Circle/rectangle collision response - javascript

So I built some time ago a little Breakout clone, and I wanted to upgrade it a little bit, mostly for the collisions. When I first made it I had a basic "collision" detection between my ball and my brick, which in fact considered the ball as another rectangle. But this created an issue with the edge collisions, so I thought I would change it. The thing is, I found some answers to my problem:
for example this image
and the last comment of this thread : circle/rect collision reaction but i could not find how to compute the final velocity vector.
So far I have :
- Found the closest point on the rectangle,
- created the normal and tangent vectors,
And now what I need is to somehow "divide the velocity vector into a normal component and a tangent component; negate the normal component and add the normal and tangent components to get the new Velocity vector" I'm sorry if this seems terribly easy but I could not get my mind around that ...
code :
function collision(rect, circle){
var NearestX = Max(rect.x, Min(circle.pos.x, rect.x + rect.w));
var NearestY = Max(rect.y, Min(circle.pos.y, rect.y + rect.w));
var dist = createVector(circle.pos.x - NearestX, circle.pos.y - NearestY);
var dnormal = createVector(- dist.y, dist.x);
//change current circle vel according to the collision response
Thanks !
EDIT: Also found this but I didn't know if it is applicable at all points of the rectangle or only the corners.

Best explained with a couple of diagrams:
Have angle of incidence = angle of reflection. Call this value θ.
Have θ = normal angle - incoming angle.
atan2 is the function for computing the angle of a vector from the positive x-axis.
Then the code below immediately follows:
function collision(rect, circle){
var NearestX = Max(rect.x, Min(circle.pos.x, rect.x + rect.w));
var NearestY = Max(rect.y, Min(circle.pos.y, rect.y + rect.h));
var dist = createVector(circle.pos.x - NearestX, circle.pos.y - NearestY);
var dnormal = createVector(- dist.y, dist.x);
var normal_angle = atan2(dnormal.y, dnormal.x);
var incoming_angle = atan2(circle.vel.y, circle.vel.x);
var theta = normal_angle - incoming_angle;
circle.vel = circle.vel.rotate(2*theta);
Another way of doing it is to get the velocity along the tangent and then subtracting twice this value from the circle velocity.
Then the code becomes
function collision(rect, circle){
var NearestX = Max(rect.x, Min(circle.pos.x, rect.x + rect.w));
var NearestY = Max(rect.y, Min(circle.pos.y, rect.y + rect.h));
var dist = createVector(circle.pos.x - NearestX, circle.pos.y - NearestY);
var tangent_vel = dist.normalize().dot(circle.vel);
circle.vel = circle.vel.sub(tangent_vel.mult(2));
Both of the code snippets above do basically the same thing in about the same time (probably). Just pick whichever one you best understand.
Also, as #arbuthnott pointed out, there's a copy-paste error in that NearestY should use rect.h instead of rect.w.
Edit: I forgot the positional resolution. This is the process of moving two physics objects apart so that they're no longer intersecting. In this case, since the block is static, we only need to move the ball.
function collision(rect, circle){
var NearestX = Max(rect.x, Min(circle.pos.x, rect.x + rect.w));
var NearestY = Max(rect.y, Min(circle.pos.y, rect.y + rect.h));
var dist = createVector(circle.pos.x - NearestX, circle.pos.y - NearestY);
if ( < 0) { //if circle is moving toward the rect
//update circle.vel using one of the above methods
var penetrationDepth = circle.r - dist.mag();
var penetrationVector = dist.normalise().mult(penetrationDepth);
circle.pos = circle.pos.sub(penetrationVector);

Bat and Ball collision
The best way to handle ball and rectangle collision is to exploit the symmetry of the system.
Ball as a point.
First the ball, it has a radius r that defines all the points r distance from the center. But we can turn the ball into a point and add to the rectangle the radius. The ball is now just a single point moving over time, which is a line.
The rectangle has grown on all sides by radius. The diagram shows how this works.
The green rectangle is the original rectangle. The balls A,B are not touching the rectangle, while the balls C,D are touching. The balls A,D represent a special case, but is easy to solve as you will see.
All motion as a line.
So now we have a larger rectangle and a ball as a point moving over time (a line), but the rectangle is also moving, which means over time the edges will sweep out areas which is too complicated for my brain, so once again we can use symmetry, this time in relative movement.
From the bat's point of view it is stationary while the ball is moving, and from the ball, it is still while the bat is moving. They both see each other move in the opposite directions.
As the ball is now a point, making changes to its movement will only change the line it travels along. So we can now fix the bat in space and subtract its movement from the ball. And as the bat is now fixed we can move its center point to the origin, (0,0) and move the ball in the opposite direction.
At this point we make an important assumption. The ball and bat are always in a state that they are not touching, when we move the ball and/or bat then they may touch. If they do make contact we calculate a new trajectory so that they are not touching.
Two possible collisions
There are now two possible collision cases, one where the ball hits the side of the bat, and one where the ball hits the corner of the bat.
The next images show the bat at the origin and the ball relative to the bat in both motion and position. It is travelling along the red line from A to B then bounces off to C
Ball hits edge
Ball hits corner
As there is symmetry here as well which side or corner is hit does not make any difference. In fact we can mirror the whole problem depending on which size the ball is from the center of the bat. So if the ball is left of the bat then mirror its position and motion in the x direction, and the same for the y direction (you must keep track of this mirror via a semaphore so you can reverse it once the solution is found).
The example does what is described above in the function doBatBall(bat, ball) The ball has some gravity and will bounce off of the sides of the canvas. The bat is moved via the mouse. The bats movement will be transferred to the ball, but the bat will not feel any force from the ball.
