passing a veriable in a class base component - javascript

I am very a beginner at Javascript, ES6 and ReactNative. I have a class component called Input. there I have a method (handleTextLayout) in which I get the width of my Text. I need to use that number inside the render method, let's say i want to show how big the text it. How can I have a class variable and the then change it in that method and pass it in other places in the class? Below is what I tried (besides many other things) but it doesn't work.
class Input extends Component {
Input.TextWidth = '11111';
Input.TextWidth = evt.nativeEvent.layout.width;
const { label, placeholder, onChangeText, value } = this.props;
const { inputStyle, labelStyle, viewContainerStyle } = myInputStyle ;
<View style={ viewContainerStyle } >
<Text style={ labelStyle } onLayout={this.handleTextLayout.bind(this)}>
{ Input.TextWidth }
style={ inputStyle }
placeholder={ placeholder }
onChangeText={ onChangeText }
value={ value }
it still shows that 11111 in the Text.

Some folks in comments pointed out mistakes in this code - I fixed those now, thanks!
I don't know anything about React Native but I assume this works the same as in React.
I guess what you could do is to create a state and save that width there.
Then in the handleTextLayout method you set state to new value.
this.state = {
textWidth: '11111'
this.handleTextLayout.bind(this); // a good practice
and then
this.setState({ textWidth: evt.nativeEvent.layout.width });
and finally in render:
<Text style={ labelStyle } onLayout={this.handleTextLayout}>
{ this.state.textWidth }
This will work because setState will re-render the component so it shows new value.


React-Native Flatlist all Flatlist Rerender on one Item Selection

I'm building a React-Native app and trying to optimize it, i runned into the case of my Flatlist.
So this Flatlist basically renders few elements and each of these elements are selectable.
The issue i'm facing is that selecting one single item rerenders the whole Flatlist, and thus all items it contains.
I've seen a lot of solutions online already, and tried them without any success.
Here is my code :
Class component containing the Flatlist
const keyExtractor = (item) =>
export default class OrderedList extends Component {
state = {
selected: null,
onPressSelect = (id) => {
if(this.state.selected === id) {
this.setState({ selected: null})
else {
this.setState({ selected: id})
renderItemOrdered = ({item}) => {
const { group, wording, description, id: uniqueID } = item
const { id, name } = group
return (
// item={item}
onPressSelect={() => this.onPressSelect(}
render() {
return (
extraData={this.state.selected} ---> Tried with and without it
Class component containing the renderItem method
export default class CategoryCard extends Component {
shouldComponentUpdate = (nextProps, nextState) => {
return nextProps.selected !== this.props.selected &&
nextProps.onPressSelect !== this.props.onPressSelect
if(this.props.type === 'ordered') {
return (
<Pressable style={this.props.selected === this.props.uniqueID ? styles.cardContainerSelected : styles.cardContainer} onPressIn={this.props.onPressSelect}>
<View style={[styles.cardHeader, backgroundTitleColor(this.props.groupID)]}>
<Text style={[styles.cardGroupName, textTitleColor(this.props.groupID)]}>{this.props.groupName}</Text>
<View style={styles.cardContent}>
<Text style={styles.cardTitle}>{this.props.wording}</Text>
<Text style={styles.cardDescription} numberOfLines={3} ellipsizeMode="tail">{this.props.description}</Text>
What i already tried :
At first my components were functional components so i changed them into class components in order to make things works. Before that, i tried to use React.memo, also to manually add a function areEqual to it, to tell it when it should rerender, depending on props.
It didn't give me what i wanted.
I also tried to put all anonymous functions outside return statements, made use of useCallback, played around the ShouldComponentUpdate (like adding and removing all the props, the onPress prop, selected props)... None of that worked.
I must be missing something somewhere.. If you can help me with it, it would be a big help !

React - state doesn't update in class component even though the message printed on the screen changes

