Angular: set selected value for <select> - javascript

I have data set for my <select> loaded asynchronously. I use hot observable, as the data can change in time. The problem is I am unable to set selected value and also Angular does not point to first element by itself (there is no value set until user does it). I'm trying to subscribe to my own observable and... it doesn't work, I wonder why? How can I solve this problem?
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<h2>Hello {{name}}</h2>
<select [(ngModel)]="selectedValue">
<option *ngFor="let value of (values$ | async)"
[value]="value">{{ value }}
export class App implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
public name: string;
public selectedValue: string = '';
public values$: Observable<Array<string>> = new Observable(observer => = observer);
protected observer: Subscriber<Array<string>>;
protected subscription: Subscription;
constructor() { = `Angular! v${VERSION.full}`
ngOnInit() {
this.subscription = this.values$.subscribe((values) => {
console.log('never fired...');
this.selectedValue = values[0];
setTimeout(() => {['some', 'test', 'data']);
ngOnDestroy() {
if (this.subscription) {

You subscribe to your observable twice. Async pipe does it internally after your subscription.
When subscribe method is being executed it executes subscribe function
observer => = observer
and overrides property so it will have effect only for async pipe(last subscriber)
I would use share operator to solve it
new Observable(observer => = observer).share();
Plunker Example
To see why is overrided just run this code
let myObserver;
const observable$ = new Rx.Observable(function subscribe(observer) {
console.log('subscribe function has been called');
myObserver = observer;
observable$.subscribe(function next1() { console.log('next1'); });
observable$.subscribe(function next2() { console.log('next2'); });
observable$.subscribe(function next3() { console.log('next3'); });;
As i mentioned early async pipe subscribes to observable internally

You should be using
instead of [value]
Assigned a value as
public selectedValue: string = 'test';
HTML should be changed as
<select [(ngModel)]="selectedValue">
<option *ngFor="let value of values$ | async"
[ngValue]="value">{{ value }}
Updated Plunker

You should bind it to ngValue:
<h2>Hello {{name}}</h2>
<select [(ngModel)]="selectedValue">
<option *ngFor="let value of (values$ | async)"
[ngValue]="selectedValue">{{ value }}


Angular component doesn't assign value from observable service getter, why?

I'm working on building a set of filters, so I'm just trying to make use of the salesChannels array content in my view, which only gets populated when clicking the button with the test() function. The log in ngOnInit outputs an empty array the first time, but works correctly after pressing the button.
The getOrganisationChannels returns an observable.
What causes this behavior and how do I handle it properly? I tried using an eventEmitter to try and trigger the populating but that doesn't work.
export class SalesChannelFilterComponent implements OnInit {
public organizationService: OrganizationService
) { }
#Input() organizationId: any;
salesChannels: Array<any> = [];
selectedChannels: Array<any> = [];
allSelected: Array<any> = [];
ngOnInit() {
getChannels() {
salesChannels => {
this.salesChannels = salesChannels;
test() {
{{ salesChannels | json }}
<button (click)="test()">test</button>
<div *ngFor="let channel of salesChannels; let i = index;" class="checkbox c-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">
<span class="fa fa-check"></span>{{}}
This is expected behaviour since you are populating the salesChannel in the subscription of an Observable. It's recommended that you use aysnc pipe to let angular check for changes and update the view accordingly.
Component.ts :
export class SalesChannelFilterComponent implements OnInit {
public organizationService: OrganizationService
) { }
#Input() organizationId: any;
salesChannels$!: Observable<Array<any>>;
selectedChannels: Array<any> = [];
allSelected: Array<any> = [];
ngOnInit() {
getChannels() {
this.salesChannels$ = this.this.organizationService.getOrganizationChannels(this.organizationId);
test() {
In your template:
<button (click)="test()">test</button>
<div *ngFor="let channel of salesChannels$ | async; let i = index;" class="checkbox c-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">
<span class="fa fa-check"></span>{{}}
More details:
I recommend using AsyncPipe here:
<div>{{ salesChannels | async}}</div>
and in .ts:
salesChannels = this.organizationService.getOrganizationChannels(this.organizationId)