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const mouse = {x : 0, y : 0, button : false}
function mouseEvents(e){
mouse.x = e.pageX;
mouse.y = e.pageY;
mouse.button = e.type === "mousedown" ? true : e.type === "mouseup" ? false : mouse.button;
["down","up","move"].forEach(name => document.addEventListener("mouse" + name, mouseEvents));
// short cut vars
var w = canvas.width;
var h = canvas.height;
var cw = w / 2; // center
var ch = h / 2;
const gravity = 1;
// constants and helpers
const PI2 = Math.PI * 2;
const setStyle = (ctx,style) => { Object.keys(style).forEach(key=> ctx[key] = style[key] ) };
// the ball
const ball = {
r : 50,
x : 50,
y : 50,
dx : 0.2,
dy : 0.2,
maxSpeed : 8,
style : {
lineWidth : 12,
strokeStyle : "green",
ctx.arc(this.x,this.y, * 0.45,0,PI2);
this.dy += gravity;
var speed = Math.sqrt(this.dx * this.dx + this.dy * this.dy);
var x = this.x + this.dx;
var y = this.y + this.dy;
if(y > canvas.height - this.r){
y = (canvas.height - this.r) - (y - (canvas.height - this.r));
this.dy = -this.dy;
if(y < this.r){
y = this.r - (y - this.r);
this.dy = -this.dy;
if(x > canvas.width - this.r){
x = (canvas.width - this.r) - (x - (canvas.width - this.r));
this.dx = -this.dx;
if(x < this.r){
x = this.r - (x - this.r);
this.dx = -this.dx;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
if(speed > this.maxSpeed){ // if over speed then slow the ball down gradualy
var reduceSpeed = this.maxSpeed + (speed-this.maxSpeed) * 0.9; // reduce speed if over max speed
this.dx = (this.dx / speed) * reduceSpeed;
this.dy = (this.dy / speed) * reduceSpeed;
const ballShadow = { // this is used to do calcs that may be dumped
r : 50,
x : 50,
y : 50,
dx : 0.2,
dy : 0.2,
// Creates the bat
const bat = {
x : 100,
y : 250,
dx : 0,
dy : 0,
width : 140,
height : 10,
style : {
lineWidth : 2,
strokeStyle : "black",
ctx.strokeRect(this.x - this.width / 2,this.y - this.height / 2, this.width, this.height);
this.dx = mouse.x - this.x;
this.dy = mouse.y - this.y;
var x = this.x + this.dx;
var y = this.y + this.dy;
x < this.width / 2 && (x = this.width / 2);
y < this.height / 2 && (y = this.height / 2);
x > canvas.width - this.width / 2 && (x = canvas.width - this.width / 2);
y > canvas.height - this.height / 2 && (y = canvas.height - this.height / 2);
this.dx = x - this.x;
this.dy = y - this.y;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
// the ball and bat are at new position
function doBatBall(bat,ball){
var mirrorX = 1;
var mirrorY = 1;
const s = ballShadow; // alias
s.x = ball.x;
s.y = ball.y;
s.dx = ball.dx;
s.dy = ball.dy;
s.x -= s.dx;
s.y -= s.dy;
// get the bat half width height
const batW2 = bat.width / 2;
const batH2 = bat.height / 2;
// and bat size plus radius of ball
var batH = batH2 + ball.r;
var batW = batW2 + ball.r;
// set ball position relative to bats last pos
s.x -= bat.x;
s.y -= bat.y;
// set ball delta relative to bat
s.dx -= bat.dx;
s.dy -= bat.dy;
// mirror x and or y if needed
if(s.x < 0){
mirrorX = -1;
s.x = -s.x;
s.dx = -s.dx;
if(s.y < 0){
mirrorY = -1;
s.y = -s.y;
s.dy = -s.dy;
// bat now only has a bottom, right sides and bottom right corner
var distY = (batH - s.y); // distance from bottom
var distX = (batW - s.x); // distance from right
if(s.dx > 0 && s.dy > 0){ return }// ball moving away so no hit
var ballSpeed = Math.sqrt(s.dx * s.dx + s.dy * s.dy); // get ball speed relative to bat
// get x location of intercept for bottom of bat
var bottomX = s.x +(s.dx / s.dy) * distY;
// get y location of intercept for right of bat
var rightY = s.y +(s.dy / s.dx) * distX;
// get distance to bottom and right intercepts
var distB = Math.hypot(bottomX - s.x, batH - s.y);
var distR = Math.hypot(batW - s.x, rightY - s.y);
var hit = false;
if(s.dy < 0 && bottomX <= batW2 && distB <= ballSpeed && distB < distR){ // if hit is on bottom and bottom hit is closest
hit = true;
s.y = batH - s.dy * ((ballSpeed - distB) / ballSpeed);
s.dy = -s.dy;
if(! hit && s.dx < 0 && rightY <= batH2 && distR <= ballSpeed && distR <= distB){ // if hit is on right and right hit is closest
hit = true;
s.x = batW - s.dx * ((ballSpeed - distR) / ballSpeed);;
s.dx = -s.dx;
if(!hit){ // if no hit may have intercepted the corner.
// find the distance that the corner is from the line segment from the balls pos to the next pos
const u = ((batW2 - s.x) * s.dx + (batH2 - s.y) * s.dy)/(ballSpeed * ballSpeed);
// get the closest point on the line to the corner
var cpx = s.x + s.dx * u;
var cpy = s.y + s.dy * u;
// get ball radius squared
const radSqr = ball.r * ball.r;
// get the distance of that point from the corner squared
const dist = (cpx - batW2) * (cpx - batW2) + (cpy - batH2) * (cpy - batH2);
// is that distance greater than ball radius
if(dist > radSqr){ return } // no hit
// solves the triangle from center to closest point on balls trajectory
var d = Math.sqrt(radSqr - dist) / ballSpeed;
// intercept point is closest to line start
cpx -= s.dx * d;
cpy -= s.dy * d;
// get the distance from the ball current pos to the intercept point
d = Math.hypot(cpx - s.x,cpy - s.y);
// is the distance greater than the ball speed then its a miss
if(d > ballSpeed){ return } // no hit return
s.x = cpx; // position of contact
s.y = cpy;
// find the normalised tangent at intercept point
const ty = (cpx - batW2) / ball.r;
const tx = -(cpy - batH2) / ball.r;
// calculate the reflection vector
const bsx = s.dx / ballSpeed; // normalise ball speed
const bsy = s.dy / ballSpeed;
const dot = (bsx * tx + bsy * ty) * 2;
// get the distance the ball travels past the intercept
d = ballSpeed - d;
// the reflected vector is the balls new delta (this delta is normalised)
s.dx = (tx * dot - bsx);
s.dy = (ty * dot - bsy);
// move the ball the remaining distance away from corner
s.x += s.dx * d;
s.y += s.dy * d;
// set the ball delta to the balls speed
s.dx *= ballSpeed;
s.dy *= ballSpeed;
hit = true;
// if the ball hit the bat restore absolute position
// reverse mirror
s.x *= mirrorX;
s.dx *= mirrorX;
s.y *= mirrorY;
s.dy *= mirrorY;
// remove bat relative position
s.x += bat.x;
s.y += bat.y;
// remove bat relative delta
s.dx += bat.dx;
s.dy += bat.dy;
// set the balls new position and delta
ball.x = s.x;
ball.y = s.y;
ball.dx = s.dx;
ball.dy = s.dy;
// main update function
function update(timer){
if(w !== innerWidth || h !== innerHeight){
cw = (w = canvas.width = innerWidth) / 2;
ch = (h = canvas.height = innerHeight) / 2;
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); // reset transform
ctx.globalAlpha = 1; // reset alpha
// move bat and ball
// check for bal bat contact and change ball position and trajectory if needed
// draw ball and bat
canvas { position : absolute; top : 0px; left : 0px; }
body {font-family : arial; }
Use the mouse to move the bat and hit the ball.
