Loop in const object - javascript

I am trying to do the following:
const obj {
Key[i]: data[i].description
(I know I probably also needs to add a comma at the end of each line except on the last one, but I already get errors in the earlier stage)
This doesn't seem to be allowed in JS. Are there any alternatives? Thank you!

You could use Object.assign in combination with spread syntax ... and map the single objects with Array#map and use computed property names for the object.
const obj = Object.assign(...data.map((o, i) => ({ ['Key' + i]: o.description })));

It looks like you're trying to create an object from a keys array and a data array.
A clean approach would be to use array reduction:
const obj = data.reduce((obj, d, i) => {
obj[Key[i]] = d.description;
return obj;
}, {});
which, assuming your environment allows it, can be simplified further (due note that this will be cleaner code but less efficient because the object spread copies the entire object every time):
const obj = data.reduce((obj, d, i) => ({
[Key[i]]: d.description
}), {});
but you could also use a simple for loop:
const obj = {};
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
obj[Key[i]] = data[i].description;
Note: The code above will break if Key.length !== data.length.


How to keep an array with objects immutable in javascript?

I want to make an array based on two arrays - "ideaList" and "endorsements" declared globally. As ideaList and endorsements are used in other parts of the program I need them to be immutable, and I thought that .map and .filter would keep this immutability.
function prepareIdeaArray(){
var preFilteredIdeas=ideaList
.map(obj => {obj.count = endorsements
.reduce((sum, x)=>sum+x.count,0);
obj.like = endorsements
.filter(x=>x.ideaNumber===obj.ideaNumber && x.who===activeUser)
.reduce((sum, x)=>sum+x.count,0)===0?false:true
obj.position = generatePosition(obj.status)
obj.description = obj.description.replace(/\n/g, '<br>')
return obj;});
return preFilteredIdeas;
However, when I console.log ideaList after this function has been executed, I remark that objects of the array all have the "count", "like", "position" properties with values, which proves that the array has been mutated.
I tried by using .map only, but same result.
Would you know how I could prevent ideaList to get mutated? Also I would like to avoid to use const, as I declare ideaList globally first, and then assign to it some data in another function.
You're not mutating the array itself but rather the objects that the array contains references to. .map() creates a copy of the array but the references contained in it points to the exact same objects as the original, which you've mutated by adding properties directly to them.
You need to make copies of these objects too and add the properties to these copies. A neat way to do this is to use object spread in .map() callback:
.map(({ ...obj }) => {
obj.count = endorsements
If your environment doesn't support object spread syntax, clone the object with Object.assign():
.map(originalObj => {
const obj = Object.assign({}, originalObj);
obj.count = endorsements
In JS, the objects are referenced. When created, in other words, you get the object variable to point to a memory location which intends to be holding a meaningful value.
var o = {foo: 'bar'}
The variable o is now point to a memory which has {foo: bar}.
var p = o;
Now the variable p too is pointing to the same memory location. So, if you change o, it will change p too.
This is what happens inside your function. Even though you use Array methods which wouldn't mutate it's values, the array elements themselves are objects which are being modified inside the functions. It creates a new array - but the elements are pointing to the same old memory locations of the objects.
var a = [{foo: 1}]; //Let's create an array
//Now create another array out of it
var b = a.map(o => {
o.foo = 2;
return o;
console.log(a); //{foo: 2}
One way out is to create a new object for your new array during the operation. This can be done with Object.assign or latest spread operator.
a = [{foo: 1}];
b = a.map(o => {
var p = {...o}; //Create a new object
p.foo = 2;
return p;
console.log(a); // {foo:1}
To help having immutability in mind you could think of your values as primitives.
1 === 2 // false
'hello' === 'world' // false
you could extend this way of thinking to non-primitives as well
[1, 2, 3] === [1, 2, 3] // false
{ username: 'hitmands' } === { username: 'hitmands' } // false
to better understand it, please have a look at MDN - Equality Comparisons and Sameness
how to force immutability?
By always returning a new instance of the given object!
Let's say we have to set the property status of a todo. In the old way we would just do:
todo.status = 'new status';
but, we could force immutability by simply copying the given object and returning a new one.
const todo = { id: 'foo', status: 'pending' };
const newTodo = Object.assign({}, todo, { status: 'completed' });
todo === newTodo // false;
todo.status // 'pending'
newTodo.status // 'completed'
coming back to your example, instead of doing obj.count = ..., we would just do:
Object.assign({}, obj, { count: ... })
// or
({ ...obj, count: /* something */ })
there are libraries that help you with the immutable pattern:
You use the freeze method supplying the object you want to make immutable.
const person = { name: "Bob", age: 26 }
You could use the new ES6 built-in immutability mechanisms, or you could just wrap a nice getter around your objects similar to this
var myProvider = {}
function (context)
function initializeMyObject()
return 5;
var myImmutableObject = initializeMyObject();
context.getImmutableObject = function()
// make an in-depth copy of your object.
var x = myImmutableObject
return x;
var x = myProvider.getImmutableObject();
This will keep your object enclosed outside of global scope, but the getter will be accessible in your global scope.
You can read more on this coding pattern here
One easy way to make "copies" of mutable objects is to stringify them into another object and then parse them back into a new array. This works for me.
function returnCopy(arrayThing) {
let str = JSON.stringify(arrayThing);
let arr = JSON.parse(str);
return arr;
Actually, you can use spread opreator to make the original array stay unchanged, below y is the immutable array example:
const y = [1,2,3,4,5];
function arrayRotation(arr, r, v) {
for(let i = 0; i < r; i++) {
arr = [...y]; // make array y as immutable array [1,2,3,4,5]
arr.splice(i, 0, v);
console.log(`Rotation ${i+1}`, arr);
arrayRotation(y, 3, 5)
If you don't use the spread operator, the y array will get changed when loop is running time by time.
Here is the mutable array result:
const y = [1,2,3,4,5];
function arrayRotation(arr, r, v) {
for(let i = 0; i < r; i++) {
arr = y; // this is mutable, because arr and y has same memory address
arr.splice(i, 0, v);
console.log(`Rotation ${i+1}`, arr);
arrayRotation(y, 3, 5)
You assign these properties in your map function, you need to change this. (Just declare an empty object instead of using your current obj)

