Structuring data in JavaScript in a hierarchical fasion - javascript

I have the following table of strings coming from service:
A6-123 A5-234 A4-345 A3-456 A2-567
A6-123 A5-234 A4-678 A3-789 A2-890
A6-123 A5-456 A4-011 A3-021 A2-015
A6-234 A5-456 A4-567 A3-678 A2-789
"a": "A2-567",
"an": "NAME1",
"b": "A3-456",
"bn": "NAME2",
"c": "A4-345",
"cn": "NAME3",
"d": "A5-234",
"dn": "NAME4",
"e": "A6-123",
"en": "NAME5"
"a": "A2-890",
"an": "NAME6",
"b": "A3-789",
"bn": "NAME7",
"c": "A4-678",
"cn": "NAME8",
"d": "A5-234",
"dn": "NAME4",
"e": "A6-123",
"en": "NAME5"
I was thinking to structure it as follow, so i can display it on a hierchcal way
root: {"A6-123", "A6-234", A6-....}
data: [
{"k":"A6-123","n":"Name5", children:{"A5-234", "A5-456"},
{"k":"A5-234","n":"Name4", children:{"A4-345", "A4-678"},
{"k":"A2-567","n":"Name1", children:{}},
... could be others }
And I want to map all elements into a hierachy. The above structure is not required but thought that would be best.
The only disadvantage is when i have to lookup the next element inside data. In java i would have used a HashMap and pulled k into a key.
Looking for suggestions.
Some display option could look as follow (but i do not want to use a pacakge want to build the functions):
The difference is that my data will be indented with 5 levels A6-A2.

For building a tree structure and a hash table for all nodes, you could iterate the given strings, split them and apply for every node a new objetc in the temporary object, if the node not exist.
At the end, you get an array with all nodes at the root and the nested structue.
function generateTree(array) {
var hash = {}, // reference to all nodes
tree = [], // result in tree structure
temp = { _: tree }; // collecting object
array.forEach(function (line) {
line.split(' ').reduce(function (r, k, i, kk) {
if (!r[k]) { // check if key exists
r[k] = { _: [] }; // if not create new object
hash[k] = { label: k }; // and hash
if (i + 1 !== kk.length) { // if node is not last leaf
hash[k].children = r[k]._; // generate children
r._.push(hash[k]); // push node to children prop
return r[k]; // take node with key
}, temp); // for next iteration
return { tree: tree, hash: hash };
var data = ['A6-123 A5-234 A4-345 A3-456 A2-567', 'A6-123 A5-234 A4-678 A3-789 A2-890', 'A6-123 A5-456 A4-011 A3-021 A2-015', 'A6-234 A5-456 A4-567 A3-678 A2-789'];
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$scope.root = [];
$ = [];
$scope.loadDataToMemory = function (data) {
angular.forEach(data, function (value, key) {
if ($.inArray(value.e, $scope.root) === -1) {
addToMap(value.a,, "");
addToMap(value.b,, value.a);
addToMap(value.c,, value.b);
addToMap(value.d, value.dn, value.c);
addToMap(value.e, value.e, value.d);
addToMap = function (pKey, pName, pChild) {
if (!$[pKey]) {
cSet = [];
$[pKey] = { name: pName, children: cSet };
} else {
if ($.inArray(pChild, $[pKey].children) === -1) {


JS Want to Iterate and set value of each key in a nested object to empty "", and create array of such objects

Base Object :
obj = {
"place": "{{base_gplaceId}}",
"feedInputs": [
"subCategoryQuestion": "{{base_gquestionId}}",
"context": "other",
"image": "abc.jpg",
"mediaMetadata": {
"stickerList": [
"id": "someid2",
"sticker": "delish",
"weight": 3
"textList": [
"text": "What an evening!!!"
more keys can have more nesting,
want to set the values of keys = "", one by one and push the updated object to an array
Expected OP :
tried couple of recursions, but not able to break after update inside the nested objects,
any simplistic approach ?
You could iterate the properties and change the values who are not objects. For having access to the complete object store the root as well and take a copy of the object with stringify and parse for the result set.
function visitAll(object, root = object) {
return Object
.flatMap(k => {
if (object[k] && typeof object[k] === 'object') return visitAll(object[k], root);
const value = object[k];
object[k] = '';
const result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(root));
object[k] = value;
return result;
var object = { place: "{{base_gplaceId}}", feedInputs: [{ subCategoryQuestion: "{{base_gquestionId}}", context: "other", image: "abc.jpg", mediaMetadata: { stickerList: [{ id: "someid2", sticker: "delish", weight: 3 }], textList: [{ text: "What an evening!!!" }] } }] },
result = visitAll(object);
result.forEach(o => console.log(JSON.stringify(o)));
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How to transform array of strings into specific tree structure in Javascript

