Ajax POST don't work after button click - javascript

My problem is lack of action after pressing the button. Under the button hook AJAX function.
Please a hint where I have a bug // errors.
My code:
public ActionResult InsertCodesToDB(string name)
string response = "Test";
return Content(response, "application/json");
View / Button:
<input type="button" class="btn btn-success sendCodesToDB" value="Umieść kody w bazie" data-value="#item.Name"/>
View / Script:
$('.sendCodesToDB').on('click', function () {
var name = $(this).data("value");
url: '/ActualCodes/InsertCodesToDB',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
data: JSON.stringify({ 'name': 'name' }),
success: function (response) {
#(ViewBag.MessageOK) = response;
error: function () {
function onBegin() {
$('#lblSelectedProductName').text('Trwa umieszczanie kodów w bazie danych. Proszę czekać ...');
Thank you in advance for your help.

You seem to not be adding the on ready function for jQuery. Try adding it before your click action and closing it before your onBegin() function, like so:
// open here
$( document ).ready(function() {
$('.sendCodesToDB').on('click', function () {
var name = $(this).data("value");
url: '/ActualCodes/InsertCodesToDB',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
data: JSON.stringify({ 'name': 'name' }),
success: function (response) {
#(ViewBag.MessageOK) = response;
error: function () {
// function call missing "()"
// and close here
function onBegin() {
$('#lblSelectedProductName').text('Trwa umieszczanie kodów w bazie danych. Proszę czekać ...');

The code in Ajax must be JavaScript. You cannot use C# code there (except to print some values). What is #(ViewBag.MessageOK) doing here:
success: function (response) {
#(ViewBag.MessageOK) = response;
If you want to display the response in a message box, try something like:
success: function (response) {
Notes: aside from that, you have several errors in your code as others pointed out in the comments.
1- Remove the quotes from the data like this:
data: JSON.stringify({ name: name }),
2- Change the error to this:
error: function () {
onBegin(); // You need "()" here
Or better this:
error: onBegin // You don't need "()" here

I guess you are sending data inside the AJAX call in the wrong way.
Try it like this
data: JSON.stringify({ name: name })
Hope this will help you.


Calling [HTTPPost] from Javascript ASP.NET

I am using a method in my controller which imports data from an API. This method I am wanted to be called from two locations. First the view (currently working) and secondly a javascript function.
Start of controller method:
public ActionResult PerformImportRosterData(int id, int? actualLength, int? rosterLength)
var authenticator = Authenticator(id);
var rosters = authenticator.Api().RosterData().ToDictionary(x => x.Id);
var databaseRosterDatas = SiteDatabase.DeputyRosterData.Where(x => x.SiteID == id)
.ToDictionary(x => x.Id);
Javascript Function:
$("#btnDeputyRunNowUpdate").click(function() {
ActualLength = $("#actualRunLength").val();
RosterLength = $("#rosterRunLength").val();
type: "POST",
url: "/deputy/PerformImportRosterData",
data: { SiteIDRoster, ActualLength, RosterLength }
SiteIDRoster = null;
toast.show("Import Successful", 3000);
All values are being set but i am getting a 404 error on the url line
POST https://example.org/deputy/PerformImportRosterData 404 ()
I need a way to be able to call this c# method from both html and JS
This can be done if you will modify the URL in your AJAX. It should look something like
url: '<%= Url.Action("YourActionName", "YourControllerName") %>'
url: #Url.Action("YourActionName", "YourControllerName")
one more thing, I don't see if you do anything with the result of the call. your script does not have success part
success: function(data) {//do something with the return}
and would be very helpful to have error handler in your call.
full example on how AJAX should look like:
url: "target.aspx",
type: "GET",
dataType: "html",
success: function (data, status, jqXHR) {
alert("Local success callback.");
error: function (jqXHR, status, err) {
alert("Local error callback.");
complete: function (jqXHR, status) {
alert("Local completion callback.");
For a good tutorial on AJAX read this document
Change after Comment:
my current code is below:
$("#btnDeputyRunNowUpdate").click(function() {
ActualLength = $("#actualRunLength").val();
RosterLength = $("#rosterRunLength").val();
type: "POST",
url: '<%= Url.Action("PerformImportRosterData", "DeputyController") %>',
data: { SiteIDRoster, ActualLength, RosterLength },
success: function(data) {
Noticed one more thing. Your parameters in the controller and AJAX do not match. Please try to replace your a few lines in your AJAX call with:
url: "/deputy/PerformImportRosterData",
data: { id: yourIDValue, actualLength: youractualLengthValue,
rosterLength :yourrosterLengthValue }
remember to set all variable values in javascript , if they have no values set them = to null.
Can you try copy paste code below
type: "POST",
url: "/deputy/PerformImportRosterData",
data: { SiteIDRoster:999, ActualLength:1, RosterLength:2 }
And let me know if it wall cause any errors.
After attempting to solve for a few days, I created a workaround by creating two methods for importing the data. one for the httpPost and the second for import calling from javascript.
Not a great solution but it works. Thanks for your help Yuri

How can I ajax only html table rows instead of sending the entire form inputs?