Javascript: Convert a JSON string into ES6 map or other to preserve the order of keys

Is there a native (built in) in ES6 (or subsequent versions), Javascript or in TypeScript method to convert a JSON string to ES6 map OR a self-made parser to be implemented is the option? The goal is to preserve the order of the keys of the JSON string-encoded object.
Note: I deliberately don't use the word "parse" to avoid converting a JSON string first to ECMA script / JavaScript object which by definition has no order of its keys.
For example:
{"b": "bar", "a": "foo" } // <-- This is how the JSON string looks
I need:
{ b: "bar", a: "foo" } // <-- desired (map version of it)
The only thing that I do differently is to get the keys with regex to maintain the order
let j = "{\"b\": \"bar\", \"a\": \"foo\", \"1\": \"value\"}"
let js = JSON.parse(j)
// Get the keys and maintain the order
let myRegex = /\"([^"]+)":/g;
let keys = []
while ((m = myRegex.exec(j)) !== null) {
// Transform each key to an object
let res = keys.reduce(function (acc, curr) {
[curr]: js[curr]
return acc
}, []);
If I understand what you're trying to achieve for option 2. Here's what I came up with.
let j = "{\"b\": \"bar\", \"a\": \"foo\"}"
let js = JSON.parse(j)
let res = Object.keys(js).reduce(function (acc, curr) {
[curr]: js[curr]
return acc
}, []);
Basically get all the keys of the object, and then reduce it. What the reducer function convert each keys to an object
function jsonToMap(jsonStr) {
return new Map(JSON.parse(jsonStr));
More details : http://2ality.com/2015/08/es6-map-json.html
use for in loop
let map = new Map();
let jsonObj = {a:'a',b:'b',c:'c'}
for (let i in jsonObj){
btw, i saw the comment below and i think map is not ordered because you use key to achieve data in map, not the index.

JSON.stringify(localStorage) - filtering by key

I use a small code snipped to save the localStorage of my application as a string:
var saveStr = JSON.stringify(localStorage);
It works great at a first glance, but it basically dump the entire localStorage object, which I don't want. I'd like to stringify the localStorage, but only the keys that contains a certain string.
For instance:
var saveStr = JSON.stringify(filteredLS("example"));
filteredLS should return the localStorage data, but only the keys that contains the string that was passed as an argument.
Someone knows an easy snipped to achieve this?
Try this
function filteredLS(term) {
var filteredObj = {};
.filter(function (key) {
return key.indexOf(term) >= 0;
.map(function (key) {
filteredObj[key] = localStorage.getItem(key);
return JSON.stringify(filteredObj);
You should use the methods localStorage.getItem and localStorage.setItem. With those, you can write your own get & set functions to easily use JSON objects:
function get(item) {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(item))
function set(item, value) {
return localStorage.setItem(item, JSON.stringify(value))
// use like this:
set('foo', { bar: 1 })
var result = get('foo')
// result: { bar: 1 }
Depending on your target browser you may want to transpile this, but for brevity I'm going with a (mostly) es6 style - this should run in modern browsers
Filtering an object by keys:
const filterByKeys = obj => keys => Object.entries(obj)
// keep only the keys we care about
.filter( ([key, val]) => keys.includes(key) )
// make a new object with just the filtered keys
.reduce( (accum, [key, val]) => Object.assign(accum, {[key]:val} ), {} )
// create a function for getting select keys
const localStore = filterByKeys(localStorage)
// call that function with a list of keys you want
const myValues = localStore(['foo', 'bar'])
// and JSON for completeness
const localStoreJson = keys => JSON.stringify(localStore(keys))
Alternate option if you're transpiling or reading this in the future - using spread operator and compacting filter+reduce into one step - for your purposes this is likely unnecessary:
const filterByKeys = obj => keys => Object.entries(obj)
// filter and reduce in one step
.reduce( (accum, [key, val]) => keys.includes(key) ? {...accum, [key]:val } : accum, {} )

Why does a js map on an array modify the original array?