I get a list of file paths from the backend, it represents a folder structure and looks like this:
paths = ["path/to/file1.doc", "path/to/file2.doc", "foo/bar.doc]
The lengths of the paths are arbitrary. In order to use a file tree component (angular2-tree-component) I need to transform this data into the following format:
nodes = [
"name": "path",
"children": [
"name": "to",
"children": [
{"name": "file1.doc"},
{"name": "file2.doc"}
"name": "foo",
"children": [
{"name": "bar.doc"}
I think the most efficient way to transform the data is to
Map the array with the files mirroring a tree structure first and then to
Iterate over every key in order to finalise the "children/parent" relations.
Step one:
transformToTree(data) {
const tree = {};
function addPathsToTree(paths) {
let map = tree
paths.forEach(function(item) {
map[item] = map[item] || {};
map = map[item];
data.forEach(function(path) {
let pathPart = path.split('/');
return pathTree;
When passing "nodes" into the transformToTree function (transformToTree(nodes)), I get the following result:
"path": {
"to": {
"file1.doc": {},
"file2.doc": {}
"foo": {
"bar": {}
I don't know how to proceed from here = how to iterate over all the keys and values while building the final array in the required structure.
There are a few examples like this or that on SO, but I was not able to understand how I could adapt them to my needs.
I would go with two nested loops, one for pathes and one for the splitted names and find the name or create new objects.
var paths = ["path/to/file1.doc", "path/to/file2.doc", "foo/bar.doc"],
result = [];
paths.reduce((r, path) => {
path.split('/').reduce((o, name) => {
var temp = (o.children = o.children || []).find(q => === name);
if (!temp) o.children.push(temp = { name });
return temp;
}, r);
return r;
}, { children: result });
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Javascript - Create and populate associative array containing sub arrays

I'm trying to collate some data. I would like to populate an array containing sub arrays, for example, I have some json data that I am iterating over:
"name": "name1",
"prices": "209.67"
"name": "name1",
"prices": "350"
"name": "name2",
"price": "195.97"
I would like to create an array that ends up looking something like the following:
myArray['name1']prices[0] = 209.67,
prices[1] = 350,
['name2']prices[0] = 195.97
I thought that the code below would achieve what I wanted but it doesn't work. It throws an exception. It doesn't seem to recognise the fact that the prices are an array for a given index into the main array. Instead the prices appear at the same level as the names. I want the main array for a given name to contain an inner array of prices.. Does anybody have any idea how I could modify to make this work?
function doStuff() {
var cryptoData = getData();
var datasetValues = {};
datasetValues.names = [];
datasetValues.names.prices = [];
for (var result = 0; result < cryptoData.length; result++) {
var data = cryptoData[result];
if (datasetValues.names.indexOf(data.cryptoname) === -1)
// This works
// This doesn't!
You could reduce the array by using an object and take a default object if the property is not set. Then push the price.
var data = [{ name: "name1", price: "209.67" }, { name: "name1", price: "350" }, { name: "name2", price: "195.97" }],
result = data.reduce((r, { name, price }) => {
r[name] = r[name] || { name, prices: [] };
return r;
}, Object.create(null));
Try this
function parseData(input){
return input.reduce(function(o,i){
o[] = {};
o[]['prices'] = [];
return o;

Recursive tree search in a nested object structure in JavaScript

I'm trying to figure out how to search for a node in this JSON object recursively. I have tried something but cannot get it:
var tree = {
"id": 1,
"label": "A",
"child": [
"id": 2,
"label": "B",
"child": [
"id": 5,
"label": "E",
"child": []
"id": 6,
"label": "F",
"child": []
"id": 7,
"label": "G",
"child": []
"id": 3,
"label": "C",
"child": []
"id": 4,
"label": "D",
"child": [
"id": 8,
"label": "H",
"child": []
"id": 9,
"label": "I",
"child": []
Here is my non-working solution, which is probably because the first node is just a value while children are in arrays:
function scan(id, tree) {
if( == id) {
return tree.label;
if(tree.child == 0) {
return scan(tree.child);
Your code is just missing a loop to inspect each child of a node in the child array. This recursive function will return the label property of a node or undefined if label not present in tree:
const search = (tree, target) => {
if ( === target) {
return tree.label;
for (const child of tree.child) {
const found = search(child, target);
if (found) {
return found;
const tree = {"id":1,"label":"A","child":[{"id":2,"label":"B","child":[{"id":5,"label":"E","child":[]},{"id":6,"label":"F","child":[]},{"id":7,"label":"G","child":[]}]},{"id":3,"label":"C","child":[]},{"id":4,"label":"D","child":[{"id":8,"label":"H","child":[]},{"id":9,"label":"I","child":[]}]}]};
console.log(search(tree, 1));
console.log(search(tree, 6));
console.log(search(tree, 99));
You can also do it iteratively with an explicit stack which won't cause a stack overflow (but note that the shorthand stack.push(...curr.child); can overflow the argument size for some JS engines due to the spread syntax, so use an explicit loop or concat for massive child arrays):
const search = (tree, target) => {
for (const stack = [tree]; stack.length;) {
const curr = stack.pop();
if ( === target) {
return curr.label;
const tree = {"id":1,"label":"A","child":[{"id":2,"label":"B","child":[{"id":5,"label":"E","child":[]},{"id":6,"label":"F","child":[]},{"id":7,"label":"G","child":[]}]},{"id":3,"label":"C","child":[]},{"id":4,"label":"D","child":[{"id":8,"label":"H","child":[]},{"id":9,"label":"I","child":[]}]}]};
for (let i = 0; ++i < 12; console.log(search(tree, i)));
A somewhat more generic design would return the node itself and let the caller access the .label property if they want to, or use the object in some other manner.
Note that JSON is purely a string format for serialized (stringified, raw) data. Once you've deserialized JSON into a JavaScript object structure, as is here, it's no longer JSON.
scan can be written recursively using a third parameter that models a queue of nodes to scan
const scan = (id, tree = {}, queue = [ tree ]) =>
// if id matches node id, return node label
id ===
? tree.label
// base case: queue is empty
// id was not found, return false
: queue.length === 0
? false
// inductive case: at least one node
// recur on next tree node, append node children to queue
: scan (id, queue[0], queue.slice(1).concat(queue[0].child))
Becauase JavaScript supports default arguments, the call site for scan is unaltered
( scan (1, tree) // "A"
, scan (3, tree) // "C"
, scan (9, tree) // "I"
, scan (99, tree) // false
Verify it works in your browser below
const scan = (id, tree = {}, queue = [ tree ]) =>
id ===
? tree.label
: queue.length === 0
? false
: scan (id, queue[0], queue.slice(1).concat(queue[0].child))
const tree =
{ id: 1
, label: "A"
, child:
[ { id: 2
, label: "B"
, child:
[ { id: 5
, label: "E"
, child: []
, { id: 6
, label: "F"
, child: []
, { id: 7
, label: "G"
, child: []
, { id: 3
, label: "C"
, child: []
, { id: 4
, label: "D"
, child:
[ { id: 8
, label: "H"
, child: []
, { id: 9
, label: "I"
, child: []
( scan (1, tree) // "A"
, scan (3, tree) // "C"
, scan (9, tree) // "I"
, scan (99, tree) // false
Related recursive search using higher-order functions
Here is a solution using object-scan
// const objectScan = require('object-scan');
const tree = {"id":1,"label":"A","child":[{"id":2,"label":"B","child":[{"id":5,"label":"E","child":[]},{"id":6,"label":"F","child":[]},{"id":7,"label":"G","child":[]}]},{"id":3,"label":"C","child":[]},{"id":4,"label":"D","child":[{"id":8,"label":"H","child":[]},{"id":9,"label":"I","child":[]}]}]};
const search = (obj, id) => objectScan(['**.id'], {
abort: true,
filterFn: ({ value, parent, context }) => {
if (value === id) {
return true;
return false;
})(obj, [])[0];
console.log(search(tree, 1));
// => A
console.log(search(tree, 6));
// => F
console.log(search(tree, 99));
// => undefined
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<script src=""></script>
Disclaimer: I'm the author of object-scan

