"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" Request Error When Accessing API [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load XXX No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header
(11 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm unable to retrieve data from the Rescue Time API. I'm making a request in a JavaScript file using the jQuery get() method. Here is a look at the JavaScript related to the API GET request:
$.get('https://www.rescuetime.com/anapi/data?key=########################&format=json&restrict_kind=overview', function(data) {
// callback function code...
The "key=########################" is the paramater that includes my API key.
When running the script (either locally or on my personal domain), I receive a cross origin error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://www.rescuetime.com/anapi/data?key=########################&format=json&restrict_kind=overview. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access.
I understand that this is happening because i'm requesting content that is on a different domain than the one that is making the AJAX request. That being said, how do I get around this? I've read the CORS MDN documentation, but could not decode what actionable steps I need to follow in order to resolve this issue.
I need some actionable steps.

Set up a CORS proxy using the code from https://github.com/Rob--W/cors-anywhere/ or similar.
https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/ is a public instance running that code, and the way you could use it is by changing your existing code to this:
$.get('https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/https://www.rescuetime.com/anapi/data?key=########################&format=json&restrict_kind=overview', function(data) {
// callback function code...
Be aware though that if you do that, your key would potentially be exposed to the operator of that https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/ instance. So if that’s a concern then don’t try it, and instead set up your own proxy at https://some.url.for.your.proxy and change your code to:
$.get('https://some.url.for.your.proxy/https://www.rescuetime.com/anapi/data?key=########################&format=json&restrict_kind=overview', function(data) {
// callback function code...
Either way the result will be that your request gets sent through the specified CORS proxy, which forwards the request to the https://www.rescuetime.com/anapi/data… endpoint and then receives the response. The proxy backend then adds the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to the response and finally passes that back to your requesting frontend code.
Your browser then allows your frontend code to access the response, because that response with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header is what the browser sees. Otherwise, if the response lacks Access-Control-Allow-Origin, browsers won’t let your code access it.
A CORS proxy like that is the only option if you want to make the request from frontend JavaScript code running in a browser, and want to consume the response from that frontend code. Otherwise, without the use of such a proxy, browsers will block your code from accessing the response—because the https://www.rescuetime.com/anapi/data… API endpoint doesn’t itself send the necessary Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header.
Your only other option otherwise is to not make the request from your frontend code but instead make the request from whatever backend server-side code you’re running. In that case there’s no browser in the middle enforcing cross-origin restrictions on the request.


Fetching JSON in JS from Flask app gives JSON.parse error [duplicate]

