How to switch to another Observable when a source Observable emits but only use latest value - javascript

I have two observables
load$ is a stream of load events, emitted on startup or when a reload button is clicked
selection$ is a stream of selected list items, emitted when a list item is selected
I'm wondering if there is an operator that lets me (A) get the latest value emitted by selection$ whenever load$ emits, while (B) ignoring the value emitted by load$.
I was able to accomplish (A) by using withLatestFrom but that doesn't satisfy (B) because withLatestFrom does not ignore the source observable.
load$.withLatestFrom(selection$).subscribe(([_, latestSelection) => {
// _ is not needed and I don't like to write code like this
// I only need the latest selection
I've looked at switchMapTo which satisfies (B) but not (A) without also using first() or take(1).
load$.switchMapTo(selection$.take(1)).subscribe(latestSelection => {
// I would like to avoid having to use take(1)
I'm looking for a hypothetical switchMapToLatestFrom operator.
load$.switchMapToLatestFrom(selection$).subscribe(latestSelection => {
// switchMapToLatestFrom doesn't exist :(
Unfortunately it doesn't exist and I don't like the two other ways that I came up with because it's not immediately obvious why the code contains take(1) or unused arguments.
Are there any other ways to combine two observables so that the new observable emits only the latest value from the second observable whenever the first observable emits?

withLatestFrom takes an optional project function that's passed the values.
You can use it to ignore the value from load$ and emit only the latest selection:
.withLatestFrom(selection$, (load, selection) => selection)
.subscribe(selection => {
// ...

use "sample" operator
In your case:
// the code you want to run


how to use combineLatest/zip but only react to emits of second observable and ignore emits from first observable

So I have this property initialization:
this.currentMapObject$ = zip(this.mapObjects$, this.currentMapObjectsIndex$,
(mapObjects, index) => mapObjects[index]);
I only want to emit this.currentMapObject$ if this.currentMapObjectsIndex$ emits but not if this.mapObjects$ emits.
As far as I know now this.currentMapObject$ will emit even if a single property of an item of this.mapObjects$ changes. I want to ignore all changes to this.mapObjects$ and only take its current value, but I DO want to react to this.currentMapObjectsIndex$ changes
You need to look at withLatestFrom:
Combines the source Observable with other Observables to create an Observable whose values are calculated from the latest values of each, only when the source emits.
As per #BizzyBob suggestion:
this.currentMapObject$ = this.currentMapObjectsIndex$.pipe(
map(([index, mapObjects]) => {
// ...