How to change the value of an Array object in Javascript

I have an array object call listOfObjects.
[{"name":"A", "data":"[{"value1":"1","value2":"2"}]"},
{"name":"B", "data":"[{"value1":"1","value2":"2"}]"}]
What I want to do is insert an object into the array where the array is empty.If the array is not empty then do a check on the item inside. If item already exist, do update on the item, else add it to the array. Below is my code
var searchName= "A";
if (listOfObjects.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < listOfObjects.length; i++) {
if (listOfObjects[i].name == searchName) {
listOfObjects[i].data = data;
} else {
insert = {
'name': searchName,
'data': data
} else {
insert = {
'name': searchName,
'data': data
When I run it, even though A already exist, it update the existing item but also add one more time to the listOfObjects. Is there anyway that can achieve what I want? Thanks..
The problem is you're inserting into the array inside your for loop looking for a match. Instead, remember whether you've seen a match and insert after the loop if you haven't. There's also no reason for the length check and no reason to repeat your logic for inserting:
var searchName= "A";
var found = false;
for (var i = 0; !found && i < listOfObjects.length; i++) {
if (listOfObjects[i].name == searchName) {
listOfObjects[i].data = data;
found = true;
if (!found) {
'name': searchName,
'data': data
Note that you can use Array#find (which can be polyfilled for old browsers) to find the entry rather than a for loop if you like:
var searchName= "A";
var entry = listOfObjects.find(function(entry) {
return == searchName;
if (entry) { = data;
} else {
'name': searchName,
'data': data
First of all change this
[{"name":"A", "data":"[{"value1":"1","value2":"2"}]"},
{"name":"B", "data":"[{"value1":"1","value2":"2"}]"}]
[{"name":"A", "data":[{"value1":1,"value2":2}]},
{"name":"B", "data":[{"value1":"1","value2":"2"}]}];
because your list will throw Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
Write another simple function to get the item listOfObjects[i] with selected searchName. Here 'getSearchObject()' function checks the existance of searchName and then add or updates array.
addOrRemoveItem() {
let listOfObjects = [
{ "name": "A", "data": "[{'value1':'1','value2':'2'}]" },
{ "name": "B", "data": "[{'value1':'1','value2':'2'}]" }
data = '[{"value1":"1","value2":"2"}]';
var searchName = "C";
if (listOfObjects.length > 0) {
let searchObj = this.getSearchObject(listOfObjects, searchName);
if (searchObj) { = data;
} else {
let insert = {
"name": searchName,
"data": data
} else {
let insert = {
"name": searchName,
"data": data
getSearchObject(objArr, searchKey) {
var obj = null;
for (let i = 0; i < objArr.length; i++) {
if (objArr[i].name === searchKey) {
obj = objArr[i];
return obj;
A generic solution that recognizes older JS engines (filter instead of find) but does always assume getting passed a list of unique items could be implemented like this ...
function updateList(itemList, item) { // - always assume a list of unique items.
itemName =,
listItem = itemList.filter(function (elm) { // - assume `filter`, not find`.
return ( === itemName); // - find/get existing list item by name.
if (listItem) { =;
} else {
var list = [
{ "name": "A", "data": [ { "value1": "A1", "value2": "A2" }] },
{ "name": "B", "data": [ { "value1": "B1", "value2": "B2" }] },
{ "name": "C", "data": [ { "value1": "C1", "value2": "C2" }] }
console.log('list : ', list);
updateList(list, { "name": "D", "data": [ { "value1": "D1", "value2": "D2" }] });
updateList(list, { "name": "B", "data": [ { "value1": "b_1", "value2": "b_2", "value3": "b_3" }] });
updateList(list, { "name": "C", "data": [ { "value3": "C3" }] });
console.log('list : ', list);
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