I can hit this endpoint, http://catfacts-api.appspot.com/api/facts?number=99 via Postman and it returns JSON
Additionally I am using create-react-app and would like to avoid setting up any server config.
In my client code I am trying to use fetch to do the same thing, but I get the error:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
resource. Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed
access. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's
mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
So I am trying to pass in an object, to my Fetch which will disable CORS, like so:
fetch('http://catfacts-api.appspot.com/api/facts?number=99', { mode: 'no-cors'})
.then(blob => blob.json())
.then(data => {
return data;
.catch(e => {
return e;
Interestingly enough the error I get is actually a syntax error with this function. I am not sure my actual fetch is broken, because when I remove the { mode: 'no-cors' } object, and supply it with a different URL it works just fine.
I have also tried to pass in the object { mode: 'opaque'} , but this returns the original error from above.
I belive all I need to do is disable CORS.. What am I missing?
mode: 'no-cors' won’t magically make things work. In fact it makes things worse, because one effect it has is to tell browsers, “Block my frontend JavaScript code from seeing contents of the response body and headers under all circumstances.” Of course you never want that.
What happens with cross-origin requests from frontend JavaScript is that browsers by default block frontend code from accessing resources cross-origin. If Access-Control-Allow-Origin is in a response, then browsers relax that blocking and allow your code to access the response.
But if a site sends no Access-Control-Allow-Origin in its responses, your frontend code can’t directly access responses from that site. In particular, you can’t fix it by specifying mode: 'no-cors' (in fact that’ll ensure your frontend code can’t access the response contents).
However, one thing that will work: if you send your request through a CORS proxy.
You can also easily deploy your own proxy to Heroku in just 2-3 minutes, with 5 commands:
git clone https://github.com/Rob--W/cors-anywhere.git
cd cors-anywhere/
npm install
heroku create
git push heroku master
After running those commands, you’ll end up with your own CORS Anywhere server running at, for example, https://cryptic-headland-94862.herokuapp.com/.
Prefix your request URL with your proxy URL; for example:
Adding the proxy URL as a prefix causes the request to get made through your proxy, which:
Forwards the request to https://example.com.
Receives the response from https://example.com.
Adds the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to the response.
Passes that response, with that added header, back to the requesting frontend code.
The browser then allows the frontend code to access the response, because that response with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header is what the browser sees.
This works even if the request is one that triggers browsers to do a CORS preflight OPTIONS request, because in that case, the proxy also sends back the Access-Control-Allow-Headers and Access-Control-Allow-Methods headers needed to make the preflight successful.
I can hit this endpoint, http://catfacts-api.appspot.com/api/facts?number=99 via Postman
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS explains why it is that even though you can access the response with Postman, browsers won’t let you access the response cross-origin from frontend JavaScript code running in a web app unless the response includes an Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header.
http://catfacts-api.appspot.com/api/facts?number=99 has no Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header, so there’s no way your frontend code can access the response cross-origin.
Your browser can get the response fine and you can see it in Postman and even in browser devtools—but that doesn’t mean browsers expose it to your code. They won’t, because it has no Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header. So you must instead use a proxy to get it.
The proxy makes the request to that site, gets the response, adds the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header and any other CORS headers needed, then passes that back to your requesting code. And that response with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header added is what the browser sees, so the browser lets your frontend code actually access the response.
So I am trying to pass in an object, to my Fetch which will disable CORS
You don’t want to do that. To be clear, when you say you want to “disable CORS” it seems you actually mean you want to disable the same-origin policy. CORS itself is actually a way to do that — CORS is a way to loosen the same-origin policy, not a way to restrict it.
But anyway, it’s true you can—in your local environment—do suff like give a browser runtime flags to disable security and run insecurely, or you can install a browser extension locally to get around the same-origin policy, but all that does is change the situation just for you locally.
No matter what you change locally, anybody else trying to use your app is still going to run into the same-origin policy, and there’s no way you can disable that for other users of your app.
You most likely never want to use mode: 'no-cors' in practice except in a few limited cases, and even then only if you know exactly what you’re doing and what the effects are. That’s because what setting mode: 'no-cors' actually says to the browser is, “Block my frontend JavaScript code from looking into the contents of the response body and headers under all circumstances.” In most cases that’s obviously really not what you want.