Struggling with flatMap vs concatMap in rxJs

I am struggling to understand the difference between the flatMap and concatMap in rxJs.
The most clear answer that I could understand was that here difference-between-concatmap-and-flatmap
So I went and tried things out by my self.
import "./styles.css";
import { switchMap, flatMap, concatMap } from "rxjs/operators";
import { fromFetch } from "rxjs/fetch";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
function createObs1() {
return new Observable<number>((subscriber) => {
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 900);
function createObs2() {
return new Observable<number>((subscriber) => {
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 800);
function createObs3() {
return new Observable<number>((subscriber) => {
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 700);
function createObs4() {
return new Observable<number>((subscriber) => {
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 600);
function createObs5() {
return new Observable<number>((subscriber) => {
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 500);
flatMap((resp) => {
return createObs2();
flatMap((resp) => {
return createObs3();
flatMap((resp) => {
return createObs4();
flatMap((resp) => {
return createObs5();
.subscribe((resp) => console.log(resp));
I have used that playground here playground example
From my understanding the use of flatMap should mix the outputs so that the console logs are like (1,3,2,4,5). I have tried more than 30 times and always come on the same row (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
What am I doing wrong or have undestood wrong?
If on createObs2() and createObs3() you remove the comments and include the code with multiple emitted events then things get messy. Even if you change to concatMap it messes things and results come mixed. Multiple numbers that I expect only once come multiple times. The result can be (1, 2, 33, 3, 2, 22, 3, 33, 4, 5, 4, 3, 4, 5) Why this happens?
How I test the example on playground. I just remove only 1 letter from the last console.log("hello"). Only one change for example console.log("heloo") and is then observed and project is compiled again and output printed in console.
Edit: The reason I have gone to flatMap and concatMap was to find a replacement for nested subscriptions in angular using the http library.
createObs1().subscribe( (resp1) => {
createObs2().subscribe( (resp2) => {
createObs3().subscribe( (resp3) => {
createObs4().subscribe( (resp4) => {
createObs5().subscribe( (resp5) => {
Your test scenario is not really sufficient to see the differences between these two operators. In your test case, each observable only emits 1 time. If an observable only emits a single value, there is really no different between concatMap and flatMap (aka mergeMap). The differences can only be seen when there are multiple emissions.
So, let's use a different scenario. Let's have a source$ observable that simply emits an incrementing integer every 1 second. Then, within our "Higher Order Mapping Operator" (concatMap & mergeMap), we will return an observable that emits a variable number of times every 1 second, then completes.
// emit number every second
const source$ = interval(1000).pipe(map(n => n+1));
// helper to return observable that emits the provided number of times
function inner$(max: number, description: string): Observable<string> {
return interval(1000).pipe(
map(n => `[${description}: inner source ${max}] ${n+1}/${max}`),
Then let's define two separate observables based on the source$ and the inner$; one using concatMap and one using flatMap and observe the output.
const flatMap$ = source$.pipe(
flatMap(n => inner$(n, 'flatMap$'))
const concatMap$ = source$.pipe(
concatMap(n => inner$(n, 'concatMap$'))
Before looking the differences in the output, let's talk about what these operators have in common. They both:
subscribe to the observable returned by the passed in function
emit emissions from this "inner observable"
unsubscribe from the inner observable(s)
What's different, is how they create and manage inner subscriptions:
concatMap - only allows a single inner subscription at a time. As it receives emissions, it will only subscribe to one inner observable at a time. So it will initially subscribe to the observable created by "emission 1", and only after it completes, will it subscribe to the observable created by "emission 2". This is consistent with how the concat static method behaves.
flatMap (aka mergeMap) - allows many inner subscriptions. So, it will subscribe to the inner observables as new emissions are received. This means that emissions will not be in any particular order as it will emit whenever any of its inner observables emit. This is consistent with how the merge static method behaves (which is why I personally prefer the name "mergeMap").
Here's a StackBlitz that shows the output for the above observables concatMap$ and mergeMap$:
Hopefully, the above explanation helps to clear up your questions!
#1 - "use of flatMap should mix the outputs"
The reason this wasn't working as you expected was because only one emission was going through the flatMap, which means you only ever had a single "inner observable" emitting values. As demonstrated in the above example, once flatMap receives multiple emissions, it can have multiple inner observables that emit independently.
#2 - "...and include the code with multiple emitted events then things get messy."
The "things get messy" is due to having multiple inner subscription that emit values.
For the part you mention about using concatMap and still getting "mixed" output, I would not expect that. I have seen weird behavior in StackBlitz with observable emissions when "auto save" is enabled (seems like sometimes it doesn't completely refresh and old subscriptions seem to survive the auto refresh, which gives very messy console output). Maybe code sandbox has a similar problem.
#3 - "The reason I have gone to flatMap and concatMap was to find a replacement for nested subscriptions in angular using the http library"
This makes sense. You don't want to mess around with nested subscriptions, because there isn't a great way to guarantee the inner subscriptions will be cleaned up.
In most cases with http calls, I find that switchMap is the ideal choice because it will drop emissions from inner observables you no longer care about. Imagine you have a component that reads an id from a route param. It uses this id to make an http call to fetch data.
itemId$ = this.activeRoute.params.pipe(
map(params => params['id']),
item$ = this.itemId$.pipe(
switchMap(id => http.get(`${serverUrl}/items/${id}`)),
map(response =>
We want item$ to emit only the "current item" (corresponds to the id in the url). Say our UI has a button the user can click to navigate to the next item by id and your app finds itself with a click-happy user who keeps smashing that button, which changes the url param even faster than the http call can return the data.
If we chose mergeMap, we would end up with many inner observables that would emit the results of all of those http calls. At best, the screen will flicker as all those different calls come back. At worst (if the calls came back out of order) the UI would be left displaying data that isn't in sync with the id in the url :-(
If we chose concatMap, the user would be forced to wait for all the http calls to be completed in series, even though we only care about that most recent one.
But, with switchMap, whenever a new emission (itemId) is received, it will unsubscribe from the previous inner observable and subscribe to the new one. This means it will not ever emit the results from the old http calls that are no longer relevant. :-)
One thing to note is that since http observables only emit once, the choice between the various operators (switchMap, mergeMap, concatMap) may not seem to make a difference, since they all perform the "inner observable handling" for us. However, it's best to future-proof your code and choose the one that truly gives you the behavior you would want, should you start receiving more than a single emission.
Every time the first observable emits, a second observable is created in the flatMap and starts emitting. However, the value from the first observable is not passed along any further.
Every time that second observable emits, the next flatMap creates a third observable, and so on. Again, the original value coming into the flatMap is not passed along any further.
flatMap(() => createObs2()), // Merge this stream every time prev observable emits
flatMap(() => createObs3()), // Merge this stream every time prev observable emits
flatMap(() => createObs4()), // Merge this stream every time prev observable emits
flatMap(() => createObs5()), // Merge this stream every time prev observable emits
.subscribe((resp) => console.log(resp));
// 5
So, it's only the values emitted from createObs5() that actually get emitted to the observer. The values emitted from the previous observables have just been triggering the creation of new observables.
If you were to use merge, then you would get what you may have been expecting:
.subscribe((resp) => console.log(resp));
// 5
// 4
// 3
// 2
// 1

