Type expressions in JavaScript - javascript

I have seen Google using a lot of Type Expressions in various APIs. Can someone explain to me what good they do? Are they only there to highlight/colorcode a certain functions, or ease readability? Or do they serve some actual purpose?
I'm a bit confused as they're used as together with commented-out code but differ from regular comments with /** #type */ instead of /* #type */ (which do not color-code the comment)
Could someone give me the how's and why's of Type Expressions?

You will see these in a lot of places other than Google. They can be used for Closure Compiler to improve optimization and also provide a bit of type safety by warning when there are type errors.
But more generally these are JSDoc tags, which allow you to annotate and describe javascript code. The tags can document what types of data you code expects to receive and what will be returned. This can then be used to automatically produce documentation about your code and can also be used by text editors and IDEs to give feedback while working. Many popular editors support this such as Sublime Text and Visual Studio.
Lots of information here: http://usejsdoc.org/index.html


Coverage-based fuzzing of JavaScript applications

The American Fuzzy Lop, and the conceptually related LLVM libfuzzer not only generate random fuzzy strings, but they also watch branch coverage of the code under test and use genetic algorithms to try to cover as many branches as possible. This increases the hit frequency of the more interesting code further downstream as otherwise most of the generated inputs will be stopped early in some deserialization or validation.
But those tools work at native code level, which is not useful for JavaScript applications as it would be trying to cover the interpreter, but not really the interpreted code.
So is there a way to fuzz JavaScript (preferably in browser, but tests running in node.js would help too) with coverage guidance?
I looked at the tools mentioned in this old question, but those that do javascript don't seem to mention anything about coverage profiling. And while radamsa mentions optionally pairing it with coverage analsysis, I haven't found any documentation on how to actually do it.
How can one fuzz-test java-script (in browser) application with coverage guidance?
Fuzzing a JavaScript engine draws a lot of attention as the number of browser users is about 4 Billion. Several works have been done to find bugs in JS engines, including popular large engines, e.g, v8, webkit, chakracore, gecko, or some small embedded engines, like jerryscript, QuickJS, jsish, mjs, mujs.
It is really difficult to find bugs using AFL as the mutation mechanisms provided by AFL is not practical for JS files, e.g, bitflip can hardly be a valid mutation. Since JS is a structured language, several works using ECMAScript grammar to mutate/generate JS files(seeds):
LangFuzz parses sample JS files and splits them into code fragments. It then recombines the fragments to produce test cases.
jsfunfuzz randomly generates syntactically valid JS statements from JS grammar manually written for fuzzing.
Dharma is a generation-based, context-free grammar fuzzer, generating files based on given grammar.
Superion extends AFL using tree-based mutation guided by JS grammar.
The above works can easily pass the syntax checks but fail at semantic checks. A lot of generated JS seeds are semantically invalid.
CodeAlchemist uses a semantics-aware approach to generate code segments based on a static type analysis.
There are two levels of bugs related to JS engines: simple parser/interpreter bugs and deep inside logic bugs. Recently, there is a trend that the number of simple bugs decreases while more and more deep bugs come out.
DIE uses aspect-preserving mutation to preserves the desirable properties of CVEs. It also using type analysis to generate semantic-valid bugs.
Some works focus on mutating intermediate representations.
Fuzzilli is a coverage-guided fuzzer based on mutation on the IR level. The mutations on IR can guarantee semantic validity and can be transferred to JS.
Fuzzing JS is an interesting and hot topic according to the top conference of security/SE in recent years. Hope this information is helpful.

Detecting typos in JavaScript code

In Python world, one of the most widely-used static code analysis tools, pylint has a special check, that detects typos in comments and docstrings.
Is there a way to detect typos in JavaScript code using static code analysis?
To make the question more specific, here is an example code I want to cause a warning:
// enter credntials and log in
scope.loginPage.logIn(browser.params.regularUser.login, browser.params.regularUser.password);
Here credntials is misspelled.
There is a eslint plugin built specifically for the task - eslint-plugin-spellcheck:
eslint plugin to spell check words on identifiers, Strings and comments of javascript files.
It is based on the hunspell-spellchecker library that knows how to parse and use Hunspell dictionaries of known words:
Hunspell is a spell checker and morphological analyzer designed for
languages with rich morphology and complex word compounding and
character encoding, originally designed for the Hungarian language.
Here is what it outputs for the example code provided in the question:
$ node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js -c eslint.json showCase.spec.js
25:8 warning You have a misspelled word: credntials on Comment spellcheck/spell-checker
The plugin is easily customizable and can check in comments, identifiers and strings.
You can use cspell. It's a very handy command line tool and finds spelling mistakes in JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, PHP, C#, C++, LaTex, Go, HTML and CSS sources.
Output for your example:
cspell ./src/code.js
code.js:1:10 - Unknown word (credntials)
// enter credntials and log in
scope.loginPage.logIn(browser.params.regularUser.login, browser.params.regularUser.password);