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
Flaws with this method.
It is possible to trap the ball with the bat such that there is no valid solution, such as pressing the ball down onto the bottom of the screen. At some point the balls diameter is greater than the space between the wall and the bat. When this happens the solution will fail and the ball will pass through the bat.
In the demo there is every effort made to not loss energy, but over time floating point errors will accumulate, this can lead to a loss of energy if the sim is run without some input.
As the bat has infinite momentum it is easy to transfer a lot of energy to the ball, to prevent the ball accumulating to much momentum I have added a max speed to the ball. if the ball moves quicker than the max speed it is gradually slowed down until at or under the max speed.
On occasion if you move the bat away from the ball at the same speed, the extra acceleration due to gravity can result in the ball not being pushed away from the bat correctly.

Correction of an idea shared above, with adjusting velocity after collision using tangental velocity.
bounciness - constant defined to represent lost force after collision
nv = vector # normalized vector from center of cricle to collision point (normal)
pv = [-vector[1], vector[0]] # normalized vector perpendicular to nv (tangental)
n = dot_product(nv, circle.vel) # normal vector length
t = dot_product(pv, circle.vel) # tangental_vector length
new_v = sum_vectors(multiply_vector(t*bounciness, pv), multiply_vector(-n*self.bounciness, nv)) # new velocity vector
circle.velocity = new_v


Does anyone know what angle it should be?

I've got myself a game, the shooting of the player is working fine but that's because I'm using an event and some maths but now I'm trying to get the enemy to shoot back to my player.
me is just the enemy, so me.x and me.y is the x and the y of the enemy.
p is the player so p.x and p.yis the x and the y of the player.
We are trying to shoot from the me.x and m.y to the p.x and p.y.
As the code stands now it justs shoots randomly every second to the right.
The canvas is 500x500.
me.angle = Math.atan2(p.x, p.y) / Math.PI * 180;
me.fireBullet = function (angle) {
var b = Bullet(, angle); //bullet id, with angle pack
b.x = me.x;
b.y = me.y;
setInterval(function () {
me.fireBullet(me.angle); //target angle attack
, 1000);
tan(angle) = y / x | arctan()
angle = arctan(x / y)
Now we only need to take the x and y of the vector going from the player to the enemy:
angle = Math.atan( (me.x - p.x) / m(e.y - p.y)) || 0;
The fix was to find the difference between x and y took me a couple of tries but its working now.
var differenceX = p.x - me.x; //players x - targets x
var differenceY = p.y - me.y; //players y - targets y
me.angle = Math.atan2(differenceY, differenceX) / Math.PI * 180

Canvas get perspective point

i've a canvas dom element inside a div #content with transform rotateX(23deg) and #view with perspective 990px
<div id="view">
<div id="content">
if i draw a point (300,300) inside canvas, the projected coordinates are different (350, 250).
The real problem is when an object drawn in a canvas is interactive (click o drag and drop), the hit area is translated.
Which equation i've to use? Some kind of matrix?
Thanks for your support.
This is something I am dealing with now. Lets start out with something simple. Let's say your canvas is right up against the top left corner. If you click the mouse and make an arc on that spot it will be good.
canvasDOMObject.onmouseclick = (e) => {
const x = e.clientX;
const y = e.clientY;
If your canvas origin is not at client origin you would need to do something like this:
const rect = canvasDOMObject.getBoundingRect();
const x = e.clientX - rect.x;
const y = e.clientY - rect.y;
If you apply some pan, adding pan, when drawing stuff you need to un-pan it, pre-subtract the pan, when capturing the mouse point:
const panX = 30;
const panY = 40;
const rect = canvasDOMObject.getBoundingRect();
const x = e.clientX - rect.x - panX;
const y = e.clientY - rect.y - panY;
ctx.translate(panX, panY);
ctx.strokeArc(x, y);
If you apply, for instance, a scale when you draw it, you would need to un-scale it when capturing the mouse point:
const panX = 30;
const panY = 40;
const scale = 1.5;
const rect = canvasDOMObject.getBoundingRect();
const x = (e.clientX - rect.x - panX) / scale;
const y = (e.clientY - rect.y - panY) / scale;
ctx.translate(panX, panY);
ctx.strokeArc(x, y);
The rotation I have not figured out yet but I'm getting there.
Alternative solution.
One way to solve the problem is to trace the ray from the mouse into the page and finding the point on the canvas where that ray intercepts.
You will need to transform the x and y axis of the canvas to match its transform. You will also have to project the ray from the desired point to the perspective point. (defined by x,y,z where z is perspective CSS value)
Note: I could not find much info about CSS perspective math and how it is implemented so it is just guess work from me.
There is a lot of math involved and i had to build a quick 3dpoint object to manage it all. I will warn you that it is not well designed (I dont have the time to inline it where needed) and will incur a heavy GC toll. You should rewrite the ray intercept and remove all the point clone calls and reuse points rather than create new ones each time you need them.
There are a few short cuts. The ray / face intercept assumes that the 3 points defining the face are the actual x and y axis but it does not check that this is so. If you have the wrong axis you will not get the correct pixel coordinate. Also the returned coordinate is relative to the point face.p1 (0,0) and is in the range 0-1 where 0 <= x <= 1 and 0 <= y <= 1 are points on the canvas.
Make sure the canvas resolution matches the display size. If not you will need to scale the axis and the results to fit.
The demo project a set of points creating a cross through the center of the canvas. You will notice the radius of the projected circle will change depending on distance from the camera.