=> Angularjs. Am I understanding this correctly for values passed in?

I am working through a Udemy course on RxJs 6 and need to ask this as it was not crystal clear to me.
Note: This is a type ahead tutorial I am currently in at the moment. So on the keyup event this method is firing off.
ngAfterViewInit() {
const searchLessons$ = fromEvent<any>(this.input.nativeElement, 'keyup')
map(event =>,
// switchMap cancels prior calls.
switchMap(search => this.loadLessons(search))
const initialLessons$ = this.loadLessons();
this.lessons$ = concat(initialLessons$, searchLessons$);
Does the code mean,
for all events that fire the code will collect responses from completed calls to the loadLessons
the value of the event is referenced as search
then the => will trigger a call to the loadLessons(search)
Continue of 3: If the value of the event were lets just say an array of values, would that mean that for the => call, a separate call to the loadLessons(search) would be made passing for each individual array value
Continue of 3: or would it just pass in the entire array?
Here is line per line explanation:
ngAfterViewInit() {
const searchLessons$ = fromEvent<any>(this.input.nativeElement, 'keyup') // whenever keyup is triggered on this.input
map(event =>, // we extract input value from event target
debounceTime(400), // we wait for last event in 400ms span
distinctUntilChanged(), // we check that the input value did change
switchMap(search => this.loadLessons(search)) // and with that input value changed we call this.LoadLessons and then wait for its return
const initialLessons$ = this.loadLessons(); // this will call initial loadLeason
this.lessons$ = concat(initialLessons$, searchLessons$); // this will connect return of initial call and changes triggered by key up this is not secure for race conditions
Ad1. all key up events on input
Ad2. the value of input is referenced as search
Ad3. yes it would just push array as argument
Without seeing the loadLessons func, i can only assume. i will also assume you are using the concat Rxjs method.
So basically what the code does, get the "initial load of lessons" , and subscribe to it on the concatMethod, after that call completes, it goes to subscribe to the second observable searchLessons.
The searchLessons will be called again every input search, and add the new values to the lessons subscription, on the search observable .
If the params given to the loadSeassion is an array, it will depend how that method (loadSessions) works. not with rxjs although it can be done in this case i cant really tell you :)

