Javascript code doesn't load the page - javascript

I have a little problem with this javascript code, when I add more site on the list, the page doesn't load. I have to add more than 200 site.
I'm a noob with javascript. Can someone explain what is the problem, what
I'm doing wrong?
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var a = new Array(
var aa = a.slice();
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i=i+1) {
document.write('<li id="demo'+i+'">'+a[i]+'</li>');

I guess the first thing is that document.write is very rarely used now as there a better and more efficient ways of adding things (elements, text etc) to the DOM (more on that later). In addition, in your case, what you don't realise is that document.write is not like echo or println; each time it is used it clears the document, which is probably why you're not seeing anything appear. In other words, The results of multiple document.writes are not cumulative.
The second thing is that there are better ways of "labelling" elements than with ids, particularly if there are a lot of them on the page like you'll have. Again, there are now much better ways of targetting elements, or catching events than there were ten or fifteen years ago.
So, let's talk about your code.
You can quickly create a array using the [] brackets.
var arr = [
You don't have to create a copy of the array in order to sort it - it can be done in place:
I'm going to keep your loop but show you a different way of concatenating strings together. Some people prefer adding strings together, but I prefer this way, and that's to create an array of the little parts of your string and then join() them together**.
// Set l as the length, and create an output array called list
for (var i = 0, l = arr.length, list = []; i < l; i++) {
// I've changed things here. I've added a class called item
// but also changed the element id to a data-id instead
var li = ['<li class="item" data-id="', i, '">', arr[i], '</li>'];
// Push the joined li array of strings into list
Assuming you have an element on your page called "main":
<div id="main"></div>
You can add the list array as an HTML string to main by using [insertAdjacentHTML] method:
var main = document.getElementById('main');
// Note that I've given the ordered list an id called list
var HTML = ['<ol id="list"><b>', list.join(''), '</b></ol>'].join('');
main.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html);
OK, so that's pretty easy. But I bet you're asking how you can target the individual items in the list so that if I click on one of them it alerts what it is (or something).
Instead of adding an event listener to each list item (which we could but it can work out performatively expensive the more items you have), we're going to attach one to the ol element we added that list id to and catch events from the items as they bubble up:
var ol = document.getElementById('list');
Then an event listener is added to the list that tells us what function (checkItem) is called when a click event is raised:
ol.addEventListener('click', checkItem);
Our function uses the event (e) to find out what the event's target was (what item was clicked), and alerts its text content.
function checkItem(e) {
You can see all this working in this demo. Hope some of this was of some help.
** Here's another way of sorting, and looping through the array using reduce:
var list = arr.sort().reduce(function (p, c, i) {
return p.concat(['<li class="item" data-id="', i, '">', c, '</li>']);
}, []).join('');

if ES6 is possible for you, you can do it like this:
var a = new Array(
var aa = a.slice();
var mL = document.getElementById('mylist');
aa.sort().map(el => {
var li = document.createElement("li");
var b = document.createElement("b");
var t = document.createTextNode(el);
<ol id="mylist"></ol>

If you're using an Array, you can use a forEach instead of a loop.
var domUpdate = '';
var websites = ['','','','','',''];
websites.forEach(function(website, index){
domUpdate += '<li id="website-' + ( index + 1 ) + '"><b>' + website + '</b></li>';
document.getElementById('hook').innerHTML = '<ol>' + domUpdate + '</ol>';
<div id="hook"></div>

I'm thinking document.write is the wrong choice here, as it seems to be clearing the document. Probably you want to bind the new content to existing html through document.getElementById or something like that


Is there any way to cyclically update only a <div> content in pure Javascript?

I'm using a div with a <li> element inside where I add some dynamically created elements (localStorage keys to be more specific). I want to update the div every "x" seconds but only the <div>, not the whole page. I know that it can be done with Ajax and JQuery ($( "#here" ).load(window.location.href + " #here" );).
But is there any way to do this whit pure js?
The specific case is that im picking all the localstorage keys and appending them to a list inside a div. When i use like this (window.onload) it works fine. But I want to update it cyclically. If i use a "setinterval" or a button to call the function the previous keys appends repeatedly. (like: file 1.... then: file 1, file 1 file 2 ... then: file 1 file 1 file 2 file 1 file 1 file 1 file 2 file 3)
window.onload = function cargararchivos() {
localstorage = []
var keys = Object.keys(localStorage);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var elemento_lista = document.createElement('li')
elemento_lista.innerHTML = keys[i]
var lista = document.getElementById('lista_archivos')
localstorage[ keys[i] ] = localStorage.getItem( keys[i] )
elemento_lista.onclick = function()
This can be done using the setInterval function. It executes a function of your choice after a pre-determined amount of time.
To do this your DIV must have an unique ID, so we can access it using Javascript's getElementById() method.
Here's a simple example, which updates a div with the current time every 1000 milliseconds:
function update() {
document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = new Date();
var interval = setInterval(update, 1000);
<div id="myDiv">
The reason your method works the first time, but doesn't work after that is because the method adds DOM nodes. After the second call, you're seeing DOM nodes from both the first call and second call. After the third call, you'd see nodes from the first, second, and third calls... and so on.
If you want to repeatedly call a method like cargararchivos() that adds DOM nodes, you must first remove any DOM elements that have been previously added. I've updated your code, assuming lista_archivos starts empty (no child elements):
function cargararchivos() {
localstorage = []
var keys = Object.keys(localStorage);
var lista = document.getElementById('lista_archivos')
// Ensure any previously added DOM nodes are removed.
while (lista.firstChild) {
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var elemento_lista = document.createElement('li')
elemento_lista.innerHTML = keys[i]
localstorage[ keys[i] ] = localStorage.getItem( keys[i] )
elemento_lista.onclick = function()

