Clarifai client asking for client secret and id - javascript

I'm setup my initial js file like so however on build I'm getting an error that the client now requires my client secret and client id .. What's weird is that when I first built my app all initial API requests went through with just the api key. I can see my uploaded + training pictures on the clarifai preview UI so I know they completed successfully. Every call since then has failed though. Not sure where I get the client secret and id since the documentation only provides me with an api key.
// Require the client
const config = require('../config/config');
const Clarifai = require('../../node_modules/clarifai/src');
// initialize with your api key. This will also work in your browser via
const app = new Clarifai.App({
apiKey: config['CLARAFAI_API_KEY']
As stated on the website...
After creating your API Key, you are ready to make API calls. If you are using a client, authentication will be handled for you. If you are using the REST API, you will need to add the Authorization header as described in the cURL example.
EDIT 7/27/2017:
Screenshot of error msg

As you can see on their authentication post. They have deprecated the client/id and secret and remove them from Nov 15, 2017.
I think you should update your js package.
It will just work fine.


postman: You need to enable JavaScript to run this app

I've got a new API from the backend team in a new project, when I call the api it returns "you need to enable java...", whereas I had used Postman for another project before... is it related to api, server or something else?
I don't think that POSTMAN is capable of executing JavaScript in its console.
Try doing the same in the web browser it will work (You won't see this error message).
I spent some times pondering on this trepidation.. and then suddenly i realized what was going on..
the endpoint does not exist, it could be a misspelling
not in the same directory as you expect it to be,
try adding or removing "/" at the beginning of the url, particularly if you don't specify the hostname, i.e. fetch('getusername') is different from fetch('/getusername') .
. This acceptable in development but NOT when already deployed, it points to different path.
the endpoint may be working fine in the Development,
but somewhere within in the Production/Staging, it generated some exception.
I updated Postman and now it works. I'm not sure if it was because of the update or the restart.
I had this problem with a project built using the new template in Visual Studio 2022 for a React app with .NET Core.
In my case I was only getting the response "You need to enable JavaScript to run this app" with calls to a new controller I added. Calls to the built-in WeatherForecastController were working just fine. My new controller was configured the same as the built-in controller so I could not figure out why this was happening. It has to do with how this project template creates both a React app and a back-end API both accessible on the same port. There's a setupProxy.js file that defines routes that should be forwarded to the API. All other routes are redirected to index.html. This is actually what was happening in my case, because my new controller had not been added to setupProxy.js the middleware was redirecting the request to index.html, and because it came from Postman rather than a browser the message regarding enabling JavaScript is displayed.
The solution is that each controller must be explicitly mapped in setupProxy.js or else it won't be proxied correctly. After making this change it worked perfectly in Postman as well as fetch calls from the React app.
const context = [
"/weatherforecast", // built-in controller than comes with the project template in VS2022
"/recaptcha" // controller I created (this line must be added)
While calling the REST API with the postman, if you miss the end-point, then also this issue will come, add the end-point to the URL and check
What worked for me was to turn-off / deselect the user-agent header field under request

.php is getting downloaded instead of loading it on firebase web hosting [duplicate]