How to show in template property from array of objects

I just try to show the value of a property in the template. But at the moment nothing is shown.
So this is the component:
export class ServerStatusComponent implements OnInit {
snovieCollection: SnovietatusDto = {};
constructor(private snovierStatus: snovieStatusService) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
map((data) => {
.subscribe((status) => {
And this is the template:
<p>Camera sensoren</p>
<tr *ngFor="let camera of snovieStatusCollection.key|keyvalue">
<h3> {{camera | json}}</h3>
So I just want to show in the template the value of key. And the console.log returns this:
0: {key: "T", latestTimestamp: "2021-03-12T10:09:00Z"}
So I don't get any errors. But also nothing is shown.
Two things:
You aren't returning anything from the map. So undefined would be emitted to the subscription. Use tap for side-effects instead.
You aren't assigning the response to this.sensorStatusCollection in the subscription.
export class ServerStatusComponent implements OnInit {
sensorStatusCollection: SensorStatusDto = {};
constructor(private sensorStatus: SensorStatusService) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
tap((data) => { // <-- `tap` here
.subscribe((status) => {
this.sensorStatusCollection = status; // <-- assign here
Update: Type
As pointed out by #TotallyNewb in the comments, the type of this.sensorStatusCollection needs to be an array of type SensorStatusDto
export class ServerStatusComponent implements OnInit {
sensorStatusCollection: SensorStatusDto[] = [];

remove item shopping cart angular

I would simply like to delete an item on click, I made a code but I have error, I've been stuck on it for 2 days.
ERROR TypeError: this.addedBook.indexOf is not a function
I have already asked the question on the site we closed it for lack of information yet I am clear and precise
Thank you for your help
export class BookService {
url: string = '';
public booktype: BookType[];
item: any = [];
constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
getBookList(): Observable<BookType[]> {
return this.http.get<BookType[]>(this.url);
addToBook() {
addToBook() here for add book but i dont know how to use it to display added books in my ts file
export class PaymentComponent implements OnInit {
addedBook: any = [];
constructor(private bookService: BookService) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
this.addedBook = this.bookService.getBookList();
delete() {
this.addedBook.splice(this.addedBook.indexOf(this.product), 1);
<div class="product" *ngFor="let book of addedBook | async">
<div class="product-image">
<img [src]="book.cover" alt="book">
<div class="product-details">
<div class="product-title">{{book.title}}</div>
<div class="product-price">{{book.price | currency: 'EUR'}}</div>
<div class="product-quantity">
<input type="number" value="1" min="1">
<div class="product-removal">
<button class="remove-product" (click)="delete()">
export interface BookType {
title: string;
price: number;
cover: string;
synopsis: string;
I think this.bookService.getBookList() returns Observable so for you case it is not the best solution use async pipe. You should simply subscribe to your server response and than asign it to your variable. and after deleting item only rerender your ngFor.
export class PaymentComponent implements OnInit {
addedBook: any[] = [];
constructor(private bookService: BookService) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
// Observable
this.bookService.getBookList().subscribe(response =>{
this.addedBook = response;
// Promise
this.addedBook = response;
this.addedBook.splice(this.addedBook.indexOf(this.product), 1);
// rerender your array
this.addedBook = [...this.addedBook];
<div class="product" *ngFor="let book of addedBook">
<div class="product-image">
<img [src]="book.cover" alt="book">
<div class="product-details">
<div class="product-title">{{book.title}}</div>
<div class="product-price">{{book.price | currency: 'EUR'}}</div>
<div class="product-quantity">
<input type="number" value="1" min="1">
<div class="product-removal">
<button class="remove-product" (click)="delete()">
I built a special stackblitz so you can see it in action
here is the link;
you can't use javascript splice on Observable stream, it is not an Array.
to be able to remove an item from a stream you need to combine it (the stream) with another stream (in your case) the id of the item you want to remove.
so first create 2 streams
// the $ sign at the end of the variable name is just an indication that this variable is an observable stream
bookList$: Observable<any[]>; // holds bookList stream
deleteBook$ = new Subject<{ id: string }>(); // holds book id stream
now pass the results you get from your database (which is an observable stream) to bookList$ stream you just created like that
ngOnInit(): void {
this.bookList$ = this.bookService.getBookList().pipe(
change your html template to that.. and pipe the results from database like that
<div class="product" *ngFor="let book of (bookList$ | sync)">
// make sure you include your`remove-product` button inside `*ngFor` loop so you can pass the `book id` you want to remove to the `delete()` function.
<button class="remove-product" (click)="delete(book)">
now back to your ts file where we gonna remove the item from the STREAM by modifying the Array and return a new stream.
bookList$: Observable<any[]>; // holds bookList stream
deleteBook$ = new Subject<{ id: string }>(); // holds book id stream
ngOnInit(): void {
this.bookList$ = this.this.bookService.getBookList().pipe(
map(([bookList, deleteBook]) => {
if (deleteBook) {
var index = bookList.findIndex((book: any) => ===;
if (index >= 0) {
bookList.splice(index, 1);
return bookList;
else {
return bookList.concat(deleteBook);
now all is left to do is remove the item
delete(book: any) {
this.deleteBook$.next({ id: }); pass the book you want to remove to the stream, `combineLatest` will take care of the rest
if you make an exit please don't forget me :)
good luck!
From your code, we can see that getBookList() return an Observable. As addedBook is not a array reference it will won't have array methods. That is the cause for your issue.
If you want to do some operations from the service data, subscribe to the observable and store the reference of the value to addedBook.
export class PaymentComponent implements OnInit {
ngOnInit(): void {
res => { this.addedBook = res }
And you need to remove the async keyword from your html
Typescript is mainly used to identify these kind of issues in compile time. The reason it doesn't throw error on compile time is that you've specified addedBook as any. While declaring you declare it as array and onInit you change it to observable, which can be avoided if you've specified type[] ex: string[]
I would suggest something like this
Service file
export class BookService {
url: string = '';
//add an observable here
private bookUpdated = new Subject<bookType>();
public booktype: BookType[] = [];//initializa empty array
item: any = [];
constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
//Ive changet the get method like this
this.http.get<bookType>(url).subscribe((response) =>{
this.bookType.push(response);//Here you add the server response into the array
//here you can console log to check eg: console.log(this.bookType);
//next you need to use the spread operator[...this.bookType]);
bookUpdateListener() {
return this.bookUpdated.asObservable();//You can subscribe to this in you TS file
Now in your TS file you should subscribe to the update listener. This is typically done in NgOnInit
Something like this:
export class PaymentComponent implements OnInit {
addedBook: BookType;
constructor(private bookService: BookService) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
this.addedBook = response;//this will happen every time the service class
//updates the book
//Here you can call the get book method
delete() {
this.addedBook.splice(this.addedBook.indexOf(this.product), 1);
Essentially what happens is you are subscribed to when books get changed or updated. Now you can simply use addedBook.title or whatever you want in your HTML.