I have an App component which holds an input. Every time I type in the input, the value of the input updates and a Message component prints a different message, depending on how long the input is. At the same time, a third component called Character print to the screen every letter of the string, individually. The desired behavior is that when I click on one of the letters, it gets removed from the string, the new string is displayed on the screen and the input also gets updated with the new string.
I used some console.logs to debug and everything seems to be happening as expected, until the last step when I am trying to update the state, but for some reason, it doesn't get updated.
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { text: "" };
render() {
const handleUpdateText = event => {
const inputLength = this.state.text.length;
const toArray = this.state.text.split("");
const handleDeleteLetter = index => {
toArray.splice(index, 1);
const updatedArray = toArray.join("");
this.setState({ text: updatedArray });
return (
<input type="text" onChange={handleUpdateText} />
<Message inputLength={inputLength} />
{, index) => (
deleteLetter={() => handleDeleteLetter(index)}
class Message extends React.Component {
render() {
const { inputLength } = this.props;
let codeToPrint = "The text is long enough!";
if (inputLength <= 5) {
codeToPrint = "The text is not long enough!";
return <p>{codeToPrint}</p>;
class Character extends React.Component {
render() {
const { theLetter, deleteLetter } = this.props;
return (
display: "inline-block",
padding: "16px",
textAlign: "center",
margin: "16px",
backgroundColor: "tomato"
The complete code is here:
I don't really understand what am I doing wrong and I have a feeling is somehow related to a life cycle method. Any answer could help. Thank you.
State is getting updated, you just need to pass value prop to the input so that input's value can be in sync with your state
<input type="text" value={this.state.text} onChange={handleUpdateText} />
And you're not seeing updated state just after setting it because setState is asynchronous. That's why the console statement just after the setState statement shows the previous value.
Also you should move functions out of your render method, because everytime your component re-renders, new functions would be created. You can declare them as class properties and pass their reference
handleUpdateText = event => {
render() {
return (
<input type="text" onChange={this.handleUpdateText} />

How to pass function and data from component class to stateless class in React Native?

I am working with react native and I want to pass function and some data from Component class to another Stateless class, but I could not make to passing function and data part.
Here you can see my Component class:
class Classroom extends Component {
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
state = {
isLightOn: false,
title : "Turn light on "
onPress() {
this.setState({isLightOn: !this.state.isLightOn})
this.setState({title:this.state.isLightOn===false ?"Turn light off":"Turn light on"})
render() {
return (
<View style={}>
<LightBulb isLightOn={this.state.isLightOn}> </LightBulb>
<LightButton onPress={this.onPress} isLightOn={this.state.isLightOn} title={this.state.title} > </LightButton>
Firstly, I want to pass isLightOn and title datas to my LightButton class (which mean to my stateless class). After that, I want to use onPress function inside of my Stateless class, but I cannot use. I am taking that error:
Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState inside componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. React limits the number of nested updates to prevent infinite loops.
I also LightButton onPress={this.onPress} remove parenthesis, but still taking error.
Here is my my Stateless class
const LightButton = ({onPress,isLightOn,title}) => (
<View style={}>
title= {title}
onPress={() => {}
I want to use onPress function and datas inside of the this class.
As a result, How can I pass function and data to that class?
The main issue here is that you need to declare onPress using an arrow function or bind it to the component's this value within the constructor. Otherwise it wouldn't have access to the correct this value. Other than that, the way you were passing props into components is perfectly fine.
I also merged your two set state calls in onPress to one as it's easier.
In LightButton, I set it up like this to pass the onPress function down to the button:
const LightButton = ({ onPress, isLightOn, title }) => (
<div style={{backgroundColor:'red'}}>
<Button title={title} onPress={onPress} />
(I set it up using react, but the issues at hand are more of a JS issue than a React/ReactNative one, so the advice should still be valid :) )
const { Component } = React;
const View = 'div';
const Button = (({title,onPress})=><button onClick={onPress}>{title}</button>);
const LightBulb = ({ isLightOn }) => {
return <div className={'LightBulb' + (isLightOn ? ' on' : '')} />;
const LightButton = ({ onPress, isLightOn, title }) => (
<div style={{backgroundColor:'red'}}>
<Button title={title} onPress={onPress} />
class Classroom extends Component {
state = {
isLightOn: false,
title: 'Turn light on ',
onPress=()=> {
this.state.isLightOn === false ? 'Turn light off' : 'Turn light on',
isLightOn: !this.state.isLightOn
render() {
return (
<div style={{backgroundColor:'blue'}}>
<LightBulb isLightOn={this.state.isLightOn}> </LightBulb>
ReactDOM.render(<Classroom />, document.querySelector('#root'));
.LightBulb {
height: 50px;
width: 50px;
border-radius: 50px;
background-color: black;
.LightBulb.on {
background-color: white;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"/>
You can assign it like
const LightButton = ({onPress,isLightOn,title}) => (
or with an arrow function if you need to pass arg inside
do notice that you either don't put () at all, or twice () => func() for not run the function while it is just loads and not clicked.
unrelated directly to your issue but something that you encounter is inside onPress by doing like so
this.setState({isLightOn: !this.state.isLightOn})
this.setState({title:this.state.isLightOn===false ?"Turn light off":"Turn light on"})
setState it is an async call, and therefore second setState usage not guaranteed to refer the state as you expect, use setState({ ... }, () => callback()) or all at one line and accords to prev state
this.setState({isLightOn: !this.state.isLightOn, title: !this.state.isLightOn===false ?"Turn light off":"Turn light on"})
First thing you did wrong is your state instantiating !
you need to instantiate your state in the constructor block like:
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
this.state = { counter: 0 };
onPress() you use this for your function which is not recommended in react native or any other language , those are dedicated functions and methods of React Native
For passing a parameter or calling a function it is better to use these patterns ====>
onPress={() => urFunction()} with parenthesis or
onPress={urFunction} without parenthesis
Do the modifications I hope it helps <3