Note code is in ES6 and requires Babel to run on legacy browsers.
var divCont = document.createElement("div");
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = 400;
canvas.height = 400;
var w = canvas.width;
var h = canvas.height;
var cw = w / 2; // center
var ch = h / 2;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// perspectiveOrigin
var px = cw; // canvas center
var py = 50; //
// perspective
var pd = 700;
var mat; = px + "px "+py+"px"; = pd + "px"; = "preserve-3d"; = "10px"; = "1px black solid"; = (canvas.width+8) + "px"; = (canvas.height+8) + "px";
function getMatrix(){ // get canvas matrix
if(mat === undefined){
mat = new DOMMatrix().setMatrixValue(;
function getPoint(x,y){ // get point on canvas
var ww = canvas.width;
var hh = canvas.height;
var face = createFace(
createPoint(mat.transformPoint(new DOMPoint(-ww / 2, -hh / 2))),
createPoint(mat.transformPoint(new DOMPoint(ww / 2, -hh / 2))),
createPoint(mat.transformPoint(new DOMPoint(-ww / 2, hh / 2)))
var ray = createRay(
createPoint(x - ww / 2, y - hh / 2, 0),
createPoint(px - ww / 2, py - hh / 2, pd)
return intersectCoord3DRayFace(ray, face);
// draw point projected onto the canvas
function drawPoint(x,y){
var p = getPoint(x,y);
if(p !== undefined){
p.x *= canvas.width;
p.y *= canvas.height;
ctx.arc(p.x,p.y,8,0,Math.PI * 2);
// main update function
function update(timer){
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); // reset transform
ctx.globalAlpha = 1; // reset alpha
ctx.fillStyle = "green";
ctx.lineWidth = 10;
ctx.strokeRect(0,0,w,h); = "rotateX("+timer/100+"deg)" + " rotateY("+timer/50+"deg)";
ctx.fillStyle = "gold";
for(var i = -200; i <= 200; i += 40){
drawPoint(cw + i,ch);
drawPoint(cw ,ch + i);
// Math functions to find x,y pos on plain.
// Warning this code is not built for SPEED and will incure a lot of GC hits
const small = 1e-6;
var pointFunctions = {
this.x += p.x;
this.y += p.y;
this.z += p.z;
return this;
this.x -= p.x;
this.y -= p.y;
this.z -= p.z;
return this;
this.x *= mag;
this.y *= mag;
this.z *= mag;
return this;
mag(){ // get length
return Math.hypot(this.x,this.y,this.z);
var p1 = this.clone();
p1.x = this.y * p.z - this.z * p.y;
p1.y = this.z * p.x - this.x * p.z;
p1.z = this.x * p.y - this.y * p.x;
return p1;
return this.x * p.x + this.y * p.y + this.z * p.z;
return Math.abs(this.x) < small && Math.abs(this.y) < small && Math.abs(this.z) < small;
return Object.assign({
x : this.x,
y : this.y,
z : this.z,
function createPoint(x,y,z){
if(y === undefined){ // quick add overloaded for DOMPoint
y = x.y;
z = x.z;
x = x.x;
return Object.assign({
x, y, z,
}, pointFunctions);
function createRay(p1, p2){
return { p1, p2 };
function createFace(p1, p2, p3){
return { p1,p2, p3 };
// Returns the x,y coord of ray intercepting face
// ray is defined by two 3D points and is infinite in length
// face is 3 points on the intereceptin plane
// For correct intercept point face p1-p2 should be at 90deg to p1-p3 (x, and y Axis)
// returns unit coordinates x,y on the face with the origin at face.p1
// If there is no solution then returns undefined
function intersectCoord3DRayFace(ray, face ){
var u = face.p2.clone().sub(face.p1);
var v = face.p3.clone().sub(face.p1);
var n = u.cross(v);
return; // return undefined
var vr = ray.p2.clone().sub(ray.p1);
var b =;
if (Math.abs(b) < small) { // ray is parallel face
return; // no intercept return undefined
var w = ray.p1.clone().sub(face.p1);
var a =;
var uDist = a / b;
var intercept = ray.p1.clone().add(vr.mul(uDist)); // intersect point
var uu =;
var uv =;
var vv =;
var dot = uv * uv - uu * vv;
w = intercept.clone().sub(face.p1);
var wu =;
var wv =;
var x = (uv * wv - vv * wu) / dot;
var y = (uv * wu - uu * wv) / dot;
return {x,y};

JavaScript Point Collision with Regular Hexagon

I'm making an HTML5 canvas hexagon grid based system and I need to be able to detect what hexagonal tile in a grid has been clicked when the canvas is clicked.
Several hours of searching and trying my own methods led to nothing, and porting implementations from other languages has simply confused me to a point where my brain is sluggish.
The grid consists of flat topped regular hexagons like in this diagram:
Essentially, given a point and the variables specified in this image as the sizing for every hexagon in the grid (R, W, S, H):
I need to be able to determine whether a point is inside a hexagon given.
An example function call would be pointInHexagon(hexX, hexY, R, W, S, H, pointX, pointY) where hexX and hexY are the coordinates for the top left corner of the bounding box of a hexagonal tile (like the top left corner in the image above).
Is there anyone who has any idea how to do this? Speed isn't much of a concern for the moment.
Simple & fast diagonal rectangle slice.
Looking at the other answers I see that they have all a little over complicated the problem. The following is an order of magnitude quicker than the accepted answer and does not require any complicated data structures, iterators, or generate dead memory and unneeded GC hits. It returns the hex cell row and column for any related set of R, H, S or W. The example uses R = 50.
Part of the problem is finding which side of a rectangle a point is if the rectangle is split diagonally. This is a very simple calculation and is done by normalising the position of the point to test.
Slice any rectangle diagonally
Example a rectangle of width w, and height h split from top left to bottom right. To find if a point is left or right. Assume top left of rectangle is at rx,ry
var x = ?;
var y = ?;
x = ((x - rx) % w) / w;
y = ((y - ry) % h) / h;
if (x > y) {
// point is in the upper right triangle
} else if (x < y) {
// point is in lower left triangle
} else {
// point is on the diagonal
If you want to change the direction of the diagonal then just invert one of the normals
x = 1 - x; // invert x or y to change the direction the rectangle is split
if (x > y) {
// point is in the upper left triangle
} else if (x < y) {
// point is in lower right triangle
} else {
// point is on the diagonal
Split into sub cells and use %
The rest of the problem is just a matter of splitting the grid into (R / 2) by (H / 2) cells width each hex covering 4 columns and 2 rows. Every 1st column out of 3 will have diagonals. with every second of these column having the diagonal flipped. For every 4th, 5th, and 6th column out of 6 have the row shifted down one cell. By using % you can very quickly determine which hex cell you are on. Using the diagonal split method above make the math easy and quick.
And one extra bit. The return argument retPos is optional. if you call the function as follows
var retPos;
retPos = getHex(mouse.x, mouse.y, retPos);
the code will not incur a GC hit, further improving the speed.
Pixel to Hex coordinates
From Question diagram returns hex cell x,y pos. Please note that this function only works in the range 0 <= x, 0 <= y if you need negative coordinates subtract the min negative pixel x,y coordinate from the input
// the values as set out in the question image
var r = 50;
var w = r * 2;
var h = Math.sqrt(3) * r;
// returns the hex grid x,y position in the object retPos.
// retPos is created if not supplied;
// argument x,y is pixel coordinate (for mouse or what ever you are looking to find)
function getHex (x, y, retPos){
if(retPos === undefined){
retPos = {};
var xa, ya, xpos, xx, yy, r2, h2;
r2 = r / 2;
h2 = h / 2;
xx = Math.floor(x / r2);
yy = Math.floor(y / h2);
xpos = Math.floor(xx / 3);
xx %= 6;
if (xx % 3 === 0) { // column with diagonals
xa = (x % r2) / r2; // to find the diagonals
ya = (y % h2) / h2;
if (yy % 2===0) {
ya = 1 - ya;
if (xx === 3) {
xa = 1 - xa;
if (xa > ya) {
retPos.x = xpos + (xx === 3 ? -1 : 0);
retPos.y = Math.floor(yy / 2);
return retPos;
retPos.x = xpos + (xx === 0 ? -1 : 0);
retPos.y = Math.floor((yy + 1) / 2);
return retPos;
if (xx < 3) {
retPos.x = xpos + (xx === 3 ? -1 : 0);
retPos.y = Math.floor(yy / 2);
return retPos;
retPos.x = xpos + (xx === 0 ? -1 : 0);
retPos.y = Math.floor((yy + 1) / 2);
return retPos;
Hex to pixel
And a helper function that draws a cell given the cell coordinates.
// Helper function draws a cell at hex coordinates cellx,celly
// fStyle is fill style
// sStyle is strock style;
// fStyle and sStyle are optional. Fill or stroke will only be made if style given
function drawCell1(cellPos, fStyle, sStyle){
var cell = [1,0, 3,0, 4,1, 3,2, 1,2, 0,1];
var r2 = r / 2;
var h2 = h / 2;
function drawCell(x, y){
var i = 0;
ctx.moveTo((x + cell[i++]) * r2, (y + cell[i++]) * h2)
while (i < cell.length) {
ctx.lineTo((x + cell[i++]) * r2, (y + cell[i++]) * h2)
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
var cx = Math.floor(cellPos.x * 3);
var cy = Math.floor(cellPos.y * 2);
if(cellPos.x % 2 === 1){
cy -= 1;
drawCell(cx, cy);
if (fStyle !== undefined && fStyle !== null){ // fill hex is fStyle given
ctx.fillStyle = fStyle
if (sStyle !== undefined ){ // stroke hex is fStyle given
ctx.strokeStyle = sStyle
I think you need something like this~
I did some maths and here you have it. This is not a perfect version but probably will help you...
Ah, you only need a R parameter because based on it you can calculate H, W and S. That is what I understand from your description.
// setup canvas for demo
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
canvas.width = 300;
canvas.height = 275;
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var hexPath;
var hex = {
x: 50,
y: 50,
R: 100
// Place holders for mouse x,y position
var mouseX = 0;
var mouseY = 0;
// Test for collision between an object and a point
function pointInHexagon(target, pointX, pointY) {
var side = Math.sqrt(target.R*target.R*3/4);
var startX = target.x
var baseX = startX + target.R / 2;
var endX = target.x + 2 * target.R;
var startY = target.y;
var baseY = startY + side;
var endY = startY + 2 * side;
var square = {
x: startX,
y: startY,
side: 2*side
hexPath = new Path2D();
hexPath.lineTo(baseX, startY);
hexPath.lineTo(baseX + target.R, startY);
hexPath.lineTo(endX, baseY);
hexPath.lineTo(baseX + target.R, endY);
hexPath.lineTo(baseX, endY);
hexPath.lineTo(startX, baseY);
if (pointX >= square.x && pointX <= (square.x + square.side) && pointY >= square.y && pointY <= (square.y + square.side)) {
var auxX = (pointX < target.R / 2) ? pointX : (pointX > target.R * 3 / 2) ? pointX - target.R * 3 / 2 : target.R / 2;
var auxY = (pointY <= square.side / 2) ? pointY : pointY - square.side / 2;
var dPointX = auxX * auxX;
var dPointY = auxY * auxY;
var hypo = Math.sqrt(dPointX + dPointY);
var cos = pointX / hypo;
if (pointX < (target.x + target.R / 2)) {
if (pointY <= (target.y + square.side / 2)) {
if (pointX < (target.x + (target.R / 2 * cos))) return false;
if (pointY > (target.y + square.side / 2)) {
if (pointX < (target.x + (target.R / 2 * cos))) return false;
if (pointX > (target.x + target.R * 3 / 2)) {
if (pointY <= (target.y + square.side / 2)) {
if (pointX < (target.x + square.side - (target.R / 2 * cos))) return false;
if (pointY > (target.y + square.side / 2)) {
if (pointX < (target.x + square.side - (target.R / 2 * cos))) return false;
return true;
return false;
// Loop
setInterval(onTimerTick, 33);
// Render Loop
function onTimerTick() {
// Clear the canvas
canvas.width = canvas.width;
// see if a collision happened
var collision = pointInHexagon(hex, mouseX, mouseY);
// render out text
context.fillStyle = "Blue";
context.font = "18px sans-serif";
context.fillText("Collision: " + collision + " | Mouse (" + mouseX + ", " + mouseY + ")", 10, 20);
// render out square
context.fillStyle = collision ? "red" : "green";
// Update mouse position
canvas.onmousemove = function(e) {
mouseX = e.offsetX;
mouseY = e.offsetY;
#canvas {
border: 1px solid black;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
Just replace your pointInHexagon(hexX, hexY, R, W, S, H, pointX, pointY) by the var hover = ctx.isPointInPath(hexPath, x, y).
