JavaScript move character. Change image on clicking right arrow - javascript

Hi currently I'm making some RPG game. I want to move my character with arrows. Which is working right now. But I want to change image when I clicking let's say the right arrow. Right now when I click right arrow with this code:
function rightArrowPressed() {
var element = document.getElementById("image1").src = "/img/run_1.png";
element = document.getElementById("image1"); = parseInt( + 5 + 'px';
The image change's to run_1.png ant it stays like that. Than just the image slides in one pose. How to change the image again when I click right arrow ?
<img id="image1" src="{{Auth::user()->char_image}}" style="position:absolute;left:0; top:0;height: 45px; image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast;">

You can use a counter variable:
var counter = 0;
function rightArrowPressed() {
counter = (counter === 4) ? 1 : counter+1;
var image = "/img/run_"+counter+".png";
var element = document.getElementById("image1");
element.src = image;
var left = parseInt(; = left + "px";
And this would make it so that every time you right click, a different image is used.

You can use an arry imeges sources to make a scene
function rightArrowPressed() {
var slides=['/img/run_1.png','/img/run_2.png','/img/run_1.png'];
slides.forEach(slide => {
var element = document.getElementById("image1").src = slide;
element = document.getElementById("image1"); = parseInt( + 5 + 'px';
}, 500);//add a time in screen


Changing the background color of an element sets websites text to the color

Im trying to make a javascript bookmark using The code I wrote. It's supposed to add an element (in this case it adds a div. The div is as large as the size of innerHeight and innerWidth. The height shrinks by a few pixels every 250 milliseconds. It works on CodePen, but when I try it on another website, it changes the entire HTML of the page to "white" (which is the background color of the added element). Here is the code:
var falseLoaderContainer = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
falseLoaderContainer.innerHTML += `<div id="falseLoader"></div>`;
var falseLoader = document.getElementById("falseLoader"); = `absolute`; = `${window.innerWidth}px`; = `${window.innerHeight}px`; = `0px`; = `0px`; = `white`;
var falseLoaderHeight =, "");
var updateFalseLoader = setInterval(function () {
falseLoaderHeight *= 1;
falseLoaderHeight -= Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); = falseLoaderHeight + "px";
if (falseLoaderHeight <= 0) {
}, 250);
var element = document.getElementById("id");
element.setAttribute("style", "background-color: COLOR;");
var element = document.getElementBYId("id"); = "background-color: COLOR;");
Hope this helps!

How to make background-image fade using JavaScript without jQuery?

I'm success to use pure JavaScript to make background images fade in/out, but (1)how to make background image show first and start to fade in/out without white part? (2) making background image stay in div block? stuck in here for a week.
I'm trying to using onload event and CSS background-image but both don't work, CSS will make image keep stay in there.
<div id="fade"> <span class="bg">Front-Learning</span> </div>
JavaScipt: (before)
var bgslide = [
bg_len = 0;
backgroundSlideshow = function bg1() {
if (bg_len == bgslide.length) bg_len = 0; = 'url(' + bgslide[bg_len++] + ')'; ="no-repeat"; = "cover"; ="center"; = "400 px"; = "1000px";
window.backgroundImage='url(' + bgslide[0] + ')';
window.onload ='url(' + bgslide[be_len] + ')';
JavaScript (after); it works and what I expect for, but I don't know what the different.
bg_len = 0;
backgroundSlideshow = function () {
if (bg_len == bgslide.length) bg_len = 0;
let fade=document.getElementById("fade"); = 'url(' + bgslide[bg_len++] + ')';
window.onload = backgroundSlideshow;

Javascript remove image on click

var b = 1;
for(var i= 0; i < 5; i++){
function getRandomPosition(element) {
var x = document.body.offsetHeight-element.clientHeight;
var y = document.body.offsetWidth-element.clientWidth;
var randomX = Math.floor(Math.random() * x);
var randomY = Math.floor(Math.random() * y);
return [randomX,randomY];
function fisk(skala) {
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.setAttribute("style", "position:fixed;");
img.setAttribute("src", "");
var xy = getRandomPosition(img); = xy[0] + 'px'; = xy[1] + 'px';
With this code above i have made a tiny game where i am supposed to click on some fished that spawns with this code and when you click them all you win. But i'm having trouble finding out how to make the images disappear when i click them. Here is a jsbin link that shows all i've done so far so it's easier to understand.,css,js Anybody have a clue on how to make the fishes that spawn disappear when i click on them with the fishing rod?
Add $(img).click(function(){ $(this).remove();}); to function fisk(skala);
But. img will never get click becaurse all clicks will be handled by #fiskespo.
Use fiskespo image as cursor image instead of extended img object (Using external images for CSS custom cursors). Should work;

Opening Div at a specific position

I need to open a div at a specific location on the page. When I focus on a textbox the div should be opened(made visible). I am able to do this part. The problem is it opens right underneath the textbox and when there is no scroll on the page, it creates one. I need help in showing the div above the textbox when there is more space on upper half of the page then the lower half of the page. Here is the JSFiddle I have created and if someone can edit it, it would be of too much help to me.
And this is how I am opening the div:
function openDIV(activatorCtl) {
var leftpos = 0;
var toppos = 0;
var sScrollTop = getScrollTop;
var aTag = activatorCtl;
do {
aTag = aTag.offsetParent;
sScrollTop = (aTag.scrollTop > sScrollTop) ? aTag.scrollTop : sScrollTop;
leftpos += aTag.offsetLeft;
toppos += aTag.offsetTop;
} while (aTag.tagName != 'BODY');
document.getElementById("divDetails").style.left = leftpos + "px";
document.getElementById("divDetails") = toppos + 20 + "px";
document.getElementById("divDetails").style.zIndex = "999";
document.getElementById("divDetails").style.visibility = "visible";
You mean like this?
I added an if for when the toppos is bigger than 250 (your divs height)
if(toppos <= 250)
Another tip:
You use this 4 times in a row:
save this element in an variable to get shorter statements like:
var detailsDiv = document.getElementById("divDetails"); = leftpos + "px"; = "999";
EDIT: i did not save the jsfiddle properly.

cross fade background image on click

the java script code in here is auto slide images, but i need to convert this as onclick code,when i click .box1 classes.
and when i click box1 classes crosssfade only have to be effect to background image which is in id=#main. cross fade must not effect to box1 and it has to be continuously appeared when background image cross fade.
for crossfade the background image, images have to connect with directly to the image
folder. for that i need to connect with image folder and background image in #main.
can some body help with this.
my code is here
var timer = setInterval(nextImage, 4000);
var curImage = 0;
var numImages = 5;
function nextImage() {
var e;
// remove showMe class from current image
e = document.getElementById("slideimg" + curImage);
removeClass(e, "showMe");
// compute next image
if (curImage > numImages - 1) {
curImage = 0;
// add showMe class to next image
e = document.getElementById("slideimg" + curImage);
addClass(e, "showMe");
function addClass(elem, name) {
var c = elem.className;
if (c) c += " "; // if not blank, add a space separator
c += name;
elem.className = c;
function removeClass(elem, name) {
var c = elem.className;
elem.className = c.replace(name, "").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); // remove name and extra blanks
Check the following JSfiddle to change image on clcik
Write the function inside the below code
$('#container').click(function() {