I'm quite confused by the behavior of map().
I have an array of objects like this:
const products = [{
'productType' = 'premium',
}, ...]
And I'm passing this array to a function that should return the same array but with all product made free:
'productType' = 'free',
}, ...]
The function is:
const freeProduct = function(products){
return products.map(x => x.productType = "free")
Which returns the following array:
["free", "free", ...]
So I rewrote my function to be:
const freeProduct = function(products){
return products.map(x => {x.productType = "free"; return x})
Which returns the array as intended.
BUT ! And that's the moment where I loose my mind, in both cases my original products array is modified.
Documentation around map() says that it shouldn't ( https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map ).
I even tried to create a clone of my array turning my function into this:
const freeProduct = function(products){
p = products.splice()
return p.map(x => {x.productType = "free"; return x})
But I still get the same result (which starts to drive me crazy).
I would be very thankful to anyone who can explain me what I'm doing wrong!
Thank you.
You're not modifying your original array. You're modifying the objects in the array. If you want to avoid mutating the objects in your array, you can use Object.assign to create a new object with the original's properties plus any changes you need:
const freeProduct = function(products) {
return products.map(x => {
return Object.assign({}, x, {
productType: "free"
2018 Edit:
In most browsers you can now use the object spread syntax instead of Object.assign to accomplish this:
const freeProduct = function(products) {
return products.map(x => {
return {
productType: "free"
To elaborate on SimpleJ's answer - if you were to === the two arrays, you would find that they would not be equal (not same address in memory) confirming that the mapped array is in fact a new array. The issue is that you're returning a new array, that is full of references to the SAME objects in the original array (it's not returning new object literals, it's returning references to the same object). So you need to be creating new objects that are copies of the old objects - ie, w/ the Object.assign example given by SimpleJ.
Unfortunately, whether the spread operator nor the object assign operator does a deep copy.... You need to use a lodash like function to get areal copy not just a reference copy.
const util = require('util');
const print = (...val) => {
console.log(util.inspect(val, false, null, false /* enable colors */));
const _ = require('lodash');
const obj1 = {foo:{bar:[{foo:3}]}};
const obj2 = {foo:{bar:[{foo:3}]}};
const array = [obj1, obj2];
const objAssignCopy = x => { return Object.assign({}, x, {})};
const spreadCopy = x => { return {...x}};
const _Copy = x => _.cloneDeep(x);
const map1 = array.map(objAssignCopy);
const map2 = array.map(spreadCopy);
const map3 = array.map(_Copy);
print('map1', map1);
print('map2', map2);
print('map3', map3);
obj2.foo.bar[0].foo = "foobar";
print('map1 after manipulation of obj2', map1); // value changed
print('map2 after manipulation of obj2', map2); // value changed
print('map3 after manipulation of obj2', map3); // value hasn't changed!
Array Iterator Array.map() creates the new array with the same number of elements or does not change the original array. There might be the problem with referencing if there is object inside the array as it copies the same reference, so, when you are making any changes on the property of the object it will change the original value of the element which holds the same reference.
The solution would be to copy the object, well, array.Splice() and [...array](spread Operator) would not help in this case, you can use JavaScript Utility library like Loadash or just use below mention code:
const newList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orinalArr))
Array Destructuring assignment can be used to clone the object.
const freeProduct = function(products){
p = products.splice()
return p.map(({...x}) => {x.productType = "free"; return x})
This method will not modify the original object.

First item from a Map on JavaScript ES2015

I have a Map like this:
const m = new Map();
m.set('key1', {})
m.set('keyN' {})
the Mapcan have 1 or many items. Can I get the first item by index, without m.get('key1') and without a iterator loop?
like: m.get()[0]
Use the Map.prototype.entries function, like this
const m = new Map();
m.set('key1', {})
m.set('keyN', {})
console.log(m.entries().next().value); // [ 'key1', {} ]
If you want to get the first key, then use Map.prototype.keys, like this
console.log(m.keys().next().value); // key1
Similarly if you want to get the first value, then you can use Map.prototype.values, like this
console.log(m.values().next().value); // {}
The reason why we have to call next() on the returned values is that, all those functions return iterators. Read more about the iteration protocol here.
For the specific example you are wondering about, destructuring would be perfect.
let m = new Map();
m.set('key1', {});
m.set('key2', {});
let [[, obj]] = m;
let [pair] = m;
let [key, obj] = pair;
is one option to destructure and then grab the value, but the easier option would be
let [obj] = m.values();
It could also be done using the spread feature at ES6 and the next versions. Let's declare a new Map variable, then add two values.
After that, we will use ... to convert the map into array or you can use Array.from then to get the first element just use [0] on the gotten array.
const m = new Map();
m.set('key1', 1);
m.set('key2', 2);
console.log([...m][0]); // ['key1', 1] 👍🏼
Or quickly by using distruct feature for javascript array, so that [k, v] array refers to first item at the map.
const [[k, v]] = m;
console.log(k, v); // 'key1', 1
Also, that is correct for both Set and Map: you can convert anything to Array and then get any element by its index. Something like this:
const m = new Map();
m.set('key1', {});
m.set('key2', {});
console.log(Array.from(m)[0]); // ['key1', {}]
For all iterable objects you can use the iterator object[Symbol.iterator]().
In our case this will point to the entries() method as explained in the above MDN page :
The map iterator function, which is the entries() function by default.
const m = new Map();
m.set('key1', {})
m.set('keyN', {})
console.log(m[Symbol.iterator]().next().value); // [ 'key1', {} ]
And here is a benchmark of all solutions :
The entries() version wins but it is very tight to the iterator version. This is logical since [Symbol.iterator]() calls entries().