As far as the cases when you would want to consider using mode: 'no-cors', see the answer at What limitations apply to opaque responses? for the details. The gist of it is:
In the limited case when you’re using JavaScript to put content from another origin into a <script>, <link rel=stylesheet>, <img>, <video>, <audio>, <object>, <embed>, or <iframe> element (which works because embedding of resources cross-origin is allowed for those)—but for some reason you don’t want to/can’t do that just by having the markup of the document use the resource URL as the href or src attribute for the element.
When the only thing you want to do with a resource is to cache it. As alluded to in What limitations apply to opaque responses?, in practice the scenario that’s for is when you’re using Service Workers, in which case the API that’s relevant is the Cache Storage API.
But even in those limited cases, there are some important gotchas to be aware of; see the answer at What limitations apply to opaque responses? for the details.
I have also tried to pass in the object { mode: 'opaque'}
There is no 'opaque' request mode — opaque is instead just a property of the response, and browsers set that opaque property on responses from requests sent with no-cors mode.
But incidentally the word opaque is a pretty explicit signal about the nature of the response you end up with: “opaque” means you can’t see into any of its details; it blocks you from seeing.
If you are trying to address this issue temporarily on your localhost, you can use this chrome extension : Allow CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin
If you are using Express as back-end you just have to install cors and import and use it in app.use(cors());.
If it is not resolved then try switching ports.
It will surely resolve after switching ports
So if you're like me and developing a website on localhost where you're trying to fetch data from Laravel API and use it in your Vue front-end, and you see this problem, here is how I solved it:
In your Laravel project, run command php artisan make:middleware Cors. This will create app/Http/Middleware/Cors.php for you.
Add the following code inside the handles function in Cors.php:
return $next($request)
->header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
->header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS');
In app/Http/kernel.php, add the following entry in $routeMiddleware array:
‘cors’ => \App\Http\Middleware\Cors::class
(There would be other entries in the array like auth, guest etc. Also make sure you're doing this in app/Http/kernel.php because there is another kernel.php too in Laravel)
Add this middleware on route registration for all the routes where you want to allow access, like this:
Route::group(['middleware' => 'cors'], function () {
Route::get('getData', 'v1\MyController#getData');
Route::get('getData2', 'v1\MyController#getData2');
In Vue front-end, make sure you call this API in mounted() function and not in data(). Also make sure you use http:// or https:// with the URL in your fetch() call.
Full credits to Pete Houston's blog article.
You can also set up a reverse proxy which adds the CORS headers using a self-hosted CORS Anywhere or Just CORS if you want a managed solution.
Very easy solution (2 min to config) is to use local-ssl-proxy package from npm
The usage is straight pretty forward:
1. Install the package:
npm install -g local-ssl-proxy
2. While running your local-server mask it with the local-ssl-proxy --source 9001 --target 9000
P.S: Replace --target 9000 with the -- "number of your port" and --source 9001 with --source "number of your port +1"
Solution for me was to just do it server side
I used the C# WebClient library to get the data (in my case it was image data) and send it back to the client. There's probably something very similar in your chosen server-side language.
//Server side, api controller
public IActionResult GetItemImageFromURL([FromQuery] string url)
ItemImage image = new ItemImage();
using(WebClient client = new WebClient()){
image.Bytes = client.DownloadData(url);
return Ok(image);
You can tweak it to whatever your own use case is. The main point is client.DownloadData() worked without any CORS errors. Typically CORS issues are only between websites, hence it being okay to make 'cross-site' requests from your server.
Then the React fetch call is as simple as:
//React component
fetch(`api/ItemImage/GetItemImageFromURL?url=${imageURL}`, {
method: 'GET',
.then(resp => resp.json() as Promise<ItemImage>)
.then(imgResponse => {
// Do more stuff....
I had a similar problem with my browser debugger saying my response.body was null but fiddler and the developer tools show it as populated that turned out to be basically the same scenario as this. I was using a local Angular application hitting a Web Api service running on IISExpress. I fixed it by following the steps outlined here to find the correct applicationhost.config file to add a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header like so:
<clear />
<add name="X-Powered-By" value="ASP.NET" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Content-Type" />
If all the above solutions don't work, probably it's because of the file permissions as sometimes even if you have fixed the non-cors problem using Heroku or another way, it throws 403 forbidden error. Set the directory/file permissions like this:
Permissions and ownership errors
A 403 Forbidden error can also be caused by incorrect ownership or permissions on your web content files and folders.
Rule of thumb for correct permissions:
Folders: 755
Static Content: 644
Dynamic Content: 700

