Angular2 pass html to component - javascript

I am trying to create a component which displays a code example for a given component. The component shall be passed as HTML to the code-example component and be rendered once normally but also have its code displayed below.
When trying to fetch the code from <ng-content> in ngOnInit, Angular already started rendering the component, which means that I do not get the original code between the tags.
Passing the code via input does not work out, as the components may use single and double quotes which will cause problems when binding the data.
What I also tried is passing the code escaped to the component like
To unescape it and render it afterwards, which did not work out for me as I had trouble adding this pre-defined element to the DOM in a way that Angular renders it as a component.
Are there any other methods of dealing with this problem that I might be missing?

As #Timothy suggested you may try the <pre> tag.
If you also want to highlight the syntax of your code I can recommend a third party module called ng2-prism.
This is a library that supports multiple languages and is quite easy to use.


All elements after vue component are removed automatically

Please check out this page and its source code. If I remove the cdn for the vue-tag-input component, everything except the component renders. But as soon as I add the cdn back, everything after first instance of tag-input component is not rendered on DOM. No error logs.
Please help me understand what is going on. As far as I understand there should not be any issue with component as I can render multiple instances and the same page layout in vue app using cdn. Check out App.vue file as well. This works perfectly fine.
You need to use valid html5 so you can't use self closing tags.
Change <tag-input v-model="tags" /> to <tag-input v-model="tags"></tag-input>
When vue component is used directly inside the html (not in single file vue component template), we need to take care of certain things
Don't use self closing tag for the component
convert all camel case to kebab case for component name and all the props (custom attributes)
There were above two errors because of which the implementation in question was not working.

Is it possible to convert html homepage to a react component to render in Index.js Create-React-App

I have an existing templated website that i want to continue with react. I decided to use create-react-app for that, but i do not know how to move the html based template to the react application. What i am trying to do now is to find a way to create a functional component out of the html file and then pass it to the index.js file for rendering. What i don't know is if this will work. Any ideas on the best way to do this?
There have tiny changes with HTML and JSX. JSX use className instead of class and htmlFor instead of for as mentioned up there.
If you are using VS code editor, here are your steps to make things a bit easier:-
In Vs code, Download an extension name HTML to JSX.
open your raw HTML code with VS code.
Select all code you want to convert.
Right-click and see at the bottom of the list, you will see an option Convert HTML to JSX. Click it and you are done.
Yes it is, and JSX was designed to be very similar to HTML to allow just that sort of thing.
However, JSX does have a few differences from HTML, which you'll want to read about. For instance, certain HTML attributes "overlap" with JS keywords, so in JSX you should use (for instance) htmlFor instead of for, and className instead of class. Also every tag has to be closed (as in XHTML).
Once you get your initial HTML into your Javascript file, you'll then want to start breaking up the parts of that page into separate React components, so that you can focus on them (and their logic) in independent chunks.

Dynamic tag name in jsx and React doesn't pass props

Following on Dynamic tag name in jsx and React
I tried both suggested answer but both of them seems to not pass any props!!
(Here is a an example of this issue)[]
What am i doing wrong?
Here is another example which is not minimal like the one above, using React.createElement, which also doesn't work as it should and it seems its not passing any props
outputElement = React.createElement(
In short my final goal is creating an imported component, dynamically only by having its type (or name you might say).
Update 01:
After constatnly looking i found an alternative way, this uses an array in which you map an string to the actuall component and then create a tag which uses the map to call the component
Here is an example
This seems to be working as it should but i still would like to avoid creating the map manually, meaning i still wish to only create the component only using string!, is there a way to do this?
I was looking for a way to not only dynamicly import a component but also create it dynamicly, but this could not be achieve how a dynamic tag was created, after looking for a while i came across a library which exatcly does this!!
The Library is called react-loadable
Here is an example
As you can see both the import, the component tag and everything else is created dynamicly just as i want it, hope this helps everyone else too.

VueJS - Render dynamically passed template in component

I am using VueJS 2 to build a drag-and-drop layout builder. One of the requirements of that project is to be able to have some components that will allow for custom content to live inside (they will be just a wrapper around that content). And to be really concrete, I am trying to pass in and render another drag-and-drop zone which is implemented in a draggable component.
Basically, I want to pass a VueJS template to the component via a prop and have that template rendered inside of the component. This is necessary because I do not want the UI to limit the needs of the developer and therefore need this to be really extensible.
In the following trivial example I would like the "ui-element" to render the content prop inside of it and use the other prop as a data input.
:content="<draggable :name="contentData"></draggable>"
Since just outputting the template will escape it, and v-html directive will treat it as regular HTML and not a template I am lost, not really sure how to get this done.
I spent about an hour or more googling but no luck. Which leaves me to three options:
1) I'm the first one to need this complex use case (unlikely)
2) Doing this is stupid on so many levels that no-one even bothered (if so, please let me know how to get this result in a smarter way)
3) There is a special uber-cool JS term for this which I simply do not know and that made my search attempts futile
You'd want to use slots instead.
In your ui-element component, define a slot like so:
<slot name="content"></slot>
Then you could pass in the draggable component like so:
<ui-element contentData="col1">
<draggable :name="contentData" slot="content"></draggable>
Here's a very basic fiddle example of a slot.

get data from external json with react and d3

I am brand new to React. Am using v0.13.3. I have a functioning page (index.html with link to external css file and external js file). All works great.
JS file contains exactly what is in the JavaScript pane of this JSFIDDLE. (Apologies the fiddle doesn't run, I can't figure out why console says Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <. I have /** #jsx React.DOM */ at the top, but makes a chart.)
QUESTION: How can I get what is in
var data = [{"letter":"A","frequency":0.08167},"letter":"B","frequency":0.01492},{"letter":"C","frequency":0.02782},{"letter":"D","frequency":0.04253},...]
to come from an external JSON file instead? (I want the chart to update if the JSON file's contents change).
(I realize there is the option to use React to break all of the pieces of the d3 chart into separate components and do it that way instead of all of the d3 inside one function. But for now, I'd like it to remain this way - based on the conclusion of this article.)
So, it didn't work to use d3.json(path/to/file.js) inside function createChart. And I've tried what is in this tutorial under "Hook Up the Data Model" and "Fetching from the server", but I'm not having any luck. Also, looked at this article. I'm suspecting I need to do something else with componentDidMount and shouldComponentUpdate, but a bit baffled. Searched for other examples, but having trouble finding one like this. Thanks for any suggestions.
One issue with the code in your JSFiddle is your use of the shouldComponentUpdate function. As per this should only return a boolean telling React whether to re-render and not try to update the DOM itself. For responding to updates to props you would probably use componentDidUpdate in this case.
Generally if you need to do anything asynchronous in a React component, it should happen in the componentDidMount function, so you're on the right path there.
On other I would try is in createChart() you have"body") - you could select the <div> that you pass in from React as the dom prop and append the <svg> directly there, which would be a much more appropriate way of using React (Components should be self-contained, so they wouldn't go around modifying the DOM outside of themselves. Try'svg').
Hope this is helpful!
PS: I've had some good results using this Plunkr template to create React snippets:

