React update parent component - javascript

I have a React component which i need to update when i call onSubmit on a child component
The parent component which needs to get updated looks like this:
componentDidMount() {
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
render() {
return (
{ => {
return (
When i submit the <Form/> component i call
handleSubmit(e) {
e.preventDefault();'/todo', {
todoItem: this.state.todoItem
where i need to update the parent component, in order to get the updated list from the server

I am not sure entirely about your question but you can pass a function (updateParent) from parent component to the child component as a property and when you want to update the parent component, invoke this.props.propFromParentComponent in your child component. If you want the parent component to update, use the this.setState({..}) and update the state of the component to update the parent component inside of this function (updateParent).

If you have a store that the parent component is listening to for prop changes you could have the child component update the store which would in turn update the parent. This would be assuming you have a unidirectional flow of data.
If you need to have the child component directly update it's parent the answer AliF50 supplied would work.


get id value of url in another component passed via props - vue

I am creating one reusable component. There are two child components. This flow is like below
Child component 1 -> Parent Component -> Super Parent main Component
In child component, i am creating a prop url then pass into Parent component then pass to Super Parent component where i am passing value like this below.
Child Component
prop: {
urls: {
type: Object,
required: true,
default: () => ({
saveProduct: '/entity/save',
updateProduct: '/entity/update
Parent Component
<ChildComponent :urls = "uris" />
props: {
uris: {
default: () => ({})
Super Parent Component
<ParentComponent :uris="urls" />
data() {
return {
urls: {
saveUri: `/products/${this.$}/categories`,
updateUri: `/products/${this.$}/categories/${this.productId}`
Here i am giving snippets for flow not full code. I want to know the generic way to get the productId value in Super parent.
In here, i can get this (this.$ value but how can i get productid value available in super parent from Child component.
Any generic example will be helpful for me... How to send data from one component to next of next component?
Props are for passing data downwards from parent to child. To send data upwards from child to parent, emit and event from child and listen to it in parent.
this.$emit('clicked', 'someValue')
Another option would be using a global state store like Vuex.

How to pass data in two way data binding in class base component in ReactJS?

My problem that is in a child component, I have a state that updated via post method and I must show this state in my parent component both these component are the class base component
The ReactJS is a library with One directional data binding. So that is not possible to pass data like Angular or VueJS. you should pass a handler function to the child-component and then after the Axios answer update the local and also the parent component.
And there is a little hint here, there is no different for your situation between class components and functional components. pay attention to the sample code:
class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
state = {
data: undefined,
handleGetData = data => {
render() {
return (
<ChildComponent onGetData={this.handleGetData} />
And now inside the ChildComponent you can access to the handler function:
class ChildComponent extends React.Component {
componentDidMound() {
const { onGetData } = this.props;
.then( (data) => {
onGetData(data); // running this update your parent state
render() {
return (
<div />
React's practice is one-directional. For best practice, you must 'Raise' the states into the parent component.
But if you were looking specifically to pass data up, you need to pass a callback down as a prop. use that callback function to pass the data up:
<Child callback={console.log} />
const Child = (props) => {
const { callback } = props;
const postData = (...) => {

React child component not updating parents state, so second child is not noticing the changes

Curently I have this structure.
Child1 <---- Parent ----> Child2
Parent component has this state
this.state = {
authenticationChecked: true,
isAuthenticated: true,
sideBarRetracted: false
this.retract = this.retract.bind(this);
this.unretract = this.unretract.bind(this);
and the following functions
retract() {
sideBarRetracted: true
}, () => {
console.log(this.state.sideBarRetracted) //I can see this changing to true, but the child wont take it into effect, even tho if i hardcode it , it will
unretract() {
sideBarRetracted: false
Which is pased to both childs
<SideBar retract={this.retract} unretract={this.unretract} retracted={this.state.sideBarRetracted} {...this.props}/>
<PrivateRoute authed={this.state.isAuthenticated} path="/skadi" render={(props) => <Skadi retracted={this.state.sideBarRetracted} {...props}/>} />
Now my question is. I supposedly should receive that as a prop in a child component, for example lets say in the sidebar component which is a child. Whose constructor is this, and im supposed to receive the prop there and assign it to the state
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
retracted: this.props.retracted
It works properly so far, but now I have the following issue. This same component has a function onClick() which will change that specific state
<FontAwesomeIcon className="registerIcon" icon={faArrowAltCircleLeft} onClick={this.props.retract} />
<FontAwesomeIcon className="expandicon-retracted" icon={faArrowAltCircleRight} onClick={this.props.unretract} />
But point is, this is not working, the state is not being updated in the parent component. I can change it manually (hardcoding) and I see the child component reacting to the change, but i cant make it react with the onclick() update
At the same time, I have my Child2 component, who has been passed the parent state as well. Will its state update if I update the parent component using CHILD1 ?
I have seen that i should use something like this in the child2 , but well it wont work so far (mainly because parent component isnt updated afaik)
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
sideretracted: false
console.log("props in skadi")
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
this.setState({ sideretracted: nextProps.sideBarRetracted});
You shouldn't set the child state from the props received from the parent component.
Since you are updating the state of child component from the methods bound to the child components it isn't reflected in the parent component.
One thing you could do is pass a method from the parent to update the state of the parent component and the child state gets updated by itself since it will be passed the new state variable from parent as a prop.
You could have the toggleRetract method defined in the parent to set the parent state and pass it as a prop to the child component which would trigger it and set the parent state for you which will be passed down to the children components as props (like how you are passing the state props).
For example
function Toggle() {
const [on, setOn] = React.useState(false)
const toggle = () => setOn(o => !o)
return <Switch on={on} onToggle={toggle} />
function Switch({on, onToggle}) {
return (
<div>The button is {on ? 'on' : 'off'}</div>
<button onClick={onToggle}>Toggle</button>
Here Toggle is the parent component and Switch is the child component and the parent component passes the on state as well as onToggle method which the child component uses to display and update the state respectively.
More info here

ReactJS ComponentWillMount() after passing Props

I want to ask why the child ( ComponentWillMount() ) component is only once rendered, once I am passing props to it everytime on onClick.
Once I click some button that is passing props to the child, the ComponentWillMount() of child is not triggering again, only in the first click only.
Parent Component:
editID = {this.state.editID}
editURL = {this.state.editURL}
editConf = {this.state.editConf}
editDesc = {this.state.editDesc}
editIcon = {this.state.editIcon}
editParent = {this.state.editParent}
editOrder= {this.state.editOrder}
Child Component:
urlDuplicate: false,
isSuccess: false,
errorMessage: '',
let {
editOrder} = this.props
if(nextProps.status != this.props.status){
let {
editOrder} = this.props
ComponentWillMount is mounting lifecycle method which will be called before mounting your component hence initialisation can be done in that while ComponentWillReceiveProps will be called once props are changed and you will get changes in nextProps parameter.
First you need to read
and understand where to use props and why you need to pass something into component state.
So when would you use state?
When a component needs to keep track of information between renderings
the component itself can create, update, and use state.
So you shouldn't transfer to state anything that will not change internally during component live cycle. As I can see all props those you pass to component are most likely will not be changed from within the component, all callbacks and icons you should take from props in component jsx.
If you have some editable data that you pass into its props from parent, on component mount (use componentWillMount()) you can copy that data to component state.That means all data will be stored in component internally and will not being overwritten on every render() call from passed props.
If you need to check if new props contains changes you can use componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) and there you can compare newProps with this.props and and process changes if needed.
Also i can suggest you to rename component callbacks handlers with respect to naming best practices:
handleEditID = {this.onEditID}
handleEditURL = {this.onEditURL}
handleEditConf = {this.onEditConf}
handleEditDesc = {this.onEditDesc}
handleEditIcon = {this.onEditIcon}
handleEditParent = {this.onEditParent}
handleEditOrder= {this.onEditOrder}
And I dont see any reasonable purpose to declare or to store functions in components state. So you can consider to move your handlers this.state.editID
etc. to parent component this scope. Like that
onEditId = () => { /* function code */ }
If you use arrow function = () => it automatically binds to component this and you don't need to bind them manually like you do in
After all that may be you will understand more clearly how you should manage your components life cycle and your problem will no longer be relevant.

Vue.js - How to render data changes in child component?

So I have a parent component Store that has a child component called Order. The data from the parent is passed via props to its child, like so:
<Order :order="order" />
props: ['order']
I need to use a new data variable in the child component called orderIds, so I declare that:
props: ['order'],
data: () {
return {
orderIds: Object.keys(this.order)
Then, I render the orderIds in the view:
Now, whenever the order data changes in the parent, it updates the prop order in the child, but it is not propagated through to orderIds.
How would I update orderIds when something changes in order?
Instead of data use a computed property.
computed: {
orderIds: function () {
return Object.keys(this.order);