I have tried to ajax using post to jsp script my html table rows for weeks now with no success.Can anyone please guide me on this?Below is what I have done so far.
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
var form = document.getElementById("updateDealPmtForm");
document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", function () {
$('#notSoCoolGrid > tr').each(function(event) {
var postData = {
async: false,
type: "POST",
cache: false,
url: "/update_deal_pmt_script.jsp",
data: postData.$('input, select').serialize() ,
success: function(msg){
If I correctly understand your need, you want to transmit the content of your rows, each in the form showed in your current postData.
So this can be made at once for all rows (instead of ajaxing successively each of them).
It might be something like this:
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
var form = document.getElementById("updateDealPmtForm");
document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", function () {
var postData = [];
$('#notSoCoolGrid > tr').each(function(event) {
async: false,
type: "POST",
cache: false,
url: "/update_deal_pmt_script.jsp",
data: postData,
success: function(msg){
Note that I choosed (the simplest way, IMO) to make a simple array of rows, where each one is an object like you already structured them.
Last point: I notice you specified async: false.
I don't know why you did that, and so I kept it unchanged.
But note that it's not recommended, and is being on the road to become deprecated.
I finally was able to solve this issue,for that I want to post my answer it might be helpful for someone out there.My previous code was submitting a form before even ajax call being triggered and I have to use Classes instead of IDs to identify my rows.I had to change the code completely to be able to submit the form
$('#btn').click(function(e) {
$('#notSoCoolGrid tr').each(function(i, tr) {
var postData = {
paymentId : $('.paymentId', tr).val(),
id : $('.deald', tr).val(),
pType:$('.pType', tr).val(),
async: false,
type: "post",
url: "/update_deal_pmt_script.jsp",
data: postData
.done(function(response) {
.fail(function(x, status, error) {
alert("Error: " + error);

How to retrieve the elements of a dropdownlist in jquery and send it with ajax to an MVC Controller in ASP.Net?

I have a select item as follows:
<select id="id_category">
<option> </option>
In run time there is a tree view used to fill up the select menu as follows:
$(document).ready(function () {
"plugins": ["checkbox"]
$("#data").on("changed.jstree", function (e, data) {
if (data.selected.length) {
$(data.selected).each(function (idx) {
var node = data.instance.get_node(data.selected[idx]);
var s = document.getElementById('id_category');
s.options[s.options.length] = new Option(node.text, '1');
and the html for the tree is not important now as it works well.
Now, I want when a user click on a button with HTML as follows:
<input id="btn3" type="button" value="Test 3" />
an ajax will be run to send all the items in the select to a controller in MVC as follows:
$("#btn3").click(function () {
url: "/Products/Test03",
datatype: "text",
data: $.map($('#id_category')[0].options, function( elem ) { return (elem.value || elem.text); }),
type: "POST",
success: function (data) {
error: function () {
and the controller:
public string Test03(Object str1)
// call with two parameters and return them back
this.myRetrievedData = str1;
return str1.ToString();
The above did not work with me, when I click on Test3 button nothing happened.
I am not sure how to pass the retrieved items to the function in the controller. Could anyone tell me how to do that?
The below logic must work for you. Many thanks to Mr.Stephen Muecke for assistance.
$("#btn3").click(function () {
var optionsData= $.map($('#id_category')[0].options, function(elem) {
return (elem.value || elem.text);
}); // create a variable to hold all the options array.
url: "/Products/Test03",
datatype: "text",
data: JSON.stringify(optionsData), //pass this variable to post request as 'options'
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
type: "POST",
success: function (data) {
error: function () {
Then you can have your controller as below.
public string Test03(IEnumerable<string> options ) // change here to this
//your logic goes here
I think it's because you have not added [HttpPost] attribute in your controller function

Call view by dropdownlist value

i'm having a html.dropdownlist where ochange event is speified. i need to call a controller action method using ajax or javascript function and returns view based on the filter value
I try someting like following which is not working,why?
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$('#Projcbo1').change(function () {
// fetch the newly selected value
var selectedValue = $(Projcbo1).val();
// send it as an AJAX request to some controller action
$.post('#Url.Action("ProjCBOItemSelected")', { value: selectedValue }, function (result) { $("#resultContainer").html(result); });
You can use the following to achieve that.
$(function() {
$('#ddl').change(function () {
url: '#Url.Action("actionname", "controllername")',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'html',
data: {Id: $(this).val() },
success: function (result) {
error: function (error) {
Let me know if it helps.

AJAX/ json returning null open cart

Hi Im attempting a simple ajax request but I keep getting a null value for json.
Here is my javascript...
$(document).ready( function() {
$('#donate-box-submit').on('click', function() {
var donate_code = $('#charity-campaign-code').val();
var donate_amount = $('#charity-campaign-amount').val();
url: 'index.php?route=donate/donatenow',
type: 'post',
data: {
donate_code: donate_code,
donate_amount: donate_amount
dataType: 'json',
beforeSend: function() {
complete: function() {
success: function(json) {
error: function() {
and my php...
public function donatenow() {
$json = array(
'test' => 'Output this text'
I have also tried echo json_encode($json); just to rule out any issues with that OpenCart function, but the same issue is still there.
The problem is the route you are using to call the method. Not sure on exactly what class you are using as the controller, but there should be three parts to the route: route=aaa/bbb/donatenow where as you've got aaa/donatenow