How would I create a Text to Html parser? [duplicate]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
Edit: I recently learned about a project called CommonMark, which
correctly identifies and deals with the ambiguities in the original
Markdown specification. http://commonmark.org/ It has great C# library
You can find the syntax here.
The source that follows with the download is written in Perl, which I have no intentions of honoring. It is riddled with regular expressions, and it relies on MD5 hashes to escape certain characters. Something is just wrong about that!
I'm about to hard code a parser for Markdown. What is experience with this?
If you don't have anything meaningful to say about the actual parsing of Markdown, spare me the time. (This might sound harsh, but yes, I'm looking for insight, not a solution, that is, a third-party library).
To help a bit with the answers, regular expressions are meant to identify patterns! NOT to parse an entire grammar. That people consider doing so is foobar.
If you think about Markdown, it's fundamentally based around the concept of paragraphs.
As such, a reasonable approach might be to split the input into paragraphs.
There are many kinds of paragraphs, for example, heading, text, list, blockquote, and code.
The challenge is thus to identify these paragraphs and in what context they occur.
I'll be back with a solution, once I find it's worthy to be shared.
The only markdown implementation I know of, that uses an actual parser, is Jon MacFarleane’s peg-markdown. Its parser is based on a Parsing Expression Grammar parser generator called peg.
EDIT: Mauricio Fernandez recently released his Simple Markup Markdown parser, which he wrote as part of his OcsiBlog Weblog Engine. Because the parser is written in OCaml, it is extremely simple and short (268 SLOC for the parser, 43 SLOC for the HTML emitter), yet blazingly fast (20% faster than discount (written in hand-optimized C) and sixhundred times faster than BlueCloth (Ruby)), despite the fact that it isn't even optimized for performance yet. Because it is only intended for internal use by Mauricio himself for his weblog, there are a few deviations from the official Markdown specification, but Mauricio has created a branch which reverts most of those changes.
I released a new parser-based Markdown Java implementation last week, called pegdown.
pegdown uses a PEG parser to first build an abstract syntax tree, which is subsequently written out to HTML. As such it is quite clean and much easier to read, maintain and extend than a regex based approach.
The PEG grammar is based on John MacFarlanes C implementation "peg-markdown".
Maybe something of interest to you...
If I was to try to parse markdown (and its extension Markdown extra) I think I would try to use a state machine and parse it one char at a time, linking together some internal structures representing bits of text as I go along then, once all is parsed, generating the output from the objects all stringed together.
Basically, I'd build a mini-DOM-like tree as I read the input file.
To generate an output, I would just traverse the tree and output HTML or anything else (PS, LaTex, RTF,...)
Things that can increase complexity:
The fact that you can mix HTML and markdown, although the rule could be easy to implement: just ignore anything that's between two balanced tags and output it verbatim.
URLs and notes can have their reference at the bottom of the text. Using data structures for hyperlinks could simply record something like:
[my text to a link][linkkey]
results in a structure like:
| InnerText : "my text to a link"
| Key : "linkkey"
| URL : <null>
Headers can be defined with an underline, that could force us to use a simple data structure for a generic paragraph and modify its properties as we read the file:
| InnerText : the current paragraph text
| (beginning of line until end of line).
| HeadingLevel : <null> or 1-4 when we can assess
| that paragraph heading level, if any.
Anyway, just some thoughts.
I'm sure that there are many small details to take care of and I'm pretty sure that Regexes could become handy during the process.
After all, they were meant to process text.
I'd probably read the syntax specification enough times to know it, and get a feel for how to parse it.
Reading the existing parser code is of course brilliant, both to see what seems to be the main source of complexity, and if any special clever tricks are being used. The use of MD5 checksumming seems a bit weird, but I haven't studied the code enough to understand why it's being done. A comment in a routine called _EscapeSpecialChars() states:
We're replacing each such character with its corresponding MD5 checksum value;
this is likely overkill, but it should prevent us from colliding with the escape
values by accident.
Replacing a single character by a full MD5 does seem extravagant, but perhaps it really makes sense.
Of course, it'd be clever to consider creating a "true" syntax, for a tool such as Flex to get out of the regex bog.
If Perl isn't your thing, there are Markdown implementations in at least 10 other languages. They probably don't all have 100% compatibility, but tend to be pretty close.
MarkdownPapers is another Java implementation whose parser is defined in a JavaCC grammar.
If you are using a programming language that has more than three other
users, you should be able to find a library to parse it for you. A
quick Google-ing reveals libraries for CL, Haskell, Python,
JavaScript, Ruby, and so on. It is highly unlikely that you will need
to reinvent this wheel.
If you really have to write it from scratch, I recommend writing a
proper parser. With this technique, you won't have to escape things
with MD5 hashes. (I agree that if you have to do something like this,
it's time to reconsider your design.)
There are libraries available in a number of languages, including php, ruby, java, c#, javascript. I'd suggest looking at some of these for ideas.
It depends on which language you wish to use, for the best way to implement it, there will be idiomatic and non idiomatic ways to do it.
Regexes work in perl, because perl and regex are best friends.
Markdown is a JAWL (just another wiki language)
There are plenty of open source wiki's out there that you can examine the code of the parser. Most use REGEX
Check out the screwturn wiki, is has an interesting multi pass formatter pipeline, a very nice technique - see /core/Formatter.cs and /core/FormatterPipeline.cs
Best is to use/join an existing project, these sorts of things are always much harder than they appear
Here you can find a JavaScript-implementation of Markdown. It also relies heavily on regular expressions, as this is just the fastest and easiest way to parse the text.
But it spares the MD5 part.
I cannot help directly with the coding of the parsing, but maybe this link can help you one way or another.

