jquery API CORS issue when specifying headers - javascript

I am calling an API from different domain, it doesn't have any authorization check for now but in future we are planning to do so. When I hit this API without any headers I get the response but when I set the headers the browser throws CORS error. the headers are appID, version and empID. "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header is set on server side. I am using another API from another domain which works perfectly fine with and without headers. I think the issue is with content-type or data-type but I am clueless.I get the response in JSON format.

When you pass non-standard headers to an AJAX request, the client will send a pre-flight OPTIONS HTTP Request before attempting the real request.
Your server needs to be able to handle that request, and also return the required ACAO headers in response to it.


Access to XMLHttpRequest at "SOME-URL" from origin 'localhost' has been blocked by CORS policy. Redirect is not allowed for a preflight request [duplicate]

I have followed this step to setup my server to enable CORS.
But now in my browser dev console, I see this error message:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://serveraddress/abc. Response for
preflight is invalid (redirect)
Do you know what can I do to fix it? I am making a CORS request in HTTPS. I think that is causing the 'preflight is invalid (redirect)' failure. But I don't know why or what is redirecting the OPTIONS request.
Thank you.
Short answer: Ensure the request URL in your code isn’t missing a trailing slash.
A missing-trailing-slash problem is the most-common cause of the error cited in the question.
But that’s not the only cause — just the most common. Read on for more details.
When you see this error, it means your code is triggering your browser to send a CORS preflight OPTIONS request, and the server’s responding with a 3xx redirect. To avoid the error, your request needs to get a 2xx success response instead.
You may be able to adjust your code to avoid triggering browsers to send the OPTIONS request.
As far as what all’s going on in this case, it’s important to know browsers do a CORS preflight if:
the request method is anything other than GET, HEAD, or POST
you’ve set custom request headers other than Accept, Accept-Language, Content-Language, Content-Type, DPR, Downlink, Save-Data, Viewport-Width, or Width
the Content-Type request header has a value other than application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, or text/plain
If you can’t change your code to avoid need for browsers to do a preflight, another option is:
Check the URL in the Location response header in the response to the OPTIONS request.
Change your code to make the request to that other URL directly instead.
The difference between the URLs might be something as simple as a trailing slash in the path — for example, you may need to change the URL in your code to add a trailing slash — e.g., http://localhost/api/auth/login/ (notice the trailing slash) rather than http://localhost/api/auth/login (no trailing slash) — or you might instead need to remove a trailing slash.
You can use the Network pane in browser devtools to examine the response to the OPTIONS request and to find the redirect URL in the value of the Location response header.
However, in some cases, all of the following will be true:
you’re not able to avoid the preflight OPTIONS
you’re not able to make any adjustments to the request URL
you’re not able to replace the request URL with a completely different URL
A common case with those conditions is when you try to work with some 3rd-party endpoint that requires an OAuth or SSO workflow that’s not intended to be used from frontend code.
In such cases — in all cases, actually — what’s essential to realize is that the response to the preflight must come from the same origin to which your frontend code sent the request.
So even if you create a server-side proxy that you control:
If your browser sends a preflight OPTIONS request to your proxy.
You’ve configured the proxy such that it just redirects the request to a 3rd-party endpoint.
Thus, your frontend ends up receiving a response directly from that 3rd-party endpoint.
…then the preflight will fail.
In such a case ultimately your only alternative is: ensure the preflight isn’t just redirected to the 3rd-party endpoint but instead your own server-side (proxy) code receives the response from that endpoint, consumes it, and then sends a response of its own back to your frontend code.
This happens sometimes when you try calling an https service as http, for example when you perform a request on:
Which should be:
First of all, ensure that you have "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" in the headers
then just remove "/" at the end of url
e.g. change
url: "https://facebook/api/login/"
url: "https://facebook/api/login" (without '/')
In my case I did not have to set the request header to have "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*". The url HAD TO be ending with a "/" at the end
in my case i also solve this preflight request by just putting one slash (/) at the end of the api
#django #reactJs
The CORS request was responded to by the server with an HTTP redirect to a URL on a different origin than the original request, which is not permitted during CORS requests.
For example, if the page https://service.tld/fetchdata were requested, and the HTTP response is "301 Moved Permanently", "307 Temporary Redirect", or "308 Permanent Redirect" with a Location of https://anotherservice.net/getdata, the CORS request will fail in this manner.
To fix the problem, update your code to use the new URL as reported by the redirect, thereby avoiding the redirect.The CORS request was responded to by the server with an HTTP redirect to a URL on a different origin than the original request, which is not permitted during CORS requests.
For example, if the page https://service.tld/fetchdata were requested, and the HTTP response is "301 Moved Permanently", "307 Temporary Redirect", or "308 Permanent Redirect" with a Location of https://anotherservice.net/getdata, the CORS request will fail in this manner.
To fix the problem, update your code to use the new URL as reported by the redirect, thereby avoiding the redirect.

Getting all response headers from an api request. Currently not all available

I have an http request where I want some response headers that are, for one reason or another, unavailable to me from the response object but visible in the chrome dev tools
But the response object from the javascript request api only contains some of these headers.
{ // response.headers
cache-control: "no-cache, private",
content-type: "application/json"
Surely, there must be a way to get things like x-ratelimit-limit as part of the response. If it's information sent to the browser, why can't it be available in a javascript http request api?
This looks like a CORS request. If so, response headers are restricted unless the right Access-Control-Allow-Headers header is set. This is for security reasons.