POST request is working in postman but not browser [duplicate]

I can hit this endpoint, http://catfacts-api.appspot.com/api/facts?number=99 via Postman and it returns JSON
Additionally I am using create-react-app and would like to avoid setting up any server config.
In my client code I am trying to use fetch to do the same thing, but I get the error:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
resource. Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed
access. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's
mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
So I am trying to pass in an object, to my Fetch which will disable CORS, like so:
fetch('http://catfacts-api.appspot.com/api/facts?number=99', { mode: 'no-cors'})
.then(blob => blob.json())
.then(data => {
return data;
.catch(e => {
return e;
Interestingly enough the error I get is actually a syntax error with this function. I am not sure my actual fetch is broken, because when I remove the { mode: 'no-cors' } object, and supply it with a different URL it works just fine.
I have also tried to pass in the object { mode: 'opaque'} , but this returns the original error from above.
I belive all I need to do is disable CORS.. What am I missing?
mode: 'no-cors' won’t magically make things work. In fact it makes things worse, because one effect it has is to tell browsers, “Block my frontend JavaScript code from seeing contents of the response body and headers under all circumstances.” Of course you never want that.
What happens with cross-origin requests from frontend JavaScript is that browsers by default block frontend code from accessing resources cross-origin. If Access-Control-Allow-Origin is in a response, then browsers relax that blocking and allow your code to access the response.
But if a site sends no Access-Control-Allow-Origin in its responses, your frontend code can’t directly access responses from that site. In particular, you can’t fix it by specifying mode: 'no-cors' (in fact that’ll ensure your frontend code can’t access the response contents).
However, one thing that will work: if you send your request through a CORS proxy.
You can also easily deploy your own proxy to Heroku in just 2-3 minutes, with 5 commands:
git clone https://github.com/Rob--W/cors-anywhere.git
cd cors-anywhere/
npm install
heroku create
git push heroku master
After running those commands, you’ll end up with your own CORS Anywhere server running at, for example, https://cryptic-headland-94862.herokuapp.com/.
Prefix your request URL with your proxy URL; for example:
Adding the proxy URL as a prefix causes the request to get made through your proxy, which:
Forwards the request to https://example.com.
Receives the response from https://example.com.
Adds the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to the response.
Passes that response, with that added header, back to the requesting frontend code.
The browser then allows the frontend code to access the response, because that response with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header is what the browser sees.
This works even if the request is one that triggers browsers to do a CORS preflight OPTIONS request, because in that case, the proxy also sends back the Access-Control-Allow-Headers and Access-Control-Allow-Methods headers needed to make the preflight successful.
I can hit this endpoint, http://catfacts-api.appspot.com/api/facts?number=99 via Postman
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS explains why it is that even though you can access the response with Postman, browsers won’t let you access the response cross-origin from frontend JavaScript code running in a web app unless the response includes an Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header.
http://catfacts-api.appspot.com/api/facts?number=99 has no Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header, so there’s no way your frontend code can access the response cross-origin.
Your browser can get the response fine and you can see it in Postman and even in browser devtools—but that doesn’t mean browsers expose it to your code. They won’t, because it has no Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header. So you must instead use a proxy to get it.
The proxy makes the request to that site, gets the response, adds the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header and any other CORS headers needed, then passes that back to your requesting code. And that response with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header added is what the browser sees, so the browser lets your frontend code actually access the response.
So I am trying to pass in an object, to my Fetch which will disable CORS
You don’t want to do that. To be clear, when you say you want to “disable CORS” it seems you actually mean you want to disable the same-origin policy. CORS itself is actually a way to do that — CORS is a way to loosen the same-origin policy, not a way to restrict it.
But anyway, it’s true you can—in your local environment—do suff like give a browser runtime flags to disable security and run insecurely, or you can install a browser extension locally to get around the same-origin policy, but all that does is change the situation just for you locally.
No matter what you change locally, anybody else trying to use your app is still going to run into the same-origin policy, and there’s no way you can disable that for other users of your app.
You most likely never want to use mode: 'no-cors' in practice except in a few limited cases, and even then only if you know exactly what you’re doing and what the effects are. That’s because what setting mode: 'no-cors' actually says to the browser is, “Block my frontend JavaScript code from looking into the contents of the response body and headers under all circumstances.” In most cases that’s obviously really not what you want.