I'm trying to test out if PHP works from my Firebase hosting using the following:
<form action="welcome.php" method="post">
<input type="submit">
$to = "";
$subject = "My subject";
$txt = "Hello world!";
$headers = "From:";
Every time I try this the browser keeps on attempting to open the PHP file rather than processing it. Is simple PHP enabled on the Firebase server hosting to process a simple form like this? If I can get it to work this way, I will be building the form out correctly including validation etc.
From the Firebase Hosting site (emphasis mine):
We deliver all of your static content (html, js, images, etc.) over a secure SSL connection and serve it on a CDN.
Firebase Hosting is for hosting static assets. Firebase currently doesn't offer any way to execute your code on Firebase's servers.
Update (2018-08-08): You can now run Node.js/JavaScript code but connecting your Firebase Hosting project to Cloud Functions + Firebase Hosting. But that still won't allow you to run PHP code.
As per the latest update firebase has started using Cloud Functions
Cloud Functions for Firebase lets you run mobile backend code that automatically responds to events triggered by Firebase features and HTTPS requests. Your code is stored in Google’s cloud and runs in a managed environment. There's no need to manage and scale your own servers.
For more :
There is no PHP but nodeJS available for server-side scripting ...
Google Cloud Functions are written in JavaScript, and execute in
a Node.js runtime.
Mandrill also supports nodeJS and it features a Webhooks API.
Therefore, one can require that node module within these "cloud functions" and "web hooks" ...and then post with a HTML form onto them.
There would need to be a few HTTP cloud functions defined on the Firebase Console, in order to let them subscribe, unsubscribe and manage their subscriptions. One could even generate the HTML markup for the input form with cloud functions and then attach it. As an example, not tested and no guarantee included:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const mandrill = require('mandrill-api/mandrill');
var client = new mandrill.Mandrill('YOUR_API_KEY');
/* TODO: add the user on Firebase, respond through the API */
exports.user_add = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
/* TODO: change subscription settings on Firebase, respond through the API */
exports.user_edit = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
/* TODO: remove the user on Firebase, respond through the API */
exports.user_remove = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
/* optional: generate the HTML markup of the form, send HTTP response */
exports.markup = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
One can bind the events of Firebase Auth, to keep two user databases in in-sync (this is not required for Mandrill, but required for MailChimp - no matter whether using the PHP or nodeJS wrapper):
exports.on_user_create = functions.auth.user().onCreate(event => {
const user =;
exports.on_user_delete = functions.auth.user().onDelete(event => {
const user =;
Firebase on Websites explains it, while there is a Local Emulator for Cloud Functions.
You can play around with any of these: Angular, Ember, Knockout, React,
Node JS. The same thing you PHP code does you can make happen with pretty much any Javascript technologies - just no dynamic language. Also another way to do it is to used an online form providers like Jot Forms or others. You can create and style the form withing you online form account then simply add it to you site. Then when user post it will post to the form. As a result you have a centralized environment not only for you current site but for any others down the road. You can create a web service and post values there - then do whatever you want with them: save them to the database... Otherwords have another server that handles all those things so you can just call it from Firebase hosted sites. Hope that helps
PS: I am currently building a product that is a simplified version of Online Forms to be used on Firebase websites. I am planning to have a few people using for now so if you would like you can email me and I will create an account for you to use it. As long as there is no abuse like sending a bunch of emails - you will be fine!

How to get around auth level when testing API on laravel project?

I am using the basic Auth from laravel that you get from running the following command.
php artisan make:auth
I have an API written so that the backend on the server can update/create services and statuses. The issue i'm running into is that the Admin also has a UI on the web app and can create a service, or update its status manually. Therefore, I have an Auth level on the methods where you have to be logged in to use them.
Now when I call the method in postman it redirects me to the login page, I was wondering if there was a way around this Auth level strictly for an API?
I was told of a way to do pre-request scripts directly in postman but i'm fairly lost when it comes to the whole java script part of that and feel like there is an easier way to do it. I also already tried to do 'basic auth' with the username and password, it didnt seem to work though.
Thank you for the help in advance!
Edit: Here is the screenshot from my header.
I am presuming if you have the API in place you have an api_token set for the specific user. You can use that inside Postman in one of two ways.
You will goto the Headers tab and add:
Key: Authorization
Edited: Added the screenshot of postman
You can amend the url for the request and add the token:
On the api routes if you have ->middleware('auth:api') Laravel will read the authorization token from the header or using the query parameter and check it to the database value.
Adding the api_token to the user table
If you don't have an api_token field in your user table then add one. It is not the same as remember_token, they are different. So add to your user migration the following:
$table->string('api_token', 60)->unique();
You will need to update the users api_token using something like the following:
$user = User::find(1);
$user->update(['api_token' => str_random(60)]);
That 60 character string you will use where I put VALUE_OF_TOKEN_FROM_DB

How to Call a Firebase Authenticated Cloud Endpoint from Javascript?