This is for Creating and copying paths
This is about the Collision Detection
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var hexPath = new Path2D();
hexPath.lineTo(25, 0);
hexPath.lineTo(75, 0);
hexPath.lineTo(100, 43);
hexPath.lineTo(75, 86);
hexPath.lineTo(25, 86);
hexPath.lineTo(0, 43);
function draw(hover) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = hover ? 'blue' : 'red';
canvas.onmousemove = function(e) {
var x = e.clientX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.clientY - canvas.offsetTop;
var hover = ctx.isPointInPath(hexPath, x, y)
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
I've made a solution for you that demonstrates the point in triangle approach to this problem.
maths below:
// Point in triangle algorithm from
function pointInTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x, y)
var denominator = ((y2 - y3)*(x1 - x3) + (x3 - x2)*(y1 - y3));
var a = ((y2 - y3)*(x - x3) + (x3 - x2)*(y - y3)) / denominator;
var b = ((y3 - y1)*(x - x3) + (x1 - x3)*(y - y3)) / denominator;
var c = 1 - a - b;
return 0 <= a && a <= 1 && 0 <= b && b <= 1 && 0 <= c && c <= 1;
// A Hex is composite of 6 trianges, lets do a point in triangle test for each one.
// Step through our triangles
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
// check for point inside, if so, return true for this function;
if(pointInTriangle( this.origin.x, this.origin.y,
this.points[i].x, this.points[i].y,
this.points[(i+1)%6].x, this.points[(i+1)%6].y,
point.x, point.y))
return true;
// Point must be outside.
return false;
Here is a fully mathematical and functional representation of your problem. You will notice that there are no ifs and thens in this code other than the ternary to change the color of the text depending on the mouse position. This whole job is in fact nothing more than pure simple math of just one line;
(r+m)/2 + Math.cos(a*s)*(r-m)/2;
and this code is reusable for all polygons from triangle to circle. So if interested please read on. It's very simple.
In order to display the functionality I had to develop a mimicking model of the problem. I draw a polygon on a canvas by utilizing a simple utility function. So that the overall solution should work for any polygon. The following snippet will take the canvas context c, radius r, number of sides s, and the local center coordinates in the canvas cx and cy as arguments and draw a polygon on the given canvas context at the right position.
function drawPolgon(c, r, s, cx, cy){ //context, radius, sides, center x, center y
c.moveTo(cx + r,cy);
for(var p = 1; p < s; p++) c.lineTo(cx + r*Math.cos(p*2*Math.PI/s), cy + r*Math.sin(p*2*Math.PI/s));
We have some other utility functions which one can easily understand what exactly they are doing. However the most important part is to check whether the mouse is floating over our polygon or not. It's done by the utility function isMouseIn. It's basically calculating the distance and the angle of the mouse position to the center of the polygon. Then, comparing it with the boundaries of the polygon. The boundaries of the polygon can be expressed by simple trigonometry, just like we have calculated the vertices in the drawPolygon function.
We can think of our polygon as a circle with an oscillating radius at the frequency of number of sides. The oscillation's peak is at the given radius value r (which happens to be at the vertices at angle 2π/s where s is the number of sides) and the minimum m is r*Math.cos(Math.PI/s) (each shows at at angle 2π/s + 2π/2s = 3π/s). I am pretty sure the ideal way to express a polygon could be done by the Fourier transformation but we don't need that here. All we need is a constant radius component which is the average of minimum and maximum, (r+m)/2 and the oscillating component with the frequency of number of sides, s and the amplitude value maximum - minimum)/2 on top of it, Math.cos(a*s)*(r-m)/2. Well of course as per Fourier states we might carry on with smaller oscillating components but with a hexagon you don't really need further iteration while with a triangle you possibly would. So here is our polygon representation in math.
(r+m)/2 + Math.cos(a*s)*(r-m)/2;
Now all we need is to calculate the angle and distance of our mouse position relative to the center of the polygon and compare it with the above mathematical expression which represents our polygon. So all together our magic function is orchestrated as follows;
function isMouseIn(r,s,cx,cy,mx,my){
var m = r*Math.cos(Math.PI/s), // the min dist from an edge to the center
d = Math.hypot(mx-cx,my-cy), // the mouse's distance to the center of the polygon
a = Math.atan2(cy-my,mx-cx); // angle of the mouse pointer
return d <= (r+m)/2 + Math.cos(a*s)*(r-m)/2;
So the following code demonstrates how you might approach to solve your problem.
// Generic function to draw a polygon on the canvas
function drawPolgon(c, r, s, cx, cy){ //context, radius, sides, center x, center y
c.moveTo(cx + r,cy);
for(var p = 1; p < s; p++) c.lineTo(cx + r*Math.cos(p*2*Math.PI/s), cy + r*Math.sin(p*2*Math.PI/s));
// To write the mouse position in canvas local coordinates
function writeText(c,x,y,msg,col){
c.clearRect(0, 0, 300, 30);
c.font = "10pt Monospace";
c.fillStyle = col;
c.fillText(msg, x, y);
// Getting the mouse position and coverting into canvas local coordinates
function getMousePos(c, e) {
var rect = c.getBoundingClientRect();
return { x: e.clientX - rect.left,
y: e.clientY -
// To check if mouse is inside the polygone
function isMouseIn(r,s,cx,cy,mx,my){
var m = r*Math.cos(Math.PI/s),
d = Math.hypot(mx-cx,my-cy),
a = Math.atan2(cy-my,mx-cx);
return d <= (r+m)/2 + Math.cos(a*s)*(r-m)/2;
// the event listener callback
function mouseMoveCB(e){
var mp = getMousePos(cnv, e),
msg = 'Mouse at: ' + mp.x + ',' + mp.y,
col = "black",
inside = isMouseIn(radius,sides,center[0],center[1],mp.x,mp.y);
writeText(ctx, 10, 25, msg, inside ? "turquoise" : "red");
// body of the JS code
var cnv = document.getElementById("myCanvas"),
ctx = cnv.getContext("2d"),
sides = 6,
radius = 100,
center = [150,150];
cnv.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMoveCB, false);
drawPolgon(ctx, radius, sides, center[0], center[1]);
#myCanvas { background: #eee;
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
border: 1px #ccc solid
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
At the redblog there is a full explanation with math and working examples.
