Dynmaic Fields - Admin on Rest - javascript

currently I'm searching for a mechanism to creat dynamic fields in the admin on rest - framework. The input-environment should look like the example in the linke below.
I want to use it to create an 1:n or m:n relation and I'm seachring for a possibility to realise it by the framewok directly or (second choise) by a react an component.
Does anybody know if there is a possbility by the Framework? I could't find anything.

So as Base to solve my Prolem I found this discussion
I think with hind it's possible to get it


How do I add a chart to firebase?

im currently creating an app where the user is suppose to click a couple of buttons and get a chart back. So far so good. But I want them to be able to save the chart in their profile so they can look at it whenever they want. I have no idea how to do it. I have played around with Auth but I just dont get it. I have googled to no avail. I have checked firebase website but im not sure what im looking for.
I tried repeating some of the steps for when it saves the account user and password.. but I dont know if im missing a specific set of syntax for this or I just dont know the proper command.
Does anyone know how to solve this or point in the right direction? Can it even be done?
I have been at it the whole day....
A chart is simply a presentation of data. You add the data to firebase and then you can later retrieve that data to present in anyway you wish (as a chart in your case).
Take a look at this example that uses canvasjs to present data as a chart: https://canvasjs.com/react-charts/chart-index-data-label/
If you're following some steps but are running into an issue you have to be specific because without more detailed information it's anyone's guess what the issue is as to why it isn't working.
but I dont know if im missing a specific set of syntax for this or I
just dont know the proper command.
How do you know something is not working? What's the result and what's the expected result?
Your first step would be to get authentication working. You can follow this documentation to help you get setup using the web: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/web/password-auth
After that you want to use create a database that has a collection, say 'charts' where each document could have the 'uid' of the users.
Take a look at this step-by-step tutorial.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d-gIPGzmK4&list=PL4cUxeGkcC9itfjle0ji1xOZ2cjRGY_WB
It guides you through authentication as well as storing data. Once you get that setup, viewing your data as a chart would be a front-end presentational thing and depend on what you're using to display the data. If you're using reactjs, https://react-charts.js.org looks like a good option.

XPages: How to fetch documents in view and read values?

I am a beginner with XPages, and I have looked at the TLCC Intro free training. I have also seen tutorials here. I have no experience with Lotus Notes, XPages or flat-structured databases. But, I do have some experience in JavaScript and good experience (IMO) in Java and Android.
I am facing the following problems.
1) I am trying to implement a very basic login mechanism.
Currently, I add users manually, based on a form. Now, I want to create a login page. I take a user and a password, and click on a button.
In the button, I want to read all documents associated with a view (that displays all usernames/passwords), compare with entered value, and if it exists check if the password fields match too.
Can someone please guide me in the correct direction? I can't figure out which functions to use. Also, should I be using Scope Variables? Is there a good document/tutorial regarding that?
I have tried the "view.getAllEntries()" method but it always returns null.
Am I approaching this correctly? Are there in-depth tutorials that can help me with this?
2) What is the method to debug SSJS? I am currently putting everything in a try/catch and printing the error there.
I apologize if this question has been asked elsewhere, I haven't really found anything regarding this. Please point me if there is this is a duplicate.
Use view.getDocumentByKey(theUserName) to find a user document in your view. It returns the user document as NotesDocument or null if user is not in view. The view has to have a first sorted column with the usernamens.
As of Notes Domino version 9 you can debug SSJS.

JavaScript: Using OmniGrid with loadData

I'm trying to work with the nice OmniGrid control.
Everything is great when I'm setting a URL for an ASP.NET handler that returns an answer.
My problem starts when I'm trying to use the data provider.
I was breaking my fingers trying to find a piece of information of how to use the data provider (can't find the appropriate format of the table content result).
Anyone familiar with such tutorial/example?
My I know how you are trying to integrate it in your pages? and what kind of backed u have to bind?

Need help with using Crud 1.1 and jqgrid

I found this Crud 1.1 that someone put together on the CI forums and I just edited it so I could query different column names. The problem is when I try to edit a row it seems to be still using the column 'id' in the query. I can't for the life of me figure out what could be referencing that column name.
Has anyone used this template to do something similar?
This could be a stupid question but have you done a "search in files" for the value "id" in the CRUD folder structure? I'm sure its there and you just missed it..
This approach would at least track down the ID element. Keep in mind modifying this library in this fashion will cause greater headaches when/if you want to update to a never version (when it comes out that is).

Displaying fancy routes in cloudmade based service

I look for a way to display a route in a fancy way using the Cloudmade service.
Currently, I can see computed routes like on this tutorial http://developers.cloudmade.com/projects/web-maps-lite/examples/routing, but I look for a fancier way to do it -- without A and B tags, and with colors, etc.
Is this possible ?
Thanks for your help
Currently this is not possible unfortunately, the only way to do this is to use the NavEngine API directly and process the JSON responses manually. But we will think about making the CM.Directions class more configurable in future releases, thanks!