Pipe fires only 1 time even though its value changes

I have a filter like so:
<app-categories [categories]="categories"
[value]="userItemsService.userItemsChanged$ | async | categoryFilter:searchTerms">
searchTerms: string[];
filterByCategories(searchTerms: string[]): void {
this.searchTerms = searchTerms;
This is the app-categories component
The issue here is categoryFilter fires only for 1st Category selection. After that, it won't fire again. Can you tell me why?
name: 'categoryFilter'
export class CategoryFilterPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(userItems: UserItemModel[], searchTerms: string[]): UserItemModel[] {
if (!userItems) { return []; }
if (!searchTerms) { return userItems; }
return userItems.filter(ui => {
return searchTerms.some(st => ui.item?;
Looking at your async pipe:
[value]="userItemsService.userItemsChanged$ | async | categoryFilter:searchTerms">
This will only update when userItemsService.userItemsChanged$ changes - not when you update searchTerms through the UI.
You should make searchItems a subject in your component and emit a value in filterByCategories:
searchTerms$ = new BehaviorSubject([]);
filterByCategories(searchTerms: string[]): void {
The rest can be done directly in the template using <ng-container>:
<ng-container *ngIf="{userItems: userItemsChanged$ | async, searchTerms: searchTerms$ | async} as data">
<div>{{ userItems | categoryFilter:searchTerms }}</div>
Another approach would be to have a filtered userItemsChanged$ stream in your component:
this.userItemsChangedFiltered$ = this.searchTerms$.pipe(
switchMap(searchTerms => userItemsChanged$.pipe(
map(userItems => <apply filter logic here>)
I have made this.searchTerms immutable and then all use cases are working fine.
filterByCategories(searchTerms: string[]): void {
this.searchTerms = [...searchTerms];

How to cancel http request in Angular 6?

I have a page with three components:
1. Products list component which gets some products as input and display them.
2. Filters component which displays some filters list i.e. (size, colour,...) and also display the added filters.
3. Main component which is the root component
Let say a user adds 1 filter which fires a http request to get new filtered products and while the request is pending he removes the added filter which fires another http request to fetch all the products
How to cancel the first request so we don't display the filtered products?
Here is my code:
class FiltersService {
private _filters: any[];
get filters() {
return this._filters;
addFilter(filter) {
removeFilter(filter) {
// Remove filter logic ...
class DataService_ {
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
getProducts(filters) {
return<any[]>('api/get-products', filters)
selector: 'app-main',
template: `
<app-filters [filtersChanged]="onFiltersChange()"></app-filters>
<app-products-list [products]="products"> </app-products-list>
class MainComponent {
products: any[];
constructor(private dataService: DataService_, private filtersService: FiltersService) {
ngOnInit() {
setProducts() {
let filters = this.filtersService.filters;
.subscribe(products => this.products = products)
onFiltersChange() {
selector: 'app-filters',
template: `
Filters :
<li *ngFor="let filter of filters" (click)="addFilter(filter)"> {{ }}</li>
Added Filters:
<li *ngFor="let filter of filtersService.filters"> {{ }} <button (click)="removeFilter(filter)"> Remove</button></li>
class FiltersComponent {
filters = [{ name: 'L', tag: 'size' }, { name: 'M', tag: 'size' }, { name: 'White', tag: 'colour' }, { name: 'Black', tag: 'colour' }]
#Output() filtersChanged = new EventEmitter()
constructor(public filtersService: FiltersService) {
addFilter(filter) {
const isAdded = this.filtersService.filters.find(x => ===;
if (isAdded) return;
removeFilter(filter) {
selector: 'app-products-list',
template: `
<ul *ngIf="products.length">
<li *ngFor="let product of products">
{{ }}
class ProductsListComponent {
#Input() products
constructor() {
Long story short:
Easiest way to handle such situations is by using the switchMap operator. What this does is cancel the internal subscription as soon as a new event comes along.
One implementation would be:
class MainComponent {
products: any[];
private _filters$ = new Subject();
constructor(private dataService: DataService_, private filtersService: FiltersService) {
ngOnInit() {
setProducts() {
.switchMap((filters)=> this.dataService.getProducts(filters)) // or .let(switchMap...) if you are using rxjs >5.5
.subscribe(products => this.products = products);
onFiltersChange() {
Long story:
What happens here is:
When you change filter the onFilterChange is triggered. You then emit the latest filters (inside this.filtersService.filters) through the _filters$ Subject (a subject is almost identical to an EventEmitter).
Back in time during component initialization the ngOnInit method has called setProducts, which has subscribed to the _filters$ subject for future events (none has happened at this point). When an event arrives on _filters$ then we trigger the getProducts method of dataservice, passing it the filters that where contained in the event. We will be waiting on this line until the http call has completed. As soon as it completes the result of the http call will be assigned to the products of the component.
If while we are waiting for the http response to get back, onFiltersChange is fired again, then a new event will arive at the switchMap and it will cancel the previous http request so that it can handle the new event.
This is a very powerful approach as changing a single operator, you can easily change the behavior of your app. For instance, changing switchMap to concatMap will make the request wait for the previous one to complete (will happen serially). Changing it to flatMap will have the same behaviour as the original code you posted (http requests will happen as soon as filters change, without affecting previous ones, order of responses will not predictable) and so on.
Note : to cancel the request just use unsubscribe.
For exmple
const course$ = this.service$.getCourses(`/api/courses`).subscribe(courses => { console.log(courses) }
setTimeout(() => course$.unsubscribe(),1000) // cancel the request