How to access multi level object data with jQuery

I have this code in js, on click this happens:
var self = $(this);{
var nid = self.parents('.innerContainer').attr('nid');
var subjectTitleNID = settings.xxxxx.yyyy["nid-" + nid]
Via HTML I can find the NID value of InnerContainer, which is the main parent.
From the console, if I run Drupal.settings.xxxx.yyyyy (where xxxx and yyyy are my destinations), I get a list of objects which are children.
["nid-466"] etc ....
nid-466 is the value assigned to VAR NID.
But what I need to find now, is:
1. How many children there are in ["nid-466"]
2. What are their values
Usually I would run a simple for loop, but I don't know how to target those values.
For example, I would do this:
for (i=0; i < dont know what to put here .length; i++) {
> Drupal.settings.xxxx.yyyy[nid-466][nid-??] // this is incorrect
See image for more detailed structure.
Any ideas?
Use $.each loor for this:
$.each(Drupal.settings.xxxx.yyyy[nid-466], function(index, value) {
// index is a key
// value is a object
// put your code here
// console.log(value.nid);

Looping over array and comparing to regex

So, I'll admit to being a bit of a JS noob, but as far as I can tell, this should be working and it is not.
I have a form with 3 list boxes. The list boxes are named app1, db1, and db2. I'm using javascript to allow the user to add additional list boxes, increasing the name tag for each additional select box.
When I add additional app named boxes, the value increments properly for each additional field. If I try to add addtional db named selects, it fails to recognize the 2nd tag on the first loop through the array. This causes me to end up with 2 elements named db2. On each subsequent tag, it is recognized properly and is properly incremented.
Here is the HTML for the db1 tag:
<select name="db1">
And db2:
<select name="db2">
The tags are identical. Here is the function that I am using to figure out the next number in the sequence (note: tag is either app or db, tags is an array of all select tag names in the DOM, if I inspect tags, it gives me ['app1', 'db1', 'db2', '']):
function return_select_name(tag, tags) {
matches = new Array();
var re = new RegExp(tag + "\\d+", "g");
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
var found = re.exec(tags[i]);
if (found != null) {
matches = matches.sort();
index = parseInt(/\d+/.exec(matches.last())) + 1;
index = tag + index;
return index;
If I add an app tag, it will return 'app2'. If I search for a db tag, it will return 'db2' on the first time through, db3 on the 2nd, etc, etc.
So basically, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here.
I'd handle it by keeping a counter for db and a counter for app to use to generate the names.
var appCounter = 1;//set this manually or initialize to 0 and
var dbCounter = 2;//use your create function to add your elements on pageload
Then, when you go to create your next tag, just increment your counter and use that as the suffix for your name:
var newAppElement = document.createElement('select'); = 'app' + (++appCounter);
// --OR for the db element--
var newDbElement = document.createElement('select'); = 'db' + (++dbCounter );
The problem you are getting is that regex objects are stateful. You can fix your program by putting the regex creation inside the loop.
function return_select_name(tag, tags) {
matches = new Array();
// <-- regex was here
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
var re = new RegExp(tag + "\\d+", "g"); //<--- now is here
var found = re.exec(tags[i]);
if (found != null) {
matches = matches.sort();
index = parseInt(/\d+/.exec(matches[matches.length-1])) + 1; //<--- I dont think matches.last is portable, btw
index = tag + index;
return index;
In any case, if I were to do this myself, I would probably prefer to avoid the cmplicated text matching and just store the next tag indices in a variable or hash map.
Another suggestion: if you put parenthesis in your regex:
// /tag(\d+)/
var re = new RegExp(tag + "(\\d+)", "g");
Then you can use found[1] to get your number directly, without the extra step afterwards.
I know this has already been answered, but I put this together as a proof of concept.
It's an object so you could probably reuse it in different scenarios. Obviously there are ways it could be improved, but I thought it was cool so I thought I would share.
The console.debug only works in Chrome and maybe FF.