As far as the cases when you would want to consider using mode: 'no-cors', see the answer at What limitations apply to opaque responses? for the details. The gist of it is:
In the limited case when you’re using JavaScript to put content from another origin into a <script>, <link rel=stylesheet>, <img>, <video>, <audio>, <object>, <embed>, or <iframe> element (which works because embedding of resources cross-origin is allowed for those)—but for some reason you don’t want to/can’t do that just by having the markup of the document use the resource URL as the href or src attribute for the element.
When the only thing you want to do with a resource is to cache it. As alluded to in What limitations apply to opaque responses?, in practice the scenario that’s for is when you’re using Service Workers, in which case the API that’s relevant is the Cache Storage API.
But even in those limited cases, there are some important gotchas to be aware of; see the answer at What limitations apply to opaque responses? for the details.
I have also tried to pass in the object { mode: 'opaque'}
There is no 'opaque' request mode — opaque is instead just a property of the response, and browsers set that opaque property on responses from requests sent with no-cors mode.
But incidentally the word opaque is a pretty explicit signal about the nature of the response you end up with: “opaque” means you can’t see into any of its details; it blocks you from seeing.
If you are trying to address this issue temporarily on your localhost, you can use this chrome extension : Allow CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin
If you are using Express as back-end you just have to install cors and import and use it in app.use(cors());.
If it is not resolved then try switching ports.
It will surely resolve after switching ports
So if you're like me and developing a website on localhost where you're trying to fetch data from Laravel API and use it in your Vue front-end, and you see this problem, here is how I solved it:
In your Laravel project, run command php artisan make:middleware Cors. This will create app/Http/Middleware/Cors.php for you.
Add the following code inside the handles function in Cors.php:
return $next($request)
->header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
->header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS');
In app/Http/kernel.php, add the following entry in $routeMiddleware array:
‘cors’ => \App\Http\Middleware\Cors::class
(There would be other entries in the array like auth, guest etc. Also make sure you're doing this in app/Http/kernel.php because there is another kernel.php too in Laravel)
Add this middleware on route registration for all the routes where you want to allow access, like this:
Route::group(['middleware' => 'cors'], function () {
Route::get('getData', 'v1\MyController#getData');
Route::get('getData2', 'v1\MyController#getData2');
In Vue front-end, make sure you call this API in mounted() function and not in data(). Also make sure you use http:// or https:// with the URL in your fetch() call.
Full credits to Pete Houston's blog article.
You can also set up a reverse proxy which adds the CORS headers using a self-hosted CORS Anywhere or Just CORS if you want a managed solution.
Very easy solution (2 min to config) is to use local-ssl-proxy package from npm
The usage is straight pretty forward:
1. Install the package:
npm install -g local-ssl-proxy
2. While running your local-server mask it with the local-ssl-proxy --source 9001 --target 9000
P.S: Replace --target 9000 with the -- "number of your port" and --source 9001 with --source "number of your port +1"
Solution for me was to just do it server side
I used the C# WebClient library to get the data (in my case it was image data) and send it back to the client. There's probably something very similar in your chosen server-side language.
//Server side, api controller
public IActionResult GetItemImageFromURL([FromQuery] string url)
ItemImage image = new ItemImage();
using(WebClient client = new WebClient()){
image.Bytes = client.DownloadData(url);
return Ok(image);
You can tweak it to whatever your own use case is. The main point is client.DownloadData() worked without any CORS errors. Typically CORS issues are only between websites, hence it being okay to make 'cross-site' requests from your server.
Then the React fetch call is as simple as:
//React component
fetch(`api/ItemImage/GetItemImageFromURL?url=${imageURL}`, {
method: 'GET',
.then(resp => resp.json() as Promise<ItemImage>)
.then(imgResponse => {
// Do more stuff....
I had a similar problem with my browser debugger saying my response.body was null but fiddler and the developer tools show it as populated that turned out to be basically the same scenario as this. I was using a local Angular application hitting a Web Api service running on IISExpress. I fixed it by following the steps outlined here to find the correct applicationhost.config file to add a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header like so:
<clear />
<add name="X-Powered-By" value="ASP.NET" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Content-Type" />
If all the above solutions don't work, probably it's because of the file permissions as sometimes even if you have fixed the non-cors problem using Heroku or another way, it throws 403 forbidden error. Set the directory/file permissions like this:
Permissions and ownership errors
A 403 Forbidden error can also be caused by incorrect ownership or permissions on your web content files and folders.
Rule of thumb for correct permissions:
Folders: 755
Static Content: 644
Dynamic Content: 700