Request header field cache-control is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers

After a lot of search I unable to resolve this issue if someone let me know how to solve this issue I'll be very thankful.
I am sending AJAX request on third party URL so I unable to add custom headers in requested URL.
Request header field Cache-Control is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers error means that Cache-Control field of HTTP request header is not handled or allowed by server. Remove Cache-Controlfield from the request header.
Simplest solution: Use a very simple server-side script that acts as a proxy to the web service. So instead of requesting AJAX from the remote site, you request it locally on your own domain through the proxy. The proxy itself has it's programming logic to send your request off to the remote site, gather the data, and then serve it back to you.
Another solution: Look into JSONP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSONP which is a method to request data from a server on another domain.

Why is request preflighted if I add a standard http header when using cors?

I need to add some common extra info (needs to be sent with most of our http requests) to cross domain http requests, the extra data is something like device info or location info. We are using custom http headers for these info currently, but the custom header will make the browser to send an preflight request before the real http request, so we want to remove the preflight request for performance considerations. We considered using cookie firstly, but since the request is cross-domain, we can't set cookie for the domain of our API with javascript. Then I searched for documents, According to Mozilla docs:
In particular, a request is preflighted if:
It uses methods other than GET, HEAD or POST. Also, if POST is used
to send request data with a Content-Type other than
application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, or text/plain,
e.g. if the POST request sends an XML payload to the server using
application/xml or text/xml, then the request is preflighted.
It sets custom headers in the request (e.g. the request uses a header
such as X-PINGOTHER)
So I thought if I use a standard http header which is seldom used: the "From" header, it will not trigger the options request. but after I test this, I found I was wrong, the "From" header still trigger the options request.
So I have two questions:
Why does a standard http header trigger the preflight request?
How should I send the extra info without trigger the preflight request?
Any helps will be appreciated.
Read the above portion of the same page on what constitutes a "simple request" that doesn't need to be preflighted:
Apart from the headers set automatically by the user-agent (e.g. Connection, User-Agent, etc.), the only headers which are allowed to be set manually are
"custom headers" doesn't mean "nonstandard headers", it means any header not automatically set by the browser, other than those four.

jQuery, CORS, JSON (without padding) and authentication issues

I have two domains. I'm trying to access a JSON object from one domain through a page on another. I've read everything I could find regarding this issue, and still can't figure this out.
The domain serving the JSON has the following settings:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, OPTIONS"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "origin, authorization, accept"
From my other domain, I'm calling the following:
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
var auth = // authentication;
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + auth);
error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(textStatus, errorThrown); }
I know that 'auth' is initialized properly (logged and checked). However, this does not work. In Firefox's Console, I get
Request URL: ...
Request Method:
Status Code:
HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
If I get rid of the beforeSend:... part, I see the following
Request Method:
Status Code:
HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
However, the domain serving JSON also can serve JSONP. I don't want to use this, mainly because the application will be running constantly on a dedicated browser, and I'm worried about this issue. More importantly, I would really like to know what is actually wrong with what I am doing. I know that for practical purposes there are various ways to overcome the JSONP memory leak (such as not using jQuery).
At any rate, when I did use JSONP, my code looked like this:
This gets the following
Request Method:
Status Code:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
after it prompts me with an alert box for a username and password.
Is there a fundamental difference in the way jQuery handles JSONP requests as opposed to JSON requests? And if so, how can I fix this?
Edit: Here's what I did find.
Basically, because I need authentication, the GET request is sending an Authorization header. However, this is not a "simple" header, and so the browser is sending a pre-flight request (the OPTIONS). This preflight request doesn't have any authentication, though, and so the server was rejecting it. The "solution" was to set the server to let OPTIONS request not require authentication, and report an HTTP status of 200 to it.
Reference: http://www.kinvey.com/blog/item/61-kinvey-adds-cross-origin-resource-sharing-cors
mail-archive[.com]/c-user#axis.apache.org/msg00790.html (not allowed to post more links)
Unfortunately, the "solution" is only working on Firefox and not Chrome. Chrome simply shows the request in red, but doesn't give me any more info on why it failed.
Edit 2: Fixed on Chrome: The server I was trying to get data from had a security certificate which was not trusted. The preflight request on Chrome failed because of this. Solution
superuser[.com]/questions/27268/how-do-i-disable-the-warning-chrome-gives-if-a-security-certificate-is-not-trust (not allowed to post more links)
Welp, now that I have enough rep a while later, I might as well answer this question and accept it.
When you attempt to send a GET json request to a server with headers, the browser first sends an OPTION request to make sure that you can access it. Unfortunately, this OPTION request cannot carry with it any authentication. This means that if you want to send a GET with auth, the server must allow an OPTION without auth. Once I did this, things started working.
Some examples available here may illustrate further how access control can be combined with CORS. Specifically the credentialed GET example. Access control requires that the request set the withCredentials flag to true on the XMLHttpRequest, and for the server handling the OPTIONS method to do two things:
Set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Not use a wildcard * in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. This has to be set to the origin exactly according to the MDN docs on HTTP access control (CORS).
Essentially, the thing processing the OPTIONS request needs to send back appropriate response headers so you can make that credentialed request.
In your question you stated that the service you are interacting with is returning Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *, which is not compatible with a credentialed cross-domain request. This needs to return the origin specifically.
The aforementioned MDN Http Access Control (CORS) documentation also links to the Server-Side Access Control documentation outlining how a server would potentially respond to various cross domain requests - including handling a cross domain credentialed POST request that requires you to send back the correct headers in response to the OPTIONS method. You can find that example here.
Why don't you try typing the URL you are fetching the JSON from into your browser and seeing what happens. It sounds like you literally just need to authenticate into this other website to access it.
If your site needs to work in other browsers like IE, you WILL need JSONP, by the way. The security won't allow the cross site request to work. The headers won't change that. I believe you will also need to add a security policy in your headers.