The main idea is that hexagons are horizontally spaced by $3/4$ of hexagons size, vertically it is simply $H$ but the column needs to be taken to take vertical offset into account. The case colored red is determined by comparing x to y at 1/4 W slice.

How can i define a fix speed of velocity in javascript?

I've code a program with bouncing balls.
Here I make the ball and I define the point where the ball will fly:
X = ((X - event.pageY) / 25) * -1;
Y = ((Y - event.pageX) / 25) * -1;
function newBallMaker()
var start = new Point(screenWidth / 2, screenHeight);
var ball = new Ball();
ball.position = end;
ball.velocity = new Vector(X,Y);
this.position.x += this.velocity.x1;
this.position.y += this.velocity.x2;
But I have a problem, I can't define the speed of the ball. If I click in the middle of the bottom, the ball will be very slow, but if I click in the left of the top the ball will be very fast.
How can I define a fix speed of the ball?

Calculate random bounce angles

I'd like to make a ball bounce angle change each time it hits a wall.
It will change based on how near the middle of the wall it hits...
Right now, I'm hard coding the change in X and Y when it hits a surface... My goal is to get the degrees from current X and Y, apply a change to the degrees (Right now I'm add a random number to the degrees), then calculate the new incrementing values for X and Y. I know how to get the newX and newY, but not how to get the incrementing values.
The green is the starting x y of (5,5)... the blue is the next frame of (4,4).
So I calculated the degrees to be 45 based on that.
Then added a random number to the degrees.
Then, I want to get the new x and y coordinates. So I followed this method...
currX (5) - wallX (0) = distX (5)
currY (5) - wallY (0) = distY (5)
Take the cosine of my angle + random increment, we'll say 55 degrees, * distX
cos(55 degrees) = .5735... .5735 x distX (5) = 2.86
And sin of my angle * distY
sin(55 degrees) = .8191... .8191 x distY (5) = 4.09
newX = cos result (2.86) + originX (5) = 7.86
newY = sin result (4.09) + originY (5) = 9.09
newX, newY = (7.86, 9.09)
Okay... so I have my new coordinates...
But those don't equate to what my new incrementing value of x and y should be based on my angle in incidence.
Code snippet: You can see that I'm hard coding the x,y increments (dragger.x += 2; )
function tick() {
var rand = Math.floor((Math.random()*10)+1);
console.log("ticking..." + rand);
if (dragger.x >= 400-20) {
dragger.xDir = "right";
if (dragger.x < 20) {
dragger.xDir = "left";
if (dragger.y >= 150-20) {
dragger.yDir = "up";
if (dragger.y < 20) {
dragger.yDir = "down";
var oldX = dragger.y;
var oldY = dragger.x;
if (dragger.xDir == "left") {
dragger.x += 2;
else {
dragger.x -= 2;
if (dragger.yDir == "up") {
dragger.y -= 2;
else {
dragger.y += 2;
//post update...
var newX = dragger.y;
var newY = dragger.x;
var angle = getAngle(newX, oldX, newY, oldY)
$('#getAngle').append("bounce angle (degrees): " + angle);
// update the stage:
function getAngle(x2, x1, y2, y1) {
var deltaX = Math.abs(x2-x1);
var deltaY = Math.abs(y2-y1);
var radians = Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY);
var degrees = radians * (180/Math.PI);
return degrees;
This is a pretty interesting problem due to it's specificity.
Making a ball bounce in a programming language can be done quite easily. Like this example.
But clearly, your question is not about 'making it work'; you want explicit control over the coordinates and the angles such that you can alter them for whatever purpose you had in mind.
Because I am quite vulnerable to nerd sniping, I dusted off my geometric skills and came up with the following scrap of pseudocode (I made this from scratch to make sure I have total control):
theta = starting angle
a = current x-coordinate of ball
b = current y-coordinate of ball
quadrant = quadrant-direction to which ball is moving
/> Determine number between 1 and 360: theta
/> Calculate quadrant
.> 0-90 : quadrant 1: horizontal: 90-a vertical: b alpha: 90 - theta
.> 90-180: quadrant 4: horizontal: 90-a vertical: 30-b alpha: theta - 90
.> 180-270: quadrant 3: horizontal: a vertical: 30-b alpha: 270 - theta
.> 270-360: quadrant 2: horizontal: a vertical: b alpha: theta - 270
/> Calculate distance to side |
/> Calculate distance to top/bottom |
.> to side: n(alpha) = horizontal/cos(alpha)
.> to top/bottom: m(alpha) = vertical /sin(alpha)
/> Determine where ball is going to hit (n = side, m = top/bottom)
.> n >= m : bounces at top/bottom
.> m >= n : bounces at side
.> switch (quadrant)
.> 1 : n = right side m = top
.> 2 : n = left side m = top
.> 3 : n = left side m = bottom
.> 4 : n = right side m = bottom
/> Calculate coordinates of hit
/> Define new angle
// Normally, angle of impact = angle of reflection
// Let's define the angle of impact with respect to the origin (0,0)
.> switch (quadrant)
.> 1 :
.> n >= m (at top/bottom) : x = a + vertical*tan(alpha) y = 0 theta = 180-theta
.> m >= n (at side) : x = 90 y = b - horizontal*tan(alpha) theta = 270+alpha
.> 2 :
.> n >= m (at top/bottom) : x = a - vertical/tan(alpha) y = 0 theta = 270-alpha
.> m >= n (at side) : x = 0 y = b - horizontal*tan(alpha) theta = 90-alpha
.> 3 :
.> n >= m (at top/bottom) : x = a - vertical/tan(alpha) y = 30 theta = 270+alpha
.> m >= n (at side) : x = 0 y = b + horizontal*tan(alpha) theta = 90+alpha
.> 4 :
.> n >= m (at top/bottom) : x = a + vertical/tan(alpha) y = 30 theta = 90-alpha
.> m >= n (at side) : x = 90 y = b + horizontal*tan(alpha) theta = 270-alpha
/> Define new coordinates (for reusage of function)
.> a = x
.> b = y
.> (optional) if you would like the angles to differ, enter extra term here:
.> extra = ...