Object - An Object in the Object - An array of those Objects

I'm new to javascript so let me just say that right up front.
A web site I frequent has 50 or so items, with details about that item, in a table. Each table row contains several td cells. Some rows have types of things that are similar, like USB drives or whatever. I want to capture each row so that I can group and reorder them to suit my tastes.
I have this object:
function vnlItemOnPage(){
this.Category = "unknown";
this.ItemClass = "vnlDefaultClass";
this.ItemBlock = {};
This represents one row.
What I've been trying to figure out is how to capture the block of html < tr>stuff< /tr> and save it into this.ItemBlock.
That part is pretty easy:
vnlItemOnPage.ItemBlock = element.getElementByClassName('className')[0]
That seems pretty straight forward. Am I missing something?
This part I am stuck:
There'll be 50 of them so I need an array of vnlItemOnPage?
vnlAllItems = ???
var vnlAllItems = [vnlItemOnPage]?
And, how would I add to the array and delete from the array? I probably wont delete from the array if that is complicated don't bother with it.
Once I capture the < tr> html, I can just append it to a table element like so:
I'm open to any suggestions if you think I'm approaching this from the wrong direction. Performance is not a big issue - at least right now. Later I may try to conflate several pages for a couple hundred items.
Thanks for your assistance!
Perhaps the second part of the question is so basic it's hard to believe I don't know the answer.
The array could be: var vnlAllItems = []
And then it is just:
var row1 = new vnlItemOnPage;
var row2 = new vnlItemOnPage;
row2.ItemBlock = element.getElementByClassName('className')[0];
I'd like to close the question but I hate to do that without something about handling the array.
JQuery is your friend here.
This will give you the inner HTML for the first row in the body of your desired table:
var rowHtml = $('table#id-of-desired-table tbody tr:first').html() ;
To get the outer HTML, you need a jQuery extension method:
jQuery.fn.outerHTML = function() {
return $('<div>').append( this.eq(0).clone() ).html();
Usage is simple:
var rowHtml = $('table#id-of-desired-table tbody tr:first').outerHtml() ;
Not sure if it is what you are looking for, but if I wanted to manipulate table rows I would store:
Row's whole html <td>1</td>...<td>n</td> as string so I can quickly reconstruct the row
For each row store actual cell values [1, ..., n], so I can do some manipulations with values (sort)
To get row as html you can use:
var rowHtml = element.getElementByClassName('className')[0].innerHTML;
To get array of cell values you can use:
var cells = [];
var cellElements = element.getElementByClassName('className')[0].cells;
for(var i=0;i<cellElements.length;i++) {
So the object to store all this would look something like:
function vnlItemOnPage(){
this.Category = "unknown";
this.ItemClass = "vnlDefaultClass";
this.RowHtml = "";
this.RowCells = [];

Javascript and HTML data model and presentation model design question

so I've been working on a project in Javascript that takes in objects the user provides and represents them in HTML. Right now they are represented in memory as an array, and in the display as a separate array. After integrating some code changes, problems have arisen in that the display array seems to be having troubles removing it's contents, thus things that should be removed don't disappear from the view.
Declaring lists:
this.divList = gDocument.getElementById( element );
this.objectList = [];
Adding an object to the lists:
addObject = function (address, type){
var newDiv = gDocument.createElement("div");
this.divList.appendChild( newDiv );
var d = this.createObject( newDiv, address, type );
if (undefined != d)
The divList accurately reflects the objectList until any changes are made to the objectList at runtime. When restarted, the lists are in sync once again. When I tried to fix it, things were very complicated. I'm wondering if there is a better way to design such an idea (the object model and the graphical representation). Any comments would be helpful, thanks.
Question vagueness aside, my recommendation would be to store one list, not two, in memory. Each list element is an object with all the necessary data you need for that particular abstract "object" (the ones that "the user provides"). Something like this:
this.divList = gDocument.getElementById(element);
this.masterList = [];
var i,
len = this.divList.length;
for (i = 0; i<len; i++)
elt: this.divList[i],
obj: /* however you'd create the object in this.objectList */
Edit: your addObject function would be changed to something like this:
addObject = function (address, type)
var newDiv = gDocument.createElement("div"),
newObj = {elt: newDiv,
obj: this.createObject(newDiv, address, type)};
You should store a reference to the HTML element that you're appendChild()ing to. You're already doing this - but when you need to manipulate the individual elements (say, remove one), use the masterList instead:
removeObject = function (i)
var toRemove = this.masterList.splice(i, 1);
if (toRemove)
See also Array.splice().

