how to display value of input in DIV object in real time - javascript

F.e I have div which id is someDiv and input text which id is someInput - and how to do that value of input object will display in DIV in real time? If i type letter "a" in input, it should automatically display in DIV.
Which function should I use?
I'm the real begginer in jQuery.
I find this code:
$(function() {
$('#someInput').keyup(function() {

Use input event
$(function() {
$('#someInput').on("input", function() {
<script src=""></script>
<input id="someInput">
<div id="someDiv"></div>

<input id="realTimeInput" type="text"/>
<div id="someDiv">

you can check this code , when you keyup theb this value will show in content div so you can also input event like keypress, change etc
$('#someInput').keyup(function () {
// var dev = $(this).val();
<script src=""></script>
Enter Text :<input id="someInput" type="text"/>
<div id="yourinput" style="display: none;border: 1px solid #ccc;margin-top:10px;">
for more information

Vanilla Javascript Alternative:
Use the addEventListener() method to invoke a callback function when a specified event type occurs (e.g: keydown) on an EventTarget.
var INPUT_EL = document.getElementById('UI_input'),
OUTPUT_EL = document.getElementById('UI_output');
function updateText() {
INPUT_EL.addEventListener('keydown', updateText);
var INPUT_EL = document.getElementById('UI_input'),
OUTPUT_EL = document.getElementById('UI_output');
function updateText() {
INPUT_EL.addEventListener('keydown', updateText);
<input type="text" id="UI_input" value="test value">
<div id="UI_output">this is sample</div>
const INPUT_EL = document.getElementById('UI_input');
const OUTPUT_EL = document.getElementById('UI_output');
let updateText = () => OUTPUT_EL.innerHTML = INPUT_EL.value;
INPUT_EL.addEventListener('keydown', updateText);
const INPUT_EL = document.getElementById('UI_input');
const OUTPUT_EL = document.getElementById('UI_output');
let updateText = () => OUTPUT_EL.innerHTML = INPUT_EL.value;
INPUT_EL.addEventListener('keydown', updateText);
<input type="text" id="UI_input" value="test value">
<div id="UI_output">this is sample</div>


How to change backgroundcolor of HTML element by using input from HTML form using JS EventListener

I'm fairly new to JS and i'm having trouble changing the background of a HTML element by using input from a HTML form and event listeners. This is what i've tried so far:
<div class="item" id="taskThreeContainer">
<h2>Task 3</h2>
<p>When writing a valid CSS background color in the input below, the background of this item should change to that color.</p>
<input type="text" id="task3Input">
<script src="script.js" async defer></script>
//Task 3
const inputColor = document.getElementById("task3Input").value;
const taskThreeContainer = document.getElementById("taskThreeContainer");
function convertColor() { = inputColor;
document.getElementById("task3Input").addEventListener("input", convertColor);
Any help would be much appreciated
Solution (JS):
//Task 3
const taskThreeContainer = document.getElementById("taskThreeContainer");
function convertColor() {
const inputColor = document.getElementById("task3Input").value.toString(); = inputColor;
document.getElementById("task3Input").addEventListener("input", convertColor);
Well, you need to read the value, being actual / valid at the time You want to apply it to style:
<script >
const inputColor = () => document.getElementById("task3Input").value.toString();
const taskThreeContainer = () => document.getElementById("taskThreeContainer");
function convertColor() {
taskThreeContainer().style.backgroundColor = `${inputColor()}`;
document.getElementById("task3Input").addEventListener("blur", convertColor);
function getColor() {
let color = document.forms["colorForm"]["color"].value;
documen.getElementById("changeable_element").style.color = color;
<div id="changable_element">Something...</div>
<form name="colorForm" onsumit="getColor()">
<input type="text" name="color"/>
<input type="submit" name="Submit"/>
You will need to make something like this. It's also recommened to check the input if its a valid color.

how to button on click takes all the content from textarea, runs a function and then displays the final value inside new div?

I'm in the learning stages, can you please give me the answer with the explanation.
Also if possible, I would appreciate it if you could explain to me what I have done wrong here and then also show me the better way of doing it.
const reverseNumber = num => (num.toString().split("").reverse().join(""));
let textAreaEl = document.querySelector('#text-area');
let submitButtonEl = document.querySelector('#output-button');
let outputAreaEl = document.querySelector('#output');
submitButtonEl.addEventListener("click", () => {
textAreaValue = reverseNumber(textAreaEl)
outputAreaEl.innerHTML = textAreaValue.value;
<form action="">
<label for="object" title="object">JavaScript function that returns a passed string with letters in alphabetical order</label>
<textarea id="text-area" name="object-name" id="" cols="30" rows="5"></textarea>
<input type="button" value="RETURN" id="return-value" />
<div id="output"></div>
First of all, there is no element with #output-button. You need to fix that.
You are passing the element itself to the reverseNumber(), you should pass the value to function.
I will also suggest you use innerText or textContent instead of innerHTML if the text is plain text (not htmlString).
const reverseNumber = num => (num.toString().split("").reverse().join(""));
let textAreaEl = document.querySelector('#text-area');
let submitButtonEl = document.querySelector('#output-button');
let outputAreaEl = document.querySelector('#output');
submitButtonEl.addEventListener("click", () => {
textAreaValue = reverseNumber(textAreaEl.value); //pass value here
outputAreaEl.textContent = textAreaValue; //no need to use value here
<form action="">
<label for="object" title="object">JavaScript function that returns a passed string with letters in alphabetical order</label>
<textarea id="text-area" name="object-name" id="" cols="30" rows="5"></textarea>
<input type="button" value="RETURN" id="output-button"/> <!--fix the id here-->
<div id="output"></div>
Your script should be like this
const reverseNumber = num => (num.toString().split("").reverse().join(""));
let textAreaEl = document.querySelector('#text-area');
let submitButtonEl = document.querySelector('#return-value');
let outputAreaEl = document.querySelector('#output');
submitButtonEl.addEventListener("click", () => {
let textAreaValue = reverseNumber(textAreaEl.value);
outputAreaEl.innerHTML = textAreaValue;
First, your document.querySelector('#output-button') is not match with <input type="button" value="RETURN" id="return-value"/>.
Second, you have to use variable declaration keyword to get textAreaEl.value
First of all textarea id is incorrect so querySelector is returning undefined and click event is not attached. I have corrected the button id in html.
You need to use textAreaEl.value to find the textarea text and pass it to reverseNumber function.
const reverseNumber = num => (num.toString().split("").reverse().join(""));
let textAreaEl = document.querySelector('#text-area');
let submitButtonEl = document.querySelector('#output-button');
let outputAreaEl = document.querySelector('#output');
submitButtonEl.addEventListener("click", () => {
textAreaValue = reverseNumber(textAreaEl.value)
<form action="">
<label for="object" title="object">JavaScript function that reverses a number</label>
<textarea id="text-area" name="object-name" id="" cols="30" rows="5"></textarea>
<input type="button" value="RETURN" id="output-button"/>
<div id="output"></div>

