Boolean filter with checkbox on AngularJS - javascript

I have an array of objects with property published which can be true or false.
I'm building a filter to be able to display only published or only not published items.
So far the published one works fine like this:
ng-change="search.published = search.published ? true : undefined">
And in the ng-repeat it looks like this:
ng-repeat="exhibitor in filterItems = (data | filter: search)"
The problem comes when I try to add another checkbox to display only unpublished items.
I've tried this with a second checkbox:
ng-change="search.published = search.published ? false : undefined">
But of course it can't have the same model as the published items one. Also, the checkbox won't get ticked even if I remove the first checkbox.
Any tips on how to work around this?

Checkboxes automatically assign a true or false value to their ng-model values, so it is unnecessary to use ng-change the way you are.
When checked, search.published will be true. When unchecked, it will be false.
Same goes for the second checkbox, but you should use a different ng-model property.
Next you will need to create a custom filter in your controller:
$scope.myCustomFilter = function(exhibitor) {
if (exhibitor.published && exhibitor.published === $ {
return exhibitor;
} else if (!exhibitor.published && exhibitor.published === $ {
return exhibitor;
You will need you make sure you define $ in your controller.
$ = {
published: false,
unpublished: false
Now for your ng-repeat:
ng-repeat="exhibitor in filterItems | filter:myCustomFilter"


Call function on pageload when ng-checked = true in AngularJS

I am building checkboxes dynamically using Angular. I set the ng-checked value based on a number of conditions.
The checkbox is appropriately checked on pageload. I need to call the makeAddressDefault() function (currently used in ng-click) on page load when ng-checked = true.
<input type="checkbox"
ng-click="makeAddressDefault(add, $event)"
ng-checked="addresses.length === 1 || add.IsDefault() || isSelected(">
<label ng-init="isAddressDefault(addresses, add)" for="defaultAddress{{$id}}">
{{add.FirstName}} {{add.LastName}}<br />
{{add.Address1}}<br />
{{add.City}}, {{add.State}} {{add.ZIP}}
What is the best way to handle this? Thanks!
In your controller why don't you do something like
$scope.init = function(){
angular.forEach(addresses, function(add){
if(addresses.length === 1 || add.IsDefault() || isSelected({
It will automatically call your init function once the controller has been initialized.

HTML placeholder override the ng-model value if it is 0

Is there a way to tell ng-model if your value is 0 then show the placeholder value not the ng-model value.
The reason for this is I have an issue where the UX requires the ng-model to be one value while the business logic requires it to be another.
Something like this.
$scope.qty = 0;
//...some calculation that requires $scope.qty to be a number
<input ng-model="qty" placeholder="N/A">
<!-- This will show 0 not N/A as qty has a value-->
I do understand you can edit the functionality of ng-model with the following.
ng-model-options={getterSetter: true}
This does solve this issue in a single ng-model like above but what about when the qty is in a ng-repeat?
In the real world we are making a page that auto calculates the amount of items a user should order based on there inventory. If the inventory is 0 the placeholder is used if it is changed by the user then the value they entered in is used.
As there is more then one product they can order we have this in an ng-repeat.
$scope.products = [{
//...product data
inventory : 0
<tr ng-repeat="product in products track by $index">
<input ng-model="product.inventory" placeholder="N/A">
You can try the setter getter method but as the only value you get is the value entered into the input box you lose the context of which item the user is referring to unless you create a setter getter function for each product.
Try this. You can define a getter function for ng-model directive if you use ng-model-options by setting getterSetter as true. ng-model-options is used to modify the behaviour of ng-model.
<input ng-model="getterSetter" placeholder="N/A" ng-model-options={getterSetter: true}>
// Controller function
$scope.getterSetter = function(value) {
if(value == 0) {
return "N/A";
else {
return value;
You can ngModelOptions, Object to tell Angular exactly when to update the Model.
<input ng-model="updateModel" placeholder="some text" ng-model-options={updateModel: true}>
// Controller method
$scope.updateModel= function(value) {
if(value <= 0) {
return "some text";
else {
return value;