I've written several Google Cloud Endpoints in Python and have followed the directions to require that calls to them come from users authenticated using Firebase. I need to call my Endpoints from a web app using JavaScript, but I can't seem to get the authentication working.
I'd like to use the Google APIs client (gapi) which comes with the added benefit of dynamically generating the client library from a provided discovery document. When I try using the gapi client, I can make the call to my API just fine, but I get an HTTP 401 as a response, along with the HTTP unauthorized message that my python source returns.
Google's documentation on the subject is rather sparse. I gather from one tutorial on the subject that a standard Ajax call can be used, but I don't see any documentation on how to call a Firebase authenticated endpoint from Gapi. My current concern is that the gapi client may not be set up (yet) to allow for the use of a discovery doc and also allow for the Authorization header to be set as Firebase Auth requires.
Is what I'm attempting even possible?
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Perhaps calling a Firebase Authenticated endpoint isn't possible using the gapi client.
Here's a rough outline of my gapi js code:
function(token) {
apiKey: 'MY_API_KEY',
discoveryDocs: [MY_DISCOVERY_DOC_URL'],
clientId: 'MY_WEB_CLIENT_ID',
scope: 'profile'
}, function(reason){
console.log('Error: ' + reason.result.error.message)
I have been struggling with this for a while now and finally made it work. I found two options:
Option 1) If you want to use the gapi.client library:
There is a method called gapi.client.setToken(tokenObject) - documentation
However, it seems to be new (July '17) and little documentation or examples are available. I made it work doing the following (this is in angularJS with angular-fire but I hope you get what I am doing, basically ignore the "$scope")
// any time auth state changes, add the user data to scope
$scope.auth.$onAuthStateChanged(function (firebaseUser) {
$scope.firebaseUser = firebaseUser;
$scope.idToken = null;
// get the token from the firebase User Object
// Note that getToken() is deprecated and for me it did not work as desired
// use getIdToken() instead
firebaseUser.getIdToken().then(function (idToken) {
$scope.idToken = idToken;
// Now you can use setToken
// If from the docs you were thinking firebase's getIdToken() gives me TokenObject and gapi's setToken()
// expects a TokenObject so I'll just pass it - you'd be wrong! (at least for me - if it works for you please give me a heads up)
// You'll need to build your own token:
var homemadeToken = {
access_token: $scope.idToken.toString() // This feels so wrong
gapi.client.yourapi.getSomething().execute(function (resp) {
// Do stuff with the response
Option 2) Use jQuery's Ajax request - documentation
$.ajax(backendHostUrl + '/_ah/api/yourapi/v1/someendpoint', {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + $scope.idToken // Here it worked without making a string first but I did not check why
method: 'GET',
success: function (resp) {
// Do stuff with the response
If after all of that your backend is still not accepting the tokens and you have migrated from endpoints v1 to v2, it might help migrating again as described here. Esp. make sure the lib folder is created again.
Even after SDK updates, I noticed that if and once you migrated from v1 to v2 the "lib" folder is never updated regardless of whether or not it hase been updated.
Still not working?
This github page fixes the issue on the BACKEND side for an earlier version - the backend did not accept firebase tokens and needed to be hacked. If you want to apply the changes as described there and you are using the latest "lib" folder's (writing in July '17) as per migration guide, note that the file has changed and you need to go against the explicit commentary in that file's _verify_signed_jwt_with_certs method:
# Formerly we would parse the token body here.
# However, it's not safe to do that without first checking the signature.
and parse the token before checking the signature. From that file's comments it can be inferred however, that Google plans to put the entire logic elsewhere - hopefully firebase friendly and safely.

AngularJS $http.get does not return expected data from API

I am attempting to create a mobile phone application with a javascript / AngularJS frontend that communicats with a node js / express js backend.
I believe that I have properly enabled cors but am not completely certain that it has been done in the correct manner. None of the frontend files are hosted on a server (not even a local one). The node js server is hosted online as well as a mongo db server that it interacts with.
So far I am able to make POST's to my API that create a new user and reflect this in the database. I also have a login that POST's to an authentication function which returns a JSON Web Token (JWT). From here I should be able to put the JWT in the header of requests with the key "Authorization" to get access to the other parts of the API (eg: GET /currentUser).
Attempting to GET /currentUser when the JWT is in the header with postman returns all of the expected data. When I attempt to perform the same GET from my frontend (with JWT in header), I get the following OPTIONS response via firebug: "Reload the page to get source for: MyHostedApi/api/users"
I'm wondering if this is some kind of cors issue, incorrectly set authorization header, bad formatting of the $http.get, etc. Any help is greatly appreciated! I'd be glad to provide any parts of the source that are relevant.
This is what my GET looks like:
.success(function(response) {
$scope.userData =;