How to use removeChild method?

const toDoForm = document.querySelector(".todo__form"),
toDoInput = document.querySelector(".todo__input");
toDoList = document.querySelector("li");
let toDoArray = [];
function addToDoList() {
toDoForm.addEventListener('submit', event => {
toDoList.innerHTML += `<ul>${toDoArray[toDoArray.length-1]}</ul>`;
toDoInput.value = "";
function clearList() {
const toDoUl = document.querySelector("ul");
toDoForm.addEventListener('click', event => {
toDoArray = [];
function init() {
<h1>To-Do List</h1>
<div class="todo">
<form class="todo__form">
<input class="todo__input" type="text">
<input class="todo__submit" type="submit" value="Submit">
<input class="todo__clear" type="button" value="Clear">
<div class="todo-list">
I'm making a to-do list with javascript and i tried to use removeChild method to clear to-do list but when i run the code, it keeps getting an error like this -> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'parentNode' of null at HTMLFormElement. How can i solve it?
The query document.querySelector("ul"); is returning undefined because there is no ul element in the HTML. Try changing the div to ul tag
<ul class="todo-list">
First, I thought you want remove one item at a time, then I made some changes which may be useful but you if you don't need it, you could remove delete function.
For adding an item, you enter a job name, for example 'Job1' an then press "Submit" button.
For deleting an item, you enter a job name, for example 'Job1' an then press "Delete" button.
Press 'Clear' to clear all items.
let toDoArray = [];
let toDoForm;
window.onload = () => {
toDoForm = document.querySelector(".todo__form"),
toDoInput = document.querySelector(".todo__input");
toDoList = document.querySelector("ul");
clearButton = document.querySelector(".todo__clear");
deleteButton = document.querySelector(".todo__delete");
function addToDoList() {
toDoForm.addEventListener('submit', event => {
toDoList.innerHTML += `<li>${toDoInput.value}</li>`;
toDoInput.value = "";
function deleteItem() {
deleteButton.addEventListener('click', event => {
const toDoUl = document.querySelector("ul");
let allLi = document.querySelectorAll('li');
allLi.forEach(li => {
if (li.innerHTML === toDoInput.value)
toDoInput.value = "";
function clearList() {
clearButton.addEventListener('click', event => {
const toDoUl = document.querySelector("ul");
toDoUl.innerHTML = '';
function init() {
<h1>To-Do List</h1>
<div class="todo">
<form class="todo__form">
<input class="todo__input" type="text">
<input class="todo__submit" type="submit" value="Submit">
<input class="todo__delete" type="button" value="Delete">
<input class="todo__clear" type="button" value="Clear">
<div class="todo-list">
<script src="todo.js"></script>
First, you need to change <li></li> to <ul></ul>. You can get help from w3school link.
There is a StackOverflow answer about this issue Stackoverflow. You can check that.

Getting value of input field in jquery

var searchInput = $("#searchField").val()
$("#searchButton").on("click", function() {
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" placeholder="Search.." id="searchField">
<button type="submit" id="searchButton">Submit</button>
With this code, after I click the "Submit" button, I only get an empty alert.
You are defining the searchInput before any value is set..
Try this:
$("#searchButton").on("click", function() {
var searchInput = $("#searchField").val()
You need to fetch the value inside the click handler:
$("#searchButton").on("click", function() {
Bring var searchInput = $("#searchField").val() calculation inside the onclick event.

Display span tag value in a textfiled

I am displaying a value using span tags;
window.onload = function () {
document.getElementById('tag').innerHTML = 122;
<div id="tag"></div>
The value 122 gets displayed on the screen. But what i want is to display the value 122 in a text filed. How can i do this ?
Change your html to:
<input type="text" id="tag">
And your js to:
window.onload = function () {
document.getElementById('tag').value = 122;
You can simply add an input to the DOM as <input type="text" id="tag"> and keep your
javascript as window.onload = function () {
document.getElementById('tag').value = 122;
This will do the job for you.
Keeping your code same , you can do it as below:
<div id="tag"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){
// create a textfield dynamically, say it is "text"