All the checkboxes inside a ng-repeat are getting checked when I select just one

I have list of objects named rolePermissionList like this:
and I use ng-repeat to repeat checkboxes using the values in that list like this
<div class="form-group">
<label>Role Permissions:</label>
<div class="checkbox" ng-repeat="permission in rolePermissionList">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="idsPermission[permission .idPermission ]"
the ng-model of the checkboxes is named idsPermission and it's a list of numbers, those numbers are the IDS of the objects.
When I load the page the checkboxes that are supposed to be checked are checked this part works fine, but when I check another checkbox all the checkboxes gets checked, and when I uncheck a checkbox the same thing happens all the checkboxes gets unchecked.
I use that list of numbers named idsPermission to get all the IDS of the checkboxes that are checked, this worked before I used the directive ng-checked="permission.checked", but now I need to use it since now I need to show the checkboxes that are already marked.
this is my controller
.controller('RolCtrl', ['$scope', 'RolService',
function ($scope, RolService) {
$scope.idsPermission = {};
$scope.getListCheckBoxesEditRole = function (idRole) {
function (d) {
var userPermissionList = [];
for (var permission in d) {
if (d[permission ].type === 'user') {
if (d[permission ].marked === 1)
d[permission ].checked = true;
userPermissionList.push(d[permission ]);
} else {
userPermissionList.push(d[permission ]);
$scope.rolePermissionList = userPermissionList;
function (errResponse) {
The RolService.getListCheckBoxesEditRole(idRole) service returns this JSON [{"id":1,"name":"createUser","type":"user","marked":1},{"id":2,"name":"deleteUser","type":"user","marked":1},{"id":3,"name":"editRole","type":"role","marked":0}]
and what I do in the controller is iterate over that list and check if the marked field is 1 if it's 1 I do this d[permission ].checked = true; I what I think that I do in that line is setting the checked value to true so I could use this directive in the html view ng-checked="permission.checked"
I tried doing this ng-checked="idsPermission[permission.checked]" but when I do this the values that are marked=1 in the JSON that I paste above don't appear checked when I load the page, but if I put it like this ng-checked="permission.checked" they appear marked as they should, but when I click a checkbox all the checkboxes gets selected.
I came across too many issues to document but the main problem was how you are iterating through the array that is returned from the service. It should be something like this:
angular.forEach(, function(permission) {
if (permission.type === 'user') {
if (permission.marked === 1) {
permission.checked = true;
} else {
Then you can simplify your html like this:
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="permission.checked" />
You can see all of the changes in this working plunk.
I can't see in your code that $scope.idsPermission is getting defined. In ng-repeat you only set the key for the object but the value is undefined. That's why the checkbox won't show the correct value.
You could use ng-init to initialize the model. Please have a look at the simplified demo below or this fiddle.
(Also defining the models in your controller would be possible.)
Only using ng-model should be enough for the checkbox to work. I think I've read somewhere that ng-checked and ng-model aren't working smoothly together.
angular.module('demoApp', [])
.controller('mainCtrl', MainCtrl);
function MainCtrl() {
var vm = this;
angular.extend(vm, {
data: [{
id: 0,
marked: 1
}, {
id: 1,
marked: 0
}, {
id: 2,
marked: 1
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="demoApp" ng-controller="mainCtrl as ctrl">
<div ng-repeat="item in">
<input type="checkbox" ng-init="ctrl.idPermissions[] = !!item.marked" ng-model="ctrl.idPermissions[]"/>{{}}
permissions: {{ctrl.idPermissions | json: 2}}
data{{ | json: 2}}</pre>

How to initialize ng-model of input checkboxes in an ng-repeat loop

I've run into an issue when creating multiple input[checkbox]es for a list of items in angular with ng-repeat and attaching an ng-model:
<li ng-repeat="item in items">
<a ng-href="#/{{}}" > {{ }} </a>
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="selectedMessages[]"/>
The issue here is that selectedMessages[] is only initialized and set when the checkbox is clicked once.
The reason this is necessary is that I would like to toggle all checkboxes with a single comand like so:
$scope.toggleCheckboxes = (state) ->
for key, val of $scope.selectedMessages
$scope.selectedMessages[key] = state # true or false
Let's say I have 3 checkboxes, and click 1 once, 2 twice, and 3 never, then said object will look like this:
$scope.selectedMessages = {
"1" : true,
"2" : false
So obviously, $scope.toggleCheckboxes(true) will only work for those checkboxes.
Is there a good way to initialize this ng-model for multiple checkboxes?
You can use ng-init to populate the array. I used $index rather than making up a bunch of data with id properties...adjust your code accordingly
<input type="checkbox"
ng-init="selectedMessages[$index]=selectedMessages[$index]||false" />
var msgs = $scope.selectedMessages
msgs.forEach(function(elem, idx){
msgs[idx] =true

angularJs - Is it possible for 2 different models of different structures to sync or share states?

I have a list of checkboxes and values I"m loading from a list which comes back from the database.
listA = ['item1','item2'...'itemn']; //Master list of items
$scope.selectedItems = ["item1",... "item5"]; //selected items
$scope.attributesModel = [ //new model based on selected items
{"index":10, "attribute":"item2"},
{"index":13, "attribute":"item3"},
{"index":21, "attribute":"item4"},
{"index":24, "attribute":"item5"}
View part 1
<div class="checkbox checkbox-notext">
<input checklist-model="selectedItems" checklist-value="key" type="checkbox" id="{{key}}" ng-disabled="exceededLimit && !checked" />
<label for="{{key}}">{{key}}{{$index}}</label>
view part 2
<div ng-repeat="(index, row) in attributesModel" >
<div class="margin10">
<div>Index<input ng-model="row.index" value="row.index" type="number" class="indexInputs"></input>{{row.attribute}}</div>
Now I would like to sync $scope.selectedItems and $scope.attributesModel. When a checkbox is deselected, both selectedItems and attributesModel models remove that item, and vice versa. So every time someone checks a new checkbox they are presented a attributesModel with an empty text field to type the index value.
catch The index key is null initially for every newly selected item that is added to attributesModel. The user must enter a new index # once the new item is created.
I've tried using watch but the problem I run into is when a new item is selected, I don't have access to the item itself. I only have access to the list without any idea whether the new item is X or if the item removed is Y in order to push/delete the right item.
So this might be a watch solution that I'm missing.
Let me know if I can clarify anything.
I am not sure what the problem is, but you could use ngChange on the checkboxes:
<input type="checkbox" ... ng-change="..." />
I asdume you have a checklist directive or something, so should do something there, but (since you don't share it with us) I can't tell what exactly :)
Since the checklist directive is an external dependency, you could handle the ng-chage in your code:
<input type="checkbox" ... ng-change="changed(key)" />
/* In the controller: */
$scope.changed = function (key) {
if ($scope.selectedItems.indexOf(key) === -1) {
// The checkbox for `key` was unchecked...
} else {
// The checkbox for `key` was checked...