.> theta = theta + extra
Implementing this code will allow you to work with the easiness of degrees and still be able to determine the coordinates.
It works as follows:
First determine the initial position of the ball (a,b) and it's initial direction (theta)
Now the program will calculate:
Where the ball is going to hit
What the coordinates of the ball at impact are
What the new angle of reflection is (this is the part you want to change)
And then it starts over again to calculate the new hit.
In JavaScript, the code would look like this:
var width = 500;
var height = 200;
var extra = 0;
var a;
var b;
var x;
var y;
var angle;
var n;
var m;
var quadrant;
var horizontal;
var vertical;
var alpha;
var side;
var topbottom;
var sides;
var i = 1;
var txt=document.getElementById("info");
txt.innerHTML="x: "+a+"<br>y: "+b+"<br>angle: "+angle+"<br>quadrant: "+quadrant;
function buttonClick()
if (i == 1)
a = 75;
b = 75;
//determine first angle randonmly
angle = Math.floor((Math.random()*360)+1);;
} else
a = xcoord();
b = ycoord();
var oldAngle = angle;
angle = findNewCoordinate(a, b, angle);
sides = hitWhere();
var txt=document.getElementById("info");
txt.innerHTML="x: "+a+"<br>y: "+b+"<br>horizontal: "+horizontal+"<br>vertical: "+vertical+"<br>n: "+n+"<br>m: "+m+"<br>angle: "+oldAngle+"<br>alpha: "+alpha+"<br>quadrant: "+quadrant+"<br>side: "+topbottom+side+"<br>"+sides+"<br>"+i;
function findNewCoordinate(a, b, angle)
if (angle >= 0 && angle < 90) { quadrant = 1; horizontal = width-a; vertical = b; alpha = (90 - angle); }
else if (angle >= 90 && angle < 180) { quadrant = 4; horizontal = width-a; vertical = height-b; alpha = (angle-90); }
else if (angle >= 180 && angle < 270) { quadrant = 3; horizontal = a; vertical = height-b; alpha = (270-angle); }
else if (angle >= 270 && angle <= 360) { quadrant = 2; horizontal = a; vertical = b; alpha = (angle-270); }
var cosa = Math.cos(alpha * Math.PI / 180);
var sina = Math.sin(alpha * Math.PI / 180);
var tana = Math.tan(alpha * Math.PI / 180);
var tant = Math.tan(angle * Math.PI / 180);
n = horizontal/cosa;
m = vertical/sina;
switch (quadrant)
case 1:
if (m >= n) //hit at side
y = b - horizontal*tana;
x = width;
angle = 270+alpha;
} else
y = 0;
x = a + vertical*tant;
angle = 180-angle;
side = "right side"; topbottom = "top";
case 2:
if (m >= n) //hit at side
y = b-horizontal*tana;
x = 0;
angle = 90-alpha;
} else
y = 0;
x = a - vertical/tana;
angle = 270-alpha;
side = "left side"; topbottom = "top";
case 3: side = "left side"; topbottom = "bottom";
if (m >= n) //hit at side
x = 0;
y = b + tana*horizontal;
angle = 90+alpha;
} else
y = height;
x = a - vertical/tana;
angle = 270+alpha;
} break;
case 4: side = "right side"; topbottom = "bottom";
if (m >= n) //hit at side
y = b+horizontal*tana;
x = width;
angle = 270-alpha;
} else
y = height;
x = a + vertical/tana;
angle = 90-alpha;
} break;
//add extra degrees to the angle (optional)
angle += extra;
context.arc(a, b, 5, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
return angle;
Note that there are many more ways to make a bouncing program. But, because I tackled the question geometrically and without 'shortcuts', the unique characteristics of my program make it very easy for you to alter it to your likings:
You can give an extra angle to the bounce angle easily (use var extra).
You can change the movement of the ball at any time (at bounce, after bounce etc.)
You have explicit access to the coordinates of the ball
All units are conventional (in degrees and coordinates; hence easy to understand and intuitive).
Also note that I did not make the program very concise because this simply wasn't my goal. I wanted to create a bouncing ball program that, although lenghty, is an exact realisation of the geometric intuition behind it.
You can find a demo of my program in this JSFiddle.
Note that the beginning angle is determined randomly. Hence restarting the program will give a different angle.
Well, that's about it.
Good luck with building the rest of your program!
We know that
distance = average velocity x time //if acceleration is constant
time = distance / average velocity
Applying this knowledge to a two dimensional field (distance) means we have to do two things:
Apply Pythagoras theorem to find distance to new coordinates
Calculate the 'new' velocity
Before we apply the Pythagoras theorem, we have to know the direction of the move:
Now to find the distance to the new coordinates, we apply pythagoras theorem:
//Change in coordinates
dx = Math.abs(newX - oldX);
dy = Math.abs(newY - oldY);
//Distance to travel
distance = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(dx, 2) + Math.pow(dy,2) );
//Units per increase
// time = distance / average velocity
velocity = ?;
time = distance / velocity;
//Now to find x+= .. and y+= .. we apply our knowledge of direction
//Together with our knowledge of the time it takes
case north east: x += (dx / time); y += (dy / time);
case south east: x += (dx / time); y -= (dy / time);
case north west: x -= (dx / time); y -= (dy / time);
case south west: x -= (dx / time); y += (dy / time);
Now note that the x and y represent the coordinates of the moving ball.
This means that we must repeat x += .. and y += .. value of time times to reach the new coordinate.
Hence you can do something like:
for (int i = 0; i < time; i ++)
switch (direction)
case "north east": x += (dx / time); y += (dy / time); break;
case "south east": x += (dx / time); y -= (dy / time); break;
case "north west": x -= (dx / time); y -= (dy / time); break;
case "south west": x -= (dx / time); y += (dy / time); break;
Also note that velocity = ? is yet to be specified by you. You can let it have a constant velocity (friction = 0), or you can implement some kind of model to mimick friction.
I hope this answers your question.
PS. This answer is actually a derivative of my other answer as I already specify direction and pixel distance in my other answer hence the step to x += .. and y += .. is actually pretty small/ straightforward.
depends on the angle it came in at.. so basically for making the ball bounce off the wall, just inverse the angle it came in at, e.g. if using velocity, if it was 3, then make it -3 when it collides with the wall, therefore the ball will bounce off the wall at the same angle as it was before it collided with the wall...
I hope this helps... Good luck

