How to make a Profile Carousel - javascript

I need a way how can I slide a whole site with a full-screen profile to the next profile with touch events in Javascript, hope you can help me thank you.
The Design is ready and I just need a function for and how to make the function works.

Please check this which is an example of Carousel. You have to use bootstrap framework though. Just import it in the head of your html. You don't need to implement any javascript with this.


using progress bar in loading a view or showing a page

I know this question is not about code or algorithm but i really just want to know so please understand.Anyone knows what plugin or what is the name of the feature on the screenshot. I wanted to know what do you call that thing when you use like a progress bar to load pages and then use next and back to navigate instead. I wonder if there is existing sample we can use instaed of creating from scratch. Is that a progress bar?. Thank you. May i know the term ? what is the right name to that?
It's called multiple step form. A basic example can be found at:
Hope it helps

How can I add embed function to a page

How can I add this function to something:
Its from this page.
Notice when you click on it a popup appears with the generated html to add the code somewhere. Have ben unable to find a good google search query that doesn't bring up irrelevant pages.
Thanks in adv.
Here's a quick solution.
If you know some basic jQuery you won't have problems with understanding the code but feel free to ask if you need any help.
Keep in mind that the code won't trigger a pop-up, it's just to get the embed code. I'd suggest using some plugin for this, fancybox is a good one.

How to do a ajax slide show?

If you visit this page:
and click on the tour left hand side options: communicate, share files, deliver-on-time you will see that the tour works like a slide show when you click it shows you the next slide. How can i implement this for my website.. are they using javascript or ajax?
They are using Jquery,
This is the specific glide effect they are using:
If you want more kinds of it you can use Each one of this examples contains a demo and and explanation, and the jquery code you will have to put in the web page.
Its a simple Content Slider that can be implemented using simple content slider using jQuery.
Here is Implementation Cookbook and a Simple Demo
remember its just a simple demo and you can do every thing you want just using this simple plugin.

Does anyone have a link to a plugin or tutorial that can make me a jquery/ajax image slider/carousel like this?

I really like how implements this. I can REALLY use it on the website I am making. What makes it so cool is the page numbering, and the first, previous, next and last buttons. Notice how you get an image preview when you hover over a number...nice!
Anyone with a link to a website that shows how to implement this? I will be calling images and other information from a database.
Link to the cnn page:
Thanks in advance.
You can try these pages. They have LOTS of different ones to choose from.

facebook auto-expanding like box

can anyone provide me any ideas about how to import a facebook like box, in my site. I would it to seem like the one in the folowing site "". Does any of the existing javascript frameworks afford such a functionality?
Thank you in advance
It is simple Facebook social plugin called Like Box and you can get it here:
You can install it on any webpage quite easily - If you follow the instructions on the page linked above.
About the slider - It can be achieved quite easily with jQuery. Put the Like Box on some div and use jQuery animate to show it by click.

