How to Display Direction list on Google Maps API? - javascript

enter image description here
When using directions in Google Maps
I would like to display a list of multiple paths using the api, like the red box in the attached photo, but I do not seem to have a good guide to look for the api document.
I want to know how to implement it.
I would appreciate your help.

This is a pretty complicated endeavor to simply have someone walk you through without having built your own code. That said the I would recomend reading through the google resource manual. And here is a walkthrough once you understand some basics of google maps javascript control.
There are free resources to figure it out. Though there are even better paid resources. Just check out Udemy for a 10$ course (you have to sign in and search a coupon, but you can get access to any great course for $10)
Give it a shot and get back to us when you have tried some stuff specifically.


Data Recall and Input Code

I am working on creating a website that will recall data from a spreadsheet (looking at using Google Spreadsheets or SQLite) in a similar form as to the stock exchange except I would like the "stock" and "prices" to be pulled from the spreadsheet which can be live updated.
I have asked on Reddit, searched through the google help guides, but couldn't find the right resource. I was told that running it through GitHub would be an option. Any help would be appreciated.
For a reference of what I would like to do, I would like to make a site similar to this one:
Only hopefully much cleaner and only with the chart + filtering allowed. Then the person using the site would be able to select the "company" to see that "company's" "stock" and "history" that is all managed via a database that I manage.
I can do all of this in Excel but I would like to make a secure sharing platform online.
Thank you for your time and help. If there is an order in which to learn these things or do these things, please let me know.
Have a great day.

Thumbnail image of Links in my Community page

I have been searching hard on when a user pastes a link in the community page, and posts it. Then just below the link - a small image of the site and brief description of the site appears.
This is similar to when you post a link in Linkedin, and when you post it, then in the post automatically a small image of the website that this link points to appears, and also a brief descritption of the site, which I believe is the title.
I have searched a lot, but could not find a place to start on how to do this. If anyone can give me a starting point, it would be highly appreciated.
Best Regards,
This really would be highly valuable for all sorts of applications. Doing a quick SO and Google search, I found one service that has an API for this:
I'm not sure, but it would seem that this type of function would have to be done backend with software installed on your server. This makes sense as we're working with rendering images; and current browsers (through Javascript or APIs) don't yet seem to have the ability to render images. (Anyone provide links to documentation in the comments if I'm wrong about this?)
Here's another one I found that has command-line open-source code:

Need to query list of youtube videos in javascript -- v3 APIs wont work

Please forgive me for ranting, this one is giving me a headache...
RANT ON---Great pain with Google programming APIs. Trying to use Google APIs to communicate with YouTube to retrieve a list of my videos. Simple task. Version 2 APIs were easy to use, I had a sample working in 5 minutes. New Version 3 APIs are complex, tedious, require a bunch of advance setup and user account IDs, and after all that hassle, THEY STILL DO NOT WORK.---RANT OFF
C'mon Google, this is really hard to use!
Ok, down to business: I have an API key AND a Client Auth setup. Neither one works with my efforts to use Google's sample code.
Does anyone have a working sample where JAVASCRIPT in an HTML lists the videos in a YouTube account? Something where I can just substitute my account id and API key. Should be very simple, yes?
Thanks in advance for your help... and for bearing with me as I rant...
This sample from the offical docs works just fine. You just need to put your client ID in the OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID variable in auth.js. Make sure you're using the ID that's in the 'Client ID for web application' section in the Developers Console.
If you can't get it to work, be more specific about the error you're getting.

Google Maps JavaScript API v3

Please can someone point me in the right direction.
I have spent a few days watching videos and reading up on google maps and am more confused now than when I started.
I run a worpress site and want to add a google map to show venues. I have done this by copying the the html from a previous google map that I created. I decided to start afresh and try to style the map that it looks more attractive and also see if I could create a database with my site locations that I could update.
In the process I came across a pluging that asked me for my API key. I struggled to find my API key and then started reading that google maps has done away with its previous version and is now using something called Google Maps JavaScript API v3.
Please can someone guide me how to go about using this and what its all about. I've read up on Google Maps JavaScript API v3 but am still confused. ?
If someone has some useful videos, like idiots guide to getting started....
The basic documentation can be found at google's developers site. If you are struggling with the basic maps functionality and skinning, you may find it helpful to use a wrapper that simplifies a lot of the process, like this gmaps project on github.
If you have a more specific problem, maybe you could edit your post and list exactly what hurdles you are facing.
If you are using Wordpress, why not try a plugin directly? It would probably take care of all the specifics, and leave you with just having to deal with managing the site. This one has rather good ratings:
Regarding your API key, it's something Google gives you when you register your site in order to use Maps. Try re registering.
Check this out: Kind of like a beginners guide...

What library can I use to pick images from Google in my web app?

I am creating a web app, part of which requires people add "experiences" to a list. These might include foods to eat, places to go, sights to see, etc. I want people to be able to add their own event to a list and have an image associated with them.
I find that when people have to locate their own image from the web, download it, and then upload it to another site, it's too much effort and they won't do it. Therefore I think people should be able to choose an image from a Google search within my app, and select and image which the app then uses as the image for that "experience". I know this can be done using the Google search API, and you can specify only public domain images, so that there's no legal ramifications of using images from Google.
I imagine this is quite a common thing for websites to do. I thought I would be able to find a Javascript library that launches a lightbox over the top of a page and allows a search and selection of an image, but I can't seem to find one. Does anyone know of any such library, or anything similar?
Alternatively, is there some obvious way around this issue that someone has seen? What is a good way to avoid the "upload image" process for a website, but still have image-enriched content? I'm sure there's something obvious I'm overlooking here.
The now deprecated Image API was one starting point to do it, however you still have to implement the lightbox ...
Be careful when you are looking at using the image search results! apart from (possible) copyright issues also make sure that you have permission from Google to do automated requests against them.

