Heroku / Node - how to add git commit on server - javascript

I'm learning Node and Git and I have a Heroku app that is reading and writing to a local file on the server (a very simple JSON database).
If I add the file to my gitignore locally, it disappears from my Heroku app and causes the app to error. But if I don't add it to my gitignore, it overwrites the latest version (on the server) with an old one I have locally.
Obviously the issue is because the changes on the server file aren't being committed. However, I don't know how to do that remotely, or if it's even possible. I can run heroku git:clone locally, but I can't run heroku:git add.
How do I handle this?

Generally, you should not commit a file that will be modified by the server.
It seems not a good idea because, as you said, this file will be overwrited by next push.
Usually you do not want to commit from your deployment branch, so it is not a good idea either to use git from server (and I doubt you can with Heroku).
Instead you could make your app check if the file exists and if not create that file on server.
That will work in a dedicated server you manage yourself, but Heroku doesn't work the same. Each push you make to your Heroku repository will in fact bundle your application before launching it on a dyno, and this process overwrite all the file, including your database JSON file, which will be no more persistent.
So I think you have no choice than switch to another storage method, for exemple subscribe a free Heroku postgreSQL plan or another database you prefer.


Heroku application file upload - file is deleted after some time?

So I have made an node.js based application with file upload and everything works fine,
I can upload files, browse uploaded files but after like 1 hour this file is I guess deleted from server? It's no longer available. So I have a question, is heroku deleting all non-application files after some time? Or what could be the reason of this?
Heroku file system is ephemeral so files are temporary and removed at every Dyno restart. It is likely that you have redeployed your application causing the restart of the Dyno.
Heroku also restarts a Dyno at least every 24 hours. See Heroku documentation
The good practise is to persist the files into an external storage (S3 for example). If you are interested in finding out which free options are available you can check this Git repo HerokuFiles

Checking for update of a file in gitlab project

I am writing a service with node.js, and depending on whether a file in my gitlab project has been recently updated or not, the way the service works will change. So how can I tell if the content of a file in my gitlab project has changed or not on the node.js service side? Is there a Gitlab API service for this?
Gitlab does offer a robust API but could you not just run a git fetch and diff:
git fetch origin master
git diff origin/master:./ --compact-summary
That will list any files that have changed compared to your local. If you'd like to access that from Node you could put it in a shell script, run it as a spawned child_process and parse the stdout.
This method depends on your service checking for changes manually, if instead you want your service to be alerted when a change happens at any time you may want to look into webhooks: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/integrations/webhooks.html
you can monitor (with a crontab) the project's commits or with webhooks (like #Dave said) and after that get commit diff info with gitlab commit api to see if your file was modified

How to make sure javascript and css is cached in Angular app

I am reasonably new to angular (5), and have noticed that the javascript files (vendor.bundle, main.bundle, etc) are being reloaded each time I visit a page.
Is there anything in particular I should be doing to make sure that these are held in a browser cache after the first time they are loaded?
I guess I would need to add a cache-control header, but am not sure where to put it in the code, or whether this is something that the Angular-Cli could generate
Angular have lib called Service workers, which simply can be installed in cli project by below cli command
ng add #angular/pwa --project *project-name*
Note: project name can be obtained from angular.json
This command do the most required configuration but still some other stuff is needed, Which can be found on the flowing link service-worker confi. but some of this configuration already done by previous mentioned command. but also more configuration may be needed in "ngsw-config.json" file.
But unfortunately i tested this inside spring war and still the big files still downloaded every time without any caching but if i deployed on http server direct it work perfect.
Inside Spring War Result
For More Info. Please Check the blob of Angular Service Worker - Step-By-Step Guide for turning your Application into a PWA

How to upload nodejs project or install nodejs and npm modules on live server

I've made a real time chat application with node and socket io and it is running well in my local machine. But its time to run it on my live windows server. I can't understand to how set it up there. Do I need to upload the files to the server or I've to install node js and npm modules in the server and then upload the files. And how I can do these? How I'll run the command prompt as we do in local machine like node chat.js ? Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You can use a deployment client like Capistrano or you can just upload your source files then run npm install (assuming your have node installed) followed by your commands to bring up the server. I'd suggest using a framework like meteor or sails to make deployment easier. Or using a cloud solution like heroku.
You can use Jenkins for deploying your app to server. Running bash commands and setting builds are much more easier.
Keep it simple:
Download and install NodeJS, NPM (here)
You need to establish a simple way to move your files to the remote server. Since you can run your code and do the development at your local machine, I recommend you to use github for this purpose. Set up a repository and clone it at your remote server. Then, you can always push and pull your changes using git.
You need to establish a simple way to run your code at the remote server. Since you use Windows, I recommend you to create a .bat file that does all the preparations and runs your code. In the simplest case, it would contain node path\to\project\chat.js. Then, run this file using a console. If you're going to use github, you probably should include this .bat file to your repository.
Good luck!

Running a local server with javascript

I want to create a simple Javascript program with a HTML interface. The program will run in Chrome. I will also use node-serialport and Node.js to comunicate with an Arduino. I have a HTML and JavaScript file done, but I have no clue how to run it, or how to implement Node.js or node-serialport, nor how to "start" the sever. Initially it will only be running locally, but eventually it may become a real sever. For now, how do I run all that locally?
EDIT: I'm using the sample code from http://brandontilley.com/2012/03/02/controlling-an-arduino-from-nodejs.html, with the CoffeeScript converted into JavaScript.
Lucas, glad you found the blog post useful; perhaps I should add this information to it.
Getting the sketch into your Arduino
Just fire up the Arduino application, paste in the sketch code, and hit "Upload." Should be all you need to do here.
Starting the Node.js Server
What operating system are you using this on? Finding out how to access your Arduino microcontroller via node-serialport will differ based on your OS.
In the source code, change the string value of port to be your Arduino's device (once you know it). Also, the script depends on Express and (of course) node-serialport from NPM, so run npm install express serialport in the directory where your JavaScript file is saved. Finally, run the file with node server.js (assuming server.js is the name of your file). Then you can access the server at http://localhost:8080.
You can use node.js to serve up HTML with Express. If your main Javascript file is called server.js, then run it by typing:
node server.js
at the command line.