Getting NaN when trying to use new Animated.Value() in React Native

I am trying to implement a collapsible card in React Native, and regardless of the implementation I use, keep getting the same error:
[555,"RCTView",211,{"onLayout":true,"height":"<< NaN>>"}] is not usable as a native method argument
The problem lies in using new Animated.Value(), when I initialize it with a value, say new Animated.Value(100), the error goes away and the functionality works, but the maximum height of is that constant I put in, which is not what I want. So, it seems not passing any values to Animated.Value has it return NaN.
I'm not sure if this is the expected behavior, but I'm assuming it is not as my code is almost exactly the same as here: Make animated collapsible card component, with initial props to show or hide
I will paste my code regardless:
import {Text, View, TouchableHighlight, StyleSheet, Animated} from 'react-native'
export default class Card extends React.Component{
anime = {
height: new Animated.Value(),
expanded: false,
contentHeight: 0,
constructor(props) {
this._initContentHeight = this._initContentHeight.bind(this);
this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);
this.anime.expanded = props.expanded;
_initContentHeight(evt) {
if (this.anime.contentHeight>0) return;
this.anime.contentHeight = evt.nativeEvent.layout.height;
this.anime.height.setValue(this.anime.expanded ? this._getMaxValue() : this._getMinValue() );
_getMaxValue() { return this.anime.contentHeight };
_getMinValue() { return 0 };
toggle() {
Animated.timing(this.anime.height, {
toValue: this.anime.expanded ? this._getMinValue() : this._getMaxValue(),
duration: 300,
this.anime.expanded = !this.anime.expanded;
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.titleContainer}>
<View style={styles.title}>
<TouchableHighlight underlayColor="transparent" onPress={this.toggle}>
<Animated.View style={[styles.content, { height: this.anime.height }]} onLayout={this._initContentHeight}>
var styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
backgroundColor: '#fff',
titleContainer: {
flexDirection: 'row'
card: {
padding: 10
import { Text } from 'react-native';
import Card from '../components/Panel';
export default class SearchDisplay extends React.Component {
render (){
return (
<Card title='Customized Card 1' expanded={false}>
<Text>Hello, this is first line.</Text>
<Text>Hello, this is second line.</Text>
<Text>Hello, this is third line.</Text>
Apologies in advance if it's something really obvious that I'm overlooking.
As a initial value give it a 0. Then you can try to get the height of animated.view component and set it in a value in state.
But I'm not sure you can or not place it in a Animated.Value(). Who knows, it may works :-)
Animated.Value should be initialized with some initial value like 0 or else you can directly use 0 as your initial height.
NAN means you calculating a mathematic operation but you are passing non-integer value in your functionality

React Native - change component style by key

I know that in html and javascript are able to change it own css style by id and class , in react native, how to set / change the component style. I have map a list of component, and each of them have set a key value. When I call a function, I would like to change one of the component style.
eg: change the key is 2 component style
return, i)=>{
//do something
You can use Direct Manipulation but it's not a good practice, for more please read
Direct manipulation will not be a tool that you reach for frequently; you will typically only be using it for creating continuous animations to avoid the overhead of rendering the component ...
in the link. Otherwise, you should you set state in component and change state to update the style
first set ref to the component :
ref={(thisItem) => this[`item-${i}`] = thisItem}
then setNativeProps :
_ChangeStyle() {
this['item-2'].setNativeProps({style: {/* your style here */}});
full example
export default class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
speciallist: ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']
componentDidMount() {
this['text-0'].setNativeProps({style: {fontSize: "10"}});
this['text-1'].setNativeProps({style: {fontSize: "20"}});
this['text-2'].setNativeProps({style: {fontSize: "30"}});
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
{, i)=>(
ref={(thisItem) => this[`text-${i}`] = thisItem}

