolate each element (never attempted to do such in javascript).
Best regards,