Semi-obfuscate/uglify JavaScript

I know about JS minfiers, obfuscators and minifiers. I was wondering if there is any existing tool (or any fast-to-code solution) to partially obfuscate JavaScript. By partially I mean that it should become difficult to read, but not appear as uglified/minified. It should keep indentation, but lose comments, and partially change variable names, making them unclear without converting them to "a, b, c" like an obfuscator.
The purpose of this could be to take an explicit and reusable code and make it implicit and difficult to be reused by other people, without making it impossible to work with for yourself.
Any idea from where to start to achieve this ? Maybe editing an existing obfuscator ?
[This answer is a direct response to OP's request].
Semantic Designs JavaScript obfuscator will do what you want, but you'll need two passes.
On the first pass, run it as obfuscator; it will rename identifiers (although you can control how much or how that is done), strip whitepspace and comments. If you limit its ability to rename the identifiers, you lose some the strength of the obfuscator but that's your choice.
On the second pass, run it as a prettyprinter; it will introduce nice indentation again.
(In fact, the idea for obfsucation came from building a prettyprinter; if you can print-pretty, surely it is easy to print-ugly).
From the point of view of working with the code, you are better off working with your master copy any way you like, complete with your indentation and nice commentary as documentation. When you are ready to obfsucate, you run the obfuscator, shipping the obfuscated result. Errors reported in the obfuscated result that involve obfuscated names can be mapped back to the original names, using the map of obfuscated <--> original names produced during the obfuscation step.
This a product of my company. I'd provide a link but SO hates it when I do that, so you'll have to find it via my bio or googling.
PS: It works exactly as #georg suggests, by parsing to an AST, mangling, and prettyprinting. It doesn't use esprima.
I'm not aware of a tool that would meet your specific requirements, but it seems to be relatively easy to create, given that the vital parts already exist.
parse the source into an AST, using esprima or similar
manipulate the tree in the way you want (eg. remove comments, mangle identifiers etc)
rebuild the source from the tree using escodegen

Fulltext search ignoring comments

I want fulltext search for my JavaScript code, but I'm usually not interested in matches from the comments.
How can I have fulltext search ignoring any commented match? Such a feature would increase my productivity as a programmer.
Also, how can I do the opposite: search within the comments only?
(I'm currently using Text Mate, but happy to change.)
See our Source Code Search Engine (SCSE). This tool indexes your code base using the langauge structure to guide the indexing; it can do so for many languages including JavaScript. Search queries are then stated in terms of abstract language tokens, e.g., to find identifiers involving the string "tax" multiplied by some constant, you'd write:
I=*tax* '*' N
This will search all indexed languages only for identifiers (in each language) following by a '*' token, followed by some kind of number. Because the tool understands language structure, it isn't confused by whitespace, formatting or interverning comments. Because it understands comments, you can search inside just comments (say, for authors):
Given a query, the SCSE finds all the hits across the code base (possibly millions of lines), and offers these as set of choices; clicking on choice pulls up the file with the hit in the middle outlined where the match occurs.
If you insist on searching just raw text, the SCSE provides grep-style searches. If you have only a small set of files, this is still pretty fast. If you have a big set of files, this is a lot slower than language-structure based searches. In both cases, grep like searches get you more hits, usually at the cost of false positives (e.g., finding "tax" in a comment, or finding a variable named "Authorization_code"). But at least you have the choice.
While this doesn't operate from inside an editor, you can launch your editor (for most editors) on a file once you've found the hit you want.
Use ultraedit , It fully supports full text search ignoring comment or also within the comment search
How about NetBeans way (Find Symbol in the Navigate Menu),
It searches all variables,functions,objects etc.
Or you could customize JSLint and customize it if you want to integrate it in a web application or something like that.
I personnaly use Notepad++ wich is a great free code editor. It seems you need an editor supporting regular expression search (in one or many files). If you know Reg you can use powerfull search like in/out javascript comments...the work will be to build the right expression and test it with one file with all differents cases to be sure it will not miss things during real search, or maybe you can google for 'javascript comments regular expression' or something like...
Then must have a look at Notepad++ plugins, one is 'RegEx Helper' wich helps for building regular expressions.