RxJS Subscribe with two arguments

I have two observables which I want to combine and in subscribe use either both arguments or only one. I tried .ForkJoin, .merge, .concat but could not achieve the behaviour I'm looking for.
obs1: Observable<int>;
obs2: Observable<Boolean>;
save(): Observable<any> {
return obs1.concat(obs2);
Then when using this function:, second) => {
console.log(first); // int e.g. 1000
console.log(second); // Boolean, e.g. true
or => {
console.log(first); // int e.g. 1000
Is there a possibility to get exactly that behaviour?
Hope someone can help!
In my specific use case obs1<int> and obs2<bool> are two different post requests: obs1<int> is the actual save function and obs2<bool> checks if an other service is running.
The value of obs1<int> is needed to reload the page once the request is completed and the value of obs2<bool> is needed to display a message if the service is running - independant of obs1<int>.
So if obs2<bool> emits before obs1<int>, that's not a problem, the message gets display before reload. But if obs1<int> emits before obs2<bool>, the page gets reloaded and the message may not be displayed anymore.
I'm telling this because with the given answers there are different behaviours whether the values get emitted before or after onComplete of the other observable and this can impact the use case.
There are several operators that accomplish this:
This operator will combine the latest values emitted by both observables, as shown in the marble diagram:
obs1: Observable<int>;
obs2: Observable<Boolean>;
save(): Observable<any> {
return combineLatest(obs1, obs2);
save().subscribe((val1, val2) => {
// logic
The Zip operator will wait for both observables to emit values before emitting one.
obs1: Observable<int>;
obs2: Observable<Boolean>;
save(): Observable<any> {
return zip(obs1, obs2);
save().subscribe((vals) => {
// Note Vals = [val1, val2]
// Logic
Or if you want to use destructuring with the array
save().subscribe(([val1, val2]) => {
// Logic
The WithLatestFrom emits the combination of the last values emitted by the observables, note this operator skips any values that do not have a corresponding value from the other observable.
save: obs1.pipe(withLatestFrom(secondSource))
save().subscribe(([val1, val2]) => {
// Logic
You can use forkJoin for this purpose. Call them parallely and then if either of them is present then do something.
let numberSource = Rx.Observable.of(100);
let booleanSource = Rx.Observable.of(true);
).subscribe( ([numberResp, booleanResp]) => {
if (numberResp) {
// do something
} else if (booleanResp) {
// do something
You may use the zip static method instead of concat operator.
save(): Observable<any> {
return zip(obs1, obs2);
Then you should be able to do like the following: => {
console.log(x[0]); // int e.g. 1000
console.log(x[1]); // Boolean, e.g. true
The exact operator to use depends on the specific details of what you are trying to solve.
A valid option is to use combineLatest - Docs:
obs1$: Observable<int>;
obs2$: Observable<Boolean>;
combined$ = combineLatest(obs1$, obs2$);
combined$.subscribe(([obs1, obs2]) => {
Concat emits two events through the stream, one after the other has completed, this is not what you're after.
Merge will emit both events in the same manner, but in the order that they actually end up completing, also not what you're after.
What you want is the value of both items in the same stream event. forkJoin and zip and combineLatest will do this, where you're getting tripped up is that they all emit an array of the values that you're not accessing properly in subscribe.
zip emits every time all items zipped together emit, in sequence, so if observable 1 emits 1,2,3, and observable two emits 4,5; the emissions from zip will be [1,4], [2,5].
combineLatest will emit everytime either emits so you'll get soemthing like [1,4],[2,4],[2,5],[3,5] (depending on the exact emission order).
finally forkJoin only emits one time, once every item inside it has actually completed,a and then completes itself. This is likely what you want more than anything since you seem to be "saving". if either of those example streams don't complete, forkJoin will never emit, but if they both complete after their final value, forkjoin will only give one emission: [2,5]. I prefer this as it is the "safest" operation in that it guarantees all streams are completing properly and not creating memory leaks. And usually when "saving", you only expect one emission, so it is more explicit as well. When ever you see forkJoin, you know you're dealing with a single emission stream.
I would do it like this, personally:
obs1: Observable<int>;
obs2: Observable<Boolean>;
save(): Observable<any> {
return forkJoin(obs1, obs2);
}[first, second]) => {
console.log(first); // int e.g. 1000
console.log(second); // Boolean, e.g. true
Typescript provides syntax like this to access the items in an array of a known length, but there is no way to truly create multiple arguments in a subscribe success function, as it's interface only accepts a single argument.