How to read online html document to string in Angular

I am trying to read online html document and parse some data from it using Angular. The problem is I am keep getting an error about cors. My code for reading html document is:
let retVal = this.http.get(htmlToParse.toString())
.map(res => res.text())
return retVal; }
When I try to test this code I expect to get html document from given website (for example imdb most popular movies) as argument, but all I get is:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load
http://www.imdb.com/chart/moviemeter?ref_=nv_mv_mpm_8. No
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
Can anyone please help me? Thank you in beforehand.
You can send your request through a CORS proxy instead.
Where you’re specifying the URL http://www.imdb.com/chart/moviemeter?ref_=nv_mv_mpm_8 in your code now, just replace that with this URL:
That will cause the request to be sent to https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com, a proxy that will then send the request on to http://www.imdb.com/chart/moviemeter?ref_=nv_mv_mpm_8. And when that proxy gets the response, it will take it and add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header to it and then pass that back to your requesting frontend code as the response.
That response with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header is what your browser sees, so the error message the browser is showing you now goes away, and the browser allows your frontend JavaScript code to access the response.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS has general details on CORS, and "No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource" is an answer with more details about how you can set up your own CORS proxy.

CORS request in react

Getting this error when trying to get stuff from the Twitter API using simple-twitter:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json. Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 400
I'm basically doing exactly what it says in the react docs, but with the relevant line replaced:
componentDidMount: function() {
twitter.get('statuses/user_timeline', function(error, data) {
this.setState({tweets: data})
The callback function seems to never fire, which I assume is due to the request not completing.
What am I missing here?
The issue here is the module you're using is written for Node, not the browser.
Whilst in the browser, you can't make requests outside of your origin (in this case localhost:3000) unless the requested resource is served with the appropriate Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
In this case the browser makes a preflight (OPTIONS) request to the same resource to see whether the CORS checks pass and it can safely respond. In this case it can't because Twitter's API doesn't allow your origin.
You can avoid these limitations if the API supports JSONP, but as of V1.1 of the Twitter API, only OAuth is supported.
This means that to access the Twitter API from the client, you'll need to authenticate inside your session, in order to generate an OAuth token that you can use to make requests. Take a look at the codebird-js library.
Alternatively, you can use the simple-twitter module from a server and forward requests from your browser on to the Twitter API.

How to make a JSONP POST request in angular?

The $http.jsonp method described in the official documentation seems to always perform get requests: http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$http#methods_jsonp.
I have tried setting the config option to 'POST' but it still sends a GET:
$http.jsonp('/api/new?callback=JSON_CALLBACK', {method: 'POST'});
I have also tried setting a data argument in the hope that angular would switch to a POST:
$http.jsonp('/api/new?callback=JSON_CALLBACK', {data: {stuff: true}});
But it still doesn't :)
As for making a post like this:
It does make a POST obviously but doesn't do the angular magic thingy with the JSON_CALLBACK and produces the following JS error:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://xxx.yyy.zzz' is therefore not allowed access.
(The API is not on the same server as the app, that's the point of JSONP).
Google was most unhelpful on this issue and reading through angular's sources is not the easiest task. So how can I make a JSONP POST request with angular?
You cannot make a POST request using JSON-P (with or without Angular)
A JSON-P request works by generating a <script> element with a src attribute. This will always trigger a GET request.
If you want to make a cross-domain POST request with JavaScript then you must use either XMLHttpRequest (and have the server supply suitable access control headers as per the CORS specification) or proxy the request through the server hosting the page.