RxJS: How to combine multiple nested observables with buffer

Warning: RxJS newb here.
Here is my challenge:
When an onUnlink$ observable emits...
Immediately start capturing values from an onAdd$ observable, for a maximum of 1 second (I'll call this partition onAddBuffer$).
Query a database (creating a doc$ observable) to fetch a model we'll use to match against one of the onAdd$ values
If one of the values from the onAddBuffer$ observable matches the doc$ value, do not emit
If none of the values from the onAddBuffer$ observable matches the doc$ value, or if the onAddBuffer$ observable never emits, emit the doc$ value
This was my best guess:
// for starters, concatMap doesn't seem right -- I want a whole new stream
const docsToRemove$ = onUnlink$.concatMap( unlinkValue => {
const doc$ = Rx.Observable.fromPromise( db.File.findOne({ unlinkValue }) )
const onAddBuffer$ = onAdd$
.buffer( doc$ ) // capture events while fetching from db -- not sure about this
.takeUntil( Rx.Observable.timer(1000) );
// if there is a match, emit nothing. otherwise wait 1 second and emit doc
return doc$.switchMap( doc =>
onAddBuffer$.single( added => doc.attr === added.attr ).mapTo( Rx.Observable.empty() ),
Rx.Observable.timer( 1000 ).mapTo( doc )
docsToRemove$.subscribe( doc => {
// should only ever be invoked (with doc -- the doc$ value) 1 second
// after `onUnlink$` emits, when there are no matching `onAdd$`
// values within that 1 second window.
This always emits EmptyObservable. Maybe it's because single appears to emit undefined when there is no match, and I'm expecting it not to emit at all when there is no match? The same thing happens with find.
If I change single to filter, nothing ever emits.
FYI: This is a rename scenario with file system events -- if an add event follows within 1 second of an unlink event and the emitted file hashes match, do nothing because it's a rename. Otherwise it's a true unlink and it should emit the database doc to be removed.
This is my guess how you could do this:
onUnlink$.concatMap(unlinkValue => {
const doc$ = Rx.Observable.fromPromise(db.File.findOne({ unlinkValue })).share();
const bufferDuration$ = Rx.Observable.race(Rx.Observable.timer(1000), doc$);
const onAddBuffer$ = onAdd$.buffer(bufferDuration$);
return Observable.forkJoin(onAddBuffer$, doc$)
.map(([buffer, docResponse]) => { /* whatever logic you need here */ });
The single() operator is a little tricky because it emits the item that matches the predicate function only after the source Observable completes (or emits an error when there're two items or no matching items).
The race() is tricky as well. If one of the source Observables completes and doesn't emit any value race() will just complete and not emit anything. I reported this some time ago and this is the correct behavior, see
I guess this is what went wrong in your code.
Also note that .mapTo(Rx.Observable.empty()) will map each value into an instance of Observable. If you wanted to ignore all values you can use filter(() => false) or the ignoreElements() operator.